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Lost Love

Page 11

by Kelly Elliott

  But the way Mitchell was laughing with Corina had me second-guessing that stereotype. Maybe Mitchell was ready to set down his wild ways.

  Mitchell took Corina’s hand. “It means let’s go dance, Corina from Chicago.”

  Tipping my beer back, I watched them make their way to the dance floor, almost choking on my beer when I noticed how close Corina let Mitchell get. His knee was damn near in her vagina!

  “Wow. Mitchell’s not wasting any time is he?” I said with a chuckle.

  Trevor laughed. “She’s hot as hell, and I’m afraid she’s got Mitchell’s eye as well as Tripp’s.”

  I glanced over to Cord. “Really?”

  Trevor sighed. “Yeah, the two of them were arguing over her all the way back to the ranch. I was fucking sick of hearing about your friend by the time we got back.”

  Resting my chin on my hand, I asked, “What were they arguing about?”

  “Who got to go after her.”

  “Seriously? Go after her? What does that even mean?”

  “It means they both like her. So if they both like her, they have to figure out who is going to go after her and who isn’t. Brother code and all.”

  I laughed. “Brother code? Seriously? Y’all have that?”

  Trevor made a martini and gave me a serious face. “Fuck yes, we have that. Dicks before chicks, especially when the dicks are related.”

  There was no way I could hide my smile even if I wanted to. “They do know I’ll kill them if either one of them hurts her. Corina’s not a stick and leave kind of girl. She doesn’t do random hook ups.”

  Trevor smirked. “Yeah, I got that impression, and that’s the reason I backed out right away. Not worth it for me.”

  “You’re still young.”

  He winked. “Fuck yeah, I am and I like pussy way too much to settle with just one.”

  I should have winced, but this was Trevor Parker. All the Parker boys talked that way. Even Steed. The countless times he’d whispered dirty things into my ear nearly drove me over the edge. Yet, at the same time they treated woman like princesses. Whether it was a girlfriend or a random hookup. At least, that’s what I had heard. They also spoiled their sisters and would die to protect them.

  Oh yes, the Parker brothers were a rare breed. Smart, strong, sexy, and not afraid of anyone.

  The guy next to me laughed, pulling me from my thoughts. Trevor set a drink in front of him and moved down the bar to help someone else.

  The guy lifted his drink and drank it almost in one go. Narrowing my eyes, I tried to place him. I’d seen him before, but I couldn’t think where. He must have felt my stare because he turned to me. My cheeks heated, and I gave him a polite grin.

  When he smiled back, I couldn’t help but notice how nice it was. Then his eyes roamed my body, and I focused back on watching Trevor behind the bar.

  “You’re not tired, Trev? I mean working on the ranch all day and then coming here?”

  He laughed. “Nope. Cord does it too.”

  “Yeah, but you work on the ranch full-time right?”

  Nodding, he replied, “Yep. It’s been nice having Steed back. I can tell he’s trying to get back into the swing of things, but the extra hands are nice.”

  Cue the guilt. Steed’s plans were to go to college for business management and then come back and start learning the business end of the ranch. I wondered if that was still his plan.

  “Does it bother your dad that not all the boys are involved with the ranch like you are?” I asked while taking another drink.

  Trevor handed one of the waitresses a few drinks and looked at me. “I don’t think so. I mean, they all still come and work. He gets that they all had their own dreams they wanted to follow. But for me, the ranch is what I breathe. Nothing will take me away from it.”

  “Why do you work here?”

  Trevor stopped and studied me. “Seriously, Paxton?”


  He leaned against the counter and tossed a white rag over his shoulder. A cocky grin moving across his handsome face. “Free beer and endless pussy. Need I say more?”

  Little Trevor who used to run around and chase the chickens was now all grown up and talking about pussy and beer.

  I snarled. “No, you don’t need to say anymore.”

  When I glanced over my shoulder, Corina and Mitchell were spinning around the dance floor, and she was laughing.

  “At least one of us is having fun,” I mumbled under my breath.

