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Redemption [Slick Rock 18] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

Page 11

by Becca Van

  Enya’s legs jerked and trembled as he slowly eased his way deep into her pussy. The moment he was all the way inside, he paused and once more counted each breath as he breathed in and out.

  Axel released her lips and licked his way down her chest toward her breast. He swirled his tongue around the puckered velvety skin of her dusky-rose areola and then sucked her nipple into his mouth at the same time Phoenix scraped the other nipple with his teeth.

  The moment Enya began to rock her hips and twitch in his hold as she bathed his hard dick with her cream was the moment he knew she was ready for more.

  Cam drew back slowly and then pressed in a little faster. She gasped and groaned and tried to wrap her legs around him, but Cam kept hold of her legs. He didn’t want her pulling him in closer or faster until he was sure she wasn’t hurting any since he’d just taken her virginity. He hadn’t seen her wince or flinch as he’d broken through the partial hymen that had still been inside of her, but he wasn’t about to take the chance of making her sore or tender by going too fast.

  He groaned with pleasure as he withdrew in a wet slide and then drove back in.

  “Cam!” Enya moaned.

  “What is it, sweetheart? Am I hurting you?”

  “No,” she gasped as he thrust forward again. “It’s so good, but I need…more.”

  “You like having Cam’s cock fucking you, baby?” Phoenix asked before he laved his tongue over her sensitive nub.

  “Yeah,” she sighed as Cam stroked back in.

  “Look at Cam, honey,” Axel ordered. “Look at his eyes and see how hungry he is for you.”

  Enya met Cam’s gaze and then arched her hips up toward his. “I’m so full. You’re so hot, hard and thick.”

  Cam just about lost it when her internal muscles flexed around his length as she coated him in more cream.

  He tightened his grip on her legs, shifted higher up onto his knees and lifted her ass up off the mattress.

  She moaned as he pulled back to the tip, sobbed with pleasure when he surged back in. “Yes. Like that. Please?”

  * * * *

  Enya couldn’t take the slow and gentle any longer. At first, she’d been glad Cam had taken his time as he penetrated her for the first time, but now she wanted, needed more. She wanted him moving faster, harder and deeper. She wanted him to build that fiery internal pressure up inside of her until she burst apart.

  When she felt his hold on her legs loosen, she took immediate advantage and tightened them around his hips before pulling him closer. He growled and she expected him to tell her off but he didn’t. Instead he nodded his head at Axel and Phoenix, who both instantly rolled away from her toward the edge of the mattress and then he braced his hands on the mattress on either side of her head.

  And then he gave her what she wanted.

  Cam drew back and then surged forward again. She moaned and closed her eyes at the pleasurable liquid slide.

  When he stopped moving and held deep inside, for a moment she thought it was all over. She could feel his cock twitching and jerking inside of her.

  “Put your feet on the mattress and lift your hips up, sweetheart,” Cam directed breathlessly.

  Enya did as he’d told her and she glanced toward Phoenix when he shoved a pillow under her hips. She shifted her gaze back to Cam’s when he said, “Much better.”

  From that moment on all talking and thinking ceased.

  Cam powered in and out of her pussy like a man possessed. Each time he advanced and retreated his shaft rubbed against her clit. She clung to his shoulders and hoped she wasn’t hurting him with her nails since she was digging them into his flesh, but she couldn’t seem to let go.

  The fiery liquid ache deep in her womb and pussy grew more intense each time Cam stroked in and out of her wet cunt, and the coil inside began to gather tighter and tighter.

  And then she was hovering right on the edge of the precipice.

  Cam leaned down and took her mouth at the same time he plunged back in hard, fast and deep, sending her careening over the edge.

  Enya screamed as nirvanic rapture assailed her. Her pussy clamped down around his still pistoning dick and then let go, only to clench down again. Her whole body quaked and quivered as she was tossed about in the tumultuous waves of bliss.

  Just as the orgasm began to wane, Cam slammed into her again, giving a slight twist of his hips. His pubis rubbed and pressed on her clit firmly and she went straight back up into orgasm.

