Billionaires with Heart Boxset: Christian Romance Series
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She let out a bashful chuckle. “I’m sure you don’t mean that.”
“I do. You’re an amazing woman.” He held her gaze, totally entranced by her compelling personage.
Her face pinkened slightly before she averted her gaze. He didn’t want to embarrass her. He needed to be patient. Not push. And besides, there was something he needed to do.
He gulped. “Phoebe, I want to become a Christian. I want to experience God’s grace and love for myself, and I want it to be a part of me.”
Her gaze shot up, her eyes wide. “That’s wonderful, Nick!”
He took a deep breath. “Will you tell me what I need to do?”
“Absolutely. Just say what’s on your heart. God will hear you. Would you like to take a walk?”
He nodded. Taking a walk was a great idea. They stood, he paid for the meal, and they stepped outside. A park was nearby, so they headed for that, stopping to sit on a park bench alongside a small pond.
His heart was expectant as he bowed his head and drew a steadying breath. Phoebe placed a hand on his shoulder as he prayed. “Lord God, I’m a sinner in need of Your saving grace. I praise You that even though You’re the Creator of the universe, You loved me so much that You sent Your perfect Son to earth that I might have new life. Thank You for Your mercy and grace. Renew my heart, oh Lord. Make it soft and pliable, and help me to live my life in a way that will bring glory and honour to You. I want to love and serve You forever.”
“And Lord,” Phoebe said softly, her hand light on his shoulder, “I ask that You bless Nick. Bless him for making a stand for You. Let him see how much You truly love him, and fill him with Your peace. Thank You for his kind heart, and may You use him in whatever way You see fit to extend Your Kingdom. I ask this in Jesus’ precious name. Amen.”
Opening his eyes, he smiled. His heart was light and his spirit free. This was the beginning of his new life.
Chapter 17
Three weeks had passed since Nick had made his commitment to Christ, and Phoebe was glad they’d begun dating after that. She was amazed at how eager he was to know Jesus more.
The integrity he showed in every aspect of his life and business wowed her. When a story broke in the media that he’d come forward with information about illegal activity in his business, it was clear that the company could be in trouble. But by addressing the issue early on, it seemed the company had avoided some of the backlash, although there was likely more to come.
She couldn’t help but respect Nick for being so willing to put everything on the line to make things right. She’d seen him grow under the discipleship of her church in just a few weeks, and he’d already joined a men’s Bible study and was getting to know her pastor.
And yet, there were some things in the relationship she still couldn’t get used to.
“Oh…wow,” she said in shock upon opening a gift at dinner one night. He’d bought her another perfume. Another designer perfume. As a woman who’d always opted for whatever was cheapest but still smelled nice, she wasn’t used to these thick glass bottles with Italian names sprawled across them. She wasn’t accustomed to anything that cost more than a few dollars.
But Nick was treating her like a queen. And he wooed her with special things on almost every date.
The restaurants they went to had also started moving up in class. It was nearing the point that she wasn’t sure what to wear anymore, because she always felt underdressed whenever they went out. Sometimes she made comments about not being dressed well enough, but Nick always brushed them off and told her she looked beautiful and that she was dressed perfectly. It was sweet of him, but she didn’t think it was entirely true.
It was sweet the way he was going so overboard, but it wasn’t anything she was used to and she didn’t know if she particularly liked it.
When she opened the perfume, she knew she had to say something. Concern about hurting his feelings or appearing ungrateful had always held her back. But it was too much for only three weeks together.
“Nick, this is lovely,” she began. He smiled, obviously pleased that she liked it. “But you don’t have to give me gifts on every date.”
His expression faltered, but it was clear that he was willing to listen and he really cared about what she thought.
“I love the earrings and the perfumes and the chocolates, but if you just want to get me flowers once every few months, I’d be more than happy,” she commented carefully.
“But flowers die.”
