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Libra - Mr. Romantic

Page 6

by Tiana Laveen

  “It’s… it’s 956-232-9865.”

  He typed it in, saved it, then slid his phone back onto his hip.

  “All right.” Before she could say anything else, he leaned in close, kissed her on the cheek, and left her standing there as he made his way towards the front doors. “I’ll give you a call soon, Yasmine. You be safe, okay? Have a good night, Beautiful.” And then, he was gone…

  She stood there for a while, looking at that front door. Moments later, she saw the brown UPS truck pulling off and head out the parking lot, leaving her behind by her lonesome. The man’s presence was so big, so commanding, and yet, she wasn’t afraid. In fact, she felt safe when he was near. Funny thing too, something about him made it seem like he’d be a lot of fun. She hadn’t had fun with a man in a real long time.

  Langston Lopez… I hope he calls me… I really do.

  She grabbed a broom and began sweeping the store up for several minutes as music played. She thought about the hot shower she was going to take when she got home, and the roast beef she was going to heat up and wolf down while watching her shows she’d taped on DVR. Suddenly, the front door swung open once again.

  Damn. I forgot to lock it.

  In walked a sickeningly thin man wearing black jeans and a wrinkled shirt.

  She rolled her eyes, ready to tell the poor sap it was too late to purchase his beer and cigarettes, or whatever he wanted.

  “Oh, sir, I’m sorry, but we’re closed. I hadn’t got around to lockin’ the door yet but we re-open at—”

  “Shut up nigger and give me the goddamn money!” the man screamed so loud, his voice ran through her very soul. He raised his hand, holding a gleaming knife. He paused, but his eyes were so full of evil, she could almost feel the demon within him pierce her spirit.

  No no no no!!! This isn’t happening!

  She could almost see her life flash before her very eyes. She swallowed and backed up, step by step. Tightening her grip around the broom, she lifted it a little off the ground, ready to swing it at will.

  “The money is in the safe, sir, and I ain’t got the combination. Now I suggest you turn on around from here and get goin’ before you do something you regret.”

  “Bitch, you’re lyin’. I will slice you up one side and down the other!” He snarled and walked towards her, his knife pointed at her. She raised her broom higher, shaking with anger and fear as the blood in her body pumped faster and faster. “I been watchin’ you for a long time! Every night you go to all three registers, take the money out at the same goddamn time, and put it in the back there somewhere!” He pointed towards the office. “You’re the manager and you got that damn code to that safe. Now you get yer black ass over there to that first register, then the second and then the third and you get that money out, and you get it out fast or I will kill you!”

  He stepped closer and she could practically feel the sweat pouring down her face. She breathed so loud and heavy, she felt like her inhales and exhales were in stereo.

  “Sir, please! I will defend myself! I will not go down without a fight! The cops’ll be here soon. This is all bein’ recorded! It still isn’t too late if you leave now!” She pointed over her shoulder to one of the security cameras. He paused and peered up at one.

  “Then you better make it fast, bitch!” The man sped towards her.

  She yelled at the top of her lungs and took off running down the aisle. When she reached the office, she grabbed the knob but the damn thing was locked. With frantic eyes, she looked towards the front of the store, recalling she’d placed the keys on the second register before she started cleaning up. Just as the reality of her situation settled in, he tried to grab her arm and swung at her with his knife. She pushed back against the door and swung violently at the bastard with her broom, blocking his advances.

  “Noooo!!!!” she hollered, the knife coming dangerously close to her face.

  Suddenly, she heard a bloodcurdling scream, but it wasn’t her own. She somehow lost her footing, fell back onto the floor, and pain radiated up her spine. Pulling away from her massive discomfort, she spotted tattooed limbs, muscular and strong, flying in every damn direction. Brown clothing, black hair… a deep, guttural groan…

  “FUCKIN’ SHIT! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU THINK YOU WAS DOIN’?!!! DAMN IT TUH HELL! FUCKIN’ PIECE OF TRASH!!! I’LL FUCKIN’ KILL YOU! I’LL KILL YOU, YOU SON OF UH BITCH!” Mr. UPS Man belted that and more as he swooped down like some eagle towards wounded prey, his chest heaving, his body soon covered in blood. His knife dripped with the essence of the man that lay at his feet. The guy’s eyes rolled around in his head and his limbs twitched. The strong odor of piss soon stung her nostrils… the fucker had peed on himself. “You… you alright, Yasmine?” Langston asked breathlessly. Black hair fell all in his face, partially covering those beautiful eyes.

