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Where The Pieces Fall : Lost Hearts (Lost Hearts Series Book 1)

Page 9

by Blue Saffire

  After hearing Caleb explain why he loves baseball, and listening to Dakota talk about him being a math genius, I could see it. I could see in his face that he was calculating the dynamics of every pitch, every player on the field. Caleb is simply a phenom.

  Caleb pitched a complete game, shutting out the opposing team. He also had a homerun. Cameron had four RBIs, hitting two homerooms of his own. I know one thing. If the two decide to go with their coach’s idea to create some twin hype, they won’t have much work to do.

  Caleb and Cameron made that field look like Mount Olympus. The two of them were the gods overseeing the mere mortals. My throat is raw from cheering so much, almost in worship like all of their other fans.

  I’ve never been in love with baseball. I used to watch with my brothers and my dad sometimes. Enough to learn to understand the game, but tonight. I’ve never been so excited while watching any sport.

  I can’t wait to give my man his praise up close and personal. My heart almost jumped out of my chest, when Caleb took his hat off and pointed it towards me at the end of the game. He gave a curt nod, before rushing off the field with Cameron before the team could surround them.

  I understood right away, Caleb wouldn’t be able to handle the celebration the team was aiming for on the field. I wonder what excuse he and Cameron gave for running off. It pissed me off to hear a few murmurs about them leaving and being unsportsmanlike.

  It’s okay. Caleb may not have been able to handle his team’s celebration, but we’ll have one of our own. I’ll make sure Caleb gets to celebrate the right way. He deserves to bask in this accomplishment.



  I never doubted that we would win the game. However, I was going to lose my shit when I didn’t see Nicole in the stands. I needed her here. This was our home opener and I wanted my girl in the stands to watch me.

  Once I knew she was there everything was right in the world. I hadn’t planned to hit today, but when I hit that homerun. All I could think about was shutting out the game. I wanted to show Nicole she could be proud of me.

  “You’re so freaking awesome,” Nicole squeals, as she rans at me and jumps into my arms.

  I catch her and hold her to me, as she wraps her legs around my waist. It’s the best feeling ever. My eyes drop to her lush lips. I’ve been wanting to kiss her again since before the game.

  Nicole presses her finger to my lips when I dip my head to move in for a kiss. I knit my brows in confusion, but she gives me a smile and wiggles her brows.

  “We’ll have plenty of time for that when we get to your place,” she starts. “Dakota invited us all your apartment to celebrate.”

  “Oh, wow, thanks, Dakota,” Cameron snorts, but the smile on his lips shows he’s teasing. He throws an arm over Kay’s shoulder and whispers something in her ear.

  I turn my attention back to Nicole. “I’d much rather be alone with you,” I rumble.

  Nicole’s lip pokes out. “But it will be fun. Besides, you aren’t allowed to sleep over at the dorm. I thought we could have our first sleepover tonight.”

  This time when I dip my head, I’m able to capture her lips. I groan into the sweetness of her mouth. Fuck yeah, I want a sleepover. I get hard just thinking about it.

  Nicole breaks the kiss and giggles, breathlessly. “I think your version of a sleepover and mine are two different things,” she laughs.

  “What’s yours,” I ask, as my mind races.

  “Me, in one of your t-shirts. Us talking. There’s still a lot I want to know about you, Caleb Perry.”

  I groan and place my forehead to hers. “Yeah, Baby, we have two different ideas of a sleepover. When Kay sleeps over there’s nothing but fucking going on in Cameron’s room.”

  Nicole bursts into laughter. She pecks my lips and starts to wiggle, so I release her back onto her feet. I hold her close as she slides down my front.

  “You and I, are not Cameron and Kay,” she winks. “We’ll learn to do things our own way.”

  My heart swells. As much as I would love to get inside Nicole, her words are like gold to me. I don’t know if she understands how much I want to be my own person. How much finding my own way means.

  I don’t say anything, as I lace my fingers with hers and we all leave the field. I’m content for the first time in, ever. Nicole does that for me.

  I’ll admit, once everyone gathers at the apartment, I do enjoy myself. I think it’s mostly because I get a chance to watch Nicole with her friends. Or it could be that she made me feel like a part of the group.

