Libra - Mr. Romantic

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Libra - Mr. Romantic Page 21

by Tiana Laveen

  “Your daddy told you, didn’t he?” she asked gruffly.

  “Naw, he played it off just like you been doin’. What’s happening, Mama? Me and the rest of your children have the right to know.”

  Mama kept on horsing around with the purse. He snatched it away from her, his heart pounding in his chest. “You got cancer, don’t you?!” His eyes watered, and so did hers.

  She looked away, nodded and sniffed.

  “How long have you known?”

  “’Bout three months…”

  “Goddamn it… Damn it!” He ran his hands through his hair, closed his eyes and shook his head.

  “What the doctor say?”

  Mama was quiet for a long while, almost as if she’d not even heard his question.

  “She said I need to start chemo or radiation therapy. It’s stage 2.”

  “Stage 2? What does that exactly mean?”

  “Means it’s a little more advanced than Stage 1, but it’s in my lungs and lymph nodes. It ain’t spread to my chest yet.”

  “But it could.”

  Mama hesitated for a spell, then nodded. “Yeah, it could. Did you know that there are more non-smokers than smokers that get lung cancer?”

  “Mama, I don’t give a shit about that. This ain’t a blame game so don’t go thinkin’ you gotta try and defend yourself. What I do know is that you gotta cut back on the smokin’. I know it’s hard, we all got our vices, but I’m sure that ain’t helpin’ none.”

  “It is hard, baby… been smokin’ since I was a teenager.”

  “Why ain’t you tell us? That ain’t right.” A surge of pain rolled within him.

  “’Cause… I told your father I didn’t want to be treated no differently. I didn’t wanna be coddled, babysat, doted after. I wanted my family to live their lives, stay intact… nobody worryin’ about Bobbi Anne Lopez. Don’t you fret.” She reached across the table and patted his hand. “Me and your father are considering all the options. I got a lot more life to live, you hear me? Wanna see my grandbabies graduate from high school. Want to see my children happy and settled.”

  She caressed the side of his face. All the bad shit he feared was bursting free, running amuck.

  “It’s gone take more than cancer to make me stop truckin’, baby. I’m gonna fight this, okay?”

  A tear ran down his cheek. “Mama, you got to. I got big plans, and all this is doin’ is making me more determined. I’mma make sure you have the best doctors in town and that you get the care you need. I don’t know how, but I’m gonna find a way.”

  She gave him a sad smile.

  “Besides, I need you by my side, Mama. You taught me how to love a woman… how a good woman acts and behaves. That way, when I met one, I’d recognize what I witnessed. I see her now, and I have you to thank in part. Fuck cancer… it can’t have my mama!”

  He laughed as he popped up from his seat, the tears still flowing down his face, and hers too, and grabbed the thin woman in his arms. “No, sir! It can’t have my mama… not today, or tomorrow, or the day after that. I gotta make somethin’ happen. My motivation is now on steroids…”


  Smooth-ie Criminal…

  “LANGSTON, IT’S THREE in the mornin’. Come on back to bed,” Yasmine said behind a yawn. She reached for her phone and took notice that her sister had called around eleven, but she’d missed the call.

  “Just a minute, baby!” he called out from her kitchen.

  She heard the clanging of pots and pans and other kitchen utensils. Rolling her eyes, she fell back onto the pillow with her phone, checking Pinterest for clothing and home remodeling ideas. Turning on her left side, she felt a slight throbbing in her pussy. He’d given her a workout several hours earlier…

  Damn, that man’s stamina was a monster. Now, however, she was paying the price. The sexaholic was keeping her up with all of his carrying on, but she loved his enthusiasm nevertheless.

  After a few minutes, she rose, put on her slippers and robe, and made her way to the kitchen. Rubbing her eye, she took a gander at the big man and burst out laughing.

  There Langston stood, wearing only a pair of pajama pants and something like white residue all over his face.

  “You look like a big ass powdered donut! What tha hell are you up in here doin’? Messin’ up my kitchen like this… got the whole place lookin’ like it needs to be condemned.”

  “I gotta confession. I’ve started sellin’ crack cocaine outta your house. I’m tryna make ends meet.” He smirked.