  She grimaced and nodded as angry tears welled in her own. Getting to her feet, she ignored once again the aching pain up and down her spine from her slip and fall and made her way around him to the phone.

  “911, what’s your emergency?”

  “We need police at the American Market Grocery store! Attempted robbery, assault… blood everywhere! Please hurry!”

  LANGSTON SAT ON the floor near the canned green beans, peas and lima beans. It was close to the pineapple display… The same spot where the pretty woman with the midnight skin finally succumbed and gave him her number. His head throbbed in a way he didn’t think was humanly possible. His right hand was coated in blood, and he could still feel the pressure of the knife in it, as if he was still holding it. He’d gripped the blade so tight, it left his entire palm throbbing, branded for life. The sounds of the ambulance finally subsided. They’d taken the bastard who’d done this shit away on the gurney. He was told the man was unconscious, still holding onto life. That was sad news… oh, how he wished he were dead. Two policemen towered over him while another spoke quietly to Yasmine several feet away. He couldn’t make out what was being said, not that it even really mattered.

  “I’m sorry to do this to ya again, Mr. Lopez, but if you could tell us one more time what happened now that things have calmed down a little, I’d appreciate it.”

  Langston closed his eyes, took a couple of deep breaths, and began again.

  “Like I said, I dropped off some deliveries to this grocery store tonight. I spoke to the manager there, Yasmine, for a bit after I helped her stock a few of her shelves with baby food and baby formula, then I left. When I walked out, I seen uh an old beat up Maxima pull up. So, what I done was go up the street a bit, then doubled back. I knew she was closed, the grocery store that is. She’d already told me plus it says it right on tha door.” One of the cops nodded as he wrote down the information. “There’s been an increase in crime ’round here lately. It ain’t safe for nobody, ’specially no woman to be by herself this late at night. Everybody knows the restaurants and stores got money at the end of the night. Gotta be careful.

  “Anyway, I got a funny feelin’… I get those sometimes, funny feelins, suspicions. So, I trusted my gut and decided to stick around. If he ain’t mean no harm, then when she turned him away, he’d be back out and in his car I figured. I’d go on then and you wouldn’t be here. The night woulda been uneventful. If he didn’t come out soon though, I figured there’d be trouble. Well, he ain’t come out soon enough for my likin’. I got outta my truck to see what the hold up was and looked through the door… ’bout near lost my fuckin’ mind when I got an eyeful of the situation. ’Scuse me.” He raised his hand.

  “That’s all right, it’s been a rough night. Go on ahead, Mr. Lopez.”

  “I saw he had a knife and she looked like she was ’bout to pass out. She had a broom in her hand tryna fend him off. I didn’t know if he was tryna rape ’er, kill ’er, or rob ’er, but whatever it was, I wasn’t ’bout to sit back and watch it happen. I came in, took my shoes off real quick, and bent low. I raced down another aisle, one where he wouldn’t look back and see me. I’m su
rprised they didn’t hear the door chime, but maybe they was screamin’, I don’t know. Anyway, once I got close enough, I looked up in the store mirror and saw ’em. I made a left once I got to the end of the aisle I was in and ran as fast as my damn feet would carry me towards him. By the time he was turnin’ around, it was too late. I hooked my arm around his neck, started squeezin’. He got me pretty good wit’ the knife on my wrist, so I took out my own from my pocket and started stabbin’ him in the back ’nd neck as hard as I could, over and over again.”

  “Do you know how many times, Mr. Lopez?” He shrugged.

  “I have no idea. All I know is that Yasmine was screamin’ and I was runnin’ on pure adrenaline. She said she got footage.” He pointed to the cameras. “Everything I done told you should be verified by those cameras.” Both officers nodded their heads.

