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Doctor's Orders, Sweetheart

Page 1

by C. M. Steele

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14


  Doctor’s Orders, Sweetheart

  A Sweetheart’s Treats Novella

  C.M. Steele

  Carly: Have you ever met someone you want to kick in the shins and kiss at the same time?

  Well, Carter James is that kind of guy for me. He’s a hot pediatric doctor with a heart of gold for his patients and insanely tempting eye candy for the moms trolling the children’s ward. He’s cocky and treats me like one of the children.

  Carter: Have you ever met the one for you, but they think you’re a total jerk?

  Carly Reynolds is that kind of woman for me. She’s a hot volunteer that drives me crazy. I want her in every way, so much so I can’t stop looking out for her well-being. She’s going to push me over the edge one day and I’m going to claim what I’ve wanted for six months—her.

  Copyrighted © 2018 C.M. Steele

  All Rights Reserved

  No part of this book may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without written expressed permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is purely coincidental.

  Cover design: C.M. Steele

  Cover Image: Deposit Photos

  The use of actors, artists, movies, TV shows, and song titles/lyrics throughout this book are done so for storytelling purposes and should in no way be seen as advertisement. Trademark names are used in an editorial fashion with no intention of infringement of the respective owner’s trademark.

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or if it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return it to the seller and please purchase your own copy.

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior express, written consent of the author.

  This book is intended for mature adults only. Contains sexual content and language that may offend some. Suggested reading audience is 18 years or older. I consider this book as Adult Erotic Romance.

  Copyrighted © 2018 C.M. Steele

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14


  Chapter 1


  I stare at my new bakery in total amazement. The sun rests on the horizon waiting to rise, yet I can still tell my sign is perfect. I’ll have to thank my brother for his excellent work on it. Sweetheart’s Treats is mine and it’s surreal that I’m about to open in a few hours.

  Even though I’m in the middle of Texas, it’s January and the chill hits me hard. The key turns effortlessly in the lock, and I step inside the building my parents helped me purchase. I’m not ashamed to admit that I had a hand up from them. They are the most amazingly kind and loving parents anyone could ask for. After graduating from culinary school with a certification in pastries, I couldn’t wait to start my own business. I should have started as a baker for someone else, but my parents have complete faith in me.

  I’m going to need an employee or two, but for the time being, I have to start baking. My ingredients are waiting for me, which means all I need to do is get my apron and put my curly blonde hair into a perfect bun before I can begin.

  Within minutes, I smell the fresh scents of sugar and chocolate in the air. It brings me to a time when I used to visit my grandmother and we would spend hours baking. More like I would end up with flour everywhere and she would pull out fresh baked pies and cupcakes. Those days are gone, but I’ll never forget everything she taught me.

  This is a small town with no other bakery, so I’m certain they’ll come flocking here once I gain some foot traffic. My family owns a large printing and signage company and prepared all my marketing materials with my input.

  The grand opening is next week, but the soft one is today. I plan to make pastries of all sorts to gauge the needs and wants of customers. I know it’s the basics that’ll sell, but testing the waters is all I can do. They had a bakery a long time ago, but the family sold the building once the owner died. It’s been at least ten years and it’s time they had fresh baked goods again instead of the pre-packaged stuff. I hope they agree. Coming from Houston, I thought this would be the perfect market to open in. There are tons of bakeries and stores that make fresh baked goods, so I searched the region for a city that didn’t. Palace, Texas feels like the perfect place.

  After a smooth early morning, I turn the sign hanging on the door to ‘Open,’ and within a couple minutes three women enter.

  “Good morning, ladies. Welcome to Sweetheart’s Treats.”

  “Wow, it smells amazing in here,” a woman with straight white hair exclaims. They all smile at me. “Hello, Ms…?”

  “I’m Carly Reynolds,” I answer.

  “Are you married?”

  I smirk. She wastes no time, I see. “No, I’m not.”

  “I have a son.” I bet she does. Mothers are all alike.

  “We all know you have a son, Laura. He’s handsome and a doctor. Would you leave the poor man alone?” the woman with curly salt and pepper hair tells her. She looks at me with a smile. I’m doing my best not to laugh out loud. “That’s nothing to say about you. You are stunningly beautiful. She just won’t let her son breathe.”

  “I understand. My mother wants grandchildren already. And my brother’s being harangued daily.” Blake runs from my mother any chance he gets. If not, she’ll be introducing him to the next state beauty of Texas. I didn’t even know they had that many pageants and I’ve lived in Houston my whole life.

  “I’m Greta Simms. I only have daughters, so I’ll leave you be. Now, we came for a treat.” She rubs her hands together like she’s been waiting for this day all along. That’s the passion I want to see from my customers when they’re leaving the shop.

  “I’ve set up a tray of free samples of this morning’s treats. Please feel free to try them.” The ladies take me up on my offer and each one chooses a different kind of treat. Greta takes the strawberry scone and moans like she needs a moment alone. The other two hit the chocolate treats, but the same sound leaves their mouths.

