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Where The Pieces Fall : Lost Hearts (Lost Hearts Series Book 1)

Page 25

by Blue Saffire

  “How about after you girls finish your breakfast, we go make some cards to send to your daddy. That way he’ll know how much you miss him,” My mother offers.

  “Okay,” the girls say in unison. Not half as enthusiastic as my mother was hoping for.

  “Or, you two can come give me a hug and show me how much you miss me,” a deep voice rumbles through the room.

  No, scratch that. That voice rumbles through my body, awaken things I should be to furious to allow to awaken. Instead, I’m speechless, as I hold my breath and my body stiffens.

  “Daddy,” the girls squeal and jump from their seats.

  I can’t move. I don’t turn to look at him. At this point, I’ll fall completely apart if I do. I can feel his eyes on me. Even as I hear him talking to the girls.

  “We missed you so much, Daddy,” Morgan sings.

  “Daddy, we’ve been staying with Gran and Pop, while Mommy looks for a new house for us,” Monica informs.

  “We’ve been to a lot of houses. Mommy didn’t like any of them,” Morgan offers.

  “Mommy said if we’re good, we can see about getting a puppy at the new house,” Monica giggles.

  “I bet you girls have been sweet as pie. Look at you, you’re all grown up. You’re both just as gorgeous as your Mama,” Caleb’s voice slams into me again. “Here, Daddy brought you both some flowers.”

  I hear the crinkling of cellophane, but I still don’t turn. I wrap my arms tighter around my son in my lap. Caleb Jr. just wiggles, as he holds his hands out towards his father. I guess we all missed him.

  I shudder when I hear Caleb’s heavy foot falls begin to move my way. From behind, he plucks Caleb Jr. from my arms. I close my eyes, as the sound of Caleb planting a big smacking kiss on our son, greets my ears.

  “Hey, little buddy. Did you miss your daddy too?” Caleb coos to our son.

  I think it’s then that I snap out of my trance. I stand up, nearly knock my seat over, as I spin to face him. Only, I’m the one nearly knocked over.

  The sight of Caleb leaves me speechless. While looking a bit leaner, he still looks good enough to eat. He has trimmed his golden beard close, revealing that little scar. His sandy blonde hair is pulled back into a low bun that’s just so striking on him.

  I’ve never seen his hair like this. He looks rough, sweet, and sexy all at once. He looks a little tired, but his intense stare sucks me in despite the circles under his eyes.

  His white t-shirt still fits snug, stretching across his muscles and chest. The jeans he has on, hug his thighs like a skin, exuding the power this man holds. He’s just mouthwateringly sexy.

  “You just gonna stand there and stare at me? Or are you gonna come here and kiss me?” Caleb breathes.

  I go to step forward, before my good sense catches me. I take two steps back when my mind catches up. I shake my head, as Caleb steps forward to compensate for my retreat.

  He gets right in my space, placing a bouquet of roses on the table behind me and cupping my face. His thumb runs over my bottom lip, and I lick my lips to follow the blaze path he leaves. Caleb passes his finger back over my lip, this time meeting my tongue on its withdrawal.

  Caleb groans in the back of his throat. His hand slides to the back of my neck and he tugs me forward gently. I bite my lip, not wanting to cause a scene in front of the girls and my son.

  Caleb presses his forehead to mine. “I’m sorry,” he whispers.

  “Girls, let’s go wash up. We can go play in the yard for a little while,” my mother says, moving in to swoop a reluctant, fussing Caleb Jr. from his father’s embrace. “Come with Gran, my sweet boy.”

  The moment they’re all out of the room, my anger returns and I go to tear into Caleb. He has other ideas though. His lips capture mine and he devours my mouth. I can’t help myself from clinging to the front of his t-shirt.

  Caleb deepens the kiss and I’m confused and lost in him. I wrap my arms around his neck and a growl rumbles in his throat. His hands slide down to cup my ass, squeezing me so hard, I lift up into his body.

  When his bulge pokes into my belly, I grab onto my common sense. I turn away from his kiss, but Caleb only starts to kiss his way down my neck, with open mouth kisses. I barely stop myself from whimpering.

  “I’m so sorry,” he breathes against my neck.

