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Libra - Mr. Romantic

Page 26

by Tiana Laveen

  “I love it, man… love it. Generational wealth; that’s smart. You hungry, Langston?”

  “Yeah, I could use a sandwich.”

  “Not you! Your son, you nitwit!” Anthony twisted his face up as if sickened. The little boy smiled and bobbed his head. “All right! Let’s see what smoothies ’nd shit, I mean, ’nd stuff, your daddy got in this big ol’ industrial-sized refrigerator in this insanely large kitchen that is too damn big for an army, let alone him! But I ain’t hatin’… just congratulatin’!” Anthony chortled as he went out of his sight, holding the little boy in his arms.

  Langston sat back on the couch. The crackling of the fireplace was nature’s music to his ears. The house, though they’d only had it a few months, felt oddly quiet that day. Noah had left for college several weeks prior, and that had put Yasmine in a little spell of depression. She worked her way out of it, but he couldn’t blame her. He loved Noah a whole damn lot, too. Nobody wanted to see him go. The boy was no longer a boy, but a man. He had more friends than he could shake a stick at. He was popular and had a girlfriend. He’d gotten a scholarship to The University of Texas at Austin in Engineering. Smart kid. Just like his mama.

  Langston took out his phone from his pocket and scanned the photos, feeling rather nostalgic and a tad bit homesick, too…

  I can’t believe I miss Elsa…

  He slid his finger past a photo of the house he’d grown up in with his brothers and sisters…

  I had been dyin’ to get away from there, and now I see the grass ain’t always greener on the other side. Yeah, there’s more opportunities here, but home is home. I love that I’ve got peace in my heart though, because I did all that I could.

  He kept swiping the screen until he came upon a photo of his parents. His mother was dressed in black, looking like some cool biker chick. He laughed at the picture, taken a mere couple of months prior…

  Mama is in remission. She ain’t stop smokin’ but she cut back a hell of a lot. She still bakes for me every time I come home, and makes me smile and laugh. Dad is finally fully retired and I love that they’re enjoying the remodeling of their home… got ’em two new bedrooms, a huge new master bedroom, a half bath for visitors, and an updated kitchen. Their house is the talk of the town!

  He’d given them the money for the upgrades, grateful that they did exactly what they wished with their home sweet home.

  He kept perusing the photos and landed on a pic of Brittany, Eric, and the kids.

  Eric is an awesome guy. So glad he and my sister are workin’ their shit out. No marriage is perfect, but they’re at least trying. He works for Smoothie Criminal full time, doin’ deliveries and managing the warehouse in Elsa. Now Brittany can stay home with the kids, just as they always wanted, without her taking occasional temp jobs and what not. I was able to create eighteen new jobs for folks that was outta work. Not to brag, but that’s what I call givin’ back to the community.

  “Langston!” Anthony called out from the kitchen.

  “Me or my son?” Langston snickered, happy to get revenge.

  “You’re one funny mother-trucker!” Anthony teased. “Hey, any leftover Mexican food? Your boy is in here chowin’ down on tater tots, but what about somethin’ for ol’ Uncle Anthony?”

  “I don’t know… ask Yasmine. Last night there were two tacos left but I have no idea if they’re still in there.”

  “I’m not askin’ Yasmine!”

  “Why not?”

  “She already told mama that when me and José come over here, her grocery bill triples! Now Mama has threatened me, talkin’ about we outta put money in the damn giving tree jar on your counter or she’s not gonna make me any hamburgers tomorrow like she promised. That’s some bull! Your wife owns two damn grocery stores! That’s like givin’ an orange Vitamin C. I ain’t gonna cry a river over me eatin’ some of ’er food! I better pay up though, or no burgers… mean old lady.”

  Langston burst out laughing and looked back down at his phone.

  Anthony has had a great attitude adjustment. He ain’t perfect, but he ain’t been back to prison, either. That says a lot. He helps with the design department when needed. He’s real visual, artistic. He even painted Langston Jr. and Sasha’s room—made a big mural of a jungle with large pretty butterflies and Hummingbirds. So nice. Langston’s room has a bunch of cars and robots painted on the wall. But my little brother has dreams like the rest of us, criminal record and all. I gave him the money for studio time. He wants to get a record deal with that voice of his. I don’t know if that’ll happen, but I ain’t one to try and squash somebody’s dreams. Sometimes that’s all we’ve got to keep wantin’ to hold on to this thing we call life.

  He swiped his finger across the screen once more and landed on a photo of José and Eric joking around.

  José is back in college but helps me from time to time. He still does security down in Elsa, too. He’s got a woman now; things have been looking up for him and he just bought a little house to call his own. Things change, you know? Sometimes though, it’s not about where you’re living; it’s where your mind is at. Naw, I can’t complain. Life is so damn good. I coulda been dead by my own hand during dark times in my life when I wanted to just give up, or because of a crazy man who chose the wrong damn house to break into.

