Book Read Free

Vanilla Beaned

Page 19

by Jenn McKinlay

  “Manny was the one who explained it to me,” Mel said. “Joe is trying Frank Tucci in Phoenix. He has been working this case for months.”

  “Tucci? I know that name,” Holly said. “He’s connected, like, big-time connected even here in Vegas.”

  “He also has a reputation for murdering anyone the prosecution team cares about to ensure he gets off.”

  “So, Joe said no because he didn’t want you in the line of fire,” Holly said. She put her hand over her heart. “That is so romantic.”

  “You’d think,” Mel said.

  “You don’t?” Holly asked.

  “I did, but I was so mad at him for not explaining it to me,” Mel said. “If Manny hadn’t told me what was going on, I would have just thought Joe didn’t love me anymore.”

  “Harsh,” Holly said.

  “The thing is, his career will always come first, always,” Mel said. “He’s making the world a better, safer place. I admire him for it, but how can I compete with that?”

  “I’ve got some pasties you could borrow, blue sparklies with tassels,” Holly said. “I could probably even teach you how to spin them in different directions.”

  Mel laughed, which sidelined the tears that had been about to fall, which she suspected was Holly’s plan.

  “Look, none of my romantic drama matters,” Mel said. “I just want you to know that Manny is more into you than any other woman I’ve ever seen him encounter, even me.”

  Holly’s face went pink and Mel was pleased to see that the thought of the detective liking her brought the showgirl to blushes.

  “He seems to care very much about you,” Holly said.

  “Well, we’ve been through a lot,” Mel said. “All I can tell you is that he’s a great guy.”

  “I could use a great guy,” Holly said.

  “Then give him a chance,” Mel said.

  Holly nodded and Mel felt relieved that she hadn’t gunned down anything between Manny and his new love interest before it had a chance to achieve liftoff. As far as she could tell, they both deserved something good in their life.

  “Out of curiosity, how do you envision your life being after you open up the bakery?” Mel asked. She needed a change of subject as she didn’t want to have any more relationship heart-to-hearts. The night had been draining enough as it was.

  “I’ll become a morning person,” Holly said with a smile. “I’ll see sunrises again.”

  “That’s the truth,” Mel said. “Do you think it will be a tough adjustment?”

  “Not if I keep in mind that I get to see my daughter after school, in the evening, at night, and on weekends,” Holly said. “I am so ready to have a normal schedule, maybe I’ll even be room mother at her school.”

  “You’d be fabulous,” Mel said.

  “And the best part is that I get to be my own boss—succeed or fail, however this turns out, it’s on me,” Holly said. “I am so ready for that.”

  “What about your current custody arrangement with Billy?” Mel asked. “Is he going to be okay with you having Sydney more often?”

  “He said it was great timing as it will help them get used to the new baby,” Holly said. “Lisa will be able to focus on the baby and get some rest. The timing really is perfect for everyone.”

  “Does Lisa feel the same?” Mel finished off her wine in one swallow. It had the instant mellowing effect she’d been hoping for. She was pretty sure when she went to bed, she’d be able to sleep for a week, except for that whole someone murdering Scott, stalking Holly, and terrorizing their bakery locations thing.

  “Yes . . . er . . . maybe.” Holly looked thoughtful. “You know she hasn’t really said. I just assumed she did because of the new baby, but now that I think about it, I don’t know how she really feels. I don’t think she ever said one way or the other.”

  Holly’s phone vibrated on the counter where she’d left it.

  She rose from her seat to check it. “Excuse me.”

  She checked the screen and her eyebrows rose. “It’s Lisa.”

  Mel and Holly exchanged a look as if they’d been caught talking about someone. Mel made a motion with her hand for Holly to go ahead and answer it.

  “Hi, Lisa, what’s up?” Holly’s voice had a forced upbeat note and Mel gathered she had no intention of telling Lisa what had transpired tonight. She couldn’t blame her. Given how protective Billy was of Sydney, she was sure Holly didn’t want to give him any more reason to keep her daughter from her.

