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Blackmailing his Love: (His Love)

Page 7

by M. J. Perry

I wasn’t sure how long I’d been sat wallowing in my misery, but I’d cried myself out and my head was throbbing. Hearing footsteps behind me I turned to see who it was.

  “Alex.” I greeted my voice hoarse from the tears.

  “Callie.” He sat next to me and picked up my hand. I stiffened and tried to take it back, but he wouldn’t let go.

  His sighed loudly. “I’ve just been on the phone to David to ask him to find out who the person is behind the call. It turns out the caller is bogus, and the story is made up.”

  “I could have told you that.” I snapped.

  “No baby I don’t think you understand. There is no paper and no story being written. It was either a hoax to get a story or someone looking to cause trouble.”

  “So no one is printing a story about me?”


  “How could you be so quick to believe it?”

  “I didn’t believe it.”

  I raised my eyebrows in disbelief.

  “Ok for a split second I almost had, but one look at your face and I knew it wasn’t true.”

  “Why did you look so furious then? Why didn’t you say something?”

  “I was too angry that someone would do this to you.”

  “Oh.” How I wanted him to be telling the truth.

  “We’ll get to the bottom of it Callie, we’ll find out who is out to blacken your name.”

  “I hope so. It sucks being accused of things.” I leaned into him and rested my head on his shoulder.

  “I can imagine.”

  I shook my head. “No, you can’t. You can’t possibly know how it feels. You haven’t been accused of cheating on the person you love and then thrust out of their life like you mean nothing to them, to realise their words of love must have been lies because how else could they dismiss you like rubbish without first hearing you out.”

  He’d tensed as I’d spoke. I guess I shouldn’t have spilled everything, but I was so sick of being treated like the bad guy when I felt so hurt.

  “I’m so sorry, baby. You’ll never know how much.”

  “You broke my heart, Alex,” I whispered.

  “I broke my own too.” He whispered back. “We’re in this together Callie, no matter what.”

  “I wish I could believe you.”

  “You will one day; I’ll make sure of it.” He gave me a gentle squeeze.

  The question on the tip of my tongue needed to be asked. Did he believe I hadn’t cheated on him now? I couldn’t ask, though, I was too scared of the answer. It was cowardly, but I kept my mouth shut.

  “Come on, let’s get you warmed up. Violet will have the kettle on I’m sure.”

  “Is she ok?”

  “She’s fine just really angry. She had a few choice words for the caller and some of them even shocked me.”

  I laughed. “She has the mouth of a sailor.”

  “Yes she does, it reminded me not to get on her bad side.” He grinned.

  Using the hand he still held he pulled me up from the bench and curled his arm around my waist. “I promise we’ll find out who is doing this.”

  “I know.”

  “David will have answers soon.”

  “He’s a good friend.”

  “Yes, he is. Let’s get you a cup of tea and then we can retire for a rest, I’m sure you’re feeling worn out.”

  “I don’t think I could sleep.”

  “Who said anything about sleeping?” He winked.

  I blushed at the hot look he sent my way.

  “I’ll take that pretty blush as your agreement.”


  Violet was in the kitchen and Alex was right, she has the kettle on.

  “Callie, are you all right?”

  “I am now,” I assured her.

  She gave an angry glance at Alex and led me to a stool. “This will help.” She told me as she placed a cup of tea in front of me making me smile.

  “You can get your own.” She pointed at Alex and bustled off.

  “Oh dear, I think you’ve upset her.” I laughed.

  “Yep, she’ll be prickly for a week now.” He complained, but I saw him smile.

  He’d have her talking to him again by the end of the day I had no doubt.

  “Drink up Callie, we have plans remember.”

  I took a sip, but it was too hot. “Forget it, by the time I’m finished with you, it will have cooled down. Let’s go.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet. He moved quickly and before I knew it he was cradling me in his arms and carrying me out the door towards the stairs.

  “Alex,” I hissed. “Violet might see us.”

  “I don’t care; I’m not embarrassed by my desire for you.”

  “Well I am, I don’t want people to see, they’ll know what we’re about to do.” I groaned.

  “You’re mine, Callie.”

  That was all he said, and it was all it took for me to stop talking and start using my mouth on his neck. I felt his shiver as my tongue slid over his exposed collarbone and I grinned against his skin. He quickened his step and I heard a door open, and then I was moving through the air and landing on the bed. Before I could even lean up on my elbows Alex was on top of me and his mouth fused to mine. Our hands got tangled as we fought to get each other’s clothes off making me giggle and him chuckle as he finally gave in and climbed off me so he could strip. I did the same while watching him. He lay down next to me on the bed and pulled me on top of him; I lined myself up with his erection and took him slowly into my body, pausing to allow myself to adjust to his size even though I was so wet, it was still a struggle. Once he was fully inside me I closed my eyes and rejoiced in the connection I felt. Alex’s hands came to my hips, and he gripped them tightly as he lifted me up and down gently.