  White sheeted in front of her eyes and while she tried to scream her pleasure nothing came out of her gaping mouth. Cream gushed from her pussy and trickled over her ass. Cam continued to shuttle in and out of her vagina the whole time she was coming, drawing out her pleasure. When he made a growly sound she realized he was close to his release, too. He stroked into her once, twice more and shouted as he froze deep inside of her.

  She moaned as aftershocks assailed her each time his cock juddered and jerked as he came deep inside of her and the condom.

  Cam shook and shivered above her and then finally collapsed on top of her.

  Enya wrapped her arms around his neck and held on tight. Tears burned her eyes as emotions swelled in her heart and soul. She’d never felt as connected to another person as she did to Cam right then.

  She just hoped that she would feel the same link with Axel and Phoenix when they made love, too.

  When the niggle of doubt tried to creep in she pushed it away.

  She wasn’t like the other women who’d arrived in Slick Rock with their past following and threatening them. She didn’t have an abusive ex or a man with a vendetta against her.

  So why couldn’t she shake the feeling she was in danger?

  Chapter Eleven

  Phoenix moved in close to Enya until he was spooning her from behind. He kissed her shoulder and pushed his blazing desire down deep. She had her eyes closed and her breathing had evened out and he suspected she’d drifted off to sleep. He didn’t want to disturb her if that was the case, because he could tell by the dark smudges marring the soft skin beneath her eyes that she hadn’t been getting enough shut-eye.

  He didn’t care if he didn’t get his chance to make love with their woman. She was far more important to him and he wasn’t about to be a selfish prick by trying to cajole her into something she wasn’t ready for.

  Cam had held her for a good long while after making love with and claiming her. Phoenix’s heart flipped in his chest. It had been a beautiful moment neither he nor Axel had wanted to impinge on so they’d kept their distance. When Cam had finally rolled from the bed and headed toward the adjoining bathroom to deal with the condom and clean up, his first instinct had been to pounce on her, but he’d restrained himself when she sighed and snuggled her head further into the pillow.

  He was more than okay with holding her for as long as he could. He loved how warm and right she felt in his arms, against his naked body. His heart and soul were so full he wasn’t quite sure how to handle it. He’d never felt this way about any other woman, ever.

  He glanced over at Axel to see his friend staring avidly at her gorgeous face and when he met Axel’s gaze, he could see the beginning of love in his green eyes. Phoenix wondered if he looked the same way, but suspected he did. He thought about trying to mask his heartfelt emotions in case Enya opened her eyes and caught him looking at her sappily, but decided against it. He wanted, needed for her to realize that he and his friends weren’t just screwing around. Yes, they’d already told her they weren’t, but actions and emotions spoke louder than words.

  She sighed and shifted against him and he returned his gaze to her face just as she opened her eyes and rolled over toward him.

  “Did you fall asleep, baby?” Phoenix brushed a few strands of hair off her cheek.

  “No.” She sighed and smiled. “I was just…savoring.”

  Phoenix quirked an eyebrow and grinned at her. “Savoring, huh?”

  Enya nodded and blushed as she reached up to palm hi
s cheek. She caressed the tips of her finger over the slight stubble on his jaw. When she giggled he realized that his scruff must have tickled her fingers.

  “You’re so beautiful, baby.”

  The blush on her cheeks deepened but when she shook her head, he frowned. It looked as if he and his friends needed to work more on her self-esteem. He couldn’t understand why she was denying how gorgeous she was, but then a light bulb went off in his head. Enya had kept to herself since she was ten years old and though he knew she’d been a virgin, he suspected she was innocent in more than just her own sexuality and sex. Phoenix had a feeling she kept her distance from males altogether and had no clue how a man’s psyche worked. He was no expert since everyone was different but he knew a hell of a lot about the opposite sex. Being a doctor had helped him to deal with women and kids probably more than the average man.

  “You mightn’t think you’re stunning,” Axel said, “but we do.”