  Mel watched Holly’s face and noticed that she paled and put her hand over her chest as if to try and calm her heartbeat.

  “How high is her temperature?” Holly asked. “Did you give her any medicine?”

  Mel watched as Holly started pacing. It was clear that Sydney was sick. Mel felt a pang in her chest for Holly. How hard it must be for a mom to be separated from her child when she was sick.

  “What did Billy say?” Holly asked. There was a pause. “What do you mean he’s not there? Where is he?”

  Her pacing picked up speed and she placed a hand on her forehead as if warding off a headache. Mel could hear the voice on the other end of the phone but couldn’t make out what she said. Judging by the high pitch and rapid-fire pace of the words, Lisa sounded as if she was having a meltdown.

  “How many times has she thrown up?” Holly asked. “Four? Has she been able to keep anything down?”

  There was more frantic chatter. Then Holly glanced at Mel and her expression was determined.

  “I’ll be there in fifteen minutes,” Holly said.

  Mel bounced up from the couch. “What? You can’t!”

  Holly turned her back on her.

  “See you soon,” Holly said and then she lowered her phone from her ear and ended the call.

  “Holly, I know you’re worried about Sydney, but—” Mel began but Holly interrupted her.

  “No, you don’t know,” Holly said. “What do you have at home? A cat? It’s not the same and don’t tell me that it is.”

  “My cat has nothing to do with this,” Mel said. She knew Holly was freaking out and lashing out, but she needed not to go near her baby Captain Jack. “You are clearly upset and I get that Sydney has a fever—”

  “One hundred and four,” Holly said. She began to stride to the back bedroom.

  Mel followed hot on her heels. It would be insane for Holly to leave the protection of the suite. They had no idea which crazy Elvis had been the one to shut her in the air vent. They didn’t even know why Holly and her bakeries were the target. For a brief second, Mel wondered if Angie was correct and their rival, Olivia Puckett, could be behind this, but it just didn’t feel right.

  Olivia was consumed with her relationship with Marty and she had to know that blowing up the possible locations for their first franchise would pretty much destroy any chance they had as a couple. Otherwise, yeah, Mel could totally see Olivia driving a car through the front of a building to stop her from franchising.

  “All right, one hundred and four is worrisome,” Mel said.

  Holly didn’t even break stride as she shrugged off her fluffy bathrobe and reached for her clothes. Mel turned away at the sight of so much skin, but she didn’t leave the room.

  “So, where is Billy?” Mel asked. “Why is Lisa caring for Sydney on her own?”

  “She said he had to go into the office for something,” Holly said.

  “Does he normally do that?”

  “How should I know? I don’t live with them. Maybe it’s normal, maybe it’s just a freak coincidence that Sydney is sick while her dad is running an errand,” Holly said.

  “Why did Lisa call you instead of Billy?”

  “She said he wasn’t answering his phone,” Holly said. She tugged on her pants and pulled a shirt over her head then she shoved her feet into a pair of flip-flo

  “His wife is pregnant with their first child,” Mel said. “Isn’t he the sort who would have his phone fully functional at all times in a situation like that?”

  “Yes, but maybe he was in a place with no reception,” Holly said. She made to walk around Mel, but Mel grabbed her arm, stopping her.

  “Holly, listen to me. Doesn’t any of this strike you as odd?” Mel asked. “Especially after what happened tonight.”

  “What are you saying?” Holly asked. She looked overwrought and ready to cry and Mel felt bad, she really did, but they could not afford to be stupid right now.

  “How do you know that was Lisa?” she asked.

  “The display listed her as the caller,” Holly said.

  “But it could have been someone using her phone,” Mel argued. “Did you recognize her voice? Was it absolutely her?”

  “Yes, no, maybe, I don’t know. You’re crazy,” Holly said. “Who would do that?”

  “Wild guess, but I’d say it’s the same person who knocked you out and shoved you in an air vent,” Mel said.

