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Between Lust & Tears (Backstage Series Book #2)

Page 9

by Dani René

  When the door opens moments later, he walks in holding a dress bag. “You’re wearing this.” Chucking it on the bed, I glance down and then back at him.

  “What? I mean, where do I change?” Giving in isn’t what I want to do, but I’m out of options. I can’t fight him, he’s twice my size, and not having eaten very much, I am weak.

  “Right here, Peach. I like pretty little girls, and I would love to see what’s under that whore skirt.” His cold eyes trace their way up my bare legs, and an icy shiver wracks through me. “I said fucking drop the skirt.” His tone is low and dangerous, and it’s only then I see a silver glint. A knife.

  The tears prick my eyes as I push up from the bed and unzip my skirt. The realization that Liam has my panties in his pocket sends a fresh wave of nausea through me. As the skirt pools at my feet, I tug the hem of my top down, hoping to cover myself to his filthy gaze.

  “So pretty.” Stalking towards me, he grazes his hand over my cheek, down my arm, until he reaches my ass. Squeezing it tight, eliciting a painful yelp from me. His thick fingers trail their way over my hips, and he spins me around, pushing against my back, forcing me to bend at the waist.

  I feel the cool point of the blade as it slices through my top. My bra follows. My body is trembling with fear.

  “Please, just let me get dressed?” My throat is dry and my voice is hoarse as the words burn themselves from my chest.

  “Soon, my little Peach. You see, your sister was in this exact same position once. When I sliced her, that smooth, soft skin bled for me.” His evil words seep into my mind, and I shake my head so fast I feel dizzy. “Now, it’s your turn.”

  “What the fuck is taking so long?” As the sun rises, I pace back and forth, waiting for them to trace the location of the phone that sent the photo to Tayla. Her parents arrived late from their flight and walked in to the news that their daughter was taken.

  “Liam, I know it’s difficult, but you need to relax. They’ll find her.” Glancing at the warm, brown eyes of my girl’s sister, I nod. She’s so strong. I’ve never seen anyone with the calmness she possesses. I take her hand and tug her away from the police.

  “Tay, I know I’ve been an asshole and there are things I’ve done that I am not proud of, but I need you to know that I care about her. I would do anything for her.” She stares at me for a long while, and I can tell she’s trying to figure out if I’m being honest.

  With a small nod, she pulls me into a hug. “If you hurt her, Hayes, I will kick you in those jewels you’re so proud of.” Her words have me chuckling.

  I wrap my arms around my sister-in-law and give her a squeeze. “Never. She’s in my heart, Tayla. She really is.”

  We pull away, and she offers me a small smile. “I know, Liam.”

  “We’ve got it.” A voice drags my attention from Tay. The officer who was working on a trace rises from his chair quickly, and we rush to him. There’s a green dot on the screen flashing at the same beat as my heart.

  “You found her?” I question and he nods, pulling on his gun holster and jacket.

  “Ladies, please stay here. We don’t know what we’re dealing with or how volatile he is. You guys can come along.” He points to me, my brother, and my best friend.

  We head in the direction of an outhouse behind the main cellar I see in the distance. That’s where my girl is? I’m about to rush toward it when Callum’s hand holds me back.

  “Don’t rush in there like a crazy person. He may have a gun. Let the police handle it.” I don’t respond as we near the brick building. All this time, she was so close and I couldn’t even find her.

  The only sound is the crunch of our footfalls on the sand. She’s in there, I can feel it in my gut. “Mr. Spencer, we know you’re in there. Come out with your hands up, and we can make this easy for you.” The deep rumble of the officer echoes around us.

  We’re met with silence, but my heart is kicking against my chest painfully and the sound deafens me. The thought of her in there cold, hungry, possibly even hurt burns through every rational thought I have. “Get out here, you fucking psycho!” My voice is loud and shrill, and suddenly I hear her.

  The agony in her scream is torture to my soul. Shredding it, ripping me apart at the seams. Before I have time to react, the door is kicked in by one of the officers, and they rush inside.

  The sight before me has my body vibrating with anger and fear.