  “What you did was very brave, Mr. Lopez. That man is a convicted murderer and is affiliated with the Latin Kings and he’s a well-known drug addict. He has a long list of crimes that include multiple robberies, kidnapping, rape, drug possession and, as stated, a manslaughter charge and conviction. He was just released a few months ago after serving a ten year sentence. If he makes it, there’s no doubt he’ll be back in prison, this time probably for good. Are you sure you don’t want to go to the hospital? Your wrist there looks like it may need some attention.”

  “Naw, I’m fine. I just need to clean it and wrap it up is all.” One of the officers helped him to his feet. He sighed from the pain and gritted his teeth. When he looked over at Yasmine, she wore the most pitiful smile he’d ever seen.

  “You okay?” she called out, her eyes watery as if she’d burst any moment.

  “Yeah, I’m just fine. How ’bout you?” She nodded, then turned back towards the officer she was speaking with. Suddenly, a heavyset dark-complexioned man entered the store.

  “YASMINE! Shit! You all right?” he hollered, barreling towards her wearing a pajama shirt that was buttoned wrong and a pair of jeans.

  “Sir!” One of the officers stopped him. “You can’t come in here.”

  “But I’m the owner! That’s my niece!” He pointed to Yasmine.

  “Please let him come through,” Yasmine said.

  The man had hair only on the sides of his head, the crown shiny and bald like a Milk Dud. The hair tufts on the perimeter reminded Langston of a pair of white earmuffs.

  “Uncle Sonny, I’m okay,” she said as the man grabbed her and squeezed her in his arms.

  “It’s all over the news! Where he at?! Where is that mothafucka that tried to kill my niece?! I’ll kill him!!!”

  “Sir, we need you to calm down…” one of the officers said as they pulled him aside. Langston couldn’t hear the rest of the conversation. He imagined now that the man was on the scene, they wanted access to the tapes. Langston leaned against the wall, feeling sick to his stomach. Soft music played, like some joke contrasting with one of the worst nights of his entire life. His wrist stopped hurting as rage burst within him. He hated the world right then. What an insane place to be…

  Woman in the store tryna make a livin’! Almost lost her damn life tonight… and over what?!

  I gotta get outta Elsa…it’s getting’ bad here… but I don’t wanna leave my family. This place swallows souls…

  He was beginning to hate that town more and more. Elsa was too damn small to have these sorts of ills. Sure, all cities had problems, but it was amazing what the increase in drug usage was doing to the sleepy municipality he’d grown up in. He recalled trick or treating with his brothers and sisters as children, having fun. Now, every day seemed like Halloween, and not in a good way.

  “Is it all right if I leave?” he heard Yasmine ask one of the cops, her voice a bit shaky, but better than before. “I need to get home to my son. Noah is fourteen, so he’s fine by himself but he’s been callin’ me. I texted him back, but that’s not enough. I know he’s worried sick.”

  “Yes ma’am, it’s fine if you go on now. If we need to speak to you further, we’ll call the number you provided us.” The officer gently tapped her back in a comforting way as she began to move forward.

  “Yasmine.” She turned in the direction of her Uncle Sonny’s voice. “When I finish up with the police here tonight, I wanna talk to you first thing in the morning. I’m sorry, baby.” Tears welled in the old man’s eyes.

  “It ain’t your fault, Uncle Sonny… I’ll be home all day. I’ll answer.”

  The old man nodded and turned back to the police.

  “You’re driving home?” Langston took hold of her wrist.

  “Yeah, I need to get on home.”

  “Naw, that’s not what I mean. I’m sayin’ you shouldn’t be driving home all worked up like this. Lemme take you. All I need to do is wash my hands, drive my truck back to the lot, grab my own vehicle, and then we’ll be on our way. It won’t take long, I promise. I would feel better if you’d let me take you. Look, it’s been a long, rough night. I need to see you walk into your house, okay? I need to make sure you’re safe and sound, see it with my own eyes. Now, stay right here, I’m gonna clean up right quick.”

  “Langston, on your way, stop in aisle 3 and pick up some gauze and some of that peroxide, too. You need to tend to your wrist.”

  He nodded then stepped away to do as she asked. After that, he went into the grocery store restroom, locking the door behind him. He cleaned his face and hands, working hard to get as much blood off him as possible. When he cleaned his wrist, the damn thing stung like a son of a bitch.

