Rocking Away: A Heavy Metal Romance (Slava Pasha Book 3)

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Rocking Away: A Heavy Metal Romance (Slava Pasha Book 3) Page 3

by Herrick, A. D.

  The other guys on the plane talked quietly amongst each other, their eyes darting back to where Katinka and I sat every so often. I felt sure they had all witnessed Katinka’s attack on me. I couldn’t hear what they were saying but I could see them sneaking glances my way. The bastards. I couldn’t fault them if I tried. No one wanted to be on the receiving end of Katinka’s spite however, everyone wanted to watch it unfold.

  The attendant brought back my beer and handed it to me with a wink, completely unaware of the tension and situation unfolding between Katinka and me.

  She was an attractive blonde. Her hair was pulled back in a tight bun which accentuated her heart shaped face, wide hazel eyes, and plump red lips. Her lips curved up in a smile when she noticed my eyes staring at them. She had lips that were made for sucking cock.

  I followed her lips down her slim neck. The top three buttons of her white shirt were undone giving me a glimpse of the tops of her full breast. The soft pink mounds begged for my mouth to be on them. She had a trim waist and long beautiful legs. The short black skirt she wore made her legs appear longer than they were. I couldn’t tell what shoes she was wearing because my eyes kept drifting back up to her lips. I assumed they were slim heels, adding to her ever-present sex appeal.

  The captain came over the speaker informing us of our departure. We would be taxing out in a few minutes. I wouldn’t fuck her right now. We still had a twenty-hour flight. However, before we landed I intended to find myself buried deep in her wet pussy. Her lips begged to take my load and I was feeling generous.

  I shot her a wink, a silent promise of things to come. Her cheeks flushed and she excused herself, promising to return once we were in the air. I ran my tongue across my lower lip seductively causing her to inhale sharply. Oh yes, she would be mine.

  I felt eyes boring holes in my head and turned to see Katinka studying me. I was unable to read the look in her eyes. The smile that spread across her face was not one I was familiar with. A sick sense of terror filled my stomach.

  The beer I had craved moments earlier no longer appealed to me. Setting it on the table in front of me I turned to Tosha and Nik hoping their faces would give something away since they had yet to break their vow of silence other than to laugh at my expense.

  Looking them both over, the dread in my stomach grew heavier. Both of their faces were masks of confusion. Whatever Katinka had rolling around in her pretty little head, she had obviously not shared. Nik made eye contact with me and simply shook his head telling me he had no clue. Tosha’s brows furrowed together as he studied his wife. He too was looking for a sign or tell that would give away her devious plan.

  I laid my head back against the headrest and closed my eyes. Letting out the breath I had been holding. I had resigned to my fate and prayed that Katinka would take it easy on me.

  Katinka’s eyes remained closed as she started to hum. I recognized the beat and my eyes grew wide. A sick smile crossed her face. She began to sing familiar lyrics. “It’s been a long time comin’, And the table’s turned around, ‘Cause one of us is goin’, One of us is goin’ down…” Sick Puppies. All of the guys started singing along with her. Mirth laced their voices.

  I slumped back in defeat, acquiescent to the fact that whatever is coming was going to be bad. Why did I have to call her Satan spawn? Surely I knew that she was an emotional, hormonal wreck and I broke the cardinal rule, never tell a pregnant woman is fat and never say anything that can even remotely be taken negatively. Hell, I had massaged her feet for her and told her all of the amazing things about herself that she needed to hear.

  The song ended and she began to sing Jenny by Nothing More. I strained to understand what she was trying to tell me. A song about revenge and now a song about mental illness. My brain began to hurt with all of the turmoil whirling around in it.

  “’Cause I don’t feel like I’m getting through to you. Let me paint this clear, life is short my dear…” She continued to sing. The guys joining in their voices echoing off the plane’s interior, their voices blended effortlessly.

  When they had finished the lyric I began singing a song of my own half in humor and half in an attempt to plea for aid from the guys. Skillet Hero was the perfect song. “I need a hero to save me now…” A collective round of chuckles erupted and the guys joined in. stealing a glance in Katinka’s direction I saw a genuine smile flash across her face. She sucked in her lips in a failed attempt to hide it but it was too late. I had already seen it. My stomach began to unfurrow just a smidgen.

  Eventually, she caved and gave in singing along with us. I reached out and grasped her hand in mine, giving it a light squeeze. She turned her head to face me and gave me a brief smile and wink and returned to singing.

  We continued our sing along for several songs. The comradery that we had all had for one another on full display. This was us. Unfiltered and uncensored. A wild crazy bunch chasing the thrill of rock and roll bonded through love and friendship.

  I began to relax in my seat. My shoulders no longer pulled up to my ears but now at their normal station. My deltoids thanked me as they began to relax, my traps following suit. I stretched my neck from side to side and rolled out the muscles.

  I looked over to see Katinka staring at me again. I immediately froze. She had done it. The master at subterfuge she had allowed me to relax before she pounced and continued her torment.

  “You know I love you, right?” Her question caught me off guard. I jerked back and studied her face. Her mask was impenetrable. I couldn’t get a read whatsoever. I gave a quick nod of my head.

