Louis Botha's War
Page 18
Samson, Anne. ‘South African mining magnates and World War One’. Unpublished academic paper presented as a lecture at Brenthurst Library to the Boksburg Historical Association, November 2012
Stevenson, R.E. ‘A carbineer remembers’. South African Military History Society, Military History Journal 2 (2), December 1971
Internet sources
Atwell, J.E.M. ‘The Zandfontein disaster 1914’. Imperial Research Circle, available at http://www.imperial-research.net/sandfontein.htm, last accessed 28 May 2014
Dale, Chris. ‘Schütztruppe artillery recovered at Lake Otjikoto’. German Colonial Uniforms, available at http://www.germancolonialuniforms.co.uk, last accessed 28 May 2014
Dierks, Klaus. ‘South West Africa becomes a League of Nations mandate: 1919–1945’. Online Namibia Library of Dr Klaus Dierks, available at http://www.klausdierks.com/FrontpageMain.html, last accessed 28 May 2014
‘Disaster at Gibeon Station’. The Soldier’s Burden, available at http://www.trenchfighter.com/41815/205801.html, last accessed 28 May 2014
‘German Colonial Uniforms’. Available at http://www.germancolonial uniforms.co.uk, last accessed 28 May 2014
‘Kakamas: Recon Abteiling von Hadeln’. The Soldier’s Burden, available at http://www.trenchfighter.com/40029/150601.html, last accessed 28 May 2014
‘The history of the South African Air Force’. South African Air Force, available at http://www.af.mil.za/about_us/history.html, last accessed 28 May 2014
‘The man on the spot’. Kalgoorlie Miner, 8 January 1908, available at http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article90380013, last accessed 28 May 2014
The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for items of interest. For your reference, the items that appear in the print index are listed below.
Active Citizen Force
Adler, Lieutenant
aerial photographs
aeroplanes see aircraft
‘A Force’
African National Congress (ANC)
Afrikaans-speaking vs English-speaking whites
Alberts, Brigadier General J.J.
America see United States of America
ANC (African National Congress)
Anglo-African Who’s Who and Biographical Sketchbook, The
Anglo-Boer War of 1899–1902
Anglo-Zulu War
Angola (was Portuguese West Africa)
Angolan Bush War
anti-aircraft guns
anti-British sentiment see Afrikaans-speaking vs English-speaking whites
armoured cars see motor cars
Armstrong breech-loading cannon, 15-pounder
artillery see weapons and artillery
Badenhorst, Colonel Commandant
Bambatha Rebellion of 1906
Berrangé, Colonel Christian Anthony Lawson
Beves, Brigadier General Percival Scott
Beyers, Commandant General Christiaan Frederick
Bezuidenhout, Commandant
‘B Force’
Bismarck (horse)
bittereinders (bitter-enders)
black people see people of colour
black rhinos
bodyguards of Louis Botha
Boer commando system
Boer insurrection of 1914
Boer War see Anglo-Boer War of 1899–1902
Bondelswarts tribe
Botha, Annie
Botha, Hermanus ‘Manie’
Botha, Louis
Britain declares war
Britain’s request
anti-German sentiment
Churchill and
black people
anti-British sentiment
aim of campaign
launch of campaign
Rebellion of 1914
bodyguards of
advance on Windhoek
cost of campaign
Cullinan diamond
north of Windhoek
peace negotiations
Pom-Pom guns
impact of campaign
death of
statues of
Botha, Piet
Botha, P.W.
Bouwer, Colonel
Britain see Afrikaans-speaking vs English-speaking whites
Brits, Brigadier General Coen
background of
East African Campaign
Rebellion of 1914
South-West Africa campaign
Burenvreikorps (German reservist troops)
Buxton, Sydney Charles
Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry
Cape Mounted Rifles
Caprivi, Count Leo von
Caprivi Strip
Castro, Fidel
Central Force (was ‘C Force’)
‘C Force’ (later Central Force)
Churchill, Winston
civilian population, German
Cold War
Collins, Colonel Commandant
Collyer, Brigadier General J.J.