  “Caleb, I can’t,” I sob, pushing gently at his chest.

  “I’m sorry, Nicole,” he pleads. “I fucked up. What I did was so wrong. I was confused and hurting, Baby, but I shouldn’t have done this to you or our family.”

  “But you did. You broke your promise. You said you’d fight for us,” I choke. “You didn’t.”

  “Yes, I am,” he grunts, still holding me tightly against him. “I’m here to fight. I’m here for my family. I want you to come home. I called the lawyer and told him to trash those papers. I need you.”

  “No,” I shake my head, stunning myself.

  Wasn’t this what I wanted? Hadn’t I waited for this? I did, but now it just feels too late. I’m hurt too deeply to just roll over and let him back in.

  I look up through my wet lashes. The stricken look on Caleb’s face almost bows me over and makes me give in. I hold on, though, remembering the pain I’ve been in.

  “Okay,” he murmurs, releasing his hold on me. He nods to himself. “I don’t expect you to make this easy on me. I fucked up big time and I need to work for your trust again. I understand.”

  He reaches for my fingers, playing with my fingertips, before lacing his fingers with mine. He doesn’t say anything for a while. However, his eyes are blinking and he’s making that sound in his throat. I want to comfort him, but I don’t want to send the wrong message and confuse him.

  Caleb shakes out his free hand and pulls himself together. He steps into me, until he backs me into the table behind me. He cups my face once again.

  “Give me a chance to show you I’m worthy. Don’t throw me away. Let me get this right,” he pauses, presses his lips and squints. His country accent is thick as ever. “You need a husband, the kids need a father, and we all need a safe place to call home. Let me show you I can give you all of that.”

  “We had all of that, Caleb. We built all of that before,” I shake my head. “You didn’t want it.”

  “Yes, I did,” he says brokenly. “I wanted you so bad. I just didn’t think I deserved you. I thought someone else could give you better, but I can’t breathe, Baby. I can’t breathe without you. Please, give me a chance to show you.”

  I close my eyes and lower my head. This is how he hurt me the first time. When it comes to him, I just don’t know how to say no. Dr. Winsor said it doesn’t make me weak, it just means Caleb is my weakness.

  I have to decide how to handle that. I get to choose when I want to give in and when I need to put my foot down. I know this wasn’t all Caleb’s doing. Mrs. Jemma confessed to her sins the first time she reached out. Although, Caleb could’ve and should’ve come to me.

  “Nicole,” Caleb whispers with a plea. “I thought baseball was my center. The one thing that made me take control of my life. I know better now. Our love, our family, that’s the force that drives me every day. I will never question or throw that away again. Please.”

  “Okay,” I whisper.

  “Thank you, Baby.” Caleb pulls me to him, lifting my face to his, he plants kisses all over my face before he takes my lips. “Thank you so much.”

  He goes to deepen the kiss, but I feel my resolve weakening. I step out of his reach, pulling my hand free from his. I wrap my arms around my middle.

  “Show me, Caleb. I never used to fear loving you. I do now, so you have to show me,” I say softly.

  “You got it, Darlin’. I’ll take all your fears away,” Caleb says the words, so fiercely I want to believe him.



  “Daddy’s here, he comes to get us, Mama,” Monica tries to whisper to her Mama, as Nicole tucks her in. “I bet we find our own house now. Dadd
y will help.”

  My heart squeezes at my little girl’s words. It’s cute that she doesn’t think I can hear her, while tucking in her sister on the other side of the room. It also stings like hell that I’ve done this.

  “We’ll see, Sweetie,” Nicole says softly.

  I have to strain to hear her words. The uncertainty I’ve witnessed in Nicole all day has pushed me to the edge. I’m holding on so tightly to the last thread of hope I have. I can’t give up.

  Spending the day with my family solidified what I should’ve known all along. I belong with them. As noisy as they are, as busy as little Caleb is getting. I wouldn’t change a thing about my family.

  “You’ll find us a house, right, Daddy,” Morgan whispers to me. Reaching out her little hand, she cups my cheek. “You were just having a lot of bad days. We still love you. You’re back to our happy Daddy now. So, you can find us a house. I promise we’ll be good. We’ll even help to keep CJ from crying so much.”

