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Page 21

by Cyndi Friberg

  Her desire rippled across their link, mocking his good intentions. “I’d like nothing better than to make love to you, but I’m not sure that’s what you need right now. Slip off everything but your panties and get in bed.”

  Her smile broadened and a lovely blush bloomed across her cheeks. “Are you still planning to help me relax?”

  “Go on.” He urged her toward the bed then faced the door, calming himself with several deep breaths. “You’ll like this, I promise.”

  Determined to maintain his sanity, he waited until she undressed and slipped beneath the covers before turning back around. He tugged off his boots, socks and jeans, which left him in underwear and a T-shirt. Could he really touch her, rub her naked body without losing control? He had to. She needed to feel safe and relaxed, not overwhelmed and vulnerable. This was his mate, and she needed comfort. His desires would just have to wait.

  He pulled the bedding down to her hips and then crawled onto the bed. Though the same size as the one they’d shared before, somehow it felt more intimate this time. She glanced back as he straddled her hips, but said nothing. “Fold your arms beneath your head and close your eyes. You’ll think more clearly and feel stronger if you’re well rested. So relax, try to fall asleep.”

  Sure, no problem. Off to sleep I go with the sexist man alive on top of me.

  He couldn’t help but smile. It was doubtful she’d meant to share the thought, which thrilled him even more. Still, he needed to teach her how to close her end of the link. Only then would the connection be balanced.

  Temporarily constricting the link, so it wouldn’t be so distracting, he went to work on her shoulders and arms. She was tense and resistant to begin with, but his touch remained soothing rather than arousing and she gradually relaxed. He scooted back onto her legs as he worked his way down her back. She lay perfectly still and silent for a long time. His fingers brushed over her sides, carefully avoiding the sweet curve of her breasts. How he wanted to slip his hands beneath her and caress those warm, soft mounds. But this wasn’t about him. She needed this more than sex. He thought his strategy was working and then suddenly she rolled over and raised her arms above her head.

  “I can’t lie here and think about all the things they could be doing to her.” She arched her back and closed her eyes as if she feared he’d reject her. “I don’t want to think, period. Is that so wrong?”

  How could she still fear that he’d reject her? The pain in her expression tore at his soul.

  He leaned over her, entwining their fingers as he covered her mouth with his. Her lips parted and her tongue curled around his the second he ventured past her lips. I love you, Ashley. And I will always be willing to make love to you.

  Her breath hitched and her response grew wilder as if she was still struggling to believe. Her legs were trapped beneath the bedding, but her hips rocked and twisted as she fought to get closer to him.

  He eased his hold on their connection and allowed his desire to flow into her mind. I need you. I will always need you. Never doubt your power over me.

  She tried to untangle their hands, but he closed his fingers, securing his grasp. If she needed a distraction, then he’d give her one. Probably more than one, knowing how insatiable he became whenever he was inside her. “You’re here for my pleasure and mine alone.” He sucked her bottom lip hard enough to make her gasp. “Do you understand?”

  “Yes—sir.” She added the title with a breathless sigh after a slight hesitation.

  The more aggressive he’d become the night before, the more wildly she responded. He wanted her so caught up in their passion that she wasn’t capable of thinking of anything else. He’d held back each time he touched her, afraid of frightening or hurting her. If she was still having doubts about his affection, then he’d make damn sure she understood the depths of his emotions.

  Ignoring the sensual undulation of her hips, he focused on their kiss, stroking her, filling her with his scent and taste. Mine. The declaration was carried on every breath, every touch. He’d infuse her with the concept until she understood how truly special she was to him.

  Ashley trembled beneath him, dizzy from his kisses and restless as hell. She ached for his fullness and desperately needed to touch him, but he held her firmly, ruthlessly focusing her attention on their kiss and only their kiss. His scent sank deeper with each panting breath, making her tingle and arch. His tongue slid against hers and curled around hers, bold and familiar. And his taste. She couldn’t get enough of his taste, wanted to savor it and yet needed to devour more and more of him.

