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Dragon's Soul

Page 5

by Bri Sailor

  “Are you alright?” he asked as he looked into her eyes. “The last time I saw you, you tried to kill yourself and then flew away.”

  Atreyis took a step back and smiled. “Yes. I am fine. Now, that is. I’ll explain later. Where is Cora?”

  She looked back towards the hole and smiled when she saw her father climbing down.

  “Last I saw she was headed towards the temple ruins.” Answered Toran.

  “I’m fine.” Said Cora suddenly from the dark. “I found the entrance.”

  Her magical orb flew out of the shadows and into the sunlight and disappeared.

  “Cora!” Atreyis gasped as she ran over and hugged the priestess. “I am so sorry, forgive me. I wasn’t thinking clearly.”

  The priestess hugged her back. “I understand. What matters now is that you are safe. And alive. And…well…you.”

  Atreyis stepped back and looked the priestess over. Her eyes widened as she noticed the lines that now tattooed her friend’s body. She gently traced the lines on her arms.

  “Amazing.” She breathed. “How did you—I didn’t notice—”

  Cora held up a hand. “I will explain. Though they aren’t any more amazing than your own.”

  Atreyis raised an eyebrow in confusion. She looked down at her normal human hands and was taken aback. How did those get there? She had been so focused on the black scales that she hadn’t even seen the silvery lines that covered the back of her own hands and raced up her arms. She unconsciously touched her face and tried to feel if any lines were there. Cora smiled.

  “Yes. You have them there too.” She traced the areas on her own face to show the princess. “And so did Ky.”

  “She did?” Atreyis tried to remember what she had seen when Ky was battling with Lusha. It was all so dark. She concentrated. Burning red eyes. Lightning flashing. Ky’s face contorted with anger and lined with silver tattoos.

  “She did.” Realized the princess, she corrected herself. “Does. She’s alive. Cora, I can feel her I saw her. Heard her! I know she’s out there. I’m sure of it.”

  Cora nodded. “I believe you, but the problem remains. We don’t know where she is. Even if you two were in the same place I could still only find you. So even if we find her I don’t even know how to get to her. We don’t have all of the crystal shards yet and even with all my power I couldn’t bring her back.”

  Atreyis turned and gestured to the library before them. “If there ever was an answer, I think it’s here. I looked around. Who knows how many centuries have passed since this place was visited by anyone.”

  Cora smile. “I wouldn’t be so sure. Oldrin knew this was here. He had even told me about the ‘vaults below this very temple’.”

  The priestess’ brow furrowed as she eyed a patch of scales that remained on Atreyis’ arm. She reached out and traced them.

  “This really must be what Oldrin spoke of back in Thaemo.” She said seriously. “It makes me wonder, though, if you and Ky were both able to transform. What more could Lusha be capable of? And if all other Descended can grow claws, does that mean they can transform like you did? Like Ky?”

  Atreyis shook her head and shrugged. “I honestly don’t know. But I think it really is only something that Ky and I can do. I mean we are the ‘weapon’ aren’t we? I saw her on the other side. I’m sure of it. She was still a dragon.”

  “I’m not surprise.” Remarked Ehren. “When Lusha killed you…”

  He cleared his throat and fought back the raw emotions. “Ky flew into a beastly rage. I’ve never seen anything like it. The Ky that fought against Lusha all those months ago at Stone Shield was mere child’s play to what I witnessed on that hilltop.”

  Worry began to pit itself in Atreyis’ gut as she remembered the red dragon eyes that stared her down in that realm. They were full of rage, and yet, full of grief.

  Ehren continued. “The sky was black and all I could see were flames. All could hear was roars of anger and despair. I knew something was very wrong. Cora said it was all because of you. That you were¬¬—so I ran as fast as I could. Before Lusha got to her, I could just make out the massive dragon-like form Ky was shifting in to.”

  Tears welled up in Atreyis’ eyes as she remembered her own agony of discovering Ky’s broken body on the battlefield. She cleared her throat and wiped her eyes.

  “Well, she’s not gone.” She sniffed. “I saw her. And with this place’s help we are going to find a way to bring her back. This isn’t the end of it. Far from it.”

  Cora felt a tingling up her spine as she saw the fire of intensity burning in Atreyis’ eyes. The group had been joined by the rest during their conversation. Atreyis looked around at them all.

  “I can control this power. Ky can too! And I will bring her back!” she shouted definitively.

  The princess stepped back a few feet and held her arms out wide. Her hands and feet turned into claws once more as black scales creeped up her arms and legs. She stopped her face from completely changing but her teeth sharpened and her eyes turned from human blue to a reptilian burnished gold. She took a deep breath and turned away from everyone and spewed her white-hot flames, causing everyone to jump back. The princess turned to them and returned to normal.

  “And that is only scratching the surface.” She stated with profundity. “I can feel it deep within. There is so much more than that mere parlor trick that the Goddess has gifted me and others. I don’t care what is to come next. Lusha and her ilk do NOT stand a chance. We will end this once and for all. But I need all of you to help me find a way back to the Realm of the Gods. I must save Ky and bring her back. I cannot do this alone, that much I know.”