“They do, but they’re beautiful while they’re alive. You don’t have to do all of this, seriously. I’m thankful, please don’t get me wrong. I’ll wear the perfume, but I want you to know that I’m dating you for you, not for your gifts, or any other reason.”
Nick blew out a small breath. He enjoyed giving her gifts—he didn’t give them out of obligation. Maybe she shouldn’t have said anything. But no, she’d needed to. “I really appreciate all of it, Nick. I’m grateful, I truly am, but I’m happy just being with you.”
He reached across the table and squeezed her hand. “I’m sorry, Phoebe. Hearing that makes me happier than you know, and I didn’t realise I was overdoing it. In my experience of dating, most women have only wanted me for my money and gifts, so dialing it down is a new thing for me.”
She chuckled. “Like I said, flowers every now and then is more than enough.” Dating Nick, she’d been filled with unique emotions. She was still coming to terms with the fact that she was dating someone after having lost Reed. But everyone had been surprisingly supportive. Reed’s parents and friends, her church family, they’d all encouraged her.
Jennifer, and even her own mother, had been thrilled to know she was dating someone and allowing her heart to heal. Phoebe convinced Jennifer not to tell their mother who Nick was until they’d been dating a few more weeks, but when she found out, she was shocked, but also in awe.
Holly continued to be excited every time Phoebe reported a date back to her. She was still completely stunned and embarrassed that she hadn’t figured out who he was when they were in Thailand together.
But dating Nick had come with other challenges. He closed up when his family became the topic of discussion. His unwillingness to share anything much about his family life bothered her. He rarely spoke about his parents, only that they’d been killed in a car accident fifteen years earlier. There was a lot of healing to be done in his heart, but she was confident that in time he would feel comfortable enough to share with her.
Despite working with his siblings, she gathered they didn’t get on. She asked to meet them, but he told her she wouldn’t like them, so she let it go. But it wasn’t easy and often left her confused. She would have liked to meet them. They were his family, after all.
And yet, every time Nick showed up to take her on a date, all of these things were forgotten. She swooned when he smiled, but then later felt a twinge of guilt for letting go of Reed so easily.
Was it alright? Was she supposed to move on like this? Everyone had encouraged her to do so. She was falling in love with Nick, but was it really okay?
When he picked her up for their next evening out, he brought her a bouquet of pink carnations and she was so thankful he’d listened to her. She inhaled the sweet smell and then kissed him on the cheek.
After Reed, it had been difficult to consider a real kiss. She was moving slowly in the relationship, but Nick had patiently followed her lead, although she knew he longed for more, as did she. But she wasn’t ready. And for a woman not yet ready, Nicholas Barrington was the perfect gentleman.
Chapter 18
Nicholas tried to dress as casually as he deemed appropriate. Phoebe had warned him not to overdo it for the visit to her mother’s place, but nevertheless, he wanted to appear respectful and gentlemanly.
Looking in the mirror at the blue short-sleeved button-up shirt and tan slacks he’d chosen, he still felt a little overdone. Or maybe the outfit wasn’t nice enough? He sighed. Was it possible that it was to
o dressy and not dressy enough at the same time?
He was glad Alden wasn’t here to see this. His brother would mock him, for sure, since this sort of anxiety over his appearance was unlike him. But meeting Phoebe’s mum was an important step. They’d been dating for nearly three months and he already knew that he cared about her enough to make a commitment.
But if Mrs. Halliday didn’t like him, the relationship would be over. Phoebe would let him go. Her mother was so important to her, and when all was said and done, he was just a man she’d recently met. The choice, if it came to that, would be a no-brainer for her.
Finally settling on his outfit, he slid into his car and drove to Phoebe’s place. When he arrived, he asked her if he was dressed appropriately.
“You look perfect.” She smiled while her gaze swept over him from head to foot.
“Yes.” She chuckled. “You know, Mum’s nervous about meeting you, too. She’s never met a billionaire before.”
He let out a small groan. “You told her I’m just an ordinary person, didn’t you?” He stepped forward and took her hands while gazing into her eyes.
