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Skin and Bones

Page 22

by Susan Harris

  Ever dodged away from his lunge with a speed she did not possess. She rolled on the ground and quickly regained her footing. Bracing her feet, she felt an onslaught of adrenaline flush her veins.

  This is who you are… a warrior… a defender of the weak…

  Believe it. Remember it.

  The crazy was back in her head, but she couldn’t let that distract her from Donnelly. The moment she hesitated, the second she dropped her guard, he would have the upper hand, and she would die. Death surrounded them like a blanket of fear and power. Ever didn’t want to die, so she would have to kill Donnelly to survive. But would she been able to wash his blood from her hands?

  You have slain many in battle… do not become weak of heart now…

  She swallowed hard and shook away the thoughts in her mind. Donnelly studied her, the glint of his own madness visible in his eyes. For some reason, Donnelly believed she was his salvation, but he was deluded, blinded by bloodlust and possibly his tumor. Ever’s only hope was to hold him off for as long as it took the team to realize she was gone and come for her.

  She had to believe they would come for her.

  Ever also had to bury the questions the bubbled in her mind. How had she been able to fight back? It wasn’t as if her love of martial arts movies could have taught her anything like what it had taken to beat Donnelly back. She certainly had never used a roundhouse kick to divest anyone of his or her weapon as she had Donnelly…

  Feet apart, she took a defensive stance, unsure how she knew where to place her feet and hands. Her fists clenched, and she felt no fear… only an eagerness to fight.

  “Muscle memory is an amazing thing, is it not, Ever?”

  Ever blinked her eyes but didn’t respond, and Donnelly took that as permission to continue.

  “You see, when a patient hasn’t used certain muscles in a long time, it takes a few goes before the muscle will remember to act how it should. But it will always remember.”

  His eyes roamed over her, and she stifled a shudder. She let him ramble on because it bought her a little more time. Her phone vibrated in her pocket, but she couldn’t risk taking it out. That would anger the monster before her, and she was already trying his patience.

  Donnelly started to circle her, and she moved her body to echo his. He smiled, a feral thing that made her skin itch. Time ticked by at a slow pace as the forest remained quiet around her. Part of her felt she should have stayed in her cozy little classroom where she was safe from monsters, and part of her reveled in the rush of excitement that seemed to boil her blood.

  Or maybe it was just the fact she was heading on the train to Crazy Town.

  “You told me if I came to you, then Fern and the team would be safe. Did you keep your word, Stephen, as I have?”

  Donnelly tapped his index finger to his lips. “I have. The wolf should have the girl by now, unless the property went kaboom like my aunt’s house. I left a little message for him with the nymph… I’m sure he is on his way now. I wouldn’t want him to miss watching you die.”

  Derek was coming for her—she could feel it in her heart.

  “He won’t let you kill me, Stephen. Is that how you want to die—mauled to death by a werewolf? If you stop this now, we can get you to a hospital, make you comfortable, and ease your pain.”

  Donnelly sniggered. “I won’t feel the pain for much longer, sweet Ever. Once I kill you, I will be reborn. If there was another like you, then maybe I could have kept you, but alas. You, my dear, are special.”

  Ever snorted out a laugh. “I keep telling you, Stephen, I am not special at all. If you kill me, it will not save you, only bring you a step closer to death. Can you not feel it? Death—it lingers around us, snapping at our ankles for a taste. If it’s coming for us both, Stephen, then I can accept it… but can you?”

  “Shut up!”

  His scream of fury startled her, yet she didn’t even flinch. She let him mumble to himself and bang the side of his head with his hand. She waited for him to lash out, and then either she would die or he would. She readied herself for his attack, but it never came.

  In an instant, the air of madness was replaced by a façade of calm. “Stop trying to anger me. What’s amazing is you really do believe that you are as human as me.”

  “You’re not human. You’re a monster.”

  “True,” Donnelly agreed. “But it still doesn’t negate the fact that I can feel the power under your skin, waiting to show through. I read all about you, Doctor. Ever Chace… abandoned at birth, raised by a witch and a Druid. Maybe your real parents were more than human. Don’t you think you should have found out sooner? I’ve never sensed anything like you before… you are anything but a mere human, Ever.”

  Ever couldn’t stop the blaze of hope that flooded her. Could he be right? Was she what she had longed for all her life… to be more than human… to have a purpose? Her eyes must have given her away, as Donnelly curled up his lips at her.

  “You feel it, too, now—don’t you? The realization that you could have been more? That you could have been feared and revered for who you are? You could have been worshipped, and now I will be.”

  She blinked, and that was all he needed. He sprang forward, and his fist connected with her cheek. Pain blistered, sending a shockwave of agony throughout her body. Ever stumbled back but didn’t lose her footing. He came at her again, wildly tossing his fists about in the hopes that another would connect. As he went left, Ever kicked out again with her right foot. He grunted but kept up his assault.

  Punching upward, her fist connected with his jaw, and blood splattered from his mouth as Donnelly went down. Her hand burned as Donnelly shirked backward and slowly got to his feet. He ran the back of his hand over his mouth, wiping the blood from his lips, but not the blood that stained his teeth. Ever caught a glint of sliver and cursed as Donnelly had somehow managed to get his hands on the blade once again.