  I swallow hard, but my throat is still tight with emotion. Nicole and these girls are my kryptonite. They shoot right for my heart. If I don’t understand or get anyone else in this world, I know and understand my family.

  “I have a lot of fixing to do, Baby girl. Your Daddy made a mess. I promise I’m here to do everything I can to fix it, but it will take some time for Daddy to get through his bad days and to get through to your Mama,” I try to explain.

  Morgan lowers her voice a little more. “You can do it, Daddy. I have faith in you. You’re my hero,” Morgan whispers.

  My heart bursts out of my chest. I scoop my little girl up and hug her so tightly, I’m probably crushing her little body. I’m gutted that I let myself be manipulated into thinking I don’t deserve them.

  “I love you, Daddy,” Morgan says and kisses my cheek.

  “I love you too, Baby girl,” I say back, kissing her forehead and placing her back into her bed.

  I stand and cross the room to kiss my other little girl goodnight. Monica gives me a sleepy smile. I bend to kiss her forehead.

  “Love you, Daddy. Pancakes in the morning, right?”

  “Yes,” I reassure her and her little smile returns. “I love you, Sugar. I’ll be here for pancakes, in the morning.”

  “Okay, Daddy,” she yawns.

  “Alright you two,” Nicole says from the other side of the room, now standing by Morgan. “Go to bed. You can spend more time with your father tomorrow.”

  It’s not lost on me that Nicole won’t stay in the same proximity to me. I haven’t been helping. Whenever she’s close, I’ve had my hands on her.

  It’s been so hard trying to keep my hands to myself today. From the moment, I laid eyes on Nicole, I wanted to lay her bare and feast on her. She looks gorgeous as ever.

  The simple grey t-shirt and short sweat shorts, have been driving me crazy. I love her shapely brown legs. Those shorts haven’t kept my imagination from going wild every time she’s bent to help little Caleb with something or to pick up after the girls.

  I’m starving for my wife. Whatever was going on in my head that kept me from touching her before has disappeared. I want Nicole with a vengeance.

  I want to fuck her like we used to fuck, after I lost a game. These moments when she surrender completely to me and my bodies demand for her, but first. I want to take my time with her.

  I want to kiss every inch of brown skin and devour her whole. I want her to remember my brand. I want to mark her in a way that takes her to ecstasy and back over and over again.

  “You coming,” Nicole whispers up to me, when she finally steps within my reach. Pulling me from my thoughts of ravaging her body. My hands itch to touch her.

  I nod and Nicole turns to leave the room. When we make it out to the hall and I close the door behind us. I reach for Nicole and pull her against me, her butt against my front.

  I dip my head to nip at her neck. I miss my wife so much. I slip my hand into the front of her shorts and she gasps.

  “I just want to make you come,” I breathe in her ear.

  “Caleb, my parents or the kids can come out here at any moment,” she whispers.

  I nip at her shoulder. “Then come into my room. I promise, I’ll just make you come and then we can talk if you want or I can just hold you in my sleep. I haven’t been sleeping without you. Let me hold you,” I say against her ear.

  I shove my hand further into her shorts, reaching underneath her panties. I feel her body tense against mine, but I don’t know if that means she’s going to deny me. I hold my breath, while stroking her button.

  “Okay,” she pants. “You can make me come. No sex.”

  “It’s not about me,” I reply, slipping my hand free and swiftly lifting her into my arms.

  “Caleb,” she gasps. “Your shoulder.”

  I peck her lips, moving quickly to the guestroom, I’ll be staying in. I use my back to close the door as gently as I can, before placing Nicole on her feet. We don’t get far.

  I pull her back against my front, shoving my hand back into her shorts. I find her dripping wet for me. I groan and suck on her neck. I circle her clit, once, twice, before pushing my fingers into her folds.

  Nicole lifts on her toes, as I pump in and out of her. She so snug, my cock grows hard with jealousy, wanting so badly to be the one inside her. I push my other hand under her t-shirt, tearing down the cup of her bra.

  “Cal,” she moans, causing me to pump harder, while squeezing her full breast.

