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Texas Love Song

Page 15

by Altonya Washington

  Setha continued, “I was there when he and Sam had that talk. Daddy said he didn’t want to be reminded of what it took to get where we were—to achieve the lives and lifestyles we had been blessed with. I think him seeing your dad and vice versa was too much of a reminder.”

  “But a reminder of what?” Khouri frowned. “They didn’t grow up together.”

  Setha braced her hands back against the chaise. “I don’t think Sam got an answer to that one, either.”

  The bell rang—room service. Khouri went to answer it while Setha eased down on the chaise and continued her observation of the fire. Shortly afterward, Khouri returned with a loaded cart of food. Rib eyes, baked potatoes that were pepper sprinkled and brimming with thick sour cream and melting butter. A basket of hard rolls, sautéed vegetables and salad rounded out the meal.

  Setha scooted to the edge of the chaise and checked the wine. There was a hearty merlot, a great accompaniment for the steak. Massive blueberry muffins waited for dessert.

  She smiled up at Khouri. “Where’s yours?”

  * * *

  Later, with full stomachs, and a not-so-full bottle of wine, the lovers shared the rest of the drink and studied the fire that showed no signs of dwindling. Setha leaned back into Khouri’s arms as he lay close, spooning her into his hard body.

  “After Ma passed…Daddy he…he just shut down. He didn’t want to kill himself, but it was clear he didn’t have much interest in living.” She shivered, in spite of the fire.

  “I remembered him talking about your dad.” She kissed his hand. “He was the biggest help after we all nagged him about getting out again. Mr. Basil had lost his wife, too—so there was that connection. A new one.”

  “And still they never brought us all together as kids.” Khouri murmured the words into her hair.

  “Well…” She closed her eyes against the heat. “Ma had so many friends—a lot of them we had never met. Not until the funeral…”

  “Doesn’t matter.” His arms flexed about her curves like twin bands of iron. “We know each other now.”

  Setha turned to her back. “I’ve enjoyed getting to know you.”

  He trailed his thumb across her mouth, down her chin to the hollow at her collarbone. “There’s a lot more to know.”

  “Really?” Biting her lip in a purely girlish manner, she stifled a giggle. “Such as?”

  Khouri responded, nibbling the lip she bit down on. She opened her mouth, craving his kiss. She was so thoroughly absorbed in that act that she was delightfully stunned by his fingers when he thrust them high inside her.

  The flaring hem of the lounger bunched about her waist. Setha wiggled her hips, desperate to be free of the stretchy fabric and the panties beneath it. Her wish was half filled when Khouri pushed the dress down to her breasts, baring the rest of her once he removed her panties.

  Setha rotated herself on the chaise until Khouri imprisoned her thighs in his powerful grip. He kept them apart to savor her taste, thrusting his tongue inside her repeatedly as her moisture built. She tried to relieve herself of her dress, but Khouri held the garment in his fist at her breasts.

  When he’d brought her to the brink of orgasm, his fist flexed around the fabric and he drew her up to sit. He released his hold, silently encouraging her to finish undressing herself.

  The garment was barely over her head before his mouth was on her breasts, hungrily devouring the sweetness of the dark molasses-drenched mounds.

  “Khouri…” She straddled his lap. “Foreplay later—you now.” She ground herself against his erection.

  Ravenous for her, he needed no further urgings. He hooked a hand behind her knee, and drew her back down to the chaise. Before doffing his sleep pants, he pulled a condom from the pocket. The pants fell in a heap near the pool.

  Setha shivered, not from the sudden nip in the air, but from the sudden fullness between her legs. Protection gloved his erection seconds before he sheathed it inside her.

  Khouri welcomed the weakness overtaking him. All strength flowed to his sex and he took her with a rigor that made him feel faint yet powerful at once.

  On the verge of another orgasm, Setha was determined to have it. She gripped his ass to keep him where he was. Selfishly, she took what she wanted. Khouri didn’t mind, of course. He was more than happy to be all that she needed.