on Brigadier General Myburgh
as chief of staff
on Colonel Skinner
on commando system
East African Campaign
on information about SWA
on Lieutenant Colonel Collins
on peace negotiations
on strategy
colonies of Germany
commandos see Boer commando system
Committee of Imperial Defence
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
communication lines
see also wireless stations
Company’s Gardens, Cape Town
concentration camps
see also Anglo-Boer War of 1899–1902
conscription, South African Defence Force
control of territory, maps
copper mines
cost of campaign for Union of South Africa
Cullinan, Sir Thomas
Cullinan diamond
Dawson, Colonel
Defence Act of 1912
De la Rey, General Koos
De Villiers-Graaff, Sir David
De Wet, General Christiaan
Dinuzulu kaCetshwayo
documents, official German
East African Campaign
Eastern Force
English-speaking vs Afrikaans-speaking whites
Enselin, Captain
Etosha National Park
Farman aircraft
Fiedler, Lieutenant Paul
‘firsts’ associated with South-West Africa campaign
Fischer, Sergeant
food see supply lines
Fort Mucasso
Fort Namutoni
Fourie, Major Jopie
Franke, Major Erich Viktor Carl August
Botha’s feint
Franke Tower
guerrilla warfare
at Karibib
at Otavi
peace negotiations
Portuguese forces
at Swakop River
‘This is a hippodrome!’
at Trekkoppies
Frankenberg, Lieutenant Victor von
Franke Tower
Free State see Orange Free State
Gaertringen, Captain von
Gandhi, Mohandas
George V, King of England
German civilian population
German reservist troops (Burenvreikorps)
German Schütztruppe
Germany expected to win war
Ghana see Togola
Goanikontes oasis
Gransden, Captain C.L.
Grant, Lieutenant Colonel R.C.
Great Contemporaries
Greater Namaqualand
guerrilla warfare
Gunners’ Memorial, Potchefstroom
Hadeln, First Lieutenant Friedrich von
Hansa Hotel
Hartigan, Major M.M.
Hartigan’s Horse
Henri Farman HF-27s
Herero people
Heroes’ Acre, Pretoria
Hertzog, General James Barry Munnik
Heydebreck, Lieutenant Colonel Joachim von
Caprivi Strip
death of
Portuguese forces
Rebellion of 1914
South-West Africa campaign
Himba people
hospital trains
Houm’s Drift
Hunoldt, Lieutenant
impact of South-West Africa campaign
Imperial Light Horse
Imperial War Graves Commission
insurrection of 1914
‘invasion’ of Union of South Africa
Irish regiment
Jaafar Pasha
Jackson, Captain F.E.
Jameson, Dr Leander Starr
Jordaan, Lieutenant Colonel
Judd, Colonel B.C.
Kabus training camp
Kalahari Desert
Kemp, Major Jan
Khorab Memorial
Khorab Station
Kilo 500
Kiries West
Kitchener, Lord
Kleist, Major von
Kleist, Ewald von
Kleist, Paul von
Labour Party
Lake Guinas
Lake Otjikoto
Lawrence, T.E.
League of Nations
Leliefontein mission station
Lemmer, Colonel
Lettow-Vorbeck, Paul Emil von
LFG Roland biplane
see also mechanised vehicles
Luhonono see Schuckmannsburg
Lukin, Brigadier General Henry Timson
Maharero, Samuel
Malan, D.F.
control of territory
dearth of
movement of soldiers
Southern Africa in 1914
Maritz, Lieutenant Colonel Salomon Gerhardus ‘Manie’
Rebellion of 1914
South-West Africa campaign
McKenzie, Brigadier General Sir Duncan ‘Dunc’
mechanised vehicles
Meintjes, Johannes
Mentz, Colonel
mines see landmines
Moçâmedes (now Namibe)
Moore-Ritchie, Lieutenant Eric
motor cars
Mucasso (fort)
Mushroom Valley
Myburgh, Brigadier General M.W.
