Rocking Away: A Heavy Metal Romance (Slava Pasha Book 3)

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Rocking Away: A Heavy Metal Romance (Slava Pasha Book 3) Page 2

by Herrick, A. D.

  Our families have always been close and therefore we have always been close to one another’s families.

  Our parents instilled in us that our friendship should always come first, business second. That is unless there happens to be a lovely woman that catches one of us in their snares. In that case, business came third, your woman first, always. In Katinka’s case, a man. That had helped keep us together.

  We watched as so many friends we made in the music circuit crashed and burned by allowing greed, pride, and temptations pull them apart. That didn’t mean that we were without flaws or infallible. It just meant when one of us fell there was always someone right there to help them get back on their feet. It was never pretty nor was it ever easy. I know this first hand.

  I myself had struggled with the fame, money, and women. If it wasn’t for my brothers and Kiev’s dad, I would be a broke junkie living in the streets.

  When I found myself struggling with addiction and began to drain my accounts Kiev’s dad saved me by freezing my accounts while Kiev, Ivan, Nikolia, and Tosha held me up in a cabin in the middle of nowhere and sobered me up. It was the roughest three months of my life. The first week I thought I was going to die. But they stayed by my side the entire time and helped me get through it. That’s what brothers do. They stand by your side no matter what, through the good and the bad.

  Kiev’s dad taught us how to invest in ourselves and our band so that we would never have to struggle with money personally and within the band. We got to make music and tour as our portfolios grew. If it wasn’t for him constantly looking over our shoulders I would have ruined my life and my career.

  Please allow me to introduce myself, my name is Damon Sokolov and I’m a drug addict. My DOC, Drug of choice, was heroin and cocaine. Today I am three years one hundred and seventy-two days sober. Every day is a struggle for me to not use. But I know that if I do I will not only lose my place in the band but I will also lose my best friends, my family and my soon to be born niece. Every day I find a new reason to live and stay clean.

  Since getting clean I had devoted my life to clean living, submitting my body to grueling vigorous workout routines, clean eating, and as many women as I could get my hands on.

  They say that drug addicts are typically poor people. I am a self-made millionaire and I can promise you, addiction has no social class. I found myself laid out in hotel rooms as high as the Good Year blimp with other millionaires, working class, and street people. There is no social class, racial divide, or physical attribute that distinguished an addict from a non-addict. You can never judge a book by its cover. Trust me, I would know.

  We scheduled the last show on our tour for Moscow Russia. We all had extended family here and used the extra time to visit and catch up. Katinka was the Bell of the ball. Everyone was so excited to see that the Von family line was going to continue. Even though she was married to Tosha and the baby would technically be a Mikhailov.

  Seeing Katinka and Tosha happily married and expecting a baby got our elders riled up and harping on all of us to settle down and get married. Ivan, Kiev, and I were able to dodge the bullets much easier than Nikolia.

  We had the excuse of not finding the right one to settle down with and were able to give the promise to keep looking. Whereas Nik had introduced everyone to his girlfriend Evie and even though she was not Russian she was able to ensnare them with her charm and endear her to them by the end of the week.

  If she was trying to find a way to ensure Nik proposed, she definitely nailed it. Though little did she know, Nik had all of us guys go with him to pick out a ring for her two months ago. He was just waiting for the right moment to propose.

  Having experienced heartbreak at the hands of his last girlfriend, Nik had opted to take things slower and with more caution, this go around. The two still had not settled on living arrangements and would be living an ocean apart. The last long distance relationship blew up in his face. We all silently prayed that this one would be able to stay strong through the distance. With Nik in Knoxville and Evie in London, it was now a waiting game to see who would cave first and make the move. I honestly hoped it was Evie. I believe that would squash any lingering doubt and reservations Nik had.

  I placed a dollop of hair gel in my hands and ran them through my hair. My thick brown tufts complied. After a few passed through my hair I had finally achieved the desired effect. I liked the image the clean cut style gave. It was an illusion to cover my devilish thoughts. Giving myself a wink I washed my hands and packed up my toiletries.

  “We have thirty minutes McSlutty,” Katinka called from the other room in a sing-song voice. I rolled my eyes and surveyed the bathroom a final time ensuring I had grabbed everything. Giving myself one last look in the mirror, satisfied with the reflection looking back at me, I grabbed my bag and left the room.

  I tossed the toiletry bag on the bed and gave a dramatic spin. “Perfect as always,” I bowed dramatically at Katinka’s feet. I stood back up and gave her a sultry look and winked.

  “Can it, McSlutty. We all know you are beautiful.” She rolled her eyes and then batted them dramatically, mocking me.

  “What can I say? My cream shake brings all the girls to the yard.” I snapped my fingers in a Z motion in front of Katinka’s face and rolled my head in a wide circle.

  She laughed and shook her head. “You are an adorable idiot.”

  “That, baby momma, is why you love me.”

  “Ugh don’t say baby momma anymore. Call me something else, anything else. I just wanna feel sexy again. I am so tired of feeling like a beached whale. I don’t even feel sexy anymore.” She pleads despairingly as she slumped into the bed. Her hand flopping out beside her as her back hit the mattress.