  Chapter 16

  Setha watched Khouri’s car until it rounded the bend leading off her property. After breakfast in bed at the Seasons, he’d just dropped her off at her home in River Oaks. Once his car was out of sight, she floated into the house. Yes, she was definitely floating.

  Inside the house, she rested against the front door when she pushed it shut behind her. She tried to snap herself out of the haze she felt wrapped in, but it was no use. She was completely and deliciously enveloped in something warm and desire filled, courtesy of Khouri Ross.

  She pushed off the door, hugging herself as she strolled into her home. Standing in the center of her living room, she kept hugging herself then, not out of contentment but out of mild agitation. The fact that she was alone at home hit her for the first time and she wasn’t contented by the fact.

  She loved Khouri. She missed him. How had that happened and how had it happened so fast? Her love life hadn’t been a sob story before she had met him. Sure, none of the men she had expressed an interest in had lasted very long but she hadn’t been all that upset over the fact. She had her family and her work. It had been enough.

  Now, Khouri was there and there she hoped he’d remain.

  * * *

  When Setha walked into the Ross Review a few mornings later, she was on the arm of another man she loved.

  “Play nice,” she whispered to Samson and laughed softly when he growled in reply.

  Khouri and Setha had arranged a meeting with ad execs from Ross and Melendez to present final proposals on the new Machine Melendez campaign.

  Setha’s fingers clenched slightly around Sam’s bicep when they both stepped into the conference room. She saw Khouri on the other side. They’d both been busy over the past few days—scarcely having time to speak to one another even by phone. The scouting trip and all the meetings to set up the campaign had cut seriously into work time on their other responsibilities. This day would be the first they’d seen each other since returning from the trip.

  Sam had stopped off to speak with a few people from his team. That left Setha time to choose her spot at the long table. She felt a hand at her waist less than a minute later.

  “Mr. Ross, good morning,” she said, having turned to face him.

  Agitated by the stiff greeting, Khouri barely stifled his grimace. “When the hell are you going to tell them about us?”

  “Soon.” She pressed her lips together and moved closer when he rolled his eyes. “Khouri, I promise. I just want to wait a little longer until everything’s blown over.”

  “Uh-uh.” He propped an index finger below her chin. “You make it faster than that.”

  She shifted her weight to the other pump-shod foot. “Is there a rush?”

  “Damn straight there is.” A softer element merged onto his striking features. “I’d like very much to kiss you.”

  She smiled.

  He studied the small pearl bracelet at her wrist. “Everything’s all right at the house?” he asked.

  Setha frowned, thinking the question strange until she realized he was asking about the new security system.

  “I guess it’s fine.” She sighed, clearly not very impressed by the high-tech gadgetry he’d requested for her home.

  “You’re remembering to set the alarm when you leave?” Absently, his thumb stroked the bend of her elbow that was revealed thanks to the capped sleeves of her aqua-blue dress. “It can take some getting used to,” he cautioned.

Setha blinked. “I have to do that?”

  “Seth…” Khouri massaged his forehead.

  “Hold on,” she piped up, turning to search her bag for the phone. “Let’s see… RJ told me how….” She found the mobile and hit a few buttons. She laughed then and turned to show Khouri the faceplate. ALARM SET it read.

  He didn’t seem impressed. “Damn thing ain’t worth havin’ if you won’t even use it.”

  She eased closer. “Like you said, it could take some getting used to.” She tugged his lapel when he remained stiff. “Stop worrying, will you? I’m quite capable of takin’ care of myself when my gorgeous knight with the fantastic cologne isn’t on the premises. Come on….” She tugged his lapel again and kept tugging until he smiled.

  * * *

  “Damn nosy…” Avra said when she slammed her portfolio to the table next to where Samson had claimed his spot and sat staring across the room at Setha and Khouri.

