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Page 12

by Adrienne Monson

  Samantha’s eyes warmed considerably at that. “Wow, really? I’m honored, Leisha.”

  She patted Samantha’s knee, sitting back. “I think things might be a little easier for you, now that you have talked about it. It always helps to be able to share your burdens with those whom you trust.”

  Samantha grinned, her innocence obvious. “I do trust you.”

  Leisha felt a warm sensation move through her heart and looked away. “I’m a murderer, Samantha. You should never trust one who takes lives.” Pausing, she changed the subject. “So was everything all right last night? You didn’t run into any problems while you were left alone?”

  “It went just fine. I made sure not to talk to anyone for too long, but it was kind of hard. All those people I ate dinner with were loaded with information about their masters and their origins. It was like gossip central!” She was getting more animated as she spoke. “Is it true that human servants can live up to three hundred years?”

  “Yes. When a human bonds with a vampire, it slows their aging process. It also makes them stronger and they can heal more quickly, as well.”


  Leisha shook her head. “That is the only good part. There are drawbacks, as well.”

  “Like what?”

  “Your very existence as a human servant is devoted to helping your master. If you were my human servant, and I wasn’t able to get to blood, then you would have to drink it for me. Until you drank, I would draw from your energy and make you weak. Plus, if your vampire master dies, so will you.

  “I would also have to feed more often in order to maintain a strong link between us. That was one of the biggest reasons I never liked the idea of having a human servant.”

  Samantha tucked her legs under her. “I can see that. Anything that requires taking more lives really bothers you. This is why I don’t see you as a monster, Leisha.”

  Leisha met Samantha’s gaze. “But that doesn’t take away the fact that I am still a monster, Samantha. Don’t ever forget that. I’m usually in control, but I have my moments of cruelty. You should never ever trust any of us.”

  Samantha let the subject drop. “I did have some questions, though.”

  “Like what?” Leisha relaxed a little.

  “Well, I thought all vampires were supposed to be pretty, but I saw a lot of chubby ones and some were really plain,” she said sheepishly, suppressing a smirk.

  Laughing, Leisha explained, “When someone becomes a vampire, everything that they already had becomes perfected. But even the magical power that makes us vampires can only work with what it is given. I look pretty much the same as before, when I was a human, minus the scars and blemishes.”

  “So, when you become a vampire, it just heals you fully? It doesn’t do anything else.”

  Leisha shrugged. “Sort of. It also corrects small imperfections. For instance, your left eye is just a tad smaller than your right eye. Becoming a vampire would fix that, making your face perfectly symmetrical.”

  Samantha huffed, changing the subject again. “So, what happened after I left?”

  As Leisha filled her in on everything, Samantha looked more incredulous. When Leisha was finished explaining, Samantha asked, “So, are we really going to track down Tafari and the immortals, or are we going on the run?”

  Leisha shook her head. “We have little choice here. Going on the run would be incredibly difficult, and Ptah would not stop until he found me.” She paused. “Ptah would not kill me if he ever found me. He’d just keep me alive to feel misery and pain for as long as he could.”

  “You think Tafari will really take us in?”

  “Yes. He will at least take you in. If he won’t have anything to do with me, the worst I can do is go back to Ptah and receive my punishment for failure.”

  “How can you say something like that so casually? He would hurt you just because what you tried didn’t work? That’s not fair.”

  Leisha smiled sardonically. “It is part of the price you pay to become a vampire.” She waved the issue away with her hand. “Besides, we all heal rather quickly. Yes, I may be in pain for maybe a few months, but I also know the pain is going to go away. Why worry about it when we don’t even know what will happen?”

  As soon as Leisha finished her last sentence, Samantha suddenly sat straight up, her eyes completely unfocused, staring directly ahead. Leisha called her name a few times with no response. She could hear Samantha’s slow, but steady heartbeat as she waited anxiously. Ten minutes had passed, and she still had no idea what to do.

