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Going Clear

Page 49

by Lawrence Wright

  106 Mary Sue used to have parties: Interview with Candy Swanson.

  107 “gorgeous”: Interview with Belkacem Ferradj.

  108 “I hit the bulkhead”: Ibid.

  109 “Never question LRH”: Hana Eltringham Whitfield lecture, Hamburg Symposium, Mar. 26, 2010.

  110 even in rough seas: “The degree of swell or wave has no bearing on whether they go overboard or not.” Hubbard, Flag Order 1499, Oct. 21, 1968.

  111 John McMaster … was tossed: Lamont, Religion, Inc., pp. 53–54.

  112 He left the church: The church says of McMaster: “He was in his day a ‘squirrel’ who sought to profit from his off-beat alterations of Mr. Hubbard’s discoveries.… He died in 1990, an alcoholic, and virtually no one in Scientology today has heard of him.” Karin Pouw, personal communication.

  113 “She screamed all the way”: Hana Eltringham Whitfield lecture, Hamburg Symposium, Mar. 26, 2010.

  114 “raw, bleeding noses”: Russell Miller interview with David Mayo, “The Bare-Faced Messiah Interviews,” Aug. 28, 1986,​mayo.htm.

  115 Children who committed minor: Sharone Stainforth,

  116 Derek Greene: Interview with Hana Eltringham Whitfield. Elsewhere, Whitfield has said the child was confined for four days and nights. Hana Eltringham Whitfield lecture, Hamburg Symposium, Mar. 26, 2010.

  117 Other young children were: Russell Miller interview with David Mayo, “The Bare-Faced Messiah Interviews,” Aug. 28, 1986,​mayo.htm. Tonja Burden recalls “one boy held in there for 30 nights, crying and begging to be released.” Affidavit of Tonja Burden, Jan. 25, 1980. Monica Pignotti also writes about the chain locker: Monica Pignotti, “My Nine Lives in Scientology,” Sharone Stainforth recalls seeing a four- or five-year-old girl with her top half sticking out of a ship chain locker, and that she was filthy and red-faced from crying. Sharone Stainforth, According to another former Sea Org member, the little girl’s name was Angela, “a cute little blond girl that LRH thought was an SP and assigned her to the chain locker. She was so small I believe she crawled out of the locker up the chain to the poop deck as I remember seeing her coming out of that hole. I don’t remember what she did but it certainly made me swear to myself to never let that happen to me. I believe Lonnie Garrapie (not sure of the spelling), young boy from Canada, was assigned to the chain locker for stealing and throwing people’s belongings, that he stole, over the side—he did that with Kenny Campelman’s silver flute, David Ziff’s jewelry, and other items. Divers were sent over the side to try and retrieve the items, as they were all of great value.” Anonymous former Sea Org member, communication with Lauren Wolf.

  118 Hubbard ruled that they: Interview with anonymous former Sea Org member.

  119 One little girl, a deaf: Corydon, L. Ron Hubbard, pp. 29–30; Atack, A Piece of Blue Sky, p. 180.

  120 “did not have the confront”: Interview with Hana Eltringham Whitfield.

  121 “You would say to yourself”:

  122 “hidden government”: Hubbard, “Orders of the Day,” Dec. 8, 1968.

  123 “useless or unfixable”: “Catherine Harrington,” personal communication.

  124 “I like how you Americans work!”: Interview with “Catherine Harrington.”

  125 “for your protection”: Ibid.

  126 All were registered: Robert Gillette, “Scientology Flagship Shrouded in Mystery,” Los Angeles Times, Aug. 29, 1978,

  127 “the pride of the Panamanian fleet”: “About the Apollo,” undated press release.

  128 “the sanest space”: Monica Pignotti, “My Nine Lives in Scientology,” 1989.

  129 “secure Morocco”: “Catherine Harrington,” personal communication.

  130 Mary Sue was thrilled: Interview with Jim Dincalci.

  131 A hundred people were killed: Henry Ginger, “Hassan II: Never Sure He’ll Be King at Nightfall,” New York Times, Aug. 20, 1972. General Oufkir’s daughter Malika placed the toll at “more than two hundred.” Oufkir and Fitoussi, Stolen Lives, 81.

  132 create an elite guard: Interview with Hana Eltringham Whitfield.

  133 “Stop firing!”: Joseph R. Gregory, “Hassan II of Morocco Dies at 70; A Monarch Oriented to the West,” New York Times, July 24, 1999.

  134 had committed “suicide”: Oufkir and Fitoussi, Stolen Lives, p. 94.