  “But why?” Holly cried. “Why is someone out to get me?”

  “I don’t know,” Mel said. “But your daughter is your weak spot.”

  “What if she’s really sick and she needs me?” Holly asked. “What am I supposed to do?”

  “Call Billy,” Mel said.

  Holly looked like she was going to shake Mel off and charge the door, but Mel tightened her hold on Holly’s arm.

  “One phone call,” she said. “Just to check.”

  “Fine, but if he doesn’t answer, I’m going,” Holly said.

  They hustled back to the main room and Holly picked up her phone and called her ex-husband. She held it to her ear, chewing the corner of her thumbnail while she waited.

  After several rings, she pulled it away from her ear and shook her head at Mel. “He’s not—”

  “Hello.” A male voice came out of her phone, and Mel and Holly exchanged a startled glance.

  “Billy?” Holly asked.

  Mel could hear him answer but couldn’t make out the words.

  “I know it’s late,” Holly said. “I’m checking on Sydney.”

  Mel waited, unable to make out what Billy said.

  “What do you mean she’s fine?” Holly asked. “Lisa—”

  She began but Mel shook her head furiously from side to side. If something funky was going on, they needed to ask questions first and not offer up any info.

  “I thought I got a message from Lisa, saying that Sydney was sick,” Holly said. She paused to listen. “She ate four slices of pizza and then went to bed? Huh, maybe it was an old message that just came through. Could you do me a favor and just peek in on her?”

  Billy said something and Holly forced a laugh. “Yeah, that’s me, the overprotective one.”

  Holly resumed pacing while Mel stood in the kitchen watching her.

  “Oh, okay,” Holly said. “Thanks.”

  Mel frowned. Clearly, Sydney was fine. What the heck was going on?

  “Hey, Billy, is Lisa there?” Holly asked. “She did? Oh, okay, sorry to bother you.” There was a pause and then Holly said, “Thanks again. Sleep well.”

  She ended the call and tossed her phone onto the counter. She dug her hands into her hair, dislodging her ponytail.

  “Okay, I am now officially freaking out,” Holly said.

  “Sydney’s fine?” Mel guessed.

  “Sleeping like a baby, according to her dad,” Holly said. “What’s more, Lisa went to bed early because of a backache due to her pregnancy.”

  “Someone is using Lisa’s phone then,” Mel said. “Trying to lure you out of the hotel, I guess. Where did she want you to go?”

  “Lisa and Billy’s house.”

  “I don’t think she was ever going to let you get there,” Mel said. “We need to call Manny right away.”

  “This is a nightmare,” Holly said. Her phone went off again and she looked at the display. She frowned and picked it up. “Hi, Billy, what’s up?”

  Mel heard his voice, sounding disturbed, and she looked at Holly’s face. Holly paled, looking like she might faint.

  “Okay, all right, I’ll call you if I hear from her,” Holly said and she ended the call.

  “What’s wrong?” Mel asked.

  “Billy said that after we hung up, he went to check on Lisa to see how she was feeling,” Holly said. “She wasn’t there.”


  “I know who murdered Scott,” Mel said. She felt woozy as if all the blood had drained from her face. It all made sense now. “It was Lisa and I know why.”

  “What?” Holly asked. “No, that’s impossible. She’s not a killer, plus she’s pregnant.”

  “Is she really?” Mel asked. “Have you seen her big, bare belly? Has anyone?”

  “Billy must have,” Holly said. “But—”

  “He said she’s been avoiding him,” Mel interrupted. “Earlier when he brought Sydney here, he said she won’t let him go to the doctor with her. Who does that unless they’re hiding something?”

  Holly gave her a horrified look.


  “We had a pool party for Sydney’s birthday two weeks ago,” Holly said. “It was superhot, like a freaky warm desert day, and we all went in the pool, everyone except Lisa.”

  “Because she doesn’t want anyone to see,” Mel said. “And why does Sydney think babies come out of bellies like kangaroo pouches?”