  “Avra…” he groaned, eyes raking her body appreciatively even as his mouth curved into a grimace. “Just when I thought my day couldn’t start off any worse.”

  “Tell me about it.” Avra wore an equally disdainful grimace. She pulled out the chair next to Sam.

  “My sister’s sitting there.”

  “What is this? The first grade?” She plopped down in the chair.

  Samson smiled, bringing to life the faint appealing crinkles next to his pitch-black gaze. “Didn’t think you were brave enough to sit next to me.” He took his time surveying the rise of her bosom at the keyhole cut of the coral frock she wore. “You know you’ve got everybody here thinkin’ I’m the big bad wolf or somethin’.”

  “I haven’t said a thing.” Avra lent an intentional airiness to her voice. “My group’s smart enough to recognize a nasty bully when they see one.”

  “Oh, I bet they are.” Sam focused on a small tuft of lint clinging to his tie. “Workin’ for you I’m sure they’re experts at spotting bullies. Especially nasty ones.”


  “Hush now, meeting’s starting.” He turned his chair toward the front of the room.

  Avra debated on whether or not to slap the back of his head.

  Khouri and Setha stood at the head of the table and thanked everyone for coming. They quickly brought the group up to speed on what they’d been doing.

  “We’ve made a few minor changes in the overall ‘focus’ of the original campaign,” Khouri said.

  Setha was nodding her agreement. “We think we’ve come up with ideas everyone can be happy with.”

  Khouri raised a hand toward the far corner of the room. “We should thank Cleve Haskins and Eden Forrester from the Ross and Melendez art departments for getting this together so fast.”

  Khouri turned the floor over to the art directors who had basically used the previous shots and redrawn them to depict the new ideas. It was clear that all the meeting attendees were riveted on the proposal. Samson and Avra, so averse to making an agreement, seemed impressed by the presentation. Both sat straighter in their seats to view each new slide more intently. At the conclusion, Khouri and Setha graciously accepted applause and compliments.

  “So when do we begin shooting the spots?” Sam asked.

  “We’ll be ready to start as soon as the next few weeks.” Setha perched her hip to the conference table. “That is, if you’re free to visit the locations and give approval beforehand.”

  “That good for you, Av?” Khouri called out to his sister.

  On the spot, the two execs couldn’t refuse and gave their murmurs of approval. There was more applause and the meeting adjourned shortly after.

  Avra left the meeting as soon as it ended. She closed up in her office and began to pore over Wade Cornelius’s notes as she’d done since visiting Vita Arroyo over a week earlier. One booming thud hit her door a split second before it opened. Avra barely had time to swing her legs off the sofa.

  “It was closed for a reason,” she said when Sam filled her doorway, and then went back to reviewing her notes.

  Sam waited a beat after pushing the door closed before he spoke. “I didn’t send my sister over here to spend time on her back.”

  Avra kept her eyes on the page she studied, but her mouth tilted into a smile. “Sam, Sam. You know this jealous bit really doesn’t become you. Are you upset that we didn’t treat you to the same service?”

  “How long’s it been goin’ on?”

  “Hell, Sam, how should I know?” She crossed her legs at the ankles on the sofa cushions. “I haven’t had time to follow ’em around with a flashlight and document the rendezvous, you know?” She winced and set aside the notes. “Do you have somethin’ against my brother?”

  “I don’t.” He pointed a finger in her direction. “Everybody knows he’s a good guy—best prospect Seth’s had on her arm in…hell, ever.” He shrugged. “We just like to know what’s goin’ on.”

  “Why? So y’all can ruin it with your bullying?” Avra waved at him like she was fanning a fly. “Sisters don’t like to have the buzzards circlin’ 24/7, Sam.”

  The smile he wore only added a more dangerous element to his bronzed face. He settled his heavy frame to the arm of the sofa.

  “You get no argument from me.” His eyes raked the length of her bare legs. “But if you were in my shoes, you may agree that some of you do need to be kept under lock and key.”

  “Jesus, no wonder you’re single.”