  135 The shaken king turned his attention: Garrison, Playing Dirty, pp. 79–80. Gillette, “Scientology Flagship Shrouded in Mystery,” Los Angeles Times, Aug. 29, 1978.

  136 In December 1972: Ali Amar, “Hassan II, Oufkir et l’eglise de scientology,” Le Journal Hebdomadaire, Apr. 15, 2006,

  137 “A friend came to me”: Interview with Paulette Cooper.

  138 “Your mother was with me”: Church of Scientology California v. Gerald Armstrong.

  139 “street-walker”: Letter from Sara Northrup Hubbard Hollister to Paulette Cooper, March 1972. This letter was posted on the Internet at, but Paulette Cooper verified its authenticity.

  140 “In July 1949 I was in Elizabeth”: Church of Scientology California v. Gerald Armstrong.

  141 “Your good friend, J. Edgar Hoover”: Letter from Sara Northrup Hubbard Hollister to Paulette Cooper, March 1972.

  142 “an insatiable lust”: David Mayo interview with Russell Miller, “The Bare-Faced Messiah Interviews,” Aug. 28, 1986,

  143 “MAKE MONEY”: Hubbard, HCO policy letter, “Income Flows and Pools,” Issue I, Finance Series 11, Mar. 9, 1972.

  144 more than $300 million: Robert Lindsey, “Scientology Chief Got Millions, Ex-Aides Say,” New York Times, July 11, 1984. Reitman notes that by the 1970s Hubbard held accounts in Switzerland, Luxembourg, and Liechtenstein. Money was transferred from a Liberian shell corporation, the Religious Research Foundation, into his accounts. She quotes Laurel Sullivan: “It was fraud, an out-and-out ripping off of funds that were supposed to go to the church.” Inside Scientology, p. 97.

  145 “Church’s was bigger”: Kima Douglas interview with Russell Miller, “The Bare-Faced Messiah Interviews,”​kima.htm.

  146 “great chunks of cash”: L. Ron Hubbard, Jr., testimony, “City of Clearwater Commission Hearings Re: The Church of Scientology,” May 6, 1982.

  147 “Making money, I think”: Hana Eltringhim (Whitfield) interview, “Secret Lives—L. Ron Hubbard,” Channel 4, UK, 1997.

  148 Hubbard had lost interest: Interviews with Tracy Ekstrand, Jim Dincalci, and Hana Eltringham Whitfield.

  149 “I could hear him chortling”: Interview with Hana Eltringham Whitfield.

  150 When she learned: Interview with anonymous former Sea Org member.

  151 “Maybe a hundred Sea Org”: Bornstein, A Queer and Pleasant Danger, p. 93.

  152 Hubbard observed that 1972: Interview with Kate Bornstein.

  153 flown to New York: Interview with Hana Eltringham Whitfield and anonymous Sea Org member.

  154 convicted in absentia: Robert Gillette and Robert Rawitch, “Scientology: A Long Trail of Controversy,” Los Angeles Times, Aug. 27, 1978.

  155 Hubbard flew to New York: Jim Dincalci, personal communication.

  156 It was an odd interlude: Interview with Jim Dincalci.

  157 “I’m PTS to nations”: Ibid.

  158 “free to frequent”: Hubbard, “Guardian Order, Secret, Snow White Program,” Apr. 20, 1973.

  159 Under Mary Sue’s direction: Reitman, Inside Scientology, p. 115; Unsigned, “Mystery of the Vanished Ruler,” Time, Jan. 31, 1983; Gordon Gregory, “Prosecutors: Scientologists Infiltrated Washington Post,” St. Petersburg Times, Dec. 4, 1979; “Sentencing Memorandum,” United States of America v. Mary Sue Hubbard, et al., US District Court for the District of Columbia.

  160 In September 1973: Interviews with Jim Dincalci and anonymous former Sea Org member.

  161 They strapped Hubbard’s injured arm: Interviews with Jim Dincalci and anonymous former Sea Org members.​kima.htm.

  162 “You’re trying to kill me!”: Interview with Jim Dinealei.

  163 “If he is who”: Interview with Hana Eltringham Whitfield.

  164 “redemption”: Hubbard, Flag Order 3434B, “The Rehabilitation Project Force,” Jan. 7, 1974, revised Aug. 21, 1976, re-revised May 30, 1977.

  165 When Eltringham came aboard: Interview with Hana Eltringham Whitfield. Ken Urquhart, who was then Hubbard’s “personal communicator,” actually wrote the protocol for the RPF. Ken Urquhart, personal communication.