  She tossed a dish towel at him, and he answered with a chuckle.

  “That ain’t funny.”

  She plopped down in one of the chairs by the kitchen table, fighting exhaustion as she attempted to stifle another yawn. Crossing her arms, she noted the countless plastic grocery bags sprawled about, most filled with fruit and vegetables from her grocery store. Of course, she’d given some of it to him for free. Besides, some of the berries were going bad. Might as well put them to good use, she’d figured.

  “I have come up with some new flavors. I got this coconut one, baby. It has pineapple in it, too. I have this tangerine, cranberry, and lemon one for flushin’ toxins, and a nice sweet plum one for, well… that’s self-explanatory.” She chuckled. “Now see, I mixed different supplements together and some of these I can still kinda taste trace amounts of but that guy Peewee, when I dumped them in his smoothie, I didn’t taste ’em at all. When he and I talked, he admitted he had some secret recipes and whatever it is he’s doin’ that’s making all the difference. I’m gonna present two new flavors to him and he’s gonna feature ’em in his shop. If they do well, you know, sell, then we’ll go from there.”

  “That sounds like an excellent plan. You want me to taste test?”

  “I thought you’d never ask!” The man grabbed two clean Dixie cups and filled them each with different concoctions. He handed her one. “Now that right there is blueberry bash.”

  She took a sip and smacked her lips.

  “Mmmm! This is good, Langston! This don’t taste like no smoothie. It tastes like dessert! You sure you ain’t put no added sugar in this?” She took another sip. “It sure tastes like it.”

  “I promise there isn’t.” He threw up his hands. “It’s just the fruit and a little bit of Stevia and vanilla.”

  “Lemme try the other one!” She waved her fingers in the man’s direction, greedy for the sample.

  All of a sudden Noah shuffled into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes.

  “What are you doing in here?” she signed. “We know you ain’t hear us!” she teased. Noah smirked and signed back.

  “Vibration and light, Mama.” She nodded in understanding. “What are you two doing?” He stood with his long black hair all over the place, wearing an oversized T-shirt with some rapper on it that she’d never heard of and long johns.

  “Taste testin’. Langston is makin’ smoothies for his business venture. Wanna try some?” She pointed to the blender, still full of the stuff. Noah nodded and sat across from her. Minutes later, they both had downed several, and were raving about the mixtures. Some she loved more than others, but they were all tasty and unique.

  “You have to sell this, Langston. These are so good!” the young man exclaimed as he polished off the carrot, kiwi, spinach, ginger, and apple one. “I think this one right here is my favorite.”

  “Thank you.” Langston smiled proudly and began to clean up. “That’s what I’m tryna do and hopefully this’ll go right. It’s an uphill battle though. The beverage industry is ruthless. They don’t take too kindly to newcomers.”

  He opened the refrigerator where he’d neatly stored a number of mason jars full of various blends he’d made. He had black and white stickers on them that he’d printed out on his mother’s printer. Yasmine had suggested he tie a black and white ribbon around the lid. She’d gone to the fabric store and purchased him two big spools of the stuff so he followed her advice. They looked pretty as a picture

  “The industry is ruthless, but so are you.” She got up from her chair, yawned, and gave the man a kiss on the cheek. “Come on, Noah, let’s go on to bed. It’s obvious Mr. Smoothie-Criminal here ain’t going to sleep no time soon.”

  “I like that name! Like Michael Jackson’s old song… I should name my brand that… Smoothie-Criminal. It’s gotta nice ring to it. Anyway, when I get finished cleanin’ up in here I’m coming too. I promise.” He tossed some bowls in the sink then turned on the water from the faucet. “Gotta long day tomorrow so I really ain’t got no choice.”

  She paused and looked at her boyfriend very closely. He wasn’t paying her any mind; he was focused, distracted by his huge dreams, and that was fine with her. He had bags under his eyes since he’d been up working on these combinations for days, getting them just to his liking. She was proud of him, so very proud.

  Look how driven he is… and I know he is gonna keep on fightin’ till his dream comes true. This is a REAL man… MY man. Doing what men do.