  “It’s not enough.” He groaned and then I was suddenly on my back with him still inside me. He leaned down to kiss my lips and then he took one of my nipples into his mouth and all my thoughts fled. Alex took me like he couldn’t get enough of me and as I felt myself getting closer and closer to the edge, his thumb brushed against my clit once and that was all it took to throw me into oblivion. Somewhere close I heard him groan my name and his weight settled heavily on me. He kissed my neck causing me to shiver, and I tried to lift my hand to rub his back without luck. The crying lag and now this had worn me out and no matter how much I tried to fight it, my eyes closed and I knew sleep was going to take me.


  Callie had been restless for the past few days. I’ve tried keeping her occupied and her mind on other things, but the fake newspaper story really upset her. Hell, it upset me, but as Callie pointed out I wasn’t the one who had someone out to get me, although if this persons plan was to break us up again, then they were out to get us both.

  I’ve been racking my brains for ideas of how to distract her and I felt like the biggest idiot when I remembered that when she felt agitated she either cleaned or painted, since Violet takes care of the house Callie has nothing to clean. I don’t know why I hadn’t thought of it earlier. Shaking my head, I picked up the phone and made a call. Jon was all too happy to help me purchase all the art supplies she’d need, and I thanked him before making another call to have the conservatory made into a studio.

  I left my office to find Violet, giving her instructions to keep Callie away from that side of the house so the surprise wouldn’t be spoiled. Violet was pleased to help because she’d seen the change in Callie as well.

  Two hours later I stood in the kitchen and watched as the last of the men took their leave. I was so excited for Callie to see this and I headed out to the garden to find her. Violet had said she was sketching outside, and I knew exactly where I’d find her. My footsteps cause her to turn round and the smile on her face was beautiful, I smiled back before I sat next to her on the bench.

  “Hey baby,”

  “Having another break?” She teased.

  “I’m supposed to be catching up on my paperwork, but I have a surprise for y

  “You do?” She asked warily shifting her body to face me. Callie has never been one for surprises and knowing that, I’d still booked our wedding under secrecy and surprised her with the date adding yet another black mark against me. She’d love this one though I hoped.

  A piece of paper slipped out of her sketch book and floated to the floor. A blush covered her cheeks as she rushed to pick it up. Curious by her reaction I snatched it up before she could and turned it to take a look. It was a struggle not to laugh as it was clearly a drawing of me just with a few adjustments. Guilt was written all over her face when I raised my eyebrows, but it soon turned to indignation when she stuck her chin out and frowned at me.

  “I drew that when you were being a jerk.”


  She looked confused. “You’re not mad?”

  “I probably deserve much worse.”

  “Yeah, you do. Now, what’s my surprise?”

  I chuckled and stood up. “Come with me and you’ll see.”

  She jumped up taking my hand, and I pulled her along. I’d closed the conservatory door and drawn the curtains so she couldn’t see through them before I’d gone to find her.

  “Close your eyes, no peaking,” I ordered.

  She grinned and did as I asked, only then did I open the doors and guide her into the room. “Ok, you can open them now.”

  When she did, she squealed so loud it hurt my ears. Her body launched into mine and I took a step back before I steadied us both wrapping my arms around her. The little kisses she planted all over my face has me instantly hard and I fought the urge to push her up against the wall and take her. This was for her, and I wanted her to enjoy it.

  I’d made the right choice with the art things; I hadn’t seen her so animated in such a long time. Cupping her cheek I leaned in to kiss her soft lips, they parted with a little puff of air and I wasted no time deepening the kiss until we were both gasping. The look she gave me made my chest ache. Everything she felt was clear on her face and I bit back the three little words on the tip of my tongue. Now was not the time to declare myself.

  “Thank you, Alex. It’s amazing; I can’t believe you did all this for me.”

  “You’re welcome baby; I want you to be happy.”

  “I am I really am.”

  It looked like she wanted to say something more, but she hesitated, instead of pushing her I lowered her to the floor and turned her to face the room again. Patting her bottom I gave her a gentle push. “Go have fun, I’ll come and get you about six.”

  She nodded, and I knew she hasn’t really heard me, too engrossed in her new things. I watched as she almost skipped to the canvas, grinning as she caressed them like they were living things.

  “I’ll send Violet to remind you.”

  “That’s probably a good idea.” She spoke over her shoulder. “You know how I get.”

  “Yes, I do.” She’d once forgotten our date because she’d been so busy painting and lost track of the time.

  I forced myself to leave the room when all I wanted to do was stay and watch her work. I love seeing her in her element doing what she loved, but I have things to do, things I’ve been putting off so I could spend time with her. I heard my phone start to ring as I walked through my office door and I snatched it up.


  “Alex, it’s David, I have news and you're seriously not going to like it. Are you sitting down?”

  I fell into my chair. “I am now.”

  “I’ve traced the phone call to a phone box and I’ve managed to get a photo at the time of the call and it’s a woman.”

  I frowned. “We already know this.”

  “Bear with me. The woman is wearing sunglasses, and a scarf wrapped around her hair. Covered up like that there isn’t a chance we can identify her face, but her clothes and the way she walks is a dead giveaway. It’s Sofia Cooper.”

  “What? Why would she do this?”

  “My guess is jealousy. You were on a date with her when you met Callie weren’t you?”