  People used to say I romanticized life, saw only roses, kisses and chocolate candies in my eyes. No, I just chose to keep my pessimism to myself most time. It don’t do nobody any good. People would get tired of me bein’ a know-it-all sometimes. I never meant to be such; I was just tryna help—but what I’ve discovered is that those same people really valued my advice. It seems I always knew how to help others, but there were moments when I couldn’t help my own self. I guess that’s just how it is sometimes.

  I love myself though, through the good times and the bad. If you don’t believe in yourself, then why would you expect anyone else to? This is my motto.

  He kept looking through the photos, smiling at some, laughing at others, drawing sad at the sight of a few.

  There was Noah wearing his high school graduation cap and gown…

  What an amazing kid… My son is awesome. It’s astounding he turned out so well, considering all the negativity he’s endured in life. Speaking of negativity, it was real interesting having a face-to-face with Sebastian…

  He wasn’t how I thought he’d be. I mean, he was, but he wasn’t. He treated me with respect. I thought we was gonna have some type of showdown but that didn’t happen. He was cordial. Maybe because the first time we met, it was Noah’s birthday? I don’t know, but I saw him again at the college going away party and he didn’t say anything slick. He’s remarried now. I hope he’s happy… Don’t matter none to me though. The best man won. I didn’t have to lie to and manipulate my wife to get her. Too bad he can’t say the same.

  He set his phone down on the table and closed his eyes… He daydreamed of the future… like going fishing with his father and Noah on his own property, going to Sasha’s first father-daughter dance, and celebrating his parents’ fiftieth wedding anniversary that was due in a few short years. He imagined how he and his Yaz would look as old folks, maybe sitting on their porch and swinging to and fro in a rocking bench. The thought threatened to bring tears to his eyes…

  That woman gave me not one, but two, babies. She told me at first she ain’t even want no more kids. Now look at her? The most loving mother that I’ve ever known, besides my own. When we first met, I was still selfish and a little self-absorbed. I had a good heart, but I was frustrated and tired. I wasn’t seeing my hard work payin’ off. Then, I met a single mother who worked her ass to death to not only make ends meet, but be a good example for her boy. I met a woman whose outer beauty matched her inner worth. She’d been through a lot, had to grow up fast, but that made her all the wiser and more gracious. She supports me by lettin’ me be the head of this household. She trusts me. She comes to most of my bodybuilding competitions to this day. I don’t do it for
money anymore; I do it ’cause I’m good at it, and I like showin’ off!

  He cackled at his innermost thoughts.

  But there really is only one person in this world whose opinion means the most to me, and that’s my wife. If she don’t like somethin’ I’m doin’ or sayin’, the buck stops there. That woman allowed me to show the more loving, caring side of myself, the person that I always was, but at times was too afraid to let shine. Every day, she makes me want to be a better man… to be like my father, and his father, and his father before him. The generational curse is lifted, and now, blessings are raining down on us like feverish kisses from God.

  He got up from the couch and headed to the kitchen. Langston took his son from Anthony, who had been bouncing him on one leg, raised him up in the air, and spun around. He then brought him close and kissed the boy’s soft, squishy cheek…

  “Boy, for as long as you live, never forget where you came from. When you come from humble beginnings, you appreciate your blessings more in life. I ain’t gotta fantasize or pretend anymore. I ain’t got to exaggerate, because the truth suits me now just fine. My truth don’t have to be romanticized; the cold hard facts of my life are a beautiful thing. The best gift I can give to you, son, is guess what?” He smiled real big at the boy, and the boy smiled back. “You guessed it. Loving your mother with my whole heart, body, and soul…”

  ~ THE END ~

  Libra – Mr. Romantic

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  About the Author

  Tiana Laveen is a USA Today Best Selling author. She was born in Cincinnati, Ohio though her soul resides in New York.

  Tiana Laveen is a uniquely creative and innovative author whose fiction novels are geared towards those who not only want to temporarily escape from the daily routines of life, but also become pleasantly caught up in the well-developed journeys of her unique characters. As the author of over 39 novels, Tiana creates a painting with words as she guides her reader into the lives of each and every main character. Her dedication to detail and staying true to her characters is evident in each novel that she writes.

  Tiana Laveen lives inside her mind, but her heart is occupied with her family and twisted imagination. She enjoys a fulfilling and enriching life that includes writing books, public speaking, drawing, painting, listening to music, cooking, and spending time with loved ones.

  If you wish to communicate with Tiana Laveen, please follow her on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  About this Book

  Heads Up!


  Table of Contents

  Letter to the Reader

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  About the Author




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