  Finishing my beer, I held it up for Trevor to give me another. The guy who was sitting a few seats down stared so hard I shot him a look. He smiled, and I returned the gesture.

  Corina’s voice filled my thoughts. “Harmless flirting will do us good.”

  “You’re not from here,” I stated.

  His eyes lit up. “No. Here on business.”

  Okay, he was cute. Really cute. Maybe some harmless flirting was what I needed to forget about Steed for a bit.

  “You?” he asked.

  I laughed. “Born, raised, and will most likely die here.”

  He got up and moved to the seat next to me. Sticking his hand out, he flashed me that nice smile of his, but this time it was wider and showed a dimple on his right cheek. “Mike Ryan.”

  Taking his hand, I replied, “Paxton Monroe. It’s nice to meet you, Mike.”

  He kissed the back of my hand. “The pleasure is mine.”

  “What brings you to Oak Springs, Texas?” I asked, taking another drink.

  “I work for an accounting firm in San Antonio. Hoping to pick up a rather big client.”

  Laughing, I asked, “Here?”

  “Ranching. Makes for good money.”

  I grinned. “That it does if you know what you’re doing.”

  “And this ranch knows what it’s doing. The Parker ranch. Cord here was kind enough to show me this place after I spent the afternoon with the owner.”

  “John Parker,” I said.

  His eyes lit up. “Yes. Do you know him?”

  Laughing, I replied, “Well everyone knows John. But yes, dated one of his sons a long time ago.”

  Mike pointed to Cord then Trevor with a questioning look. I chuckled. “No. His name is Steed.”

  His smile faded. Oh gesh. That must mean he had met Steed.

  “Ah, yes, Steed. The prodigal son who has returned home,” he said. I lifted my brow. “I met him this afternoon and introduced myself. I have to say, he’s making things a bit difficult for me.”

  Rolling my eyes, I took a long drink of my beer. “Sounds like him.”

  Mike stood and held his hand out. “Dance with me, Paxton?”

  A part of me needed to say no. But another part needed to have a bit of fun and that was exactly what I was going to do.

  “I’d love to dance with you, Mike.”

  I walked into the crowded bar and saw her. Paxton was dancing with that fucker Mike Ryan. The bad feeling I got about him earlier only intensified.

  “Hey, Steed Parker! Are you fucking kidding me? Dude. When did you get back into town?”

  I had to force myself to pull my eyes off Paxton and Mike. Todd Schneider stood in front of me wearing a huge grin. I shook his hand and returned his smile. “A month or so ago.”

  “Fucking hell, man. It’s been a long time. I bet Paxton was happy to see you again.”

  My eyes lifted to the dance floor where she was getting a little too comfortable with Mike. Todd followed my gaze.

  “Or maybe not. I figured y’all would hook right back up. Especially since Paxton hasn’t dated anyone since you left.”

  I shot him a look. “What about Joe?”

  He lost it, laughing. “Joe Miller? You’re kidding, right? Shit, they dated off and on but even I could tell there was nothing there, much to Joe’s disappointment. I’m sure he was happy as hell you took off. Remember how he liked Paxton in high school?”

  “Yeah. I remember.”

  “Who’s the guy she’s dancing

  “Accountant from San Antonio.”

  “Oh fuck. That spells boring.”

  I laughed, and Todd hit me on the back. “Let me buy you a drink.”

  “Sure, why not.” I followed Todd to the bar. Trevor glanced up and almost had a look of relief on his face. He’d called me almost an hour ago and said Mike had been feeding shots to Paxton, and she was willingly taking them. One quick call to mom to ask her to come sit at the house while I went out, and I was out the fucking door and speeding to get here. I’d imagined the different ways I was going to pound my fist into Mike’s face. Then I remembered how things went with Joe, and I simmered my ass down.

  I glanced over my shoulder and searched the dance floor until I saw them. The ache in my chest grew. Clearly Paxton was enjoying herself with Mike. Maybe she was over me. Maybe I read too much into that kiss and what she said in her kitchen. She said she never stopped loving me…but was she in love with me?