  “Oh, to have a night with you, Ever. To explore, to taste, to cut… but I grow tired of you now, and it’s time you prayed to whatever God you worship.”

  He roared and came at her, and Ever braced for impact… one that never came. A blur of chocolate fur flew past her and knocked Donnelly flat on his ass again. The wolf wrapped its teeth around Donnelly’s wrist, and Ever winced as she heard the crack of bone under the wolf’s grip. Donnelly let out a wail of pure agony as he tried to pull his wrist from the jaws of the wolf. He was unsuccessful.

  A growl so sinister it made the hairs on her arms stand to attention erupted from the wolf’s throat. Donnelly attempted to get up, but the wolf sank its jaws tighter around the man’s flesh, and Ever saw fear in Donnelly’s eyes.

  “I should’ve killed you, wolf, when I had the chance,” Donnelly grunted, earning a skeptical huff from the wolf.

  Seemingly, the wolf didn’t believe Donnelly could hurt him, much less kill him.


  The wolf turned to look at her, and she saw Derek in his eyes. She held his gaze and smiled. The wolf let go of Donnelly’s wrist and padded toward her. She sank down to her knees, and as the wolf stopped in front of her, she ran her fingers through his fur, the bristles a comforting sensation.

  “Thank you for coming for me.”

  The wolf simply narrowed his gaze as if to say, Don’t be ridiculous, of course, I would come.


  The word sounded in her head, and it was Derek’s voice that had spoken. The wolf tilted his head as he sat down on his haunches. He pawed at her knee, and she continued to run her fingers over his fur.


  Ever smiled and nodded. “We’ll see. You owe me a proper date first.”

  The wolf sneezed, and she laughed.

  Lost in sensation, neither of them seemed to notice Donnelly drag himself across the ground, wrap his fingers around the blade, and lunge for Derek. Ever fell back as the wolf twisted away from her with such speed—but not enough to avoid the stab of silver to his stomach. The wolf
howled and snapped its teeth.

  The wolf felt the silver enter his bloodstream and begin to take hold. His body trembled, but he had to ensure his mate was safe before he could lie down. He felt the blade leave his body before it entered again at a different point. He swiped out with his paw, leaving his claws free, and as his vision blurred, he caught the scent of copper and knew he had hit his target. He needed time to catch his attacker off guard. The wolf let his eyes close, almost whimpering at the horrible sound of his mate’s cry.

  Donnelly kicked the wolf before he cut into his leg with the silver blade. The animal didn’t move. He turned his focus back to Ever, whose eyes spilled over with tears as she clasped a hand over her mouth to keep herself from crying out.

  “There’s no one to stop me now, Ever. Your wolf is dead… but you’ll see him soon.” Donnelly raised his arm, the blade raised high, and Ever closed her eyes, ready to accept her fate.

  A gurgling sound snapped her eyes open, and she watched as her wolf ripped Donnelly’s arm from the rest of his body. Ever knew wolves were strong, but to rip an appendage from a body took serious strength, and even laced with silver, Derek had done it.

  A paw pressed down on Donnelly’s throat, and Ever heard a crack before the wolf whimpered, Donnelly managing a cheap shot to his injuries. The wolf fell to his side and whined, his paws twitching, trying to get up, to protect her.

  Ever clambered to her feet, ready to take on Donnelly, when a blur of motion came into the clearing. Fangs bared, eyes a glorious blood red, Caitlyn gave Ever her best feral grin as she strode over to Donnelly. She placed a boot where Derek’s paw had been and eased her weight down. Donnelly struggled under her boot but was unable to move.

  “You have caused terror and slain innocents in your quest to become immortal. It’s not a blessing. It is hell on earth, but you will soon be in your very own hell. I wish Melanie were here and that she could exact her vengeance upon you. Yes, she survived, but you won’t. I hope you burn a thousand deaths in hell, you son of a bitch.”

  Donnelly’s larynx crushed under a swift pressure from Caitlyn, and he stopped moving. He was dead; it was over. Ever rushed over to where Derek remained unmoving on the ground. He tried to lift his head when she came near, and she felt the tears stream down her face.

  “Change back, you stubborn man. We cannot help you as a wolf.”

  Caitlyn’s voice seemed to spur him on. Ever heard bones crack, and the wolf convulsed, his entire body going into a seizure. Fur disintegrated to be replaced with flesh and hair, paws became hands and feet, and the wolf became a man in a wave of snapping bones and pain. Derek rolled onto his back, and Ever looked on, horrified at the deep lacerations on his torso and leg. She pulled off her hoodie and draped it over him as he shivered.

  She placed her palm on his chest, and he shuddered.

  “Is Donnelly dead?” he rasped out, his body convulsing, reacting to the silver.

  “Yes. He won’t be hurting anyone else.”

  “Good.” His eyes drooped shut, and she tapped him lightly on his cheek.

  “Hey, no sleeping. If you think dying will get you out of your promise to take me on a date, you have another thing coming, Mr. Broody Agent.”