  Nicole reaches for my hair, locking her fingers in my bun. I start to thrust my hips into her ass. I can’t wait to taste her.

  “Fuck, Baby, you’re so wet. I’m going to make you come, then I’m going to eat this pussy, until you come all over my mouth,” I growl.

  “Cal, I’m so close,” Nicole moans. “God, I missed your touch.”

  “I want to touch you everywhere. I love your body, Baby,” I groan.

  “Cal,” she whimpers, gushing all over my fingers.

  I close my eyes and relish in the feel of her body trembling against mine, as she comes all over my hand. I’m painfully hard inside my jeans, but I ignore it. I push Nicole’s body forward towards the bed.

  I spin her and toss her on the bed. She lands with a little bounce, as I pounce on her. I tear her shorts and panties down her legs. When her juicy pussy comes into view, I nearly go mad.

  “I almost gave this away,” I whisper to myself. “I have to be out of my fucking mind. This pussy is mine, Darlin’.”

  I don’t give her time to protest. I dive in and eat her pussy like it’s my last meal. She so sweet, and smells so damn good. The fact that her hips are rocking into my face, her hands are locked into my hair, and her legs are wrapped around my neck, are only a bonus.

  “Oh, God, Babe, right there,” Nicole purrs. “Yes, right there.”

  “Mmm,” I hum into her pussy.

  She gasps and arches her back, as I push two fingers into her and beckon her g-spot to life. I own this pussy. I may need to get my other shit together, but I know how to pleasure my wife.

  “Caleb,” she sobs, as her release slams into her.

  Her belly quivers and her legs shake loosely around my ears. I lap up all her juices, wishing everything were this easy. I reach down and squeeze my aching cock.


  “Yeah,” I reply, moving her legs to my sides and climbing up her body.

  I roll to my side and pull her into my arms. She snuggles closer to me, placing her hand on my chest. My whole body relaxes into contentment. It’s as if my mind, body, and soul are aware of her.

  “You hurt me, but I never stopped loving you. I need you to know that,” Nicole says after a while.

  “I know, Baby,” I sigh. “Let me take you on a date. Tomorrow night. I’ll remind us both why we belong together.”

  “Sounds good,” Nicole yawns.

  “It will be.”

  chapter Thirty

  Dinner For Two

  “Why am I so freaking nervous?” I growl into the mirror, as I smooth my hands over the front of my dress.

  The twins giggle from their seats on the bed. They’ve been in here trying to be grown, as my sisters and I get me ready for my date. I swear they’re too smart for their own good.

  They’re sitting like two little adults between their two aunts that are spread out on my bed. The smiles on their faces are so cute, which only makes me more nervous. I have to do the right thing for my children. They’re in such expectation.

  Honestly, so am I. Caleb has spent the day setting my body on fire, with just the simplest of touches. A hand on the hip here. A little touch to my back there. Even a hand on my ass, when we took Caleb Jr. for a walk.

  All natural gestures before. Now, each touch has been like gasoline to a flame. I’m so hyper aware of him.

  “You look pretty, Mama,” Morgan gushes.

  “Daddy is going to be so happy,” Monica chimes in.

  “Hey, why don’t you two go see if Gran has a snack ready for you,” My sister Wendy suggests.

  “But we want to help Mama get ready,” Monica pouts.

  “I have an idea. Why don’t you go see if your Daddy is ready?” My sister Stevie tries. “You can make sure he hasn’t forgot anything important. He needs to get this perfect. You two go whip him into shape.”

  Monica gasps and claps her hands. “Come on, Morgan. Daddy has to get this right, so we can go home with him,” she says determinedly to her sister.

  They scurry off the bed and rush from the room. I clutch my hand over my heart, closing my eyes over the pain. I stumble over to the bed.

  “I shouldn’t make him work so hard. They miss their father,” I gasp out. “What am I doing? We need to go home.”

  “Girl, please, Caleb needs to put in work. He screwed up and he knows it,” Wendy crosses her arms over her chest.

  “Sweetie,” Stevie says, calling my attention. “Let him be a man. This is the problem. His family babied him for so long. He needs to find his own way. You making this hard, is allowing him to be the man he needs to be. The one he wants to be for you.”


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