Libra - Mr. Romantic

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Libra - Mr. Romantic Page 12

by Tiana Laveen

  “Hmmm, not really. I’m certain a lot of editing goes on though to make things look more intense or crazy than they really are.”

  He nodded in agreement. Minutes later, she disappeared into the restroom with her bag. Soon, he heard the shower on as he channel-surfed, hoping to find a program that would take his mind off the fact that there was a definite chance she wasn’t giving up any pussy that night.

  I wanna make love to ’er. I don’t want to lie here and not touch ’er, not do nothin’… two fucking beds… I can’t believe she made me do this. Okay, I need to just stop it. Don’t push her. I mean, shit though, we’ve been dating… we’re at a hotel… we’ve had a great day.

  He changed the channel again, frustrated, fighting himself and his urges. His eyes hooded and he fought to stay afloat, in the here and now. What happened next was a blur…

  “Langston… Langston!” The woman shook his shoulder as she peered down at him. Her hair was long, wet and wavy, the strands sticking to her skin. A white towel was wrapped around her body and she smelled like soap and honeysuckle. “You fell asleep. It’s fine, go on back. I’m sure you’re tired. I just want you to get comfortable. You’re still in your clothes.” She took the remote from his bed and turned the television off. Before he could get his mind right or respond, she disappeared into the bathroom again, closing the door behind her. He sat up and scratched his head.

  Mmmm, let me get these clothes off and go on to sleep…

  He looked at the time. It was almost ten at night. He quickly got to his feet, shoved his pants off, then crawled back under the sheets, welcoming the warmth. Wearing only his boxers, he wrapped the blanket around himself and buried his face in his pillow. He fell back asleep but then found himself suddenly awake, his heart racing. He stiffened as he felt the weight of someone or something beside him. He slowly turned around.

  Yasmine was lying in his bed…


  Swim Upstream

  THE WOMAN APPEARED to be sound asleep. He leaned over and opened the curtains a bit wider, allowing the lights from the parking lot to drift inside so he could get a better look at her. Gently peeling the sheets back, he studied her form, clad in a plain but pretty light pink nightgown. The color looked beautiful against her dark, smooth skin.

  As if feeling his gaze, she stirred. He cleared his throat and put a little distance between them, not wishing to disturb her. Her eyes fluttered and she looked at him, and then she smiled. Wrapping her hand around his arm, she slowly sat up. He welcomed her in his arms and in the darkness and stillness of the night, the soft, sweetness of her juicy mouth was all he needed. Flesh upon warm flesh, he held her close to him and let his tongue dance with hers. In that instant, he could feel her heartbeat against his chest.

  “It’s all right… it’s gonna be all right, darlin’…” He lay her down on her back and gently lifted her nightgown, inching it higher until it was huddled against the curve of her hips. He slid his hands slowly… ever so slowly… down her inner thighs, coaxing them further open before resting between them. “When was the last time you had sex, baby?” He kissed her neck, loving the scent of her.

  “’Bout a year ago. Didn’t amount to much… just a guy I dated a few times. I tried the same with another man right before him. Regretted both situations soon thereafter. Didn’t wanna make that mistake again.”

  “Makin’ love is rarely a mistake. You can always learn somethin’ from it. It’s just an expression of how we feelin’ at that moment.”

  “How you feelin’ at this moment?”

  He paused and looked at the woman in the semi darkness.

  “I’m feelin’ turned on… horny… I’m feelin’ good, like I want you.” He kissed her and began to slowly grind against her body, fueling the heat between her soft warm thighs. She shuddered, then raised her ass off the bed, moving and twisting to his rhythm. “That’s it, baby… you can trust me.” He peppered her body with kisses from her forehead down to her navel and back again.

  “I can’t trust nobody… people say and do what they wanna say ’nd do to get what they want. It’s not even wrong. It’s not right, either. But that’s life.” She shrugged. He stopped mid-thrust. His dick was rock hard and he was in need of all that she possessed, but he had to put it on ice. This was far too important.