  166 “He was in total control”: Interview with Karen de la Carriere.

  167 Bruce Welch: Interviews with Mike Rinder, Mike Goldstein, Karen de la Carriere, and Daniel Holeman.

  168 “Bring the Commodore”: Interview with Mike Rinder.

  169 “You’re the devil”: Interview with Karen de la Carriere.

  170 “I have made a technical”: Hubbard, “The Technical Breakthrough of 1973! The Introspection Rundown,” Hubbard Communications Office Bulletin, Jan. 23, 1974.

  171 “A madman was made sane”: Interview with Karen de la Carriere.

  172 “revolutionize music”: Interviews with Mike Goldstein and Neil Safarti.

  173 Quentin wanted to join: Miller, Bare-Faced Messiah, p. 325.

  174 Quentin’s great ambition: Interviews with Candy Swanson, Hana Eltringham Whitfield, and Mike Goldstein; Hal Holmes, personal communication.

  175 Jim Dincalci, the medical: Interview with Jim Dincalci.

  176 “You have to improve”: Interview with Hana Eltringham Whitfield.

  177 “Daddy doesn’t love me”: Interview with anonymous former Sea Org member.

  178 sexually involved with a woman: Monica Pignotti, “My 9 Lives in Scientology,”

  179 180 IRS agents: “Catherine Harrington,” personal communication.

  180 The federal agents had: Church of Scientology of Hawaii v. The United States of America.

  181 He sent a pizza: “Catherine Harrington,” personal communication.

  182 Hubbard was just five miles: Garrison, Playing Dirty, pp. 83–84.

  183 He weighed 260 pounds: Kima Douglas, “The Bare-Faced Messiah Interviews,” Aug. 27, 1986,​kima.htm.

  184 teeth and fingers were darkly stained: Interview with Mike Rinder and Jim Dincalci. The church maintains that Hubbard was not a chain-smoker and that he quit smoking in the later years of his life. Karin Pouw, personal correspondence.

  185 In Curaçao, he suffered: Personal correspondence with anonymous former Sea Org member.

  186 “He’s risking his life”: Interview with anonymous former Sea Org member.

  187 kicked out of Barbados: Garrison, Playing Dirty, p. 86.

  188 When the mayor: Ibid., p. 245. Nancy Many, personal correspondence.

  189 Several months passed: Charles Stafford; Bette Orsini, “Scientology: An In-Depth Profile of a New Force in Clearwater,” St. Petersburg Times, Jan. 9, 1980. “Religion: A Sci-Fi Faith,” Time, Apr. 5, 1976. Gary Weber, “Apology to Mayor Gabe Cazares, Richard Leiby and the Citizens of Clearwater Florida by an ex-Scientology Guardian,”

  190 his tailor leaked the news: Tracy Ekstrand, personal communication.

  191 “There they are!”: Russell Miller interview with Kima Douglas, “The Bare-Faced Messiah Interviews,” Aug. 27, 1986,​kima.htm. According to church spokesperson Karin Pouw, Hubbard left Florida “to pursue additional research.”

  192 “He looked like Wild Bill”: Interview with Dan Koon.

  193 He kept a hopped-up: Unsigned, “Mystery of the Vanished Ruler,” Time, Jan. 31, 1983.

  194 “She looked like a witch”: Interview with Karen de la Carriere.

  195 “I think a lot of my father’s stuff”: Dennis Erlich, “The End of the Quentin,” Interview with Dennis Erlich.

  196 Tracy Ekstrand, who was: Interview with Tracy Ekstrand.

  197 He left a confused note: Interviews with anonymous former Sea Org member.

  198 Quentin had only just: Interview with anonymous former Sea Org member.

  199 He was scarcely qualified: Interview with anonymous former Sea Org member.

  200 Frantic, Mary Sue dispatched: Interviews with anonymous former Sea Org members.

  201 “He was so happy”: Interview with Cindy Mallien.

  202 But only a few days: Sharon Spigelmyer, “Scientology Student Death Probe,” Las Vegas Sun, Nov. 25, 1976.

  203 “That little shit”: Interview with anonymous former Sea Org member and Hana Eltringham.

  204 semen in his rectum: Interview with Kima Douglas in “The Bare-Faced Messiah Interviews,”​kima.htm.

  205 Quentin had been on vacation: Sharon Spigelmyer, “Scientology Student Death Probe,” Las Vegas Sun, Nov. 25, 1976.

  206 Meantime, Mary Sue arranged: Atack, A Piece of Blue Sky, p. 214.

  207 Hubbard himself was convinced: Interview with anonymous former Sea Org member.


  1 “magnetically impregnated”: McWilliams, Southern California, p. 254.