  “Yes, you know I love you more than life itself, right?” I threw back at her.

  She smiles and nodded her head.

  “I know what I want.”

  My eyebrows shot into my hairline. “You do?”


  “What is it?”

  She smirked. “You’re not going to like it. But it is important to me.”

  “Well, what is it?”

  “I want you to go celibate.”

  “What? Why? NO!” I couldn’t help but shout, catching the attention of everyone on board.

  Why was she trying to kill me? Celibate? Sex was the only vice I had left. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why she would take that from me too.

  “But sex is all I have left.”

  She nodded her head

  “Promise me you won’t have sex with anyone unless you plan to enter a relationship with them. A legitimate relationship, not a hit it and decide immediately it won’t work and quit it.”

  “But I already made plans with the leggy blonde that brings beer.”

  “She is our flight attendant and you don’t shit where you eat. That is unless you plan to enter a romantic relationship with her.”

  “Have we had her before?”

  “Yes, Samantha has been with us since we purchased the plane.”

  I was confounded. Until today I had never even noticed the woman. I felt like a real and true ass. We had this plane for over 8 years. Why had I not noticed her before?

  “But why are you doing this to me?”

  “Damon, lyublyu love, it’s time you stop hiding and find someone that means something to you.”

  “I’m sorry for calling you devils spawn. I promise I won’t do it again.”

  I pled my case nearly in tears. Katinka would hear nothing of it. I offered her anything and everything. Down to my left kidney, still, nothing would sway her.

  “But why me? Why not Kiev, or Ivan. Hell, even Kevin and Shep. G is still single too.”

  She shook her head. “G is getting married once we get home and right now my focus is on you. You have a huge and beautifully amazing heart. It’s time to quit hiding it and find someone to share it with.”

  “But I don’t wanna.” I cried out like a petulant child, my arms crossing my chest in a huff.

  Could I have easily agreed and fornicated without her knowing? Yes, but that would be deceitful and on
e thing I have learned long ago was that you don’t lie to your friends and family no matter what.

  I badly wanted to just nod and agree and get some on the side but I knew that would break Katinka’s heart and her trust. When I gave my word I meant it and I wasn’t going to start breaking my word now. Though that didn’t mean I wouldn’t fight for my life to win this or find a loophole.

  “But what if I just stick the tip in, you know, just the tip.”

  Katinka looked at me like I was an idiot. I could hear Tosha and Nik try and stifle their laughter. The table was bumped and both Nik and Tosha let out startled cries. Katinka had kicked them both. I covered my mouth to staunch my own laughter.

  “D, the tip counts, so, no.”

  “What about blowies, can I at least still get them?”

  “No, it’s not acceptable.”

  “But what if I find a woman and I fall completely in love and when we go to finally do it she is horrible. Then I am stuck with a horrible lay. Do you really wish that for me? Are you really so unkind?” I knew I was walking a very thin line.

  “D, if you were madly in love with a woman anything she did would be amazing to you. Love blinds you.”

  I scoffed. “There is no scientific proof to back your theory.”

  Without removing her eyes from mine she called out to Tosha.

  “Tosh, baby, tell D I’m right.”

  Without hesitation, he fell over himself agreeing and backing up his wife.

  “Dude, turn over your man card. You don’t get to keep it if your wife is carrying your balls in her purse.” I held out my hand expectantly.

  “Fuck off,” He spat out.

  I shrugged him off and turned back to Katinka. I had to win this battle or at lease scavenge what I would of my man card.

  “What do I get to do?”

  “Well, let’s see. You get to date women until you find one that suits you. Then you will date her exclusively. You know, bring her around, and let us meet her. And by us I mean me, so no wise ideas. Then if you guys are both serious and want to continue a relationship and I believe that you are both sincere, I will give my blessing.”

  “So you want me to date women, pick one, make sure you like her, and then I can bang her?”

  Her brows dropped suspiciously. “It’s not something you can manufacture overnight D. I want to see genuine, real deal stuff here.”

  I contemplated her offer. I needed to feel as though I had some sort of control of the situation.

  “So can I kiss them?”

  She smiles and winked “Only above the waist, preferably above the neck.”

  I groaned in defeat and scrubbed my hands over my face.

  “Maybe I wasn’t wrong, devil spawn,” I mumbled under my breath

  “Oh darling, you were completely right.” She crooked her fingers into horned above her head and wiggled her nose giving a goofy smile that was supposed to look evil, but she was too excited from her win, resulting in laughter from my own traitorous lips.

  My inner man whore was sobbing like a bitch while I tried to put up a confident front. I am sure I will be crying tonight after I beat my cock to death in the shower. Thank God she didn’t take that away too.

  “Baby, can I see your purse. Damon forgot to put his balls in there.” Tosha tormented.

  I planned to punch him in the dick first chance I got. I gave him a warning look. He knew he pushed the wrong button but laughed anyways. His wife couldn’t protect him all the time.

  He forgets we all live in the same house.

  “Ha Ha fucker,” I mouthed to him.