  Chapter 7

  Lusha hovered in the air in the dark cave. She had extinguished the magical fires to better suit her dark mood. For days she had fallen into a deep, dream-like state in her meditation.


  The witch stormed through the black, dead, twisted trees of the forest. She was nearly stomping in the dust as her anger boiled.

  “Where are you?!” she screeched to the dark gray sky.

  She manifested a large ball of energy and launched it ahead of her, destroying everything in its path and opening the way for herself. She stormed into the clearing and glared at the temple nestled in the trees. Her gaze was distracted for a moment as something caught her attention from the corner of her eye.

  “Unusual.” She murmured to herself and she marched over to the crater in the ground.

  “What made you?”

  She looked around and looked up at the sky. There was nothing and all she could hear was the wind in the empty branches. She turned on her heel, her tattered white dress flapping behind her. The temple doors burst open as she marched inside.

  “Where are you?!” she screeched again. “Show yourself! I know you are here! I know you are keeping me from my armies! They are mine! Not yours!”

  The evil temple was silent. She stormed outside once more and looked to the mountains.

  “I’m coming for you!” she growled. “You can’t hide! Not even in the Ever Dark!”

  She hunched over as two bulges formed in her back. Two sickly white and pale wings formed. The witch leapt into the sky with such power that the force of her wings leveled a few trees. She flew high over the forest towards the mountains. The white snow that had once covered them was now gone. Dry, cracked rocks and chunks of rock were exposed and made the once grand mountains look sinister. As she flew over the sky began to turn from dark gray to an evil red-orange. The ground below her became flat and barren. Nothing but desert and dust. The landscape also had rivers of bright red and orange lave flowing through. She arched an eyebrow, not realizing how much had changed. These lands used to be green fields and meadows as far as the eye could see, but she didn’t care. She continued her flight path as she scanned the ground below. After some time she finally spotted it.

  A single archway made of smooth black stone stood by itself in a lake of lava. The once blue water
s were long gone. The witch lighted on what remained of the platform of the arch.

  “Curious.” She mused.

  Inside the arch was an iridescent, glass-like surface. The gateway to the Ever Dark. Lusha found herself pausing before crossing through. Something was different this time. It wasn’t what the land had become, though she welcomed it.

  “I bet this just kills you to see your lands like this, Ailana.” Venom dripped from her mouth.

  The energy around the archway had changed. If it were possible it felt even more sinister. And yet, there was something wrong with it. It drove her mad as she tried to place it. Eventually, she gave up and marched straight through the portal. When she came out the other side her breath was taken away and she fell to her knees in awe on the hilltop.

  The dark blue-gray sky was dotted with black clouds as murky rains poured below. The desolate land was covered in thorny and dry brush and the dust had quickly turned to mud. The numbers before her were beyond estimation.

  Large beasts of various kinds stood guarding other beings. They were covered in fur, scales, thick hides, and some in feathers. Some had claws, others hands, and others still with hooves. Some had one horn, some had more, others none. They had weapons and long whips and were driving an even larger group of beings. A wicked smile twisted itself across the witch’s face as she recognized what was happening.

  The beings that were enslaved and beaten had a very soft, very dim light that glowed from them. They looked like humans as well and were slaving away in mines and forges.

  “My army!” reveled Lusha.

  She jumped up to her feet. “How perfect! The souls of humans, those that She cares so much about, are creating the weapons that will destroy what’s left of Her people. And I will be the leader of it all! With this army I will rule all of the realms!”

  She returned to the sky once more and flew to the center of it all. She hovered a moment as one by one she was noticed. Her wicked smile grew darker and her eyes blazed white.

  “Rejoice, my Mälgrav brethren!” she screamed. “Your Goddess has arrived!”

  Silence blanketed the lands.

  “I shall lead you from this realm and with me, you shall conquer all!”

  Cheers and roaring erupted from the demon hordes. The human souls shook in fear.

  “And you!” Lusha pointed to the souls. “You will bow down and serve me for eternity! Your precious Ailana is dead! The gods are dead! And from their ashes I have risen!”

  The forgotten souls fell to their knees in utter defeat. What more could possibly be taken from them?

  Lusha continued. “Béloneras bows to me!”

  More cheers and roars erupted. The evil beings had long awaited this moment. This time where they could exact their revenge against what the gods had loved above all others. Against the very Light that shunned and threatened to destroy them. Lusha hovered in the air and soaked up every last ounce of their praise as she became utterly drunk on power, not noticing the solitary Mälgrav that stood with his fists clutched and staring menacingly at her.

  Chapter 8

  Nya threw open the doors of the Temple of Ages. The guards at the door immediately bowed deeply as she quickly strode past them. Her platinum blond hair flowed like her red dress as she hurried. For weeks the condition of the Seal had plagued her every waking through and every dream. What power could Cora have possibly stumbled upon? A lone thought surfaced again.