  Sam reached down to squeeze her foot. “See you in Kemah.”

  When he left, Avra didn’t try to ignore the tingles in her foot from where his hand had squeezed. Hissing a curse, she reached for the notes but used them to fan herself as she released an unsteady breath.

  * * *

  Khouri didn’t need to be directed to the table where his lunch partners waited. Lovely and high-spirited, the women talked and laughed boisterously with seemingly no regard for all the attention—male attention—they drew. It’d be difficult for any man to have trouble signaling them out from a crowd.

  “Show you to the table, K?”

  “Nah, thanks, Ned.” Khouri shook hands with the restaurant host.

  Fiona saw her brother and nudged her sister who was still talking. In unison, they waved and smiled even more brightly for the man approaching their table.

  When Khouri got there, he was tackled by hugs, kisses and whispers of congratulations. “What’s wrong with y’all?” He used a napkin to wipe two shades of lipstick from his cheek.

  “Well, Av told us you were seeing Setha Melendez,” Raquel said once they’d taken their seats.

  “Nice goin’, Khouri. She’s very pretty.” Fiona’s eyes sparkled as she raved.

  “So what’s with all the congratulations?”

  The women exchanged frowns.

  “Well, you are gonna ask her to marry you, right?”

  “What?” Khouri leaned closer to Fiona as though he’d misheard her.

  “You took her up on the roof,” Raquel noted.

  “What’s that got to do with—”

  “Marta and Avra told us you took her to the roof.”


  “And you never take any women up there.”


  “Well, he takes us up there,” Fiona reminded her sister.

  “You two—”

  “Well, no women except family,” Raquel countered.

  Khouri let his fist hit the table, causing everything to jump, including his sisters. “That doesn’t mean marriage, dammit.” He rubbed his forehead.

  Rocky and Fiona scooted their chairs closer to their brother. Both studied him in awe.

  “You’re really in love with her,” Rocky breathed.

  Khouri continued to massage his head. “Is this why y’all
wanted to have lunch?”

  “Well, yeah!” Fiona tugged at the cuff of his suit coat.

  “Sweetie, this is so great!” Raquel moved to hug Khouri.

  “We haven’t even known each other that long.” Khouri didn’t know why he was bothering to explain, but thought it might help to try.

  Fiona waved off the explanation, of course. “It doesn’t take long to fall in love.”

  Khouri moaned. “Lord…”

  “You guys are seeing each other though, right?” Raquel still required confirmation.

  “We are but—” He closed his eyes, until the women’s tickled laughter had subsided—somewhat. “Please, y’all, don’t go blabbin’ this to everybody and their mother. She hasn’t even told her family yet.”

  “We won’t tell a soul,” Raquel swore.

  “We promise,” Fiona added and raised her right hand for good measure.

  “Good grief.” Again, Khouri massaged his forehead.

  “Get you a drink, sir?” the waiter asked when he approached.

  “Heineken,” Khouri grumbled. “And keep ’em comin’.”

  “So when do we get to meet her?” Fiona asked.

  “I think I met her once…maybe—some charity thing. That’s what she does, right?” Raquel asked her brother.

  Khouri only nodded.

  “Wasn’t anything formal. I didn’t have a chance to talk to her or anything.” Raquel was talking to Fiona then.

  “Well, Khouri?” Fiona challenged. “We can’t wait to welcome her to the Ross clan.” She beamed.

  He shook his head. “Don’t y’all think the family has enough women?”

  Fiona slapped her brother’s arm. “No such thing.”

  * * *

  “You’ve never taken any of my sage advice during all our years as friends.” Basil studied the shot glass of tequila he’d taken from Danilo. “Why do you want it now?” he asked.

  Danilo finished his shot in a second and then let loose a slight cough. “Whether I’ve wanted it or not, it’s always been sage advice.” He massaged his chest where the liquor burned beneath his gray chambray shirt. “Sage advice is what I need right now.”


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