A coy smile grew on her face. “Quite the opposite, actually. I told her how special you are…to me.” She gave him a quick peck on the cheek before ducking under his arm and sprinting to his car. He ran after her. When he reached her, he was tempted to wrap his arms around her and kiss her, but he knew she wasn’t ready. Instead, he opened the door and waited for her to slide in.
Sitting beside her, his hands grew clammy.
“Just be yourself, Nick. Relax. The more you relax, the more comfortable Mum will feel.”
How could he possibly relax when he was meeting someone as important as her mother? The future of their relationship depended on whether she warmed to him or not.
“What was that Bible verse the pastor quoted on Sunday? Something about the peace of Christ?” he asked.
“Colossians three, verse fifteen? ‘And let the peace of Christ rule in your heart, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.’”
“You have it memorised?”
“As of this morning. I’ve been working on it all week. I needed peace as well.”
“About this dinner?” He turned and faced her.
She released a slow breath. “No, just everything. Life is in such a different place than I ever imagined it would be.”
She was right. She was supposed to be married to another man, not taking him to meet her mum. He wondered if sometimes she wished it had turned out according to her original plans.
“I think, in some ways,” she continued, staring out the window, “I’m worried God is going to take all of this away from me, too.”
Frowning, Nicholas let go of the steering wheel with one hand long enough to give her hand a gentle squeeze before returning it to the wheel.
“I didn’t imagine I could find happiness again.”
He felt her gazing at him. He glanced at her once and smiled, but considering how Reed had died, he was reluctant to take his eyes off the road for long.
“I guess I’m surprised I could ever feel happier than I did before.” She breathed the words out, sounding relieved. As if it was the first time she didn’t feel guilty for feeling happy.
“You’re happier?”
“I am. But I’m starting to understand that happiness is a feeling that can change day by day depending on circumstances, but true joy comes from having peace, regardless of the circumstances, and only God can give that.”
“Wow. That’s deep. I’m going to have to mull that over,” Nicholas said.
They finally reached Phoebe’s mother’s home in the suburbs. Nicholas pulled his Porsche into the driveway of the tidy, but small bungalow. He switched off the engine and climbed out before opening Phoebe’s door for her. While she stepped out, he grabbed a box of chocolates from the back seat.
“Nice touch.” Phoebe grinned. “Mum loves chocolate.”
“Since she’s your mother, I assumed she would.” He laughed lightly.
They walked to the front door, and pausing, shared a nervous smile before Phoebe knocked.
The door opened within seconds. Mrs. Halliday was a diminutive woman with a kind, but slightly anxious smile. “Come in, come in!” she urged, hugging Phoebe and then turning to him. “It’s so nice to meet you,” she said, standing awkwardly for a moment before finally stretching up to give him a hug as well.
“It’s my pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Halliday.”
“Oh, please call me Susan.”
He smiled. “Thank you. I brought these for you.” He held out the box.
Susan grinned brightly. “You’re quite the smart man, aren’t you?” She chuckled before motioning for them to go inside.
Nicholas followed her and Phoebe into a cosy living room. He sat on an old dark green settee beside Phoebe, while Susan sat in a matching recliner. All the little knickknacks around the room fascinated him, and he studied them while Phoebe led the conversation, while ensuring he interacted enough not to appear rude. There were tea cups with matching saucers, ornaments and all sorts of vases. He’d never seen anything so quaint yet homey. His family home would have been considered a mansion compared to Susan’s home, but he felt far more relaxed here already.
Before long, Susan invited them to sit at the table set for three. The room had yellow walls and white countertops, and the small, square table in the middle of the room was covered with a cheerful blue gingham cloth. She fussed over them, and Phoebe offered to help.
“Thank you, dear, but it’s all in hand. Take a seat.” She placed a dish of homemade lasagna that smelled divine in the middle of the table, along with a salad and baby potatoes. Light lace curtains floated in the breeze at the open window. It was so unpretentious, Nicholas began to relax.