  “Why does your shirt have a rooster on it?”

  I chuckled. “Because I’m so cocky,”

  She rolled her eyes. “Make me feel sexy again. It’s your brotherly duty.”

  “Nothing about that statement sounds right, ya know.”

  I dropped to my knees and unfastened her sandals, gently removing them from her distended feet. Taking one of her swollen feet in my hands I began to massage her instep, eliciting a moan from her lips.

  “You are an extremely gorgeous goddess of a woman. You are perfect in size both with and without a baby bump… You have the voice of an angel and you make cocks hard around the world.” I cooed to her in earnest.

  “Every woman wants to be you and every man wants to bang you.” I smiled to myself as she continued to moan in delight. This woman had me wrapped around her little finger.

  “And any man that doesn’t want to bang you wants to be you to bang your husband which is still a compliment of the highest regard.” She gave a hearty chuckle.

  I used the pad of my thumbs to massage her heels.

  “You have the silkiest skin, the softest hair. Your eyes shine with mischief and entrap the soul. You smell like sunshine and taste like…”

  “Finish that sentence and I will chop off your dick and shove it down your throat.” Tosha’s deep voice boomed across the room. So enraptured in my manipulation of Katinka’s feet, I hadn’t heard him enter.

  Not missing a step I released her foot and grabbed the other one giving it the same attention as the first.

  “Sit down, shut up, and massage your wife’s temples, Baby Daddy,” I called over my shoulder as I worked my thumbs across Katinka’s instep.

  Katinka moaned in response.

  Tosha heeded my advice and climbed onto the bed. If Tosha was anything, he wasn’t a fool. HE knew his wife was miserable in her current state and would do anything to alleviate her discomfort. Cradling Katinka’s head in his lap he began to massage her temples. A sigh of content rolled across her lips.

  “Don’t stop. Tell me more,” Katinka pled.

  I smirked up at Tosha arrogantly.

  “Let’s see… you are a lyrical genius and all songwriters aspire to be you. You lyrics are akin to the sounds of heaven and as deep as
the pits of hell. Your sharp tongue and quick wit is no match for any of us lowly men.” I droned on and on until I wanted to cry, praising everything about her. Honestly, it wasn’t hard. Katinka was honestly the most amazing woman I had ever met aside from my own mother and she was easily the most attractive. I was just ready to get home and off of my knees.

  “What’s going on here? Preggo orgy?” Kevin teased as he walked into the room. This hotel really needed to work on their security. I made a mental note to file a complaint on my way out.

  Tosha growled from his place on the bed. Being a human pillow to his wife left him at a disadvantage. He could do nothing but continue to massage her temples and tell her sweet nothings while shooting malevolent looks at Kevin.

  “You and your band of traveling dildos ready?” I called to him over my shoulder. Giving Katinka’s feet one last pass. I shot to my feet and embraced Kevin in a manly half-hug.

  Kevin laughed and punched me in the shoulder. “Everyone has been waiting for your pansy ass. While we were all downstairs having breakfast, you were up here playing dress-up and braiding hair.”

  “So what you mean to tell me is you were downstairs involved with a circle jerk with a bunch of dudes while I was up here alone with a gorgeous woman? Oh yes, however, did I go wrong?” I sarcastically spat.

  “A band of sexy mother fucking dudes get that straight,” Shep shouted from the door.

  The room echoed with laughter. That’s what I loved about these guys. They could give it just as well as they took it.

  “I’m packed and ready to roll. Just waiting for Princess Prissy Pants who is still laid out in the bed.”

  “I don’t like that name either, think of a better one.” Her voice was groggy from the near-comatose state Tosha and I had put her in.

  “Let’s go satanoy ikru Satan spawn,” I called out to her as I quickly grabbed my bags and fled the room knocking Shep out of my way as I ran.

  I knew I would regret it later, but someone needed to lite a fire under her ass or we would have never left the hotel.

  Chapter Two

  I had beat Katinka out of the hotel and caught a cab with Ivan, Kiev, and G to the airport. I knew I would still have to share a plane with her but I hoped that the head start would give her time to cool off. I also planned to use that time to plan my groveling.

  I sat with my back to the plane. My sole focus was on the cabin door as I anticipated Katinka’s arrival. Everyone from Dark Tide had arrived, Kevin, Shep, G, Ryan, and Evan. They had been good friends of ours and had become more like brothers over the past year.

  We co-headlined our entire European tour and most of our U.S. tour together. Spending days and nights together had bonded us in many ways. Dark Tide had also put on benefit concerts to aid families suffering from cancer. A benefit they did in honor for Nik who had beat cancer just before the tour started and had a cancer scare during our U.S. tour that led up to the worldwide tour.

  Katinka had a fling with both Kevin and Shep before she and Tosha got together and thankfully everyone had been able to look past it. No one harbored any bad feelings or ill will toward one another which was a sign that these guys were family. That really secured their place in our tight group.

  My body went rigid when I heard the click-clacking of heels on the steps outside the cabin door. I sent a silent prayer to God begging for a reprieve from Katinka’s sharp tongue.