  “You got to stop all of that, Yaz. That type of talk ain’t gone help you none. Some people say I’m too optimistic, always thinkin’ bad things will turn around sooner or later. Maybe I am, but I know bad thoughts lead to bad outcomes guaranteed. You want somethin’ to go wrong? Believe that it will. If you always expect the worst from somebody, then that’s all you’re gonna get. Now come ’ere…”

  He wrapped his arms around her and felt her shaking like a leaf. He gently pressed his lips to hers and felt the moisture from her eyes as he ran his fingers against her buttery soft, rich skin. Gripping a handful of lush, damp hair, he gently tugged, forcing her chin to tilt towards the ceiling. He kissed and licked her neck as he gave her ass a good squeeze, then reached for her hand and placed it over his cock. Without further instruction, she stroked it, getting it impossibly harder.

  “That feels just right, baby…You want me inside you now, honey? Damn, you smell and feel so fuckin’ good, sweetie.”

  “Your muscles are so hard and big, baby.” The woman ran her hands over his shoulders and squeezed. “Such a nice body, Langston… I feel so safe with you. I wanna feel you…”

  “You wanna feel me, huh? You want my long dick movin’ in and out of you? Makin’ you feel good? You want me to make you cum, don’t you?”

  She was quiet for a spell, then nodded.

  “Yes…” He exhaled, kissed her mouth, then her left nipple over the soft fabric of her gown.

  “I got some condoms in my bag, all right? Before I get ’em out, I wanna be sure that this is what you want. ’Cause I don’t wanna be in the middle of doin’ it and you get cold feet or be angry at me. That’s not romantic. That’s not what I want to happen at all.”

  “It won’t.”

  “Be sure, Yaz. Some of the shit you say worries me. I can’t even lie about that, all right? I ain’t your ex-husband.”

  “I know that.”

  “Do you? I ain’t so sure. I know you don’t harbor no ill will towards the man, but you two got history, and he hurt you… and in some way, he might be still hurtin’ you if you let ’im. I can see it in your eyes.” She blinked a few times. “So, I understand you been with other men since him, but based on your age when you got wit’ him and what we talked about last week on the phone, he was your first. He’s not only Noah’s father, he was your first love. That’s heavy. You’ve only had sex with three men in your whole life. I understand why you ain’t in a rush, why you’re careful. Sometimes you just gotta let go though, and let things happen. Sometimes, you gotta just trust yourself and take a chance, stop bein’ afraid. I ain’t messin’ around with your heart, all right? I ain’t gone hurt you.”

  He traced her lower lip with the tip of his finger.

  “Yeah, I hear what you’re saying.”

  I’d rather not even start it at all, all right? I’ll wait.” It was killing him to say these words, to deny his needs… and boy did he need her! But he had to follow his heart. He had to do the right thing…

  I think I love her… I ain’t sure, but I think I do. Pretty sure I do. I gotta be careful. I gotta be a grown ass man about this and put this woman’s needs first…

  “Yaz, I don’t wanna wait, but I will ’cause really I just want you to wanna be here with me, and this not to be one of your many regrets. My name is Langston. Not Regret. I don’t ever wanna be someone’s damn regret… ’specially not yours.”

  “I know… I know, baby. I’m ready, Langston. Come on, you can believe me.”

  She ran her fingertips through his hair, pulling him close and making him kiss her, taste her. He gritted his teeth when he felt the strong grip on his ass as she squeezed it. He cra
dled the back of her head, bringing her towards him in a needy kiss as he grinded against her pussy, her panties coming between them. Reaching low, he wrapped his fingers around the material of her underwear and maneuvered them down her legs, then cast them on the floor. They felt like they may have been too big for her, big ass bloomers, but he didn’t bother to inspect them to see if he was right. She helped wiggle out of her gown, tossing the thing across the room onto her bed. On a swallow, he ran his fingertips against the soft fleshiness of her pussy lips and damn near cried with joy. Moisture coated his digits. He could only imagine what lay beyond the petal like doors waiting for him. He drifted low until his chin rested at her pubic bone. Sliding his palms against her ass, he raised her ever so slightly, then traced her clit with the tip of his tongue. She sang like a bird, cooing and shaking against his oral touch.

  Twisting his tongue from left to right, he tasted her sweetness. He chased her pleasure, feeling around in the darkness, listening to her utterances, her sounds, the way she breathed. He slid a finger within her and her walls practically caved in on it… Damn, she was tight…

  He ran his other hand along her lower stomach, feeling slightly raised skin.