Nama people
Namib Desert
Namibe see Moçâmedes
independence of
landscape of
Namib-Naukluft National Park
NamibRand exclusion zone
Namutoni (fort)
Natal Carbineers
National Party
National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA)
Natives Land Act of 1913
Nonidas observation post
Northern Force
Northway, Lieutenant
OB see Ossewa Brandwag
Okiep Country Hotel
see also O’okiep
O’okiep (now Okiep)
Orange Free State
Orange River
Ossewa Brandwag (Oxwagon Sentinel)
Ostermann, Sergeant Oswald
Otjikoto tilapia (Tilapia guinasana)
Ovambo people
peace negotiations
people of colour
Permanent Force
poisoned waterholes
political impact of South-West Africa campaign
Pom-Pom gun
Poole, Captain
Port Nolloth
Portuguese West Africa see Angola
prisoners of war
Purified National Party
racism see apartheid
radio communication see communication lines; wireless stations
railway lines
Raman’s Drift
Rand Rebellion
Rappard, Major Emil von
Rebellion of 1914
Reid, Signaller
Reitz, Deneys
Reitz, Francis William
Reitz, Joubert
Republic of South Africa
Republic of Vryheid
reservist troops (Burenvreikorps)
Rhodes, Cecil John
Rhodesian regiment
Riet Farm
Ritter, Major Hermann
Rolls-Royce Silver Ghosts
Rössing Station
Royston, Lieutenant Colonel
SAAC (South African Aviation Corps)
SAAF (South African Air Force)
safe of gold
Salisbury, Lord
Sandfontein, Battle of
Sandfontein Nature Reserve
San people
Scheele, Lieutenant Alexander von
Schuckmannsburg (now Luhonono)
scorched-earth policy
see also Anglo-Boer War of 1899–1902
Scottish regiments
Seitz, Governor Theodor
Senussi uprising
Skinner, Major General Percy Cyriac Brunnel
‘Skinny Liz’
Smuts, General Jan
Bondelswarts tribe
death of
Deneys Reitz and
East African Campaign
Kalahari Desert crossing
Manie Maritz and
as political leader
Rand Rebellion
Rebellion of 1914
South African Aviation Corps
South-West Africa campaign
Union Defence Force
Somme, Battle of the
South African Air Force (SAAF)
South African Aviation Corps (SAAC)
South African Border War
South African Mounted Rifles
South African Native National Congress
South African Party
Southern Army
Southern Force
South West Africa see Namibia
South West Africa People’s Organisation (SWAPO)
Soviet Union
Spanish flu
Sperrgebiet exclusion zone
Spioenkop, Battle of
steam engines
Strachan, Hew
striking miners
supply lines
surrender see peace negotiations
Swakop River
SWAPO (South West Africa People’s Organisation)
Swart’s Scouts
Transvaal Horse Artillery
Treaty of Khorab
see also Kilo 500
Treaty of Vereeniging
Treaty of Versailles
Trew, Major H.F.
Trück, Willy
trucks see lorries
Tsetse flies
Tsumeb Corporation Limited
Tsumeb Museum
Tulio (scuba diver)
Ulundi, Battle of
UN see United Nations
Union Defence Force
Unionist Party
Union of South Africa
UNITA (National Union for the Total Independence of Angola)
United Nations
United Party
United States of America
Van der Spuy, Lieutenant Kenneth
Van Deventer, Dirk
Van Deventer, Brigadier General Jacob Louis ‘Jaap’
Van Rensburg, Niklaas
Van Vuuren, Captain
Van Wyk, Captain Cornelius
Verwoerd, Hendrik
Vryheid Republic
Walvis Bay
water see poisoned waterholes; supply lines
Waterberg Mountains
weapons and artillery
aerial bombing
anti-aircraft guns
German Schütztruppe
Lake Otjikoto
‘Skinny Liz’
Union Defence Force
Welby, Captain E.F.
wells, poisoned
Whittall, Lieutenant Commander W.
landscape of
surrender of
wireless stations
see also communication lines
Wylie, Colonel
Zulu people
Museum Africa
Commandant General Louis Botha during the Anglo-Boer War
Museum Africa
Prime Minister Louis Botha during the First World War
The Times History of the War, Volume I, 1914; Wikimedia Commons
General Jan Smuts as minister of defence
South African Archives; Wikimedia Commons
Brigadier General Henry Timson Lukin
Bildbestand der Deutschen Kolonialgesellschaft in der Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt am Main; Wikimedia Commons
Major General Victor Franke
Karsten Herzogenrath
Von Heydebreck (in white on the left) and the Mountain Gun Battery of the South-West African Schütztruppe in Okahandja in 1903
Wikimedia Commons
A mounted Schütztruppen
Koloniales Bildarchiv, Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt am Main
Schütztruppe training for battle, circa 1907. Horses were trained to lie prone to provide cover for their riders under fire
Source unknown
South African mounted troops crossing Raman’s Drift, on the way to Sandfontein
Adam Cruise
Major von Rappard’s grave at Sandfontein
Adam Cruise
Today a modern lodge sits on the site of the Battle of Sandfontein. The koppie can be seen in the background