  “Ah, now, all the men have come to save you. Look at that.” His voice is sinister. Emma is caked in dirt and blood, and it’s taking all my restraint not to run toward her.

  “Please…” Her eyes meet mine, and I can see fear flickering like a flame in her gaze.

  “Let her go, you piece of shit.” The venom drips from my voice, and his chuckle sounds demented as he wields the blade close to her neck, setting me on edge. I’m about to pounce, but I know that will only hurt her so I swallow the acidic bile and wait.

  “Drop your guns, officers, or the pretty little girl will get what’s coming to her.” The next few minutes feel like slow motion. I hear the crack of a gun, the sound of a bullet leaving its chamber, and my body goes rigid.

  Her scream is loud, the sound rings in my ears. I’m frozen for a moment, watching the scene unfold. The man holding on to Emma drops to his knees, and the blade he was holding falls to the cement floor with a loud clink.

  She’s on her knees, and before I realize it, my feet are moving and I’m on the concrete with her. My arms encircle her and she feels small as she trembles in my arms.

  Noise surrounds us, but everything sounds as if I’m in a tin can. My heartbeat is erratic, matching the beat of hers. Everything I’ve ever done in my life, all the shit that I’ve been through will never compare to the thought of almost losing her.

  I lift her up, carrying her out of the building as her tears soak my shirt. I didn’t even realize she was crying. It’s as if I’m having an out-of-body experience. “Em, look at me, baby.”

  She does, but her reply is croaky and hoarse. “I... can’t…” Her sobs are muffled, and her hands tangle in my shirt, fisting it, holding me to her. She’s shivering, and the first thing I want to do is get her into a hot shower to wash the memories of the last few hours out of her mind.

  “Sir, we’re going to have to ask the lady a few questions.”

  I turn to find one officer behind us. His comment stops me in my tracks. Her body trembles in my arms and a sense of possessiveness overtakes me. “Can we come to the station later? She’s in no condition to answer anything right now.” I glare at him. I know he’s just doing his job, but I’m doing mine. Protecting what’s mine.

  “Yes, give us a call when you’re ready.” People are milling around, but I have one goal, and that’s to get her back to our room where she can feel safe. We head upstairs with her parents and sister following. I set Emma down in the living room of our suite and lean in to whisper in her ear. “Did you want me to run you a bath?” She nods, while she leans in to Tayla’s embrace.

  Heading into the bathroom, I turn on the tap and pour her peach-scented bath oil into the steaming water. Staring at the water, I realize with certainty that I love her, that I don’t want to live without her.

  So much has happened to her over the last few hours, and I wasn’t there to stop her from getting hurt. Would I ever be able to protect her? In my line of work, it’s not easy. We have stalkers and crazies that try stupid shit all the time.

  Something dawns on me, and I wonder if he touched her. The thought boils my blood. If he did, she will need to go for tests first. Shit, I didn’t even think about it.

  “I’m so sorry I didn’t talk to you about what happened to me.” My sister’s big, blue eyes are shining with unshed tears. She feels as if this is her fault, but it’s not.

  “Tay, please, don’t blame yourself.” My voice is hoarse; it feels as if I’ve eaten sand.

  “Babe, I should have told you. Explained.” I glance up and find my mother and father
standing behind Tayla. They’re looking at me like I’m about to break, shatter like a glass ornament. “We can talk, when you’re ready. I need to tell you everything.” I nod, seeing the guilt on my sister’s face.

  “I would like that. I need to get cleaned up for the wedding.”

  She looks at me in surprise. “No, I’m cancelling.”

  “You’re not! Please? Trust me.” We stare at each other for a while and when she nods, I’m relieved. I want to spend time with my family, to be around people who love me. It’s the only way I can get through this.

  “Okay. We’ll leave to get ready. See you downstairs.” She pulls me into a hug.

  Once everyone has left, I head into the bathroom.

  “Liam…” My voice is tentative, and he stills. I watch him turn off the tap and face me.

