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Burn (Electric Series #3)

Page 13

by E. L. Todd

  I came behind her and looked down at the pie on the table. She was right. It really did look disgusting. “Baby, it’s okay. It’s just a pie.”

  “But now I don’t have anything to bring.” She stomped her foot and placed her hands on her hips.

  “Baby, they aren’t going to care.”

  “Well, I care.”

  “We’ll pick up something on the way, alright?”

  “But that’s not very personal. If I made something, they’d be touched and impressed.”

  I eyed the pie again. They would be anything but impressed by that. “Then we’ll tell them you made it.”

  “No. You can totally tell when something is store-bought and when it’s homemade.”

  “Fine. We’ll get some wine then.”

  “So they’ll think I’m a drunk?”

  I had to remind myself she wasn’t normally this worked up. She was just nervous about meeting my parents—as my real girlfriend. “My mom drove us home from a wedding, and you were totally hammered. She didn’t care. Remember, my parents already like you.”

  “But this different. Now I’m actually your girlfriend.”

  “You were always my girlfriend.” She may have been seeing other guys, and I may have had a short thing with Julia, but as far as I was concerned, it’d always been us. “Now, forget the pie.” I tossed it in the garbage because it was stinking up the room. “We’ll pick up something on the way, and everything will be fine.”

  “What about what I’m wearing?” She posed for me.

  “It’s great.” She wore a black dress with sleeves along with a red overcoat.

  “You don’t think it’s too slutty?”

  “How can it be? It doesn’t show your arms, and you’re wearing stockings underneath.” She was her own worst critic sometimes.

  “But it’s tight on my waist.”

  “Your point?”

  Her hair was already perfect, but she fidgeted with it, making the soft strands tangle.

  “Baby, you need to chill.” I grabbed her hands and yanked them down. “You’re overreacting.”

  “Look, I’ve never met a boyfriend’s parents before.”

  “But you have,” I reminded her. “Just be yourself. My dad already knows you because he sees you every day, and my mom already adores you. So you’ve got this in the bag.”

  She nodded, finally coming around.

  “What would you say if I freaked out like this when I met your parents?”

  “That was different. You weren’t my boyfriend.”

  “But I was definitely trying to be. Believe me, I wanted them to like me.”

  She finally stopped fidgeting altogether, a smile forming on her lips.

  “Now let’s go have dinner. I’m starving.”

  “Alright. Maybe it worked out we won’t have pie. Because I’ll have you later…” She leaned in and kissed me on the chin.

  I grabbed her ass and gave it a tight squeeze. “I’ll get the whipped cream.”


  We made conversation about work and school, and Taylor came out of her shell after fifteen minutes of eating. In the beginning, she was uneasy, sticking close to my side and not saying much. But my mom pulled everything out of her.

  The thing I liked about my mom was how nice she was. She never said anything mean about anybody, even if they deserved it. She got along with everyone and didn’t have a cruel bone in her body. I was never worried she wouldn’t like Taylor. She made Taylor feel comfortable after a few minutes.

  Dad wasn’t the most heartfelt guy, so he was quiet most of the time. He saw Taylor every single day at work, so there wasn’t much for them to talk about. But he seemed to be happy that my mom was so happy.

  “My dress shop is closing for the holidays,” Mom said with a pout. “I’m excited for a break, but I hate having to close the doors.”

  “Is it a slow time?” Taylor asked.

  “Yeah,” Mom answered. “Not too many women are getting married in the wintertime, and they usually have their dress picked out in the fall if they’re getting married in the spring. Plus, the designers shut down for nearly a month around the holidays.”

  “That’s such a cool job,” Taylor said. “You get to be a part of everyone’s special day.”

  “It really is,” Mom said. “You have to pick out your dress at my boutique. I have every kind of dress you can imagine. It’s such a cute place.”

  I didn’t feel the sting of my mother’s presumption. I knew it was coming the moment I introduced Taylor. Honestly, it didn’t bother me. She and I had just come to a place I never thought we would reach, and if I were to marry anyone, it would be her—no doubt about that. I wasn’t ready to get down on one knee just yet, but someday I would.

  “Well, thank you,” Taylor said. “I’d love to.”

  “Let’s play Scrabble.” Mom clapped her hands before she retrieved the board game.

  I liked spending time with my parents, but I wasn’t eager to stick around. I wanted to go home and get naked with my girlfriend. The sex was so amazing, better than any I’d ever had, and that’s all I cared about. I could spend a few hours away from the bedroom, but anything longer than that killed me. My cock screamed in my pants, and my fingertips ached to feel her hard nipples.

  “Dear?” Mom’s voice rang in my ear.

  I turned to her, forgetting where I was. “Sorry?”

  “Are you playing?” she asked.

  I got sidetracked thinking about Taylor’s tits, and my daydream pulled me under a heavy fog.

  Taylor eyed me with a raised eyebrow, like she knew exactly where my mind had drifted.

  I finally answered. “Of course.”