  “Hey, Todd. What can I do ya?” Cord asked, pulling my attention back to the bar.

  Todd reached his hand out for Cord’s. “Sup, Cord. I’ll take a Bud.

  Trevor set a shot of whiskey in front of me as his eyes met mine. I reached for it, lifted it, and smiled. Damn, I’d missed my brothers. I didn’t even have to say a word, and Trevor knew what I was thinking. He also knew I needed something to take the edge off.

  It was good to be home.

  “Thanks for calling,” I said after the shot burned down my throat.

  He nodded and went off to help someone else. Cord was talking to Todd, but he looked over and gave me a warning.

  I grinned. I wasn’t about to start any trouble in his bar. Yes, I was only here because Trevor told me some asshole was all up in what was mine, but I wasn’t going to make a repeat of what I did the other night at Paxton’s house.

  Todd hit me on the side of the arm. “Hey, let’s get together sometime. Catch up. I’d love for you to meet my wife. She’s expecting our first baby in a few months.”

  I stood and shook Todd’s hand. “I’d like that.”

  We exchanged numbers and Todd headed back over to the guys he was here with. I knew a few of them from high school, but we never hung out. Todd had worked during the summers at the ranch and that’s how we had become friends.

  “Don’t start any shit, Steed.”

  Dragging my eyes back across the dance floor, I caught sight of Paxton and Mike before focusing in on Cord.

  “I’m not here to make problems. Trevor was worried and gave me a call. I’m only here to keep my eye on her.”

  He lifted a brow. “And if he goes home with her?”

  The thought made me sick to my stomach. I didn’t answer. If Paxton did indeed leave with the fucker, I’d let it go. It would kill me, but I couldn’t and wouldn’t force myself on her.

  “Then it will be her choice, right?”

  Cord’s eyes grew sad. “She might, Steed. They’ve been pretty flirty with each other. Her friend Corina’s been dancing all night with Mitchell, pretty much.”

  I didn’t want to look back out in the crowd. The last time I did, Mike had his hand on Paxton’s ass.

  Pointing to the shot glass, Cord smiled. “I’m not letting you get drunk.”

  Laughing, I replied, “I don’t want to get drunk. Only want one more shot then I’m going to leave.”

  His eyes widened in surprise. “What?”

  I shrugged. “She survived before I was here, right?”

  A small line appeared between his eyes. “Yeah, well, she was never in here when you were gone. I’ve seen her in the bar more now that you’re back than I have in the five years it’s been open.”

  “I’m not her babysitter, Cord.”

  He pulled his head back and studied me. “So this is how you’re going to handle it, huh?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’re going to give up?”

  Sliding my shot glass over to him, I said, “I’ll take one more, then I’m leaving.”

  He lifted his hands in surrender. Everyone thought they had all the answers. Well, they fucking didn’t. Paxton still hated me. She wanted nothing to do with me and that was pretty damn clear.

  I glanced over my shoulder just in time to see her laughing as Mike spun her around. She didn’t look too torn up to me. I was the one sitting at home reliving our entire conversation over and over. Seeing her cry about gutted me. Hearing the pain and hurt in her voice killed me. And where was she? Out fucking dancing with some douche motherfucker who probably didn’t even know how to jack himself off let alone take care of her needs.

  Cord put the shot in front of me. I downed it. He set one more in front of me, and as I picked it up, the hair on the back of my neck lifted.


  Her voice sounded like an angel’s. Putting the shot glass to my lips, I tossed it back, set it on the bar and turned to face her.

  Mike stood there with his hand on her back. Paxton took a few steps away from him, breaking the contact.

  “Hey, how’s it going?” I glanced over to Mike and gave him a head nod before turning back and facing Cord. I stood, pulled out my wallet and threw some money on the bar.

  “I’ll see y’all later!” I called out to a confused Trevor.

  When I walked around the barstool, Paxton stepped in front of me, blocking my escape.

  “Where…where are you going?”

  “Home. Not really in the mood to be out.”

  She worried her bottom lip. “Did you just get here?” she asked.