  Chapter Three

  The flight from London to Knoxville was the longest of my life. On the outside, everything appeared normal. The conversation flowed seamlessly, laughs were shared and we talked a lot of shop. On the inside, my mind was a frazzled mess. I couldn’t get Katinka’s challenge out of my mind.

  Half of my mind told me to just play along and the other half begged to just give it a shot and stick with it. The worst part was exiting the plane and seeing the look of disappointment on Samantha’s face. I gave her an apologetic shrug before I felt Katinka’s hand in the middle of my back as she unceremoniously shoved me out of the plane.

  I shot her a glare but she quickly dismissed it. “Just give it a try. You never know what you might find.”

  “A hard cock and no relief in sight, that’s what I’ll find.” I jerked my shoulder away from her, still wounded from her emasculating challenge.

  The five of us in the band would be going back to the house we shared with Katinka while Kevin and the guys of Dark Tide would be going back to their own places.

  We parted ways with friendly hugs, back slaps’ and promises to keep in touch. Dark Tide was only going to be in town for a month before they headed back out on the road. Unlike us, they didn’t have the luxury of taking a whole year off. They had meet and greets, promos, and studio times booked for the next few months, booked solid as a matter of fact. They were a relatively new band, having only been on the circuit for six years. They were lucky to get the month off to be around when Katinka gave birth.

  I made my way to my old Dodge Quad Cab, Betty, sitting in the nearly empty parking lot. I had called ahead and scheduled for it to be dropped off for me. The silver paint glimmered in the fading light of the day. It was fifteen years old but I didn’t care. I loved driving it just as much as I did the day I bought it.

  It had been my first car. I bought it with the money I had earned doing gigs with the guys in the early days. Every dent, scratch, and blemish had a memory I refused to give up. This was the truck I grew up in, both literally and figuratively.

  Opening the door, the smell of old leather caused my lips to quirk up. It was a familiar smell that brought back memories of when we were teenagers, young, dumb, and full of life. With millions in the bank, I still couldn’t bring myself to replace her. Betty would forever be my reminder of the early days. When we thought we were on top of the world and nothing could stand in our way.

  Cranking the engine my heart beat in content happiness as the motor purred to life. The hum of the engine reminded me of all the women I have taken in the bed of the truck. The long nights out at clubs resulting in even longer night with legs wrapped around my waist, as I drilled into one faceless woman after another faceless woman. My cock twitched in anticipation. Though it would be sadly disappointed, I planned to head straight home. No detour, no side trips no matter how much it ached.

  Pulling out of the parking lot I made a left onto Valley. Turning to the right would have been the most direct route but I had other plans before heading home. Realizing that going directly home was not the direction I should be going after all.

  I turned on the radio and let the music carry me away. Sounds of the saxophone lured my thoughts away as the soft Jazz played through the speakers. My mind lost in the endless memories that I carried close to my chest. Memories that played on repeat when I was alone.

  I pulled into the parking lot of my destination and jumped out of the truck, shutting the door behind me.

  I buried my hands in my pockets, my head cast down as I made the trek up the grassy knoll.

  Reaching the marker I slumped down into the grass each hand resting on the concrete slab to either side of me. I closed my eyes and spoke out into the evening sky.

  “Hey mom, dad. So we had a great tour over there. Tink and Tosh finally got together, you were right. You guys saw it coming a mile away. They actually got married and now they are expecting a baby. A girl, can you believe that? Tink is actually about to pop. I have no idea what they plan to name her. Tink and Tosh have been keeping it a secret. I wonder if they even know themselves.”

  I brought my hands up to scrub at my face. It had been too long since I have been here to see them. The emotions I had suppressed coming to the surface. I did nothing to hide them. Alone out in the cemetery, I openly wept. It felt good to release all of the emotions I have kept bottled up. The only time I felt
free to release them was here, with my parents. I missed them more than anything.

  “Tink actually challenged me. She asked me to find someone and get serious. Can you believe it? Katinka is doing what you had been trying to do for years. She had wrangled me in. I don’t think any woman will ever come as close to perfect as you, mom. Tink is a close second but she is spoken for. How about you both wish me some luck. I am going to give this a shot but I honestly don’t have any expectations. How will I know if a woman is good enough if you’re not here to give the final say?”

  I stood up and brushed off my jeans. Inhaling deeply I cleared my face and pulled back my shoulders.

  “I will be around for a while so I will be coming to see you more often than once every year or so. Tink put us on lockdown for the baby’s first year. I can’t say I am mad about it, though. It will do me some good to be home. I love you.”

  Pressing my index and middle finger to my lips I bent down and placed them on each of my parent’s headstones.


  Pulling through the black wrought iron gates flanking the stone wall the tension in my shoulders began to dissipate. As I drove up the tree lined driveway my heart lurched forward. I was so good to be home. The Beautiful expansive Tuscan Countryside home sat waiting for me at the end of the circular drive. The house set on a secluded waterfront lot, away from the hustle and bustle of downtown. I couldn’t wait to get inside. The jetlag had begun to set in and I wanted nothing more than a hot shower and my bed.

  I closed the door behind me and dropped my keys in the glass bowl on the entry table in the middle of the foyer. The house had been decorated by Katinka herself. It held a classic charm mingled with a timeless elegance, just like her.


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