  Anytime I seem to be withdrawing, she pulls me right back. Maribel’s sarcasm has been a challenge all night. Her complete lack of expression when she throws her zingers throws me completely.

  Cameron wears a smirk when he’s giving me shit, most the time. Maribel gives nothing away when she’s throwing jabs or teasing. Nicole helped me through it though. Giving gentle touches and squeezes of my hand.

  That’s when I wasn’t too wrapped in Nicole. A few times I didn’t care what anyone else was talking about. Nicole’s intoxicating scent engulfed me in her world.

  However, now, I’m nervous as fuck. My hands are sweating and I can’t stop blinking. I’m a little thrown off by this change to my nightly routine, but I’m trying my best to hide it.

  I have several things that I usually do before bed, but I haven’t done a single one, because I’m solely focused on the bathroom door. Nicole disappeared behind it a half hour ago. The shower stopped ten minutes ago.

  I want to check on her, but I don’t want to weird her out. I lick dry lips and look down at the time once more. Just then the door opens, Nicole walks out swallowed whole in one of my shirts. She looks adorable and sexy.

  My eyes fall to her breasts. She’s not wearing a bra beneath and her nipples are pressed against the soft fabric. When my eyes move lower to her brown legs, I groan. I run a hand through my hair, then down my beard.

  “It’s a good thing you have a king-sized bed,” Nicole says, with a smile as she crawls up the bed towards me, from the foot. “God, how am I just realizing how huge you are?”

  “You’re just tiny,” I say as I keep my eyes on her.

  She snuggles her small body into my side. Instinctively, I wrap an arm around her and pull her into me. I relax as soon as she is in place.

  Nicole tips her face up towards me. “I guess I am to you,” she laughs. “Is this okay, are you okay with me being here?”

  “No,” I shake my head and grimace.

  “Oh,” Nicole gasps and goes to sit up.

  “Don’t,” I say, pulling her back down. “I’m dealing with my shit. I want you here.”

  “Caleb, I wasn’t thinking. I should’ve asked you sooner,” Nicole says in a small voice.

  I dip my head and kiss her forehead. “I would have told you the same thing. I’m dealing with my shit, but I want you here. From time to time, I’ll have to adjust for you. Like my Aunt Judy says, everyone has to adjust in life. We all have to learn to adapt. It’s not that I can’t, I just have a harder time doing it. But I’m willing, especially when it comes to you.”

  “Tell me, how I can help,” Nicole says as she reaches to cup my jaw.

  I close my eyes and soak in the feel of her fingers against my face. I don’t understand how or why I’m so open to her touch. It just feels right.

  “Just treat me like you would anyone else. Let me deal with me and my head, if it’s ever too much, I’ll let you know,” I open my eyes and look into hers.

  A few moments pass without either of us saying a word. I reach for her face and run my finger over her full lips. They feel so soft, I have to kiss her. I dip my head and kiss her gently.

  When I pull away, she has that smile on her lips that takes my breath away. My heart squeezes in my chest. All of my anxiety melts to a low hum that I can deal with. I have my girl in my bed with me, nothing else matters.

  “So, tell me, Caleb. Am I the first girl you’ve had in th
is bed?”


  “Good answer,” she yawns.

  “If you weren’t, were you going to leave?”

  “Um, I don’t know,” she snuggles in deeper. “You’re so warm, I don’t want to move.”

  I smile, but I don’t move. I’m stiff as a board. I don’t want to do the wrong thing. Nicole said no fucking. She shifts her sexy legs, grabbing my attention and my cock jumps in protest.

  “Cal,” she whispers.

  I return my eyes to her face. “Yeah, Baby,” I reply huskily.

  “Tell me your hopes and dreams. What does your perfect life look like?”

  Her eyes sparkle back at me. I can’t think of anything but kissing her. I hear her question, but I need to do this one thing before I answer.

  I cup her face and kiss her like it’s my sole purpose. In my head, my thoughts are screaming. You, you are my hope and my dreams come true. You are what I want. You’re my perfect life.

  chapter Eleven

  Birthday Wishes


  I’ve been working away all night in the kitchen at the apartment, baking cupcakes and cookies. It’s Caleb and Cameron’s birthday. They just turned twenty-one today at midnight.