  “Yes, but it was our first and our last. I’ve never even kissed her hand.”

  “Well, she obviously thinks you had something because there’s no doubt she’s behind this. I’d know that body and walk anywhere.”

  “You would? I didn’t realise you knew her so well.”

  “Let’s just say it isn’t the first time she’s done something that’s warranted her being followed…”

  “Ok.” He wasn’t volunteering information, so I didn’t ask more although I was curious.

  “I’m going to be busy finding proof. I can't hand in a photo of her in disguise. The police would believe me but a judge won’t. I suggest you up your security for the time being. We don’t know what she’s capable of.”

  “Already done,” I admitted. “I’ve had a bad feeling ever since our wedding.”

  “Good. Keep listening to your gut. Give my regards to Callie. I’ll ring when I have more.”

  “Will do, thanks again.”

  I put the phone in the cradle. It made sense, Sofia had tried to cause problems before, but I’d brushed her off, now I see I shouldn’t have. If she was behind this what else had she done?

  I picked my phone up and called my security to let them know the threat Sofia might be to Callie. Once that’s done I turned back to my laptop determined to get some work done. I knew she was safe here. I open my emails and the last one caught my eye, the address isn’t in my book, but it seemed familiar. I clicked to open it and then clicked on the attachment seeing a photo of Callie and Jon hugging inside Jon’s private office at his studio.

  The caption read “once a cheater always a cheater.”

  “Fuck.” I cursed.

  I knew the photo was old; Callie hasn’t been away from me since we’d reunited. I refused to worry her by asking if she knew when it was taken, so I opened my browser and searched for past events at the studio instead. It took a while, but finally I found a photo of her in the same pretty green dress she wore in the photo. I was positive it was the same night because Callie never wears the same dress twice at the shows because she always worries the press will find out and embarrass her. I checked the date and cursed again; it was taken nearly three months ago. We hadn’t even been together then.

  I hit the reply button loathing what I was doing, but I needed to see if the sender would give me information. “Thank you for bringing this to my attention, can I ask who this is?”

  I pressed send and sat seething. Five minutes later I got a reply. “I’m a friend just doing the right thing. I don’t want to see her pull the wool over your eyes a second time.”

  I closed the laptop in anger. There was my proof Callie didn’t cheat. Fuck. I’d told no one about why we’d split up except for David and that’s only because he’s a good friend

  Picking up my phone again I dialled David, and he answered on the first ring.

  “I’ve had an email; this person sent me a photo of Jon and Callie hugging at an art show. It was taken three months ago. The person is insinuating they are having an affair.”

  “You don’t believe it, do you?”

  “Of course not,” I snapped offended he would even ask.

  “Just checking, you haven’t exactly got a good record. How do you know it was three months ago?”

  “I checked.”

  “With Callie?”

  “No,” I explained how I worked it out.

  “Impressive, do you want a job?”

  “You couldn’t afford me.”

  “You’re probably right.”

  “I’m not telling Callie anything until I absolutely have to. This person has been following her for a long time, even when we weren't together. It’s not a press photo; it’s a private moment they shared in his office.”

  “Right. You’ve already increased her security so forward the email to me. I have people going over the other photos. I’ve had a look myself and I have to say I’m sure it isn’t Callie. Th
e body is too skinny for hers. Your Callie has delightful curves.”

  I stiffened. “I’d prefer it if you didn’t look at my wife’s curves.”

  He chuckled, and I wanted to reach down the phone and punch him. “It’s a bit too late for that, but I promise not to look again.”

  “You’d better not,” I growled. I know it’s silly, after all Callie is beautiful she turns heads wherever she goes, but I didn’t like it.

  “Relax, she loves you, I’m sure you know that, and it’s obvious you love her.”

  I ignored the question in his voice; I wasn’t admitting my feelings to him when I hadn’t told her yet. “When will you have the information?”

  “Give me half an hour.”

  “Ok, I’ll send the email now.”

  I cut the connection and sent the email, shutting down the laptop afterwards. There was no way I could get any work done now. I needed to be with Callie, to reassure myself she was safe.


  I knew the moment Alex stepped foot in the conservatory, my skin tingled and I was reminded of the first time we’d met. I turned to face him and caught his worried look before he hid it with a smile.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked in concern. Alex is usually unflappable; nothing ever worried him because he always solved the problem.

  “Nothing’s wrong, baby. Are you enjoying yourself?”

  His smile didn’t drop, but I sensed he was lying. I didn’t push him because I figured he'd tell me when he was ready.

  “Yes, it feels like I haven’t painted for years even if it’s only been a few days.”

  “Can I see?”

  I shook my head. “It’s not finished yet, but when it is, you’ll be the first person I show it to.” After all, it was for him. I hadn’t been able to think of anything or anyone but Alex so when I picked up my paintbrush it was only natural for me to paint him. I couldn’t wait to finish it but I was hungry and in need of a break, I hadn’t realised how long I’d been in here or how long it had been since I’d eaten. My tummy rumbled loudly making Alex laugh.

  “Lunch?” he asked.

  “I didn’t realise I was hungry.”

  “Good job I came to find you then.”


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