  My gaze swung over to Mike. Fucking dick. What in the hell did she possibly see in this guy? City slicker asshole.

  “Yeah, enjoy your evening. Mike, good seeing you again.”

  Mike nodded, then gave me a fucking smirk that had me balling my fists. I had to take in a deep breath to calm myself down. I really wanted to punch the motherfucker.

  Stepping around Paxton, I made my way to the door. Each breath I took felt as if it burned my lungs. My feet were heavy as I made my way out into the cool fall night. How stupid was I to think I could walk back into her life like nothing happened?

  I was an idiot for leaving her in the first place.

  The lights on my truck flashed off and on as I unlocked it.

  “Steed! Wait!”

  Turning, my eyes widened as Paxton make her way over to me. She stopped in front of me and flashed that smile I fell in love with so long ago.

  “Would you be able to give me a ride home? Corina’s, um, she’s having fun with Mitchell and doesn’t want to leave.”

  I glanced back over to the bar entrance and frowned before staring back into those beautiful blue eyes of hers. “You want me to give you a ride home?”

  She chewed on the corner of her mouth. “If that’s a problem I’m sure I can talk Corina into leaving.”

  Paxton wasn’t leaving with Mike. A sense of relief washed over my entire body, and I let out the breath I was holding.

  “No. No, I don’t mind taking you home. Not at all.”

  There went that smile again. When she put her hand on my arm, my heart stopped. “Thank you.”

  Nodding, I placed my hand on her lower back and guided her to the passenger side of the truck. Opening her door, I waited for her to climb in, but she didn’t. She stared into my eyes.

  “I’m sorry about the other day with Chloe, if I stepped over the line.”

  I was lost in a swirl of blue. Even in the dark of night with just a few parking lights her eyes lit up.

  “You didn’t. She was so excited to win and then they told her what the prize was and her little face fell, it about killed me. She’s been talking about going with you non-stop.”

  She beamed. “It’ll be fun.”

  I nodded. The urge to reach out and touch her was overwhelming. “I’m sorry about Amelia. For what she told Chloe. And I’m sorry for what I said to you. It was heartless and I didn’t mean it.”

  Her eyes searched my face.
Bouncing from my lips back up to my eyes then back down again. It was like she was struggling with some deep eternal thought. Finally, she giggled then gave me a wink. “I do like you, so it’s not a lie.”

  I laughed. “Well, that’s better than you hating me.”

  Her smile faded while her gaze dropped to the ground.

  “Let’s get you home, pumpkin.”

  Slipping into the truck, she didn’t say a word.

  The drive back to her house was silent. It took less than ten minutes, but it felt like a fucking eternity.

  My heart was pounding as I pulled up and put the truck in park. Paxton sat with her hands folded in her lap. The weight of whatever she wanted to say was heavy in the truck. The only thing I knew to do was be patient. When it was clear she wasn’t about to, I opened my mouth to speak, but she beat me to it.

  “Will you come in?”

  Okay. That wasn’t what I thought she was going to say.


  She closed her eyes and shook her head. “No. What I mean is, will you let me show you something.”

  I wiggled my brows. Paxton let out a soft chuckle before reaching over and hitting me on the leg.

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  “Sure, I’d love to come in.”

  I jumped out of the truck and jogged around to the passenger side where I reached my hand out and helped Paxton down. She smiled, and I led the way to her front door.

  When we walked in, she tossed her keys into a small square bowl. My eyes about popped out of my head; it was the bowl I’d made her in eighth grade pottery class. I didn’t say anything as I continued to follow her. When she made her way over to the steps, I paused.

  Paxton glared. “I don’t want to sleep with you, Steed. I only want to show you something.”

  My ego took a serious hit, and I couldn’t help the look of disappointment on my face. Not because I realized I wasn’t going to have sex with Paxton, because trust me, I was fucking disappointed in that. But because she didn’t seem to want me. At all.

  “Is it something naughty?” I teased while following her up the stairs.

  “No,” she replied with a lighthearted laugh. I could tell she was a little tipsy with the way she was walking. I had to admit it was nice to have a bit of lighter banter between us.


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