  I watched as she emerged in the doorway. My heart stopped in my chest. I swallowed the lump in my throat. Perspiration began to gather at my temples. I had to fight the urge to wipe my brow. I refused to show weakness when the viper was about to attack.

  I suppressed a groan when she took the seat directly beside mine. A sickly sweet smile spread across her lips when she looked in my direction. Tosha and Nik took the seats unswervingly in front of us. They smiled brightly, eager to witness Katinka’s triumph. I ducked my head into my hand and looked out the window, contemplating the list of excuses I could give giving me a plausible reason to disembark from the plane so that I could get away with taking a commercial flight home.

  My brain drew a blank and I huffed out my defeat eliciting laughs from Tosha and Nik who watched with arrogant smirks on their faces.

  I felt Katinka place her small delicate hand on my forearm. Her well-manicured nails left a trail of white striped down my arm where she had dragged them with deliberately calculated pressure.

  “Privet, Damon Hello, Damon.” Her smile promised pain and discomfort, a full twenty hours of it.

  I let out a heavy breath. “Privet, Katinka.”

  She continued to trail her nails up and down my arm. If she were any other woman my cock would be ramrod stiff right now. But knowing her intent and the fact that her husband and brother were sitting directly across from us, my cock lay flaccid in my boxers.

  “Kak Dela? How are you?” Shivers ran down my spine and I fought to swallow. My throats immediately dry, yet still, I tried.

  “ya khorosho, kak ty? I am good, how are you?” I attempted to smile, though it was a weak lifting at the curve of my lips. My throat felt like it was caving in on itself.

  Katinka smirked. The look that crossed her face promised nothing good. My stomach filled with dread.

  The flight attendant placed beers in front of me, Tosha, and Nikolia and a water for Katinka. I snatched the beer off the table without looking at the label and put it to my lips. I would need all the liquid fortification I could get. The cold crisp liquid soothed my dry throat and knocked the edge off enough for me to relax a little in my seat.

  I hadn’t noticed how tightly I had been gripping the arm of the chair until I spread out my fingers. My knuckles were white and ached as I extended them out, slowly manipulating the joints to increase the circulation that had been cut off by my death grip.

  Katinka licked her lips seductively taking a leisurely sip of her offered water. “YA khorosho spasibo I am good thank you.”

  She leaned in closer to me. Slipping her hand into mine, her arm and shoulder flush along mine.

  She tilted her head toward me, her lips gently grazing my ear, the cool moisture from her lips mixed with the heat of her breath as she whispered, “Ty boish'sya? Are you scared?”

  The heady combination of the hot and the cold along the shell of my ear along with the soft air of her breath caused my cock to twitch. She blew gently along my ear sending a shiver through my body. Goosebumps spread across my exposed skin.

  I mentally chastised my cock for reacting. Heat began to creep down my neck.

  “Da, da, Yes, yes.” I cried out as I struggled to escape, curling my body in on itself against the wall of the plane.

  Tosha and Nik’s laughter echoed off the hull of the plane, as they doubled over and gaffed. Other on the plane looked over in amusement. Word had gotten around swiftly about me calling Katinka devil spawn. I knew they were just as excited as Nik and Tosh to see how my fate played out.

  I narrowed my eyes and shot daggers at them. I would make those fuckers pay.

  “Just tell me what you want me to do so that you will quit torturing me.” I pled.

  Anything would be better than what she was doing to me. My cock was rock hard because of her teasing. Fear and arousal mingled sending chills down my back, my cock began to throb and sweat seeped out of my body. A highly uncomfortable position to be in. It was her intent, to make me uncomfortable and she had succeeded momentously.

  She was the one woman I would never touch and at the same time the sexiest woman I have ever laid my eyes on. Here she was pushing all of my buttons knowing the effect she was having on me just to torture me on the plane while putting the fear of God and all things holy in me.

  We hadn’t even taken off yet and it would be over twenty hours before I could handle the pressure she had started building in my balls.

  I could feel them drawing up as my cock grew harder and harder. I didn’t care that her husband and brother were sitting across from us anymore. I just wanted her
to stop before it was too late and I creamed myself.

  She stretched over the arm rest. Her ample breast resting on my arm as she whispered in my ear, “Will you do anything?” Her tongue darted out and caressed my lobe. Sucking it into her mouth she released it with a plop.

  “Da,” I cried again, still huddled in the corner of my seat.

  She leaned back in her seat, resting her hands on her stomach she giggled softly to herself.

  The loss of her body heat and warm breath on my ear left me feeling cold and dejected. Like a bucket of ice water had been doused over my head, sobering me up immediately.

  To any outsider, she looked like a sweet, innocent angel incapable of hurting a fly.

  The reality was she was an evil temptress skilled in the art of manipulation and sex appeal.

  “Have another beer and I will tell you.” She said sweetly, closing her eyes and softly humming to herself.

  I finished the beer in my hands and shot Nik and Tosha glares, threatening retribution. Raising my hand I signaled the attendant and asked for another beer.


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