  “Peach…” The word effortlessly falls from his lips, and I can’t stop the grimace. “Sorry, I… It’s just… I mean…”

  “No.” My gaze settles on his as we stare at each other. “I like when you call me that. I just... it’s too soon. I can’t…”

  “I understand. I do. Did he…?” He motions to my body and I know what he’s asking.

  Shaking my head, I murmur my response. “No, thank God, he did manage to slice into me but stopped when he heard you outside.”

  He steps closer and I lift my matted hair to show him my wounds. “We were too late.” His words are barely audible.

  “You were just in time, Liam. I asked everyone to give me a few hours to clean up. I want the wedding to go ahead.” I peer up at him then and I can tell he’s shocked.

  “Baby, you’ve just been—”

  “I want to do this. I can’t let him win, and if I crawl into a corner and hide, that’s what happens. I want you there, beside me. Liam?”

  He stares at me for so long that I’m sure he’s going to walk away. “Let me get the incense. I’ll be back in a minute.” He doesn’t answer my question and as he passes me, I feel my heart splintering just a little more. I figured he wouldn’t want a broken little girl. As the click of the bathroom door echoes, I stand alone looking at my reflection in the mirror.

  Slipping the dress down my bruised body, I take in the purple and blue marks on my ribs. He made sure that I would remember him for days, even weeks after. My body aches, but surprisingly, all I want are Liam’s strong arms holding me, keeping me warm. The cold has seeped into my bones, and it feels as if I will never be warm again. The hot water has steamed up the room, and I tentatively step into the scented bath.

  Sitting back, I feel the muscles in my body ease and the pain slowly subside. Heat envelopes me and calms my racing heart. I’m safe. Lowering into the water, it splashes over the cuts, burning them. Tears sting my eyes and I shut them tight, hoping for a reprieve from the memory, but it assaults me, leaving me a sobbing mess.

  “The pretty little Emmy, isn’t it funny how I watched you grow up, and here I am, about to take what I wanted.” His fingers trace my spine. They’re cold and calloused. Rough, like sandpaper. The blade moves over my skin, sending a wave of fear through me. “You see, your sister took your place. She took your punishment. Now that I found you, I intend to give you the same treatment she got.”

  “What did you do to her?” My whispered words fall on deaf ears as he continues his tirade.

  “You made me want you. You acted like a little whore with that boyfriend of yours that your daddy didn’t like. I tried to make enough money to take you away, but your daddy couldn’t shut his mouth. So I got caught.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’re mine Emmy, all mine. I will mark you and wherever you go, whatever you do, you’ll remember me. Just like your sister.” That’s when the burning starts as the blade slices into my skin.

  “Emma, Em, baby?” A deep voice pulls me from the nightmare, and I glance into hazel eyes. They’re filled with emotion—fear, anguish, love. My heart stutters as soon as I recognize it. Love.


  “You were screaming so loud, I could hear you in the living room.” With strong arms, he pulls me up and out of the tub. Wrapping a towel around me, he lifts me in his arms and carries me to the bed. “Baby, I shouldn’t have left you alone. I’m sorry.” His lips on my forehead feel warm, familiar.

  “Promise me…” I stare into his eyes, hoping I am conveying my feelings with a look. I need him. I want him.


  “Don’t leave me again.” Warm arms hold me and when I close my eyes, I calm. This is what I need, what I want.

  “Baby, I don’t want to, but I couldn’t protect you.” Whoever thought up that stupid saying—sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never harm me—didn’t know what it feels like to have someone you love tell you they want to leave you.

  Pulling back, I tighten the towel wrapped around me and gaze into those caramel eyes that disarm me. “If you don’t want to be here, then I suggest you leave. Now.” Pushing up, I stalk over to my luggage, pulling out a dress that I wanted to wear to the reception dinner.

  “Emma, please, I didn’t mean it like—”

  “Liam Hayes, I don’t want you here because you obviously don’t want to be here. So save me and you whatever fucking heartache that will come and walk out the door.” Spinning on my heel, I head to the closet.