  “Girl, you are a blessing. Are you planning to do specialty orders?” Laura asks, stealing a sample of the scone.

  “Yes, but it will be minimal for the time being. I don’t have any employees yet.”

  “Well, I’d like a dozen of these to drop off to my son. He loves strawber
ries and I know he’d enjoy these. He works at St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center.” I hold back a gasp because I know who he is.

  “I actually volunteer in the children’s wing on Sundays,” I admit. The world is truly small. They say Texas is huge, but I’m calling bullshit. I can’t escape Carter. He’s everywhere, especially in my thoughts.

  “So you’ve met my son,” she gushes.

  “I don’t know all the doctors there.” I truly don’t. Not everyone works on Sundays and I’ve only been going for six months.

  “He’s Dr. Carter James.” And he’s the only doctor I’ve managed to run into every time I visit. The tall, sexy man with the wickedly promising smile destroys my beauty sleep and peace of mind. What amuses me is that she thinks she needs to find him a woman. He is a freaking hottie and every single nurse wants to be with him. Several mothers in the ward smile at him like they’re looking for a stepdad for their children. Seriously, the man’s extremely handsome and smart. Who wouldn’t want someone like that? Well, except me.

  “Oh yes, I’ve met Dr. James. He’s a nice man. The kids love him,” I remark with as much sweetness as I can muster. Carter and I have a tumultuous relationship. More like he tries to goad me, and I avoid him as if he has the plague. He keeps picking on me and I want to deck him. Constantly treating me like one of the children in the ward, helpless and vulnerable. He even tied my shoes one day. What grown ass man does that? I’m an adult, but I guess since I’m not a doctor, I’m not smart enough to function on my own.

  “He needs to get married before I kick the bucket, but he’s too busy, or so he claims.” Not on Sundays. Every time I turn around my four-hour visit is plagued with his presence. Then he likes to keep tabs on me as if I’m going to accidentally kill one of the kids.

  “We’ve got to go, so can we please get some treats?” Greta asks, eyeing the brownies. I forget about Carter for half a second as I show her the brownies. The overwhelming pleasure I get from people enjoying my products helps cope with my insane feelings for the jackass.

  Laura joins us at the display case. “Sorry, I can’t help myself. My son’s wonderful and I want him to be happy.” The genuine humility she displayed tells me she loves him so much.

  Greta reprimands her, “Then leave the boy alone. I’ll take two brownies and three of the peanut butter cookies.”

  “I thought you didn’t like peanut butter cookies,” the other woman with red and gray hair questioned.

  “I don’t, but the hubby does. The brownies are for me.”

  Boxing up their treats, I’m pleased to see them off. I couldn’t take much more of her mentioning Carter. I had a crush on him when we first met. After one day in his presence, I regretted it. The way he makes my heart thump is irrational. I want to jump into his arms and kiss him silent while at the same time gut-punch him. Damn the man drives me bananas.

  Chapter 2


  “Darling,” I hear, turning to see the person I knew the voice belongs to. My mother smiles charmingly. She’s definitely who I get it from.

  “Hello, Mother. What brings you to see me?” I ask, looking at her suspiciously. She only comes when she wants to know if there’s anyone new in my life. I haven’t had a date in years and yet she doesn’t give up. I’m not going to tell her about the insane obsession with a woman who hates me.

  “Can’t I come bring you a delicious snack?” she exclaims, giving me a pouty look. I twist my lips, not buying her fake indignation.

  “You brought me a snack?” She uses every excuse, but this is a new one. I don’t eat sweets since I try to keep in shape. There’s only one sweet thing I want to eat, but she runs from me at every turn.

  I take the box and see a label on the top. It’s Sweetheart’s Treats Bakery. I’ve never heard of the place but considering I don’t eat goodies that could be one reason. Then I notice the fine print, “1001 Main Street, Palace, Texas.”

  “Where’s Palace, Texas and why did you go there? Surely there’s a bakery nearby,” I say as I open the box. Wow, my mouth is watering just from the smell. I close the box because I’m tempted to eat them. As good as they are, I’ll save them for the nursing staff who work hard.

  “Gosh, can’t I just do something nice for you?” This time I’ve really offended her. Immediately, I feel like a dick. She just wants the best for me, but I’m a man and can decide that for myself.

  “Sorry, Mom. Thanks for these. They smell fantastic.” I give her a kiss on the cheek. She knows how much I love strawberries, but I prefer fresh ones.

  “Awe, that’s so sweet,” Ivy, one of the head nurses, mocks as she comes up.

  “Don’t you have work to do?” I mutter, trying to rankle her because she gets on my nerves lately. She knows I’m interested in Carly and teases me about it.

  “Yes, and so do you,” she chides, handing me a chart while snatching the box from my hands. She’s right, I do. She looks down at the box and shakes her head. I’m about to walk away when I hear her squeal, “Oh my God! You went to Carly’s bakery.”