  Work, love, support and strive. What he ain’t got in money, he has in heart. He’s gonna make it. He’s made sure he don’t have nowhere else to go but up. That’s what I call success…

  …Three weeks later

  “WELL THAT’S JUST fine, just fine.” Langston grinned from ear to ear as he stood inside his girlfriend’s grocery store, fighting sleep. “We sold all of ’em in the store, too. I think I ran a good marketing campaign, promoted boosts in energy and libido. That last bit sold the last ones.” He chuckled as he spoke to PeeWee.

  “Well, I tell you what. I set ’em out there in the front on ice in the display counter and they sold lickety-split. Just like our agreement, 60/40 split. I’ll give you the money on Friday, cut you a check. When can you have more?”

  “Hell, gimme a few days and I can get you about thirty of ’em. They keep for 2 days on ice but just make sure you shake ’em up or they’ll separate and look funny after a while.”

  “Yeah, that’s how mine are, too. So, we’ll work on our one together for the spring. I’ve got some ideas. We can test drive it. Do you think your girlfriend will put that one in her store for us too when the time comes?”

  “Hell, I don’t see why not! I can ask ’er right now… Heeeey! Yaz… She’s in the back here. She can’t hear me. Hold on.”

  Langston marched to the front door of the grocery store and made sure it was locked first and foremost. Several employees were ill and she had to work the later shift. José had been there with her but she said she needed to stay on a little longer to take care of payroll, so he’d come and sent José on his way since his work day at UPS was done.

  After tugging on the front doors and turning the Open sign around to Closed, he made his way in the back to the office. When he opened the door, the woman was standin’ there half naked, changing her clothes. His lips curled like the Grinch’s when bad luck struck as he observed the beauty in a state of undress. Her mouth dropped open, as if he’d never seen her cupcakes before.

  “Yaz, PeeWee wants to know if you’ll kinda do a spring display for us when the time comes? See, he and I are gonna collaborate and make a smoothie together.”

  “Of course I will! Tell him I have no issue givin’ the shelf space. We’ll put ’em in the icebox just like before then set ’em out with the picture flyers and posters. You can use this place as a test drive anytime you wish.”

  “Did you hear that? She said yes.”

  “Great! Happy to hear it. Well, all right. Just wanted to let you know it all went well this week. I’ll see you on Friday, okay?”

  “Yeah, and I’ll have those smoothies for ya, too. Fifteen mint and chocolate and fifteen peanut butter and banana, just like you said. All right now, you have a good night.”

  “You too, Langston.”

  He disconnected the call and placed the phone on the desk. Leaning against the office door, he licked his lips as he stared at the woman pulling up a pair of jeans over her smooth thighs. Her black slacks were folded on the chair behind the desk, and her button down shirt was open, exposing a black silky bra beneath.

  “What are you lookin’ at?” She worked her shoes off and kicked them to the side.

  “Somethin’ good to eat…” He smacked his lips and motioned towards her.

  “Stop it.” Giggling, she removed her shirt and placed it atop the pants on the chair. “Just changin’ into my relaxed clothing. Uncle Sonny wanted me to start lookin’ more like a manager so you know I changed my look a bit… played the part.”

  She slid her hoop earrings out of her ear and placed them inside her purse. Grabbing the hem of his shirt, he pulled it up over his head and discarded it on the floor.

  “Boy, you betta stop playin’ with me, Langston! I ain’t messin’ around wit’ you in this store. Get that shirt back on.” She pointed to it as if he’d forgotten where it was.

  “I ain’t gettin’ nothin’ on ’cept gettin’ it on wit’ you! Now, get on over here and let me make you ride this here dick!”

  “Oh, hell naw!”

  The pursuit ensued! She screamed when he went around the desk in a flash. Papers flew in the air as he gave chase, her screams echoed, mixed with nervous giggles and protests for him to keep away. She shrieked and he laughed as he caught up with the lady, pulling her by the back of her jeans. She reached for the door to plan an escape… but she was far too late. Arms extended, she clawed at nothing but air.

