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Still Loving You

Page 10

by Sheryl Lister

  Malcolm shook his head. “I don’t know what I’d do if we lost Mom and Dad now, so I can’t even imagine how it is for Christian.” He instinctively held Nyla closer.

  Siobhan nodded. “He doesn’t remember them, really, just that they were gone and not coming back. And that’s why Justin and I are going to make sure he gets all the love he deserves. He’s such a sweet little boy.”

  Nyla decided she’d had enough of being held and squirmed until Malcolm set her on her feet. She smiled at him and opened and closed her hand repeatedly. When he didn’t move, she started to whine and did it again. Malcolm’s brows knit in confusion. “Sorry, baby girl, Uncle Malcolm doesn’t know what that means. Vonnie?”

  She chuckled. “She wants some milk. Lexia taught us some baby signs so Nyla can communicate with us instead of crying every time she wants something.”

  Because her best friend had lost her hearing as a teen, Lexia had learned sign language. Malcolm would always be grateful to his sister-in-law for helping Khalil through his ordeal. “That is so cool. What else does she know?”

  “More, all done and eat,” Justin said with a laugh.

  “Hey, well, she’s got all the important ones.” When Nyla made the sign again, Siobhan stood, picked up her daughter and went into the kitchen.

  “Justin, how is Vonnie really doing?” he asked quietly.

  Justin leaned forward. “Sunday and Monday were rough, man. You know how strong she always is, but this time...” He trailed off, and Malcolm could see the agony reflected in his face. “Hearing her cry felt like my heart was being ripped from my chest, and I couldn’t do anything about it. I felt so damn helpless. But she’s handling it better now, and knowing we only have a week or so before Christian will be here permanently has helped.”

  He felt his own emotions rising. “I hope the time passes quickly.” Though Siobhan was six years older, Malcolm was still very close to his sister. All of his siblings maintained a rare bond that had grown stronger as they gotten older. It had been hard for him and his brothers to relinquish responsibility for Siobhan and Morgan’s well-being to their husbands, but both couldn’t have found better partners. He checked the time. “I need to get going.”

  On the heels of his words, Siobhan came back with Nyla and her sippy cup filled with milk. “Since you’re off tomorrow, you’re welcome to come by for dinner.”

  “Sounds good, but I already have plans.”

  “Plans that no doubt include Lauren, correct?” she asked pointedly.


  “Well, you might not want to hear what I have to say, but I’m going to say it anyway.”

  He rolled his eyes and steeled himself for her speech about how he needed to be careful and not get too caught up.

  “I know she messed up things between you two years ago. We all made stupid mistakes when we were young. I also know that, although you’ve moved on, you still have feelings for her. I believe she’s the one for you, Malcolm.”

  For a moment, Malcolm sat stunned. When he finally found his voice, he asked, “And why do you think that?”

  “Simple. She’s the only woman who has ever owned your heart.” Siobhan waved a hand. “Yeah, yeah, you’ve dated other women, and I’m not saying you weren’t happy with them. You were. But none of them could make your eyes light up the way they do when you’re around Lauren. I saw you two dancing at the awards dinner.”

  He divided his gaze between his sister and brother-in-law.

  Justin smiled. “Big sister has spoken.”

  Malcolm pushed to his feet. “On that note, I’m outta here.” He kissed Nyla, and she stopped drinking her milk long enough to give him a wet one of her own. He pressed a kiss to Siobhan’s temple. “See you later, sis.”

  Justin walked him to the door. “Since we’re passing out unwanted advice, I’ll just add if you plan to pursue Lauren, be ready to go the distance, no matter what.”

  “Thanks.” He didn’t know if he was ready to go the distance, only that he wanted her now.

  Chapter 10

  Lauren opened the door to Malcolm Sunday afternoon a few minutes before four. He was dressed casually in shorts and a pullover tee. “Hi. Come in.” Malcolm didn’t move. His gaze made a slow tour from her sandaled feet to her face. She would have to be blind not to see the naked desire in his eyes. The appreciative gleam in his eyes let her know that the purple halter sundress was a good choice.

  “ never said where we’re going, so I didn’t know what to wear. Is this okay?”

  “It’s better than okay.” He kissed her lightly. “And I don’t think I should come in. If I do, we aren’t leaving.”

  Her breath caught. She had no problem interpreting his meaning. And she wouldn’t protest if they didn’t. “Let me get my purse.”

  Once on the road, he said, “I really like the dress.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Did Lyn get home okay?”

  She smiled at his use of Valencia’s nickname. “Yes. She sent me a text. I want to thank you and the guys for being so gracious yesterday. She was beside herself with excitement.”

  “I could tell.”

  “You never said where we’re going.”

  “My place.”

  Lauren didn’t know where she’d expected them to go—a movie, early dinner or something—but his house? After what happened in her office, he’d only have to suggest going farther and she’d agree. It was only a matter of time before they had sex, and she didn’t know if she would be able to separate her emotions from the physical aspects. She never had. Not with him.

  “Are you okay with it?”

  She rotated in his direction. “Yes.”

  “I hope you don’t mind starting so early.”