  “Lisa said she thought it was a cute way for her to think of it,” Holly said.

  “Or did Sydney see something she wasn’t supposed to and Lisa lied her way out of it by saying babies come out of pouches?”

  “That’s nuts. There is no way she could fake a pregnancy,” Holly argued. “I’ve been pregnant. I would know.”

  “How did you describe the Elvis who grabbed you?” Mel persisted. “You said he had a flabby gut that felt like a pouch. Could he have been a she? Could the pouch have been fake? Could Lisa be faking her pregnancy?”

  Mel didn’t think Holly could be any paler than she already was. She staggered a bit to the side and Mel caught her around the middle.

  “Oh my god, this is crazy, right?”

  Mel shrugged. She’d been exposed to a lot of crazy folks over the past few years. Honestly, nothing really surprised her anymore.

  “I thought the softness up top was just man boobs but I bet it was a woman. All this time, it’s been Lisa,” Holly said. “But why?”

  “Sydney,” Mel said. “Lisa has been playing mother to her while you’ve been showgirl mom. With you changing your career and being around more, Lisa is going to lose her spot as number one, and if her pregnancy is fake, then she really won’t have anything.”

  The suite’s buzzer rang and Mel hurried for the door. “That must be Manny.”

  She moved the latch aside and peered through the peephole. Standing on the other side was a short, stocky Elvis. Mel knew immediately that it wasn’t Marty or Oz. She also noted that the security guard Manny had posted by the door was nowhere to be seen.

  She quietly closed the latch, hoping that it wasn’t audible on the other side of the thick door.

  She stepped back, spun on her heel, and grabbed Holly’s wrist as they ran toward the back of the suite.

  The buzzer sounded again, and Mel yelled, “Coming,” even as she ran in the other direction.

  “It’s her, isn’t it?” Holly asked.

  “Yes,” Mel said. “But I have a plan.”

  Holly started to cry and Mel shook her lightly. “Don’t fall apart now. I’m going to distract her and you’re going to take the service elevator down and then send it back for me.”

  “No, we have to go together,” Holly insisted.

e’s not enough room. It’s a single-person ride for the staff to get into the suites quickly so they can care for the guests and not be noticed,” Mel said. “Plus, I need to keep her occupied while you send help so we can catch her. If she disappears, there’s no knowing what she’ll do next. She could go after Sydney. Go right to security and get Manny.”

  Mel opened the door to the utility closet and punched in the code that she’d seen Mario the chef use. It brought the elevator to them in seconds. Mel shoved Holly into it.

  “You can fit,” Holly insisted. “I’m sure of it.”

  Mel shook her head. The elevator was built to rocket one person quickly where they were needed so that the rich guests could live their pampered lives without interruption.

  “Go,” Mel said. “I’ll be fine. She’s not after me.”

  Holly leaned forward and hugged Mel hard. “Be careful.”

  “Always,” Mel said. She hugged Holly back and then hit the button that would jet Holly down to the first floor.

  As soon as the doors closed, she turned and raced through the apartment to the front door. She had no plan. She had no strategy. She really hoped she could stall on opening the door until security grabbed the lunatic on the other side.

  When she stumbled back into the front room, she gasped. The front door was wide open.

  For a second Mel thought about running to the other elevators and getting to safety. It would have been the obvious choice, but what if she went out into the hallway and Lisa found her there? Unless the elevator came right away, she’d be trapped with a person who had already killed once. Did she really want to be victim number two?

  She moved as quietly as she could, tiptoeing across the room into the darkened corner. She pressed her back up against the wall and scanned the suite. When they had checked into the luxurious digs, she had felt spoiled by the spacious layout. Now she knew there were two thousand square feet that a psychopath could use to hide and it was up to Mel to find her.

  The sound system suddenly came on and club music blared out of the speakers situated all over the suite. Mel jumped and let out a little yip that she was relieved could not be heard over the music. Her heart seemed to hammer in sync with the pounding bass beat. She felt queasy and a little faint.


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