  I wouldn’t let them eat a single goodie, until the clock stroke twelve. I swear you would think they were turning six, the way they’ve been whining. Cameron just ran off in his boxers, with a plate full of cookies.

  I shake my head as Caleb sits before me, his blue-grey eyes large and pleading. I peel the wrapper from the cupcake I’m holding. I baked him vanilla mint cupcakes, with royal blue frosting.

  I move to stand between his legs, as he sits on a barstool at the kitchen island. Caleb’s hand automatically drop to my waist. Lifting the cupcake to his lips, I make a last-minute decision to be naughty.

  “Oops,” I giggle.

  I throw my head back and laugh, as I point at Caleb’s face. I just smashed the cupcake into his nose and mouth. Blue icing is all over his nose, beard, and those sexy lips.

  “Happy birthday,” I sing through my laughter.

  I couldn’t help myself, I had to do it. Caleb has been a smart ass all day. Along with pleading for the treats I baked, Caleb and Cameron’s teamed up in teasing me about meeting their parents.

  Caleb was the first to pick up that I’m nervous about meeting their parents. He made the mistake of pointing it out in front of Cameron, and they have been relentless since. I swear they have been like two big kids today.

  It’s been two months since Caleb and I have been a couple. I’ve seen so many sides of him in that time. The most interesting one being his version of his twin brother. Caleb has a damn good imitation of Cameron down. It sometimes gives you a headache to be around the two of them together.

  Cameron knows how to annoy the fuck out of you. When Caleb decides to be a carbon copy of Cameron, they’ll drive you up a wall. Honestly, I love them both for it. On some of my worst days, they’ve made me laugh so hard, I don’t even remember what pissed me off to begin with.

  However, today they have gotten on my last nerves. Caleb deserved this and more. Meeting his family is a big deal to me, I’m scared out of my mind. Honestly, I thought I would’ve met his parents at a game by now. However, they haven’t been to any of the ones I’ve been to.

  I’ve met his Aunt Judy and his Uncle Rusty. They were very sweet and warm to me, which I sort of expected. Caleb talks about his aunt and uncle as if they’re the ones that raised him.

  They seem like very nice people. Dakota’s mom and dad have never made me feel any type of way, when I’m around. Actually, his Aunt Judy thinks I hung the moon. She fusses over me every time we meet at a game.

  However, when it comes to the thought of meeting Caleb’s mom and dad, something keeps nagging in the pit of my stomach. The more I learn about them, the more I’m not sure I want to meet them. Unfortunately, I have no choice today.

  Mr. and Mrs. Perry are throwing a party for the twins. Cameron said it’s nothing big. Just family and a few friends, but from the look on Caleb’s face when they first mentioned it, I’m not so sure he’s up for it himself.

  Caleb growling into my neck, pulls me from my own musing. I squeal, as I feel the icing on his face smear against my neck. Only to moan seconds later, when Caleb licks my neck and suck the skin into his mouth.

  “I think you taste better than any cupcake,” he murmurs into my skin.

  “You sure about that,” I pant, as he continues to rub frosting from his face, onto my neck and collarbone just to lick and suck it off.

  “I want to be very sure,” he groans. “Nicole, Darlin’. I want to taste you for my birthday.”

  I gasp. As always, I get exactly what’s on Caleb’s mind. No filter, no chaser. We haven’t had sex, not for his lack of trying.

  I just think we need to build our relationship more before we complicate things. However, right now, as his tongue and beard brush my sensitive skin and his lips suck frosting into his warm mouth. A sister is having a hard time keeping control.

  Caleb lifts his head to look in my eyes and the lust I see trapped in his gaze almost blows me over. He still has frosting on his nose, so I lean in and lick from the tip up the bridge. His hands on my waist tighten, drawing me closer.

  “I’ll let you taste me, but only if I get to taste you first,” I say seductively. “After all, it’s your birthday.”

  Caleb growls, standing to his feet, lifting me onto his waist. His strong arms band around me to hold me to him. I feel like a little doll in his arms.

  “Wait, Babe,” I giggle as he moves swiftly to his room. “I think we should bring the extra frosting with us.”