  Suddenly she tore her mouth away and cried, “More. Please more.” But she wasn’t sure what she was begging for, only knew this wasn’t enough. Without releasing her fingers, he drew her arms downward, pinning her hands to the bed on either side of her shoulders. “I want to touch you.”

  “Not yet.” He kissed his way down her neck. His tongue explored and his teeth lightly scraped as her lips longed for more attention. He reached her collarbone and lingered. She shivered and shifted beneath him, needing more, always more.

  Then his lips fastened onto one of her nipples and he sucked hard. She gasped pressing into the aggressive kiss as intensity spread through her chest. Her body pulsed with anticipation, but it was nothing compared to the hunger scorching her mind. He wanted her with a clarity that was staggering. And it wasn’t just a warm, responsive partner, Bandar wanted her. Never before had she enjoyed the security of feeling what her lover felt. She didn’t have to trust what he said or judge his actions over a period of years. She could feel what he felt. It was comforting and yet humbling to be so adored.

  He moved to her other breast and demanded her attention with a firm nip. “Don’t analyze what you’re feeling. Just feel.” He sucked with firm, slow pulls. Her back bowed clear off the bed. He did it again and again, not stopping until both her nipples were pebble hard and deeply flushed.

  Then he ripped the sheet away from her body and grabbed her panties with both hands. He stared into her eyes, gold rings glowing brightly, as he dragged the garment off then tossed it over his shoulder. “Are you mine?”

  “As you are mine,” she countered.

  “Oh I’m yours and you’ll never doubt it again by the time I’m through with you.” He pulled his T-shirt off and then his underwear, then paused, allowing her time to look at him. When her gaze finally returned to his face, he said, “Now show me how much you want to be devoured by your mate.”

  They both knew what this was or at least where it was leading, but he’d never actually said it out loud before. “I’m your mate,” she whispered the words, still not quite believing she could be so fortunate. Joy bubbled up through her and she couldn’t suppress a beaming smile. “I found my mate.”

  “No, your mate found you. Now show me.” He rocked back onto his heels with obvious expectation.

  Not used to being so overtly sexual, she tentatively grabbed the backs of her knees and pulled her legs up and out, opening herself in blatant invitation. He lowered his head slowly then traced her slit with his tongue. She groaned and squeezed her eyes tightly shut.

  “No,” he growled out the word and she opened her eyes. “Prop yourself up so you can see me as well as feel me. I want this imprinted on all of your senses so you’ll never forget or doubt.”

  She didn’t want to move, wanted only to surrender to the pleasure, but his tone left no room for arguments. She grabbed the pillows and stacked them behind her back, angling her torso so she could see down the length of her body.

  He didn’t object when she shifted her leg to his shoulder, so she pushed her luck and touched his arm. He allowed her caress for only a moment as his tongue explored her creamy folds. Then he grasped her wrist and guided her hand to her breast, immediately covering it with his palm. See how well we fit. If your body were any sleeker, your breast wouldn’t fill my hand. He slipped his other hand under her and squeezed one butt cheek. And here you are perfect too.

k God he had such big hands. For once the thought didn’t make her feel less than beautiful. She’d never meet the Hollywood ideal, but her mate thought she was perfect.

  And I’m the only one that matters. Now pay attention! He lifted her to his mouth and pushed his tongue deep inside her. She gasped at the invasion as pleasure spiraled up her spine. When he finally lowered her hips, he replaced his tongue with two fingers and moved his mouth to her clit. He circled her once and Ashley came with a sharp, unexpected cry. Her inner muscles clenched his fingers and sensations seemed to trigger her nerve endings all at once.


  He chuckled, his breath teasing her overheated flesh. “Sorry you enjoy this or sorry I’ve just begun?”

  His fingers slid in and out, slow and steady. He wasn’t licking her anymore and she realized he was watching. She couldn’t see his fingers, just the steady motion of his hand, but she could feel how thrilling he found the sight, not to mention her own enjoyment.

  He lifted his face and looked into her eyes. “Come for me, angel. I want to watch you this time.”