  “Not at all. I know you have a curfew, even if they don’t enforce it. I think it says a lot about your integrity and commitment.” She’d read lots of stories of athletes hanging out late and getting into trouble and respected Malcolm even more, because not once in all the years that he’d been playing football had she read or seen one bad thing about him. “Besides, I have to go to work tomorrow, too.”

  “Speaking of work, it seems like you’re settling in well. The guys all speak highly of you. The veterans are glad to have someone there who’s about helping the players be better instead of trying to make a profit.”

  “I’m glad to hear it. Of course, there are a few who aren’t too happy with the changes I’m suggesting, but I knew it wouldn’t be an easy road. And I’m hoping this will help with the book I’m writing.”

  “If you need any help or information, let me know.”


  “Of course,” he chuckled.

  If she could get a testimonial from Malcolm attesting to the fact that her methods were sound, or even a quote, it would be a huge boost. “I hope you know that I will be taking you up on that offer.”

  “I hope you do.”

  When they arrived at his house, he parked in the garage and took her in through the door that connected to his laundry room. She hadn’t seen it her first time here, but just like everything else, the washer and dryer were state-of-the-art. The room had plenty of cabinet space and a counter, which she assumed could be used for folding clothes.

  “Go on into the family room and I’ll be there in a minute,” he said.

  Lauren went through the kitchen and stopped in her tracks upon seeing a large blanket spread out on the family room floor. Something about it seemed familiar. She moved closer and brought her hand to her mouth. It was same blanket they’d picnicked on in his apartment nearly ten years ago. They had planned to go to a park but had to alter their plans due to a surprise spring storm. She couldn’t believe he’d kept it all this time. Her gaze went to the deck of cards in the center. She recalled with vivid clarity what happened the last time they’d p
layed, and just the thought made her nipples harden and the space between her thighs throb.

  “I thought we’d have a picnic,” Malcolm said, entering with a basket similar to the one they had used before.

  “What are you...why the picnic?”

  He placed the basket on the edge of the blanket and framed her face in his hands. “You said we couldn’t go back, and I agree. But we can start over. And this was the start of everything good between us. I want it to be better this time.” He touched his mouth to hers.

  “I want it to be better, too.”

  “Then we’re in agreement, sunshine.”

  He kissed her with a tenderness that almost melted her on the spot, and the long-forgotten endearment went straight to her heart. When she had asked why he called her that the first time, he said her smile was like pure sunshine.

  Malcolm kicked off his shoes and gestured for her to take a seat.

  She sat, removed her sandals, tucked her legs beneath her to one side and smoothed her dress down.

  He lowered himself next to her and unearthed two plates, two coasters and two champagne glasses. “I figure this time we can have a little champagne to celebrate,” he said wryly, opening a bottle.

  Lauren chuckled. The first time, they’d had sparkling cider because both of them were just shy of their twenty-first birthdays. “Yeah, I think we could pass for legal.” She held up the glasses, and he filled them.

  He set the bottle aside, accepted his glass from her and held it up. “To starting over and doing it better.”

  “To starting over and doing it better.” She touched his glass and took a sip. “So, what are we having?”

  A secretive smile curved his lips. “A little of this and a little of that.”

  “What are you up to?”

  Malcolm reached inside the basket and took out three containers. “Open them.”

  Lauren removed the tops of the containers and gasped. Her gaze flew to his. He had recreated the meal—fried chicken wings, raw carrots and celery, and strawberries, mangoes and grapes. “You remembered what we ate.”

  “It’s not something I’ve ever forgotten.”

  She searched his face, trying to figure out what he meant.

  “You go first.” He handed her a plate and napkin. “And this isn’t going to get me into trouble with the team dietitian, is it?”

  “I’ll talk to her, but I’m sure she won’t mind one splurge meal.” They shared a smile. She filled her plate and waited while he did his own. He grasped her hand and recited a short blessing. She decided to start with the chicken wing.

  “I haven’t fried chicken in I don’t know how long, so I hope it tastes okay.”

  “I remember how well you cook, so I’m not worried at all.” Lauren moaned with the first bite. It tasted even better than she remembered. “This is so good! I could eat these every day.”

  Malcolm chuckled. “That’s what you used to say. And then you said if you gained weight, it would be my fault.”

  “Yeah, well... I have gained a few pounds over the years,” she said, smiling.

  “And they’re in all the right places, trust me. The guys on the team can’t seem to take their eyes off you every time you enter the room.”

  The tone in his voice gave her pause. “You almost sound like you’re jealous or something.”

  All playfulness fled. “Do I need to be?”

  She met his serious eyes. “No.” Since that kiss in her office, she hadn’t thought of any other man.

  Malcolm dipped a carrot in ranch dressing and popped into his mouth. “Good to know.”

  They ate in silence for a few minutes, but every time Lauren glanced his way, she found him staring. “Is something wrong?”

  “Not at all. Everything’s perfect.” He leaned over and pressed a soft kiss behind her ear.

  When they finished eating, she pointed to the cards. “You still have the same deck.”

  He shrugged. “No need to throw them away. I pull them out every now and again to play solitaire when I’m trying to clear my head. You want anything else?”