  “What,” Caleb goes to reply, but I see in his eyes when he gets my intention. “Fuck.”

  I nod my head and giggle. Caleb turns back for the kitchen island and I scoop up the bowl of frosting, I had left over. In a flash, we are inside Caleb’s room with the door sealed shut.

  I’m spending the night, so I’m already in shorts and a tank top. My tiny shorts ride into my cheeks as Caleb palms my ass with his huge hands. He keeps his eyes on mine as if needing the connection to make sure I don’t change my mind.

  He gingerly places me in the center of the bed. I place the bowl down beside me and Caleb leans over me, taking my lips in a deep kiss. I can taste the royal blue icing the moment his full lips touch mine. I moan as the flavor of vanilla bean, caramel frosting burst in my mouth from his lips and tongue.

  Caleb doesn’t break the kiss, as he reaches behind me and releases my bra, with ease. My bra gets tossed somewhere to the side. Caleb never once breaks our kiss.

  He groans into my mouth, as I cup his face. Caleb’s hands glide up my sides, until his thumbs are right underneath my breasts. His thumb flicks one of my hardened nipples, once, twice, three times, before pressing down on it like a button.

  It might as well be. I feel like he has just turned on a fire between my legs. I whimper and Caleb pulls back, his eyes are dark, as he reaches for the waistband of my shorts.

  I place my hand on his chest and shake my head to stop him. “You first, remember,” I pant.

  Caleb nods, as his mouth falls open and his eyes become impossibly dark. There’s no grey to be found. I push him to turn on to his back, reach for the bowl, and moving it out of his way.

  I place the bowl beside my knees, as I look down at Caleb’s tented grey sweat pants. I know for a fact there’s a huge dick in there waiting for me. We may not have had sex yet, but we make out and fool around enough. Not to mention, on the nights that I do stay over, for a sleepover, I usually wake up in the morning to his morning wood pressed into my butt cheeks.

  I lick my lips, I want to taste him. I look up at his face to see the pained express written all over it. He needs a release as much as I want to give him one. I may not be ready for full intercourse, yet, but I’m going to suck the life out of this one eyes monster tonight.

  “Nicole,” Caleb groans in a

  “Take off your shirt,” I whisper.

  He nods and tears it off over his head, tossing it aside. His chiseled body is perfection. His skin is tanned from practicing with his shirt off. It’s like every muscle has a muscle. His pecks are perfectly formed showing off perfect dusk color discs.

  I lean forward and flick my tongue over one of those enticing nipple. He groans and buck his hips. I place my small hand on his chest and run it down to his hip. Pushing my fingers inside of his sweats, I reach for his length.

  I bite my lip at my first touch of his silky steel rod. He’s thick and one of the first things I notice, is the pulsing veins against my palm. My hand isn’t nearly big enough to wrap around him.

  Caleb reaches to push his sweats out of the way in impatience. My eyes widen as he comes into view in the flesh. Damn, I halt as my eyes and brain try to catch up with what I’m seeing.

  “Shit,” I whisper.

  “Is something wrong?”

  I turn my eyes to his, as his words come out in a husky, but nervous breath. I shake my head and lick my suddenly dry lips. I swallow and shake my head again.

  “No, nothing is wrong,” I breathe out. “You’re just…wow, Caleb. You’re big.”

  “That’s good right,” he asks innocently. His brows furrow as he looks at me expectantly.

  I bite my lip and nod. “Yeah, Babe, it’s good, but it’s probably going to hurt like a bitch our first time. Not to mention, my jaw is going to be sore in the morning.”

  “We don’t have to...,” I cut his words off, when I stick my hand in the frosting and then rub it off, down the length of his shaft. “Nicole.”

  I silence him once again, as I dip my head and start to lick the frosting off. I lick up the underside of his length, smiling in triumph when his fingers grip the sheets. I lock my hands together behind my back and lower to wrap my lips around his crown.

  “Fuck,” Caleb bellows.

  “Shh,” I giggle up at him.

  His face twists as he gives me a look. His expression is priceless. It says, ‘are you fucking kidding?’ I wink at him and go back to bobbing for icing.


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