  She’s had a Cesarean… that’s a C-section cut. He’d dated enough women with children to be quite familiar with such things. He didn’t have to see it clearly with his own eyes. She stiffened as he traced the slight scar with his fingers.

  “Relax… I wanna know every part of you. You’re beautiful.”

  When he wiggled his tongue against her juicy slit, she moaned and grew impossibly wetter. He wrapped his arms around her waist and brought her flush to his mouth, licking fast and hard against her zone.

  “Oh God!” she blurted as he kept right on, eating her pussy the right damn way. He wasn’t known as ‘Hurricane tongue’ for no damn reason. He peered into the darkness up at her, relying on the stingy light from the barely opened curtains.

  I think her eyes just rolled… yes, baby… come on now…let me take you to the Promised Land.

  He kept right on, focusing on her pleasure, determined to get her there. He pushed a second finger within her as he darted the tip of his tongue against her clit. She moved like a tree swaying against his mouth, her body flowing right with him. A vibration, a shake, then another. She came undone. His lips were now coated with her delicious honey. The woman jerked and screamed against him, gushing like a rapidly moving river…

  Oh, shit… got me a fuckin’ squirter…

  “Shit! I’m… I’m sorry, Lang,” she said breathlessly. “I… what the hell…”

  He didn’t pay her any mind as he crawled up her body and kissed all over her neck, holding her tight against him. She wrapped her arms around him and squeezed, still shaking from her orgasm.

  “I made a mess.” She laughed nervously. “That’s never happened before. I think the sheets are soaked… shit.”

  “Fuhget all of that… I’m so goddamn turned on by you right now!” He chuckled. He could see her smile in the darkness. He gave her a peck on the lips. “That means I was doin’ my job. You got a real wet pussy, you know that?” He kissed her again. “It’s perfect… all right, hold on, baby.”

  He stretched as he got to his feet. Grabbing his cellphone, he turned on the flashlight. She sat up some, her big pretty eyes staring at him. He pulled down his boxers and discarded them, then roamed around naked to go dig in his bag, searching for the box of condoms he’d purchased and tossed inside right before their trip to his competition. He paused, savoring the scent of her pussy along his beard and lips. The fragrance came and went like a spring breeze.

  “All right, here it is.” He grabbed it, tore the box open, and took one of the condoms out. Standing erect, he opened one of the Magnum rubbers and rolled it down his length, soon finding himself back between his lover’s warm thighs.

  They laughed simultaneously, like some unspoken joke had been said in a language only they could understand. With one hand, he reached low and pushed her thighs further apart. “Wrap yourself around me, baby.” She quickly cocooned him, her body heat intoxicating. Reaching over to the curtains, he pushed them open with one hand.

  “I gotta see this. I need to see your expression when I first enter you… the first time we make love…”

  Her chest rose and fell quickly as they stared at one another.

  “Shit!” She screamed when he pushed the head in. He began to thrust slow and easy, working more of himself inside her.

  “Fuuuck. You’re so tight and warm, honey… I’mma go slow, all right… I promise.” He kissed her once again. This was one of those moments that men hated…

  When the pussy was so damn good, they were afraid they’d explode in a matter of seconds…

  I ain’t had nothin’ of this caliber in a minute! Hell, this might even be a first…

  Shit, this some good ass pussy! How in the hell does a man fuck a woman whose pussy feels like this, a woman that looks like this, a woman who acts like this and then goes and fucks up the relationship?! Like… HOW?! He must be dumb as hell! I ain’t gone do shit to mess this up. Yaz could tell me to go to Hell right now or she’s leavin’ and I’d call a travel agent and ask for the best airfares and hotels to go visit Satan. DAMN!