  2 An organization called Mighty I AM: Ibid., p. 263.

  3 Charlie Chaplin: Epstein, Sister Aimee, p. 420.

  4 Milton Berle: Berle with Frankel, Milton Berle, p. 129.

  5 nautical outfits: McWilliams, Southern California, p. 260.

  6 “They all fell short”: Quinn, The Original Sin, p. 127.

  7 “any person important enough”: Hubbard, “Celebrity Defined,” HCO Policy Letter, Nov. 6, 1980.

  8 “If you want one”: Unsigned editorial, Ability magazine, undated. According to the church, the magazine was published in March 1955. The church claims that William Burke Belknap, Jr., an early Dianeticist, whose byline is on the article following the “Project Celebrity” editorial, most likely wrote the article. Robert Vaughn Young, who was the chief spokesperson for the church but left the organization in 1989, wrote that Hubbard personally authored the “Project Celebrity” editorial. Young, “The Cult of Celebrities,” Sept. 27, 1997,

  9 “make celebrities even better known”: Hubbard, “Celebrity Centre: Major Target,” HCO Policy Letter, Oct. 19, 1980.

  10 “The Master did his Sunday best”: Peggy Conway letter to Gloria Swanson, Sept. 25, 1956.

  11 “Without Scientology, I would”: What Is Scientology?, p. 235.

  12 “I AM A SCIENTOLOGIST”: John H. Richardson, “Catch a Rising Star,” Premiere, Sept. 1993, p. 87.

  13 “increase your self-confidence”: Variety, Sept. 9, 1993, p. 7.

  14 “make it in the industry”: Ibid., Dec. 22, 1988, p. 22.

  15 Scientologists stood outside: Interview with Tom McCafferty.

  16 Jerry Seinfeld: “When It Comes to Comedy, He’s ‘All In,’ ” Parade magazine,

  17 Elvis Presley: Interview with Spanky Taylor.

  18 Rock Hudson: Interview with Spanky Taylor, and Gary Hart, personal communication. It is rumored that Hudson’s auditor hit on a homosexual “withhold,” that Hudson refused to acknowledge, and so he bolted. Interview with Skip Press. Hart says that
as a result of the Hudson fiasco, Hubbard kicked the auditor off the staff and placed Yvonne Jentzsch in a condition of Danger.

  19 fifty thousand documents: Reitman, Inside Scientology, p. 112.

  20 “Operation Freakout”: US v. Jane Kember, Morris Budlong, Sentencing Memorandum, pp. 23–25.

  21 One of the doors: Interview with Jesse Prince. Also, Stephen A. Kent, “Brainwashing in Scientology’s Rehabilitation Project Force (RPF),” Sept. 13, 2000,

  22 Altogether, about 120: Interview with Jesse Prince.

  23 “Fuck you”: Ibid.

  24 “Behind ideological totalism”: Lifton, Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism, p. 436.

  25 “thought-terminating cliché”: Ibid., p. 429.

  26 “a common, ordinary,”: Hubbard, “Scientology Definitions I: OT and Clear Defined,” lecture, Nov. 29, 1966.

  27 Johannesburg Confessional List: Hubbard, “Johannesburg Confessional List,” HCO Policy Letter, Apr. 7, 1961, revised Nov. 15, 1987.

  28 The result of the sec-check: Monica Pignotti, “My Nine Lives in Scientology,”

  29 “apparent converts”: Robert Jay Lifton, personal correspondence.

  30 “truth blurred”: Lifton, Witness to an Extreme Century, p. 44.

  31 the real intention: Klein, The Shock Doctrine, p. 47.

  32 After 9/11, documents emerging: Lifton, Witness to an Extreme Century, p. 380.

  33 “You are a good mother”: Klein, The Shock Doctrine, p. 39.

  34 In 1955, he distributed: On Hubbard’s authorship of the pamphlet, see Corydon, L. Ron Hubbard, pp. 108–9. Hubbard himself later claimed: “It was written by a man named Paul Fadkeller, and it was published in Berlin in 1947.” Hubbard, “Operational Bulletin #8,” Dec. 13, 1955.

  35 “Brain-Washing”: See Brian Ambry, “Revisiting the Textbook on Psychopolitics, Also Known As the Brainwashing Manual,”

  36 “[t]he art and science: Anonymous [Hubbard?], “Brain-Washing: Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics,” 1955, p. 6.


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