  They’d made love face-to-face more than once, so he had to have seen her climax. But this was different. He was selflessly giving her pleasure, reveling in her abandon. So she let go of her inhibitions and surrendered. His thumb swept over her clit, taking her closer to the edge. She was suddenly squeezing her nipples, yet she couldn’t remember letting go of her other leg.

  His ravenous expression urged her on, dared her to surrender even further. She pushed up with her heel, driving herself onto his fingers. But it truly wasn’t enough. “I need you. I want to come around your cock.”

  He growled and lunged with blurring speed. Catching the backs of her knees on the bend of his elbows, he thrust his entire length into her waiting heat and watched her control shatter.

  She cried out as her inner walls stretched around him. The fullness made each burst of sensation more intense. She kept her eyes open, her mind even more so. Share my pleasure, love. She urged. Feel how much I love you.

  His growl turned feral as he pulled his hips back. She watched his shaft emerge from her body, wet with cream. He paused for a heartbeat then drove into her again. His long, slow strokes filled her. She tangled her fingers in the sheet as she watched his shaft disappear again and again. She squeezed him with her core and caressed him with her mind, longing for a less passive role.

  “Touch me, love. Never let go.” His voice was harsh, but his emotions were tender.

  She raised her hands to his chest then his shoulders, thrilled by the freedom at last. She pulled his head down and kissed him, careful not to interrupt the steady rhythm of his hips. Their tongues dueled and their bodies fused as pure emotions surged back and forth across their link.

  It was overwhelming and yet it made her feel grounded, connected as she’d never been before. She was half of a vibrant whole. Someone needed her as desperately as she needed that someone.

  Drawing her legs up along his sides, she freed his hands to roam. He braced himself on one forearm as his other hand stroked her breasts and belly, her hips and legs, anywhere he could touch without disrupting the flow of their joining.

  Suddenly he wrapped his arms around her and rolled in a tight half-circle. She landed on her knees, astride his hips and he urged her torso up. He didn’t have to tell her what to do. She was already rolling her hips, sliding her body up and down along the length of his sex.

  He scooted back onto the mounded pillows and he watched her move. “You are so incredibly beautiful like this.” He cupped both her breasts and lifted into her next stroke. “I may never let you dress again.”

  Too breathless to speak and too in love to feel anything but joy, she tossed her hair back and rode him faster, taking him deeper. He slid his hands to her hips and steadied her as he countered her motion, doubling the impact.

  She gasped and reached back, bracing herself on his thighs. Urgency blasted into her mind, catapulting her toward the finish line. She cried out, desperately trying to pull back the sensations, but it was much too late. She dug her fingers into his thighs as pleasure exploded inside her. He reared up and wrapped his arms around her, joining her in release.

  They clung to each other, shuddering together as sensations flowed across their link. Her pleasure fueled his and his heightened hers in a circle that kept them soaring endlessly. They kissed and caressed, in no hurry to readmit reality into their private heaven.

  I love you, Bandar. She communicated her devotion with her body and mind.

  And I love you. His response was every bit as consuming.

  * * * * *

  They emerged from the cabin an hour later after enjoying a quick snooze in each other’s arms. The clinic was empty when they walked in and Ashley’s buoyant spirits plummeted. “You don’t think he…”

  “Don’t.” Bandar reached down and pinched her butt. “No more negative thoughts.”

  “You’re right.” She wiggled away from his playful punishment. “Negativity has no place in my mind.”

  Apparently hearing their voices, a female medic stepped out from one of the back rooms. “May I help you?”

  “Where did they take Letos?” Bandar asked.

  “They took him to the Crusader almost an hour ago.”

  “Thank you.” Bandar led Ashley out into the corridor, his face suddenly grim. “Someone should have alerted us.” He repeated the complaint when they found Nazerel in Morgan’s office a few minutes later. Morgan was nowhere in sight.

  “There’s nothing you can do until he’s out of regeneration,” Nazerel pointed out. “I didn’t see a reason to disrupt your nap.” He said the last word with a smirk that assured them he knew they’d spent very little time sleeping.