  I freeze, halting all movement except my insanely out of control heart. I turn around and ask, “Carly who?” Tell me it’s not my Carly she’s talking about.

  “The one that comes every week that you scare off,” she remarks, jutting her chin out.

  I snatch the box back. “These are mine. I’ll put them in my office.” Both ladies giggle and I turn a hard glare their way. My mom knows all about my Carly.

  Knowing Carly made them makes me want to eat them all. I take a deep breath and set the box on my desk. I can’t believe she opened a bakery. I never heard about it. Then again, she refuses to talk to me unless it’s necessary. I’m not sure what I did wrong for her to hate me. Every other woman with a pulse can’t stop following me around and hangs on my every word, despite showing them no damn interest. However, the one I’ve wanted from the first time I saw her brushing the hair of a girl who broke her leg, hates me. I’ve been hooked on Carly and nothing and no one can shake my addiction.

  I make it through the day, hoping time would fly. Checking Google Maps, I plan my path to see Carly. I’m off in two days, then I’ll make a trip to Palace. The longing to see her continues to build as I watch the clock. Since she’s a volunteer, I only get to see her once a week. I don’t know where she lives, and Human Resources won’t give me that information. I’ve considered, hiring a private investigator. I didn’t realize I had one in my mother.

  As soon as I get to my condo, I call my mother. “Hello, Carter darling. How are you?” She’s overly cheerful and I’m wondering if she’s been drinking wine early today.

  “I’m great, but a little confused. How did you find out about Carly’s bakery?”

  “Oh, Carter, you have way too many snitches in your midst. You know I’m friends with some of the hospital staff. They told me about your bad attitude to the little beauty. And now, I know why. She’s perfect, Carter, and truly a sweetheart. No wonder you call her that.”

  “I only do it to aggravate her,” I lie. It’s because that’s the way I see her. I fell in love with her kind and sweet heart. It didn’t help that she’s fucking sexy as hell. Everything wonderful in a little package.

  “Don’t lie to me. I’m your mother,” she challenges.

  “Mother, please stay out of it. But thank you for telling me where to find her.”

  “Of course, darling. Happy hunting, son.” I roll my eyes because she’s relentless.

  “I’m working tomorrow for twelve hours. Please just let it go. I’ll do what I can, but if she doesn’t want anything to do with me, then there’s nothing more I can do.”

  “Work harder on pleasing the woman, not pissing her off. That’s a good start.” I don’t know why I piss her off. I'm constantly worried about her and doing things to help her. Well, in two days I’m going to visit her, and she’ll learn she’s mine.

  Chapter 3


  “Amelia, I’m so glad you came to work for
me. I had no idea how crazy it was going to be yesterday,” I say as we take out the first trays. We’ve been working for three hours to get everything ready.

  “This is just what I needed,” she replies, twisting the lock on the front door, opening it to the line of customers waiting.

  “Good morning, ladies,” the local sheriff greets us. He’s a handsome man.

  “Hello, Sheriff,” I say. We haven’t met formally, but someone mentioned him yesterday in passing. Since the town is so small, he and two deputies are enough to handle it. I’m so used to cops patrolling everywhere that it’s kind of nice.

  “Hi, dad. What brings you to see me?” Dad? He looks way too young. Wow, well his wife is a lucky woman.

  “I came to see how it’s going. You left your old job like a hot pot.” Her dad is onto her. I doubt she’s going to tell him though.

  “This one is already better. Besides, it’s closer to the house and no late nights.”

  “Yes, that’s right. Let me know if you need anything. I’ve got to go. Ms. Reynolds, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Hopefully, you can come over for dinner one day,” he says, tipping his hat before walking out.

  “Wow, your dad is young and hot.”

  “I suppose so. It was an accidental teen pregnancy thing and my mom didn’t want that life. She left when I was little.”

  “Oh, well that sucks. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. It worked out for the best. My dad is pretty wonderful.”

  “He seems like it.” The timer goes off in the kitchen. “I’ll be back.” For some reason, I can’t get Carter out of my head. I wonder if he liked the scones. Did he know I made them? Goodness, the man thought so damn little of me and here I am panting over him. Sleep has eluded me the past two nights because of him.

  I set the cookies to cool after taking them out, then start icing the cupcakes. It takes me ten minutes to finish the next batch and I hear people coming and going. I step into the storefront with them aiming to lend a hand. I gasp as I see none other than Carter. He’s standing there in a hoodie and pair of jeans that hug his ass so damn perfectly. I hate the man and the way he makes me feel. A sudden surge of jealousy pumps through me as I see him smiling at Amelia. Just like he does everyone and they all eat it up. They hear me come out and turn. Amelia smiles wildly at me tilting her head towards Dr. Hottie. He’s got his eyes glued to mine. His brown hair looks thoroughly ran through. When my time at the hospital starts every week, it’s always perfectly smoothed back, but by the end of the day, it looks like this. It makes me wonder if he fucks nurses or horny moms in his office. I’m immediately repulsed which helps deal with seeing him.


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