  “No, thanks.”

  “We’ll have dessert later.” He repacked the basket and moved it aside. “But right now,” he said, picking up the cards and shuffling them, “we’re going to play.”

  Lauren grinned. “And as I recall, I wiped the floor with you in gin rummy.”

  He wiggled his eyebrows. “At first.”

  Her heart rate spiked. The last time they’d played, the bet started with pennies, but when she won nearly every hand, he’d upped the ante to articles of clothing. Lauren had done well and had him almost naked—until the last two hands. He took sweet revenge, and it turned out to be the most erotic game of cards she had ever played. Today, she had on only three things—her dress, bra and panties—which meant she couldn’t afford to lose even one hand. “Um... Malcolm, we’re not going to bet... I don’t think—”

  “Nope. We’re not betting articles of clothing.”

  She relaxed.

  “Something better.”


  Malcolm scooted closer until they were only a breath apart. “Kisses,” he murmured against her lips. “Every spread counts as one kiss, and we pay up at the end of each game. Deal?”

  Confident in her skill and the fact that it was only kisses, she stuck out her hand. “Deal.” In the recesses of her mind, that little caution signal reminded her about the effects his kisses had on her and that, more than likely, the end result would be the same. Kissgasm. He dealt the first hand, and Lauren smiled inwardly at her cards. He wouldn’t be getting one kiss.

  “Let’s see whatcha got, sunshine.”

  She drew a card. “Oh, you’ll see, angel eyes.” The name tumbled out before she could stop it. She took a wary glance his way to gauge his reaction.

  He smiled. “Haven’t heard that in a while. Just make sure you don’t say it when we’re at the office,” he added with a wink.

  “Shut up,” she said, rolling her eyes and spreading three matches.

  “Oh, the girl thinks she still got a little game, huh?”

  “A little? Baby, I got more game than you know.”

  Malcolm’s hand paused on the deck. “Is that right? Hmm... I’m definitely up for that.”

  His expression said he was talking about more than a card game. She had slipped back into their old banter without missing a beat. In the past, she wouldn’t have hesitated to play these sensual games, but tonight the sexual tension between them was so thick that they’d be in his bed if she gave the slightest hint she was ready to take the next step. Her mind said it might be too soon, but her body disagreed. And to prove its point, a sweet ache spread between her legs.

  Malcolm threw out a card.

  Two rounds later, Lauren laid out two more spreads. “Gin.” She smiled serenely. “Well, I guess that means five kisses for me and...” She spread her hands. “None for you.”

  He leaned back on his elbows. “Then I’m at your mercy.”

  She hesitantly rose to her knees, braced one hand on the blanket next to him and kissed his temple. He raised an eyebrow, but she ignored it. “One.” She kissed his cheek, and then his lips briefly, twice.

  “I thought you said you had game.”

  She put her hand on her hips. “What? You saying you don’t like my kisses?”

  “When you kiss me, I’ll let you know. I think you have one more,” he said with a challenge in his eyes.

  Lauren had never backed down from a challenge and leaned forward. She nibbled his bottom lip and slid her tongue inside, capturing his and taking her time reacquainting herself with the taste that was uniquely him. He reached up to cup the back of her head to hold her in place, and she broke off the kiss. “Five. How’s that?”

  His eyes remained closed for a momen
t. “Not bad, but I think we need to play another game to be sure.” Malcolm gathered up the cards and placed them in front of her. “Your deal.”

  That last kiss had tested her resolve and she was tempted to toss the cards, knock him backward and straddle him then and there. She shuffled the deck and dealt another hand. Turning over her cards, Lauren noted that it wouldn’t be as easy this game. She only hoped Malcolm’s hand was as bad as hers. If he ended up winning, she could call it a wrap on her control.

  His face was unreadable as he drew the first card. He studied his hand for a moment, then discarded another one. “Problems?” he asked with amusement.

  “Nope.” She took her turn. Midway through the game, she was up four to two and felt confident in winning and in her ability to control the rising heat.

  Malcolm took his turn, smiled then counted, including the two he already had, “One, two, three, four, five, six...gin.”

  Lauren’s mouth dropped. “How did you do that?”

  “Skill, baby. Now...” A wicked smile spread across his face. “I believe it’s time to show you my game.”


  He rose on all fours and came to her slowly, as if sizing up his prey, his smile still in place. “Mmm...where to start...”

  “What do—” The feel of his mouth on her bare shoulder stole the rest of her words.

  “One.” He eased back a fraction. “I think I like this game a lot better than strip gin rummy. What about you?”

  “When you kiss me, I’ll let you know,” she said, repeating his earlier words.

  Malcolm angled his head thoughtfully. “Oh, I’m going to kiss you, all right.” He moved over her until she was lying flat on her back. “Baby, I’m going to kiss you in ways and in places you’ve never been kissed,” he said in a heated rush, holding her gaze.

  His words shattered what little control she had left. She wanted this man, plain and simple. “Then kiss me, Malcolm.” Without waiting, she grabbed his head and crushed her mouth against his. He wasted no time taking over the kiss and making her senses spin.

  At length, he raised his head. “Are you trying to steal my kisses?”


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