  His eyes slowly opened, and when he looked at her, she felt as if he were looking right into her soul. “Mate,” he growled and lifted an unsteady hand to cup her cheek.

  “You said that already when you were wolf. We can discuss it after you’re better.”

  His hand dropped as Ever heard Caitlyn bark orders into her phone. She then crouched down beside Ever and watched helplessly as his breathing became shallower and his pulse harder to detect.

  Ever cast her eyes to Caitlyn. The vampire’s own eyes were wet with tears.

  “Say good-bye, Ever. He hasn’t long left.”

  “No,” Ever said sternly. “You can’t just die on me, Derek. You can’t bring me into your world and let me… let me fall for you… and then leave me alone. Please, hang on a little longer. For me.”

  But Derek didn’t respond, and all hope evaporated from inside her, leaving a gaping hole, a void she didn’t think she could fill again. And to think she had been afraid she would die and leave him alone. He looked so frail, so humanly fragile, and Ever wished with all she was that she could save him.

  You can, you know… save him. Remember what it’s like to be who you really are. He’s not dead yet. Command his soul to remain in his body. He will obey, for he is yours and you are his.

  Ever blinked away her tears.

  Come now… it’s like riding a bike. Close your eyes and concentrate on your wolf. Look inside and focus on what you want. Demand it. It is your birthright. It is who you are.


  Ever let out a strangled cry. God, she was mad… a certifiable wacko. But her hands moved of their own accord as Derek sucked in a harsh breath. Her hands tingled as she placed them on his chest. Caitlyn called out to her, but Ever pushed her away. It was then she felt it, felt the absolute beauty of Derek’s soul—the kindness, the strength, the sheer courage of what made him Derek. It flickered inside him and began seeping out, readying to move on to the next life.

  But Ever wasn’t going to let that happen. He was hers. She felt it bone-deep inside herself, and while she thought she should be afraid, she wasn’t. Not one bit.

  Close your eyes, Ever. Believe in your heart and soul that you can do what you are trying to do. Let who you are set you free. Save your champion, for he, in turn, will be the one who saves you.

  Crying out, Ever closed her eyes and reached inside Derek. It was instinct, pure and simple, and she let her body and mind take over. She felt her fingers grasp hold of his soul and grab on tight. The soul squirmed and tried to escape, but one roar from Ever stilled it. Derek’s body jerked, and she felt overcome with a rush of power that made her head spin.

  “I forbid you from passing over. I own your soul, warrior, and you will be mine for eternity. You will live, for I command it. Now, live!” she yelled before clamping her mouth down onto Derek’s lips and breathing life back into his body. His body jerked as his heart stuttered and began to beat again.

  His hand slipped to the back of her neck, and his tongue met hers—hard, rough, and possessive. The wind gathered and whipped around them, and Derek’s eyes snapped open to see a translucent shimmer of gold surrounding Ever’s eyes. He broke the kiss and his hold on Ever loosened as she stumbled back. The silver burned inside him, and he was drowsy, like he could sleep for a month.

  Ever knelt before him and began muttering in a language he didn’t understand. He reached out to touch her, but she was drunk on power and slapped his hand away. Caitlyn stepped forward, and Ever lashed out, knocking the vampire off her feet. Struggling to sit up, Derek moaned, but Ever was lost to him.

  “I am power, I am might. I was born to rule, and rule I shall. Vengeance will be mine, and I will respond in kind to those who hurt what belongs to me. Blood will have blood.”

  Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled as Ever dropped to her knees and screamed. His body weak, Derek dragged himself toward her as blood began to trickle from her ears. He was aware of people coming into the clearing but being held off by Caitlyn.

  The light vanished from around her, and Ever’s eyes returned to normal. She slumped forward, but he caught her, cradling her head against his knee. He brushed his lips against her forehead, and her eyes fluttered.

  “It seems I must leave you once more, my love,” said a voice that was not his mate’s. “Deryck, he is coming for us… for my kin. I have no strength left to defeat him.”

  Her voice held a strange lilt as he hushed her. She stirred in his arms, her fingers reaching out to graze his skin.

  “Until our next life, my love.”

  Then her eyes rolled back in her head and she lay limp in his arms. Both man and wolf roared in grief.

  Mate. Mate. Mate.

  The word rebounded in his head, and he made a split sec
ond decision. Man and wolf became one in their single-minded quest. He accepted the urge to make Ever his, and baring his fangs, he latched onto Ever’s neck and bit down hard, tasting blood. He ignored the shouts and yells around him and concentrated on Ever. He forced the mating bond into her mind, felt it snap into place.


  Her voice was a symphony in his mind.


  Mate, he agreed.

  Pushy wolf.

  He felt the laughter in her words, but she refused to wake. He knew she was being dragged under by the darkness, and so was he. Derek barely heard Sarge call his name, and he reluctantly opened his eyes.

  “Jesus, Derek, what did you do?”

  The wolf came forward at his tone. “Mate… mine,” he growled, and he heard his friend suck in a breath before he followed Ever into the abyss.


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