  Then, Samantha’s heart rate began to normalize. The girl studied her environment, a little puzzled. “I’ve never had a vision quite like that one,” she murmured.

  “What did you see?”

  “I’m not sure,” she whispered. “It was like flash after flash of all kinds of images. First, I saw this thick, almost black blood pouring out of someone’s neck, like he was decapitated or something. Then I saw a bunch of images, but they went too quickly for me to identify them. Some of them had weird symbols I didn’t recognize. You might have been in one of them, but I’m not sure. I think you were arguing with a tall, dark man.” She rushed onward. “Then, I saw myself. I was helping deliver a baby boy . . . Somehow, he was very special, and I was determined to protect him.” She put her hands to her temples. “I have never been in one of my own visions. It was strange.”

  “Do you need to lie down?” Leisha cradled Samantha in her arms, heading for the bedroom.

  “I get headaches after the visions,” Samantha said, her eyes squeezed shut.

  Leisha tucked Samantha into her bed and pulled the covers over the girl. “Most do.”

  Samantha’s eyes opened wide. “You mean there are others like me?”

  “Both vampires and immortals have the gift of premonition, but no vampires with that gift are alive today. Many suspect that these abilities are our potentials when we were human; we just did not know how to use that part of our brain yet.”

  Leisha turned to go, speaking over her shoulder, “Go ahead and rest now. You can ask me questions later when you feel better.”


  Samantha walked alongside Leisha with a spring in her step. Leisha looked mildly irritated that Samantha was so happy, even when surrounded by bloodsucking monsters—Samantha knew Leisha would keep her safe. She was too excited at the idea that there were other people out there who could do the same thing she did. She’d always had her suspicions, of course—it had been lonely not knowing anyone else with the gift of premonition.

  Though she couldn’t actually think of anyone like her, she knew they were out there. According to Leisha, the immortals had at least one person with the gift of premonition. To think she might be meeting them soon put a large smile on her face.

  Samantha felt beautiful, especially in the pale blue evening gown she was wearing to dinner. This time, she let down her hair—Leisha had helped put large, soft curls in it.

  She couldn’t begin to describe the deep bond she felt with Leisha. Since they first met, there was some kind of connection between them. But after today, Leisha felt like a sister now. A two thousand-year-old sister.

  Studying the people around her, Samantha noted that these vampires acted like humans. They talked and gestured just like anyone else, and Samantha had yet to find someone with actual fangs. Last night, a human servant informed her that Leisha was the only one who could go under the sun without getting burned, which was intriguing. Vanessa, another human servant whom she’d sat with, had told her how most vampires got severe burns when they were exposed to the sun. It wouldn’t usually kill them, unless they were exposed for too long. The strangest part about it was that they did not heal quickly from sunburns. If a vampire was in the sun for five minutes, they would return with second degree burns that took a couple of weeks to heal. But with the invention of sunscreen, according to Vanessa, it wasn’t as bad now, although they would still burn.

  Samantha was havi
ng a hard time regarding her life before all this as real anymore. Being among vampires seemed to make everything else surreal, and she was glad for Leisha’s company to keep her grounded.

  They did the same formalities as the night before, Ptah wearing his same attire that made him look like a genuine Egyptian pharaoh. Samantha was careful not to look directly into his eyes this time. The last time she looked into those eyes, she was falling mentally, getting lost in the oblivion that was his gaze. If it had not been for Leisha nudging her, she would have been swallowed in the darkness of his eyes. Samantha hated to think what would have happened next.

  She stood behind Leisha’s chair as the vampires ate, and observed everything with continued curiosity. While not all of the vampires were beautiful like Leisha, they all held a certain grace and elegance that was incredibly alluring.

  She squeezed Leisha’s shoulder when it was time for the human servants to eat—a sign of reassurance. Vanessa walked with her and chatted about a few of the vampires, clearly loving to have someone new to share gossip with.