  “Couldn’t be.” She muttered to herself.

  Taryn and Riker and Vex were stumbling to catch up with the single-minded Keeper and Queen. While the three of them discussed war strategies and hopeful thoughts of the others retrieving the crystal shards, the queen had spent her days in silence and deep meditation. Deep in her gut, Taryn could tell something was wrong. Not too long after Nya had felt that initial energy surge in the palace, she was leveled again.


  Queen Nya rushed around her quarters packing everything she would need for the long journey ahead. Though she must have traveled the same road a thousand times she couldn’t ignore the nagging feeling in the back of her mind. After feeling that incredible surge of power from Cora, the thought of what truly caused the priestess to call upon such power was disconcerting. Only a response of that magnitude was warranted for an equal threat. A battle must be looming in the Xaemox kingdom. Of course Lusha found them. Nya silently sent a prayer to Ailana begging the goddess that Lusha hadn’t figured out their plan. She sent another plea that her headstrong daughter, with a thirst for the witch’s blood, wouldn’t go headlong into battle against her.

  “Nya, you fool.” She chastised herself. “She has your stubbornness and her father’s fighting spirit.”

  The queen’s stomach churned. There was no way around it. A battle would be fought if it wasn’t already. She cursed herself for not forcing everyone to stay together. She threw the last of her things in her bags. There was some hope, however small. Atreyis had begun a powerful transformation back at the inn. She would hardly believe it had she not seen the claws transform before her very eyes. Atreyis and Ky. They were the Weapon. They are the key to destroying the witch. How the queen longed to see what her brave daughter was truly capable of with the goddess’ gift. And it wasn’t only the two of them. They seemed to have started a cascade of changes within other Descended including herself. During a bout of anger after her unsuccessful trip to find the crystal shard, her own hands had transformed into magenta-red claws. The thought that Atreyis and Ky could do so much more was what kept the queen from going completely mad and rushing towards certain death in battle. That and her faith in the goddess and Cora. No. She is not to go to her daughter. Deep down she could feel a magnetic pull, a calling from the Seal. That archaic, enigmatic, gods-forsaken relic.

  “Where it all began. And where it will end.” She declared to her empty room.

  A knock at the door brought her back to the present. The raven-haired Taryn poked her head through the door.

  “Ready, Your Highness?” she asked.

  Nya nodded. “Yes. We only stop when necessary. We must be swift. I feel—” she cut herself off and bit her tongue. She needed to keep those around her focused on getting to the temple. It would do no good to rush off now. They were too far away and of no help at this point. No. They were needed at the temple. Curious as to the queen’s behavior Taryn stepped inside.

  “Are you alright?” she was concerned. “What do you feel? Did something else happen?”

  Nya held up a hand. “No. I’m fine. I just had a thought, but it’s nothing. Come. It’s time to leave.”

  The queen grabbed he bag and headed towards the door with Taryn right behind her. She suddenly stopped. Her bags dropped to the floor.

  “Nya?” Taryn put a hand on her shoulder. “Are you…”

  The queen’s face was deathly pale as she stared straight ahead.

  “Nya!” yelled Taryn as she tried to snap her out of her stupor. The queen didn’t move.

  “Nya!” Taryn shook her.

  The Keeper could hear Taryn’s desperate cries but could not respond. She felt hollow. Everything inside her soul was gone. But it was not her own feeling. It had to be the small priestess again. She was sure that all of the priests across the kingdoms could feel what Cora was sending out. Loss. Grief. And utter despair. Everything was over. The queen’s vision tunneled. In the darkness she could see flashes of lighting and…flames? Just as suddenly as it came on it passed. Nya gasped for air and came back to reality.

  “Nya!” Taryn was relieved to have her back. “What was that? What happened? Is it Cora? Is everything Ok? Do they need our help?”

  Nya shook her head and grabbed her bad.

  “It’s nothing.” She did her best to lie. “My mind just went to a dark place.”

  She met Taryn’s disbelieving gaze with equal intensity. “Our only concern is getting to the temple and protecting the Seal. That is out part to play. The others are fine. Cora will see that that. And you know
how protective Atreyis and Ky are of everyone.”

  The queen pushed past the suspicious guard. Taryn could tell that she was hiding something. It was something important. Things up north must not be as rosy as she claimed they were.


  Taryn had kept a close eye on the queen ever since that day, but the vault-like woman gave nothing away. She was determined and emotionless. The raced through the hidden nature preserve that was the Temple of Ages. Orbs of light danced around the trees and gardens. Strangely, there wasn’t a priest in sight. Nya ran to the stairs and descended into the earth. There, in front of the damaged Deal, were all of the priests. The Keeper forcefully shoved them out of the way as she marched straight up to the dimly glowing and pulsating wall. Her eye burned a bright red and she threw her hands onto the wall. The steady pulsating continued. The Keeper searched out the protective spell. Nothing. The massive floor to ceiling crack glowed with an ethereal light. An elder priest stepped up.


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