  “All this fruit ’nd shit ’round here makes me horny… those pink grapefruits you got sliced in half out there look like pussies.” He chuckled. “I damn near performed a lewd act on ’em. You’d have to mark them down to half price after I’d gotten through.”

  “You’re a damn nut! Lemme go, Langston. I ain’t got time to be funnin’ with you!” Her smile was as big as her large, pretty eyes. He pressed her up against the wall and shoved his tongue in her mouth. The woman bumped and rocked against him, moaning in protest, telling him to go on and release her, but it didn’t take long for her to give in to his demands.

  “Come on now, baby… don’t you fret. Give your Lang-Lang what he wants.”

  He bit into his lower lip as he quickly ushered his pants down until they fell around his ankles. He worked her jeans and panties down her hips, his eyes fixed on her.

  “I’m ’bout to make a special delivery… got some meat to drop off…”

  “Lord Almighty! Nine inches of death and passion!” Her eyes fluttered as her legs flailed, seeming to go in a million different directions when he gave her that first, hearty, nasty thrust. Positioning himself just so, he kept her high on the wall, his hands pinning her wrists and his thrusts jeering her pretty body up and down like the sun rising and setting in fast motion.

  “I’ve been a drug-free bodybuilder my whole damn career… couldn’t risk my dick shrinkin’… I had too much to lose. I’m packin’… a proud member of the BD club… You ain’t got to drink no milk. I got your vitamin D right here!”

  He moved faster and faster, plunging into her between urgent, sloppy kisses. She wrapped her warm, big thighs around him, cocooning him. She shook against him, the moisture of her pretty pussy making a mess, webbing between their swaying bodies. Her special honey coated his pubic hair, making the black strands sticky, and the heat from their bodies made him sweat with desire. Wrapping his hand around the back of her neck, he brought her in for another kiss, this one more intense than the last.

  “Your mouth tastes like caramel and fairytales… your skin tastes like pink Himalayan salt and visions of a better day.”

  He slid his tongue against her collar bone and plunged his cock deeper, so much that the woman’s eyes sheened over from the impact. He loved observing her facial expressions when they fucked… so expressive. So pure. So authentic. “Each time I’m inside you, baby, I get that much closer to the sun. I wanna burn to death… I wanna be so close to that glow in your eyes that I’m inside you, even when I ain’t!”

  She shuddered a
nd shook against him, a violently beautiful undertaking as she came once again… this time harder than the last. He ran his fingers through her soft, black hair, and he kept his dick strokes slow and steady now… peaceful like a tranquil sea. Rocking his hips back and forth, real easy, he slid his lips against hers, dragging the soft flesh of her mouth with his oral touch.

  “I love you, baby,” she cooed as her eyes fluttered… the woman was barely able to hold on, hardly able to keep afloat.

  “Oh, I know you do, baby. I love you, too… I love you so much, that my next smoothie will be named after you. YAZ: blueberries and passion, gumption and fresh strawberries like the sweetness between your blackberry thighs. I’ve dreamt of findin’ a love like this… I was lookin’ for it in all the wrong places. I never wanted to be out there playin’ the field—that was a cover for my insecurities. ’Fraid of gettin’ hurt if I let a woman know just how much I cared. But you… you were different and I knew this the first time I laid eyes on you. You turned me from a boy into a man. I ain’t afraid to show you just how I feel.”

  She yelled out as he rocked hard inside of her, thrusting with all of his might, balls deep. He drew still then, totally immersed in her. Mouths open, their breaths heavy, they stared at one another and he fell like fallen stars inside of her abyss. He shivered as he came, immersed in her wetlands with nowhere to turn but deeper inside. Churning and screaming, his muscles locked and relaxed against her, his body no longer his own as he spilled himself in her vessel. When it was all said and done, he gently placed her on her feet. Minutes later, they were cleaned up and dressed, walking out of there hand in hand.

  The store lights were turned off, and a sudden ungodly darkness took over. It was strange really—there was so much life born in that pitch black of the night. The grass still grew, the animals kept searching for food and a good place to rest. There was no sleep or rest for him though; he was on a mission to keep pushing. As if reading his thoughts, the woman paused, wrapped her arms around him, and pulled him in for a kiss.


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