  They were sitting at one of the four round tables, visiting with the other diners when a young man pulled a chair to their table, taking his seat next to Samantha. He was large and burly, with very broad shoulders to accommodate his equally impressive frame. His light, moss green eyes met Samantha’s and bore into her.

  “So you’re going to be Leisha’s new human servant, then?” he asked in a baritone voice.

  Samantha found she couldn’t meet his stare. “That’s right,” she said as nonchalantly as she could, though it sounded weak. His forearm was the size of her calf, and she reminded herself Leisha would protect her.

  The man smiled pleasantly at that. “Great. We always love getting fresh blood.” He leaned in close and smelled Samantha’s hair. “Mmm, yes. I think you’ll be most welcome here.”

  Samantha suppressed a shiver. He seemed genuinely pleased she was going to stick around, and for some reason, that felt threatening. He was practically leering at her even though he had barely moved. “Thanks,” she said, avoiding his face.

  “Don’t you worry about a thing, sweetie,” he whispered in her ear unsuspectingly, causing her to jump. He chuckled, putting one hand over her shoulder. “I will be sure to make sure you are well cared for. It will be a great pleasure.” He sniffed. “I’ll bet you’re a virgin.”

  Samantha’s cheeks turned bright scarlet as she tried to redirect her attention back to the conversation around the table.

  “Yes, I really do like fresh blood,” he chortled.

  Samantha jerked her shoulder out from under his grip and pierced him with her eyes. “Good for you, but I don’t like you, so you can just back off.” She was shocked at herself for speaking so forcefully, all the while trying to keep a stern demeanor.

  “A feisty one, huh? I would not have guessed.” He leaned back, an amused smile on his face. “Yes, I think I really am going to like you.” He stood. “Enjoy your dessert, sweetie. See you again soon.”

  Samantha guffawed as he walked away, mentally shaken. Vanessa leaned in and said, “That would be Jonathan. He is Victor’s human servant. Be careful around him. Since Victor is Ptah’s second-in-command, Jonathan has a lot more sway than the rest of us.”

  “You don’t think he would try to . . . force me, do you?” Samantha could barely get the words out.

  Vanessa shook her head. “Don’t worry about that. He likes to boast that he is one of the best lovers since Casanova. He would never try to force himself on a woman. It would taint his precious reputation, not to mention his ego.”

  Samantha exhaled, a little relieved.

  “But plan on him trying to seduce you every way he can,” Vanessa warned.

  Laughing nervously, Samantha pulled strands of hair behind her ear. “I think I can handle that. I have no problem saying no.”

  Vanessa giggled with her. “Apparently not, my virgin friend.”

  “Come on, I’m only sixteen!”

  Her companion chuckled and was about to continue the friendly banter when she looked up over Samantha’s shoulder. “I think you’re being summoned,” she said.

  Samantha looked behind her to see Annette staring at her and waiting, as if Samantha was supposed to have known Annette’s desire to speak to her. She swallowed the lump of anxiety in her throat and left the table without bothering to say goodbye to the others.

  Annette smiled warmly at her when she approached. “Come along now, girl. Ptah would like to see you in his chambers.”

  Samantha felt herself pale at the words. “What about Leisha?”

  “Leisha is in a meeting of her own at the moment. But you have nothing to fear, young one,” she cooed. “Leisha has placed her protection over you. That means that we cannot touch you unless we want to challenge her in one-on-one combat.” Annette turned and began walking down the hall. “She is an incredible warrior, our Leisha. She has studied many different cultures and their fighting techniques. It came to great use when we were at war with the immortals.”

  Annette’s words should have been consoling to Samantha; even so, her anxiety continued to escalate. What did Ptah want with her? He created the vampire race and all the rules, so he could easily break them without worrying about the consequences. Samantha was so lost in nervous thoughts that she hadn’t paid any attention to the many turns they had taken as they went deeper into the earth; the air felt oppressive and chilled.

  Suddenly, Annette stopped to open a set of double doors leading into what looked like a spacious living room. Directly in front of her were a large conference table, and a couch and love seat to its right.