  “You aren’t looking at yourself the way we’re looking at you, Enya. You’ve got a kind, loving heart and would help anyone who needed it, even if it meant you went without yourself. You have the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen and a perfect sexy body, but even if you weren’t beautiful, we’d still all want you.”

  Enya snorted.

  “Phoenix is right, honey,” Axel said. “We’re attracted to your heart and soul, not just your body.”

  Enya glanced at Axel over her shoulder before meeting Phoenix’s gaze again. “You really mean that?”

  “We do,” Axel answered.

  “We never say something we don’t mean, baby. We won’t lie to you even if you don’t like what we have to say.”

  “Okay.” Enya sighed and then leaned forward to press her lips against his.

  Phoenix wanted to devour her but he remained still and waited to see what she would do. He was letting her take the lead and hoped she wanted him as much as he wanted her. When she drew back, he almost groaned with disappointment. However, he wasn’t disappointed for long.

  Enya sat up, scrambled to her knees and then slung a leg over his thighs and straddled him. He clasped her hips and then caressed up and down her sides. She shivered and goosebumps raced over her skin.

  “Are you cold, baby?”


  Phoenix bit the inside of his cheek as heated excitement traversed his veins, his blood. His half hard cock rapidly filled with blood and when she sat on his thighs he growled with need. Her wet pussy was pressed against his hard shaft and he could feel her juices bathing the base of his dick. But that wasn’t all he could feel. He swore he felt her clit pulsing against his erection as it engorged.

  “You don’t have to do this if you’re too tender, Enya. I don’t want you doing anything you’re not ready for.”

  “I’m ready.” She wriggled her hips and moaned as his hard cock slid through her juices.

  Phoenix cupped her breasts and squeezed her nipples, loving the whimpering sound she made as he pleasured her. She was just leaning forward toward his mouth, but he needed to make sure she was on board with everything they wanted with her before they lost themselves to each other.

  “Do you know how three men make love to one woman, baby?” He caressed back down her sides and then up to her breasts again.

  “I might have been innocent, but I’m not that naïve.”

  “Phoenix didn’t say you were, honey,” Axel said. “We just want to make sure you know what will eventually happen.”

  “Violet and Delta have spoken about their men a few times.” Enya blushed.

  “What you might not know is that we have to prepare your body before we can all take you together,” Phoenix explained.

  Enya frowned. “Prepare how?”

  Axel rolled to his hands and knees and then crawled down the bed. Phoenix spread his legs wider so his friend could get closer to their woman from behind and Axel wrapped an arm around her waist.

  “You’ll have one of us in that tight, sexy little pussy,” Phoenix said.

  “One of us will be in your mouth,” Axel whispered close to her ear, causing her to shiver.

  “And the other will take your gorgeous ass.” Phoenix swallowed down his groan of need as his imagination went haywire. She was going to be tight as could be already. When she was stuffed with all three of them, she would be even tighter. His dick twitched and pre-cum leaked from the tip.

  “But…” Enya bit her lip and shook her head.

  Axel grasped a handful of her hair and gently tugged her head back until he was gazing into her eyes. “But what, honey?”

  “W-what if I don’t like it?”

  “Then you don’t like it and we won’t do it again,” Phoenix answered emphatically.

  “I have a feeling you’re going to love having you ass played with, honey.”

  “You don’t know that.” Enya frowned over her shoulder at Axel after he released his hold on her hair.

  “I think Axel is right,” Phoenix said. “There’s one way to test that theory.”

  Enya met his gaze again as she quirked an eyebrow at him. “And that is?”

  “You let Axel play with your ass while I make love with you.” Phoenix held his breath while he waited for her to react. However, he didn’t really need a verbal reply. Her eyes heated even more as they hazed over with desire and cream dripped from her cunt onto his already soaked cock. “Come here, baby.”

  Enya braced her hands on either side of his ribs and leaned down. Phoenix threaded his fingers into her hair and cupped the back of her head and neck. When she was just a hairsbreadth from his lips, he drew a deep breath and then breached the distance between their mouths.