  She stayed with me for an entire week. Instead of going home to get more clothes, she just washed the ones she had. She ended up wearing the same outfit to work twice in a single week—but she didn’t seem to care.

  And I didn’t either.

  Her makeup and perfume sat on my counter in the bathroom, her clothes hung up in my closet, and her lunches sat in my fridge. She recorded her favorite TV shows to watch later, and my desk was scattered with her work stuff.

  But I didn’t mind.

  I loved having her there.

  Not only was there always a hot meal on the table, my apartment smelled like a meadow, my clothes were always ironed and placed in my closet, the place was sterile and clean, but she gave me her loving every minute of every day.

  When I walked through the door, she always greeted me with a smile. When we watched TV on the couch, she snuggled into my side like I was her personal teddy bear. When we went to bed, she wanted sex even more than I did.

  It was fucking awesome.

  She walked through the door after work, her big bag over her shoulder. She immediately slipped off her heels because they hurt her feet.

  “How was your day?” I had just pulled the lasagna out of the oven. She prepped it that morning before work and left a note with instructions on cooking it.

  “Ugh. Terrible.” She stripped off her jacket and tossed it on the back of the chair.

  “What’s wrong?”

  She walked into the kitchen and wrapped her arms around me. “You weren’t there.”

  I held her against my chest, feeling my arms cradle her petite figure. Her back expanded with every breath she took, and I concentrated on the feel of her body in my arms. There was nothing quite like it.

  She looked up at me, her usual smile there. “I missed you.”

  “I missed you too.” I cupped her cheek and gave her a soft kiss.

  When she pulled away, her eyes were on my lips and she released a quiet moan. “I’ve been thinking about that all day.”

  “Yeah?” I rubbed my nose against hers. “Because I’ve been thinking about bending you over this counter all day.”

  “Really?” she whispered. “I’m not sure what you mean. Maybe you should show me…”

  “Maybe I will.”

bsp; ***

  After dinner, we lay in bed together.

  When my sexual desires had been fulfilled and my appetite had been sated, I loved holding her. We didn’t say anything for hours, but we didn’t fall asleep either. I held her in my arms and went into Zen mode, not thinking of anything at all.

  Taylor tucked her hair behind her ear and directed her stare on me. She didn’t say anything. She looked into my eyes without any motive. All she wanted to do was look.

  I understood why because I stared at her all the time.

  She trailed her fingers up my chest and lightly caressed me. Her fingers soothed me in a way my former lovers never did. Taylor had my heart in her palm, and she took care of it, protecting it and loving it at all times.

  It gave me peace.

  She released a quiet sigh, telling me she was going to say something she’d rather not.


  She sat up, taking her hand with her. “I should probably go home.” She pulled the covers back, revealing her naked body.

  “Why should you do that?”

  “I’ve been here for a week…”

  A week wasn’t long enough.

  “I don’t want to overstay my welcome.”

  I quickly snatched her wrist and kept her in place. “You aren’t. I want you here.”

  “But you would say that even if you felt otherwise.”

  I pulled her against me, forcing her to look at me. “I don’t feel otherwise. I want you here. Don’t go.”

  She searched for a lie in my gaze.

  “If you go home, I’m just going to follow you.” I yanked her down to the mattress and moved on top of her, pinning her with my massive size. I held my weight on my elbows and looked down into her pretty face. “Stay.”

  “Well…when you put it like that.” She wrapped her arms around my neck.

  I rubbed my nose against hers then kissed her forehead. “Stay forever.”

  “Forever is a long time.”

  “I think it’s not long enough.” I kissed her temple then ran kisses down to her jawline.

  She skated her hands down my back, massaging the muscle. Her hair was scattered over the pillow, and her lips were slightly parted with need. She always wanted me—every minute of every day.

  My thumb moved to her bottom lip then trailed to the corner of her mouth. I couldn’t believe this beautiful woman belonged to me. I couldn’t believe she loved me the way I loved her. I wasn’t sure how I got so lucky to be given another chance. Maybe it wasn’t supposed to work out in the past because I was destined to meet Taylor. Maybe my life had always been meant to be shared with her. Maybe fate was a real thing.

  “What are you thinking?” she whispered.

  My eyes were glued to her lips, thinking a million things at once. “I love you. That’s what I’m thinking.”

  She wrapped her tiny fingers around my wrist. “Funny. I was just thinking the same thing.”

  I kissed the corner of her mouth then slowly pulled away. “I’m not ashamed to admit how much I love you. I’m not ashamed to admit you have me wrapped around your little finger. I’m not ashamed to admit you have the power to destroy me—because I know you won’t.”

  Her eyes softened, and she hugged me closer. “Never.”


  “Are you up to meeting someone new?” Taylor sat across from me at the table. We were having lunch together at The Muffin Girl, our special place that we went to every week. We used to go as friends, but going as lovers was a lot better.

  “I guess. Depends on who it is.”

  She finished her blueberry muffin then picked a few pieces from mine.