“Would you mind giving thanks, Nicholas?” Susan asked after removing her apron and joining them at the table.
His mouth went dry and he swallowed hard. Although praying had become a regular part of his life, he’d never given thanks in front of anyone other than Phoebe. What if he made a mess of it in front of her mother? He was trying so hard to impress her. But he couldn’t refuse—that would be worse. “Of course,” he replied, sounding more confident than he felt.
Phoebe and Susan extended their hands. He took Phoebe’s in his left hand and Susan’s in his right. If only Alden and Charity could see him now.
He gave a nervous smile. “Let’s pray.” Bowing his head, he paused. He needed to get this right. Pray from your heart… The words were loud and clear. Yes, that’s all he had to do. He didn’t need to impress anyone. He drew a slow breath and began. “Lord God, thank You for Your goodness and grace. We’re truly grateful to be sharing this meal together and we ask that You bless our time around this table. In Jesus’ name. Amen.” Grabbing Phoebe’s hand quickly again after she let go, he continued. “Oh, and please bless this food and the hands that prepared it. Amen.”
His quick cover elicited small chuckles from both Phoebe and her mum, but he wasn’t embarrassed. Instead, he felt strengthened for having been able to pray in front of these two special women.
Throughout the dinner, Susan continued to make small, complimentary remarks. She noted how caring he was towards Phoebe and the genuine concern he showed for her. “Phoebe told me that one of the first things she noticed about you in Thailand was your humility. To think at that point she didn’t even know who you were! I can see she was right. You really are a humble young man.”
His heart, along with his face, warmed. He’d never been complimented for being humble before. “Thank you. I haven’t always been like that, but I certainly hope that I’m growing to be more Christ-like.” He’d learned a lot of the language used in Christian circles. Sometimes he still felt he was faking it and the words were uncomfortable on his tongue, but he wanted to continue to grow, and people had been gracious to him during this time of exploration and learning.
Once the main course was finished, Susan brought out a delicious home-baked apple pie with ice cream, and then they adjourned to the living room for coffee.
Later, when they were leaving, Susan took his hand and gazed deep into his eyes. “Well, Nicholas, I’m thrilled to have finally met you. I do hope you’ll visit again. You’d be welcome at any time.”
“Thank you. I’d like that very much.” Smiling at Phoebe’s mum, he wondered what he’d been so anxious about.
Phoebe grinned at both of them, and then, after hugging her mother, slipped her hand into his as they walked to his car. “So how was it?” she asked after settling onto the seat.
“Not half as frightening as I thought it would be.” He chuckled.
“I’m glad to hear that.” Her smile lit up her face.
“Your mother is lovely. Just like you.”
“And she thought you weren’t half bad! You really impressed her, Nick.”
He was so relieved. Desperately wanting her mum to like him, hearing that she did made all the difference in the world. “I’m so glad, Phoebe.”
As their gazes met and held, his heart thudded. Leaning towards her, he lifted his hand and cupped her cheek before brushing his lips against hers. Unable to stop himself, he pressed harder. Her eager response surprised him, and he could have stayed there forever, kissing her, but her mum was standing on the verandah, waiting to wave them off. He pulled away, although he had a burning desire, an aching need, to never let her go.
“I hope your mum didn’t see that.” They glanced over at the house. Susan was indeed on the verandah, an impish grin on her face.
“I’m sure she’s happy about it.” Phoebe laughed as she lowered the window and waved to her mum while Nick reversed the car down the driveway.
What an incredible night! Nicholas drove Phoebe home in a haze of joy, hardly believing what had happened. Reaching her apartment, he pulled up and parked, and before he climbed out to walk her to her door, he pulled her close and kissed her again, savouring every moment. Aware of the need to exercise restraint, he pulled away but feather-touched her lips with his, not wanting the moment to end. Finally, he straightened. “Come on, I’ll walk you to your door.”