  She moaned and opened to him the second he swept his tongue over her closed lips and he delved inside. He growled with hunger and kissed her rapaciously. He didn’t need to open his eyes and look Axel’s way when the mattress dipped between his splayed thighs, nor when he heard him pull the bedside drawer open. He knew exactly what Axel was doing.

  Phoenix hooked an arm around Enya’s waist and tugged her down until her breasts were pressed against his chest. She shook and gasped as he felt her nipples grow harder. Axel got back up onto the bed and positioned himself behind Enya again. Phoenix tightened his hold on her and hoped that their woman liked having her ass fucked.

  They were about to find out, but first he wanted to be buried balls deep inside of her. He was hoping to keep her desire ramped up with need, until she was begging them to take her. She could beg all she wanted, but they weren’t going to take her together yet. That would be a pleasure for another day. First they needed to claim her individually, before making love to and claiming her together. He just hoped she was as eager as he suspected she would be.

  Enya turned away from his lips and gasped air into her lungs. She lifted her gaze to his, sat back on his thighs and caressed her hands over his shoulders and down his chest. Phoenix groaned as his muscles tautened even more and his cock pulsed against her pussy. He wasn’t sure he could wait much longer, but first he needed to make sure she was as hungry as he was. He needed her so wet that when he finally did enter her cunt, he’d slip right on in without any problems.

  He met Axel’s gaze and nodded. Axel dropped the tube of lube onto the mattress and then cupped her breasts from behind. Enya gasped and groaned as he kneaded those sexy feminine globes and she whimpered when he pinched and plucked her nipples between his fingers and thumbs.

  Phoenix grasped one hip to keep her from moving and then smoothed a hand over her flat, toned belly toward her cunt. He loved the patch of hair on her mound and sifted his fingertips between the short hair strands, eliciting more sexy sounds from her mouth.

  He dipped his finger into her folds and lightly caressed over the sensitive engorged nub of nerves. She jerked and moaned as she opened her eyes and stared deeply into his.

  “I need you, Phoenix. Please make love with me?”

  “Lift up higher onto your knees, baby,” Phoenix rasped out.

nbsp; He waited while she did as he’d said and then he clasped the base of his cock in his hand and pointed the tip up toward her. “Take me inside of you, Enya.”

  She nodded, licked her lips and then scooted forward on her knees until her pussy was hovering right over his hard dick. She braced her hands on his chest and then she began to lower.

  Phoenix clenched his jaw as her wet heat enveloped his crown and groaned when she clenched reflexively around him. He closed his eyes and ground his teeth, praying he wouldn’t shoot off too soon. His balls were hot and hard and his dick seemed to be pulsing along in time with his heartbeat.

  “You feel so good,” Enya whispered as she sank down further, taking another inch of his erection into her cunt.

  “So do you, baby. So do you.”

  Enya shifted on her knees again and took more of his hard cock into her pussy. He’d never felt anything so erotically carnal in his life. Every time she took more of his cock into her vagina she stole a little more of his heart and soul. By the time she’d taken him to the root he was head over heels in love with her.

  She was the woman he’d been waiting for his whole life.

  Phoenix couldn’t believe that they’d found her, but now that they had he had no intention of letting her go. Ever. Enya was the reason his heart beat, the reason he took each breath. He was going to work damn hard at making sure she was happy and never regretted her decision to be with them.

  * * * *

  She couldn’t believe how amazing it felt to have Phoenix’s hard cock all the way inside of her. Enya felt so full she almost felt as if she was about to split apart, but it was so good she wanted to have one of her men in her pussy all the time. Nonetheless, she knew that wasn’t possible, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to enjoy this moment with Phoenix right now. In fact, she hoped to have many more sexy moments with her men.

  Nor could she believe that she was already thinking they were hers. Possessiveness and another emotion she wasn’t ready to name surged into her heart and soul. When Phoenix flexed his cock inside of her she moaned and her internal muscles rippled around his hard length.


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