  Walking to the left, Annette opened the door to Ptah’s chamber. Samantha hesitated briefly, then decided she had no choice but to enter; she might as well put on a strong front like Leisha did. The girl straightened her spine and walked in to see what Ptah wanted with her.

  He was sitting in front of a gas fireplace in a comfortable looking chair. Smiling warmly, he showed off a set of perfectly white teeth against dark brown skin.

  Annette walked over to the large bed that was elevated on a dais and laid on her side, propped up by an elbow. Her black dress flowed provocatively around her figure, the devil’s temptress.

  Samantha was unsure of what she should do, so she just stood in front of the door, waiting for someone to say something. She noticed the large oil paintings around the room and tried not to show her disgust and fear. Several paintings showed gruesome details of women being raped and mutilated. Some by regular looking men, while others by monstrous creatures resembling loathsome dragons. The rest were portraits of Ptah and other vampires. The artist had painted them to look menacing, and it wouldn’t seem at all impossible for them to jump out of the canvas and attack.

  The floor and walls were made from stone rather than the hardwood and plaster like the rest of the building. The room seemed ancient, emitting a cold, foreboding ambience.

  The room was lit only by the fireplace and the weak illumination of a few scattered lamps.

  The awkward silence lasted for a brutal five minutes. Samantha fidgeted under Ptah’s scrutiny, trying not to stare at the pictures around the room. It felt like he was caressing her with his eyes. As uncomfortable as it could be, Samantha was drawn to him at the same time. When she couldn’t take the tension anymore, she finally said, “You wished to see me?”

  Ptah’s smile curved on one side of his mouth. “Why, yes, I did. Will you not come and sit with me?” Though phrased as a question, it was spoken as a command.

  His black eyes impaled on her as she strode toward him, her gaze focused intently on the chair she was to occupy. She sat directly in front of him—only five feet away—and looked at his nose.

  Sitting back with his hands clasped beneath his chin, he spoke. “I am surprised that someone as young as you could change Leisha’s mind about human servants. She can be quite stubborn about certain beliefs sometimes.”

  Samantha sat, her posture rigid
. “You mean her appreciation for human life? Maybe that’s why she chose me. I share the same values as her.”

  “Is she aware that it was your father who captured her for his experiments?” he asked.

  Bile rose in her throat, and she swallowed it down. She tried to remain composed, but she knew he had not missed her flinch. “Yes, she knows.” She hesitated. “And how did you know about my father?”

  “I know a great many things. Leisha was not the first of us to be captured by that American government, but that is neither here nor there. So, little one, you really do plan on becoming her human servant?”

  This was why she was here. Ptah knew Leisha too well, and must have suspected something was off when she had brought Samantha along with her. “Yes,” Samantha answered, her voice slightly trembling.

  “And you are comfortable with that idea? You would be tied directly to Leisha on an intimate level for the rest of your life. Are you truly that fond of her?”

  Samantha mulled over the question as if she really were to become Leisha’s human servant. “I know we have just met,” she said slowly, “but I feel as though we are kindred spirits in some strange, mystical way. It’s hard to explain, but I do trust her with my life and know we’ll do well together.”

  Ptah appeared more than pleased by her answer. “That is good, because until she does officially bond you to her, you are quite vulnerable.”

  Oh no, she thought. She knew Ptah could see her body shake as clearly as he could hear her heart beating wildly. “But I am under Leisha’s protection,” she whispered.

  He laughed as if she had just told a great joke, sending foreign vibrations through her core, which she tried to ignore. “Yes,” he said, still smiling. “No one is allowed to touch you while you are under her protection. But until you are bonded to a vampire, you are not protected from everything.” He gestured to Annette, who was still lying comfortably on her side, watching them with a smirk on her face. “For instance,” he continued, “Annette has a certain psychic ability that does not require any touch. She can simply enter your mind in a most unique way. We refer to it as mind raping.”


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