  He wrapped it up with the gauze and headed out the bathroom. When he returned to her, his heart sank. The woman’s lower lip quivered, but no more tears fell… She was either in shock or struggling to keep it all together. He grabbed her and took her into his arms, hugging her hard. He ran his hand up and down her back, and then, it happened. He kissed the top of her head, pulled away, and then her lips. They said nothing at all about it… the act over as quickly as it had taken place.

  Moments later, they were in his company vehicle, barely saying a word to one another. The truck went over the dips and bumps in the road, the only constant sounds those of the outside… insects and the like. Soon enough, they arrived at the UPS lot. He parked the big, boxy truck, took her arm and helped her out, then locked it up.

  “I’m right over here.” He pointed to his old faithful truck, waiting under one of the lights. After he helped her inside, he started the thing up and off they went.

  “Where do you stay at?” He shot her a glance and noticed she was shaking a bit. He turned on the heat. It was a bit chilly.

  “Tulipan Street…”

  “I know where that’s at… you wanna hear some music?” He pointed to the knob of his radio.

  “Yes, I want something to fill the gaps in my mind ’cause right now, my imagination is takin’ me some place I don’t wanna go.”

  He turned on the radio and out poured ‘Faded Love’ by Tinashe. He took her hand and squeezed it. She appeared surprised at the gesture. Fifteen or so minutes later, they were parked in front of her small ranch style house. He got out of his truck then opened her door, letting her out. They walked in silence until they stood on the porch, the mellow, dark yellow light shining down upon their heads.

  “Thank you, Langston… you’re a real good man… real good.” She swiped at her eyes with the back of her hand.

  “And you’re a real good woman. So, uh, here’s what’s gonna happen from here on out, Yasmine. I’m gonna watch you go inside then wait for a while, until my heart stops beatin’ so fast… until I get that feelin’ that you’re all right. Once I feel deep inside that you’ll be okay, at least for the time bein’, I’m gonna drive off. Then, sometime tomorrow, I’m gonna call you. I wanna call you in the mornin’, but I got a feelin’ news reporters, ya uncle, and everybody gonna wanna talk to you and probably me, too. So, I’m gonna give you some space for a bit.

  “I’m gonna ask you how are you doin’, and then I’
m gonna tell you that I really like you, and I’m pissed that this situation is what has brought us together… ’cause I got your number finally, and things was good… things was fine for all of twenty minutes, then this happened, and it made everything all dingy and torn up. It messed up the romance, it tainted it, made it ugly.”

  The woman smiled at him and patted his cheek. She drew close and pressed her lips to his.

  “It ain’t all dingy and torn up. It’s the way it’s ’spose to be, Langston. If anything, it made you look like somethin’ you probably ain’t even expect to be… and that’s my hero. Get some sleep, please. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. I promise. I just need a minute to decompress and keep from screamin’.”

  Taking out her key, she jammed it in the door, turned the lock, and walked inside. He waved to her as she closed the door, a smile on her face until he could see her no longer. And then he went back to his truck, got inside, and did exactly as he said he would. He waited… and waited…

  Her lights in her house finally went out, except for one. He saw her silhouette in one of the windows. She looked at him and he waved at her and blew her a kiss. She smiled, then waved back. The curtain closed, and he didn’t see her anymore. He waited a bit longer until he realized he’d been there an entire damn hour. Reluctantly, he started up his old truck and drove away, feeling a million different things, but wishin’ he didn’t feel anything at all. It hurt too much. The entire ordeal dug up old memories, shit he thought was long buried, but it wasn’t. Some traumas never completely go away…


  Creature Comforts…

  THREE THICK QUILTS, two white sheets, a cup of hot cocoa with extra marshmallows, and the television playing an episode of Divorce Court made the day feel a bit less surreal. Sitting on her bed, Yasmine brought her knees to her chest and let the hours war on. She’d lost track of time long ago.

  She briefly turned her attention from the TV to her calendar on the wall. It had been three days since the robbery attempt. The morning afterward, so many people called, many of them strangers who had somehow found her contact information. She’d eventually stopped answering the phone. Her voicemail box was full by the time 9:00 A.M. hit that following day. Once she played the messages back, she heard the voices of people she’d gone to school with back in Dallas, her close friends, and even an ex-boyfriend she’d not spoken to since she was fifteen.


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