  It’s as if I can feel the frustration emanating from him. “Emma, I am not fucking leaving you. I meant that I feel like I failed you.” His words have me turning to see pain etched so clearly on his face. He stalks to me, grabbing me with his strong hands, pinning me against the wall. “Do you understand how powerless I felt not being able to protect you? It’s fucking with me. When the one person you fucking love is being hurt and everything is out of your fucking control.” He’s shouting now, but the only thing I took from his whole tirade was the word love.

  “You love me?” Everything around us stills. We’re staring at each other, but he doesn’t answer me. Even though I know that’s what he said, there’s a part of me that doesn’t believe it.

  This isn’t real. How can he love me?

  He leans in, our mouths inches apart, his hot breath fanning over my face. Cupping my cheeks in his big, strong hands, he grins. “Yes, I fucking love you. With my heart, mind, body, with every breath I take.” The man before me, the man who makes my body come alive under his touch, his kiss, his heated, amber stare, loves me.

  My heart gallops in my chest, every nerve in my body ignites with electricity, and a giggle tumbles from my mouth, skittering across the air between us. The soft sound of my laugh becomes a loud chuckle, which has my body shaking against his. Caramel eyes bore into me as his dark brows crease in confusion. “I fucking love you, too.” The words fall effortlessly from my lips. His mouth crashes down on mine, and as scared as I should be about him pressing against me, I’m not. I know he won’t hurt me. The kiss isn’t hungry or demanding like our others, it’s filled with loving. Like he’s pouring all his feelings into me with his lips, filling me and leaving me overflowing with emotion so strong that my heart feels as if it’s about to burst.

  Placing my hands on his chest, pushing back, I stare at him. “Liam, I’m not ready for anything… I mean… I just want you to hold me.”

  “I’ll do anything for you. Whatever you need, just tell me.” His words warm my heart. He loves me. “Baby, you’re incredibly beautiful, you’re kind, caring, and you’ve changed me. You’ve made me want to have what Callum and Tayla have.”

  “Liam Hayes being romantic, never thought I’d see the day.”

  “There are times I will surprise you, and it seems today is one of many.” He stares at me like he’s trying to read my mind. We’re new to love, to being in a relationship, but there’s certainty in my heart that we’ve been woven together in fate’s intricate pattern. One night turned into more, and I almost lost him. The cuts on my body burn, but they’ll fade. It’s the wounds in my mind that I have to work on. His eyes rake over
me, and his expression hardens when he sees the bruises and scars. A man who has been fractured by life’s harsh reality now takes my broken pieces and mends them, making me whole.

  Callum and I are at the end of the aisle. The police had just left after questioning Emma and confirmed that there’s no chance that sick fuck will ever see the light of day again. She still chose me, and I am trying to come to terms with the fact that this beautiful woman wants me beside her.

  “Liam, she loves you. Just remember that.”

  Nodding, I turn to face the doorway. The music stops and there’s silence for a moment before a familiar tune starts. I recognize Lana del Rey, her song Young & Beautiful plays as my girl walks down the aisle.

  She’s got her long, chestnut waves loose down her back with a few strands pinned back. Her makeup is light, and her lips glisten. The dress she’s wearing offsets her creamy skin. The bruises are hidden by a small shawl wrapped around her shoulders.

  A shy smile that tugs on her mouth makes me ache to hold her. To show her how much I love her. No matter what the world throws our way, I want her. Nothing will stop me wanting her in my life.

  Emma comes to a stop opposite me, and we all turn to see Tayla and her father. She’s radiant. I sneak a glance at Callum. His eyes are filled with unshed tears. All my life, my brother has never cried. He’s never let emotion get the better of him, but seeing him now I realize he’s truly in love.

  Dragging my gaze over to my girl, I find her staring at me. Cocking my head to the side, I give her a wink and the blush that pinks her cheeks makes me smile. She’s incredibly strong, both sisters are, but something about Emma strikes me as resilient. I love her. I know I do.

  “Take care of her.” Mr. Quinn hands over his elder daughter’s hand to my brother, and my heart fills with joy for him. I have always wanted to see him happy, to find true love, and now I am watching him get married, and I wonder if I will be allowed such a luxury. The thought has my gaze flitting back to the brown-haired beauty on the other side of the altar.


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