  “Thanks again for your hospitality and your assistance.” Bandar sounded strangely formal. “Can you clear us to leave from here or do we need to go to one of the departure bays?”

  Nazerel went to Morgan’s desk and entered a couple of commands into her computer. “You’re clear. Keep us in the loop.”

  “Will do.” Then Bandar pulled her to his side and wrapped his arm around her waist.

  This is Bandar. He sent the signal to the bio-stream engineer, but Ashley could hear him as well. Please stream my guest and I directly to the infirmary.

  Is this a medical emergency?

  Not yet, so don’t test me. The poor engineer couldn’t see Bandar’s playful smirk only hear his hostile tone.

  Copy. Two for the infirmary.

  Knowing the vertigo was coming didn’t lessen the dizzying effect, but Ashley breathed through the sensations rather than fighting against them and the spinning dissipated much faster.

  The Crusader’s infirmary was about double the size of the clinic. Twelve treatment tables were arranged in a circle around a central work area. Two young men were seated at separate workstations within the common area. Both were dressed in black-and-gold uniforms. They weren’t armed, so they were likely medics or medical technicians. She was pretty sure Irron was the only doctor on board the Crusader. They shot to their feet when they spotted Ashley, but Bandar had warned her not to speak to the crew. They each greeted Bandar with a polite, “Commander”, yet their gazes were locked on her.

  “This is Ashley,” he introduced. “My mate.”

  Immediately, their gazes lowered and they returned to their seats.

  Was that necessary? Secretly his possessive growl sent a thrill down her spine, but he didn’t need to know how much she enjoyed his attitude.

  Absolutely. There was no regret in his tone.

  She wasn’t sure if one of the medics signaled Irron or if he’d heard them talking, but the doctor entered from an adjoining room. He was dressed in a white lab coat piped in black and gold that made him look more like part of the crew. “Welcome back.” And without pause he added, “Does the commander know she’s on board?”

  Wasn’t Bandar the commander?

  My rank is commander, but I’m n
ot in command of this ship. He clarified though she hadn’t actually asked the question.

  “I’m sure the bio-stream engineer told him by now, so he’ll likely stomp in here any minute now.”

  “Easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission?” Irron winked at Ashley. “Hello again.”

  Ignoring the doctor’s playful question, Bandar asked, “How’s Letos?”

  “Still cooking. It’ll be at least another hour, probably more like two.”

  True to Bandar’s prediction a gray-haired man stormed into the clinic a few minutes later. His hostile gaze swept from Bandar to Ashley and back. His uniform had wide gold stripes across the shoulders, but he didn’t need the uniform distinction to identify him as commander. Every movement emanated authority. “Nox,” he snapped. “A word.” And he motioned to the corridor.

  “The ship’s commander, I presume?” She waited until the two men left before she asked Irron.

  “That would be Commander Tarr, Keyran to his friends, which are few and far between. Bandar should have asked before bringing you on board.” Apparently the commander agreed. Though somewhat muffled by the wall, his shouts soon echoed in the infirmary. Much to Ashley’s surprise, Bandar didn’t raise his voice. Irron patted her shoulder with a reassuring smile. “Keyran’s bark is worse than his bite, especially where that one’s concerned.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Keyran was Bandar’s mentor. Can’t help but thinking of him like a son. Besides, Bandar isn’t technically part of the crew. A fact Bandar’s quick to point out. He answers directly to General Nox.”

  “How convenient.”

  One of the medics snickered and Irron snapped at him in Rodyte. Then he looked at Ashley and said, “If you’re going to spend time on the Crusader, you need a translator patch and vaccinations. Let’s take care of that while you’re here.”

  “A what?”

  “Vaccinations will keep you from spreading human diseases among the crew. Most Rodytes are disease free, but the injection will protect you just in case. The other injection contains specialized nanites that translate languages. You’ll need a full language infusion if you want to read and write, but this will allow you to speak with most anyone you encounter.”


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