  Oh God… this feels too damn good to be true… I can’t believe this shit. I can’t even imagine what she feels like without a condom. I bet it’s out of this world. My head would probably explode. Both of ’em…

  He kept his word to the woman though, and moved at a snail’s pace. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her… put another regret in her mind. Her body felt like volcanic tremors against his form as he rotated his hips slowly from left to right, in and out, until he was fully inside. Resting against her, he just breathed and smiled down at her, and she did the same. Intertwining their fingers, he rested his mouth in the crevice of her neck and shoulder blade. Pumping his hips a bit faster, he gritted his teeth with desire as the heated wetness from her pussy loved on his cock. It was all around him, pulling him in, making him lose his complete mind. The sloshing, wet sounds of his rock hard dick gliding in and out of her, embraced by her tight, moist pussy walls echoed in the room.

  “I… shit, woman… I have to tell you and I know you’re gonna think this is some line or a lie I say, but as God is my witness, I don’t… baby, you got the best damn pussy I’ve ever had.” The woman chuckled at his words. When she laughed, it caused a vibration in her body and he felt that shit in his soul. “Do that again…”


  “Laugh…” She looked at him, then laughed. Her pussy spasmed, squeezing his dick.

  “Oh…my…God. That grip! Shit! You sittin’ on a goldmine!”

  She laughed even harder this time. Unable to control himself any longer, he plunged faster and deeper in her, his balls slapping against her pussy. She screamed so loud, he responded swiftly by placing his palm against her mouth as he rode her hard into the bed. The last thing they needed was a visit from security. The bed squeaked hard and loud as he groaned and thrust, her legs tightened against his hips.

  “Langston! Langston!” Her back arched as he fucked her with all of his might. Slipping a hand between their bodies, he rotated his finger against her clit, trying to make the woman experience the pleasure she so rightfully deserved.

  “You need a man to make you cum all day, baby! A man to love you… to take your pretty little self out on the town, wine ’nd dine you, romance you. I fit the bill. You need a man like me, baby! Ugh!” He tugged at her hips, forcing her into his movements, making her cry with ecstasy. He soon felt moisture against his thighs as she twisted and turned…

  “You’re squirtin’ again! Shit! That’s so fuckin’ sexy… I can’t… hold it… anymore! I’m cummin’, baby!”

  Crisscrossing his arms around her back, he jerked in and out of her. The bed sounded as if it would break as he took her away, made her feel every inch he had to offer. Their moans and screams competed with one another u
ntil he could no longer hold back. He sighed and shook as he quickly flooded the condom, his dick spitting and creaming within it, filling it in record time. He kept jerking; his body wouldn’t slow for quite a while as one of the most intense orgasms he’d ever experienced started from his chest and went all the way to his toes. His dick throbbed with pleasure.

  “GOD!” His muscles contorted and seized up, then relaxed. He couldn’t speak, he could barely think, his head was pounding, his body had a mind of its own. They lay there together after he’d settled—quiet, just breathing and holding one another tight.

  After a while, she broke the silence. “That was beautiful… You’re good in bed, Langston.”

  “It was….and thank you.”

  They spent some time kissing and touching each other in silence. There was something special happening, something precious, and words would somehow ruin it, get in the way. He breathed slowly in and out, holding on to her, living in that moment. He didn’t want to rush off, so he fought sleep. She stroked his hair. The light that shone through the curtains highlighted her erect nipples.

  He traveled down her body, caressing her. Coming back up, he enveloped her left nipple into his mouth, sucking lightly, then harder. She sighed beneath him, her sweet cries lovely to his ear. Moments later, he’d retrieved another condom and sheathed himself. Turning her over on her stomach, he hoisted his arm beneath her waist and forced her in a half kneeling position, then brought her flush against his groin. He entered her swiftly, bottoming her out.

  She cursed and screamed as he ravished her… fucked her ruthlessly. He was turned on by the way she balled up the sheets in her fist, her mouth open as she looked at him from over her shoulder, seemingly speechless. He had his way with her, taking her until he was covered in sweat, cumming once again, his primal urges teased and in overdrive. When they were finished, they fell asleep against one another, only to begin again several hours later.

  He couldn’t get enough of her… eating and tasting her pussy, stroking her body, feeling her shake all over as he took her there. When the sun rose, he hated it. It signaled the dawn of a new day—a blessing in itself. But what was a man to do? He wanted to never relinquish this feeling, so he needed this night to never end. Was there a deal he could make? A bargain of sorts? He rested his forehead against hers. They smiled and in that moment, he knew, they formed a connection like he’d never known.


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