  I didn’t reprimand her because she was cute. She made me the happiest guy in the world, so stealing a few bites of my muffin was fine by me. I didn’t need the carbs anyway.

  “Well, it’s pretty stressful because she’s the most important person in my life. Her opinion is even more valuable than my parents.”

  Who the hell was this person?

  She answered my unspoken question. “My best friend.”

  Oh yeah. I forgot about her. I’d heard about her several times, but I’d never actually met her. When I thought about Taylor’s best friend, I always pictured Natalie. “I’ll charm her like everyone else.”

  “So, you’re ready for that?”

  I honestly didn’t care. No one was going to keep us apart, even if her best friend didn’t like me. What Taylor and I had was unbreakable. I’d like to see anyone try to mess with it. “Sure. Why not?”

  “Great. Because Sara is eager to meet you. All I ever do is talk about you.”

  I couldn’t stop the bad taste from entering my mouth. It burned like acid and made me want to throw up. I hadn’t heard that name in a long time, and just the sound made me want to gag.

  “Something wrong?” Taylor caught the expression despite my attempt at hiding it.

  “I just…don’t like that name.”

  Silence stretched between us forever.

  I didn’t elaborate any further because I didn’t want to talk about something that no longer mattered. I may have had my heart shattered into a million pieces, but that was a long time ago. Taylor and I were different, and nothing from the past would taint us.

  Taylor picked at my muffin but didn’t take a bite. She picked up on the tension and knew she’d hit a sore subject. She had every right to ask whatever she wanted and I would answer, but she didn’t make a sound.

  And I was grateful.

  I’d never forget how it felt walking into that bar. I’d never forget how it felt watching Sara make out with her ex. I’d never forget how heavy that ring felt in my pocket. The stupidity washed over me in waves, and my heart wasn’t the only thing that broke that night. I went on a sex rampage and screwed every woman in the city in an attempt to prove something to myself. I kept wondering if I was the problem. Did she leave because I wasn’t good in bed? Did she leave because I was boring? Why did she turn to someone else when I could have given her anything she wanted?

  Those questions haunted me for a long time.

  But now they didn’t matter. I had someone who loved me for me and wouldn’t hurt me. Taylor had my complete confidence. I may be jealous at times, but there was nothing to truly be jealous of. What we had was different. I wouldn’t have fallen in love with her otherwise.

  Taylor kept her silence, knowing I was in a sour mood. She wouldn’t say anything until I spoke first, giving me the floor. She kept eating the muffin until it was completely gone. Then she played with the wrapper just so she had something to do.

  I finally let my mood pass. It was poisoning our time together. “When should we get together?”

  “Um, maybe this weekend?”

  “Sure.” I wasn’t sure how I’d be able to say her name without grimacing, but I’d have to manage. Maybe she would be so lovely she would make that name good again. Maybe when I heard it, I would only think of Taylor’s friend rather than that stupid cunt who betrayed me.

  She reached her hand across the table and laid it on top of mine. Once her soft fingers touched me, I came back to reality. I shook off the darkness that enveloped me and concentrated on the beauty right in front of me. “Can I take you out to dinner tonight?”

  “You want to take me out?” I asked with a laugh.

  “Yeah. Why not?”

  “Because that’s my job. And of course I’ll take you out.”

  “No, let me treat you. You never let me do anything.”

  And there was a reason for that. “How about you do something else?”

  “Like what?” she asked. “And you better not say cook because I cook all the time.”

  “How about I take you somewhere nice, and when we get home, you have a surprise for me.”

  “What kind of surprise?” She leaned forward, intrigued.

  “You know…some sexy lingerie. Black stockings with five-inch heels. Garters with little pink bows. A teddy that makes your tits look even s
exier than they already are.”

  “So, you take care of dinner, and I take care of the show?”

  “Exactly. That sounds fair to me.”

  “Hmm…maybe.” She leaned back, taking her hand with her.

  I knew what she was doing. “Don’t tease me. You know how impatient I am.”

  “Exactly,” she said. “That’s why it’s so fun.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  “How was he?” Sara leaned over the table as she waited for my answer.

  “I can’t even describe it…”

  “At least describe a little,” she pressed.

  “Okay, okay.” I felt my cheeks begin to blush at the memory. “Think of the best sex you’ve ever had.”


  “Now times that by a hundred.”

  “No way.” She waved off my statement like it wasn’t possible.

  “I’m not kidding. He’s so amazing at everything. He’s a great kisser—and not just when he kisses my mouth. And he knows exactly what to do. It makes Sage and Drew look absolutely pathetic. I don’t think I could ever have sex with anyone else as long as I live.”

  “Then it sounds like you need to marry him.”

  “Oh, I’m gonna.”

  “Wow. So you guys are super serious.”

  “I’m pretty much living at his apartment. Actually, not pretty much. I am living there.”

  “Then it’s definitely time I meet this amazing man. Your mom called me the other day, and she said he was a dream come true.”

  I rolled my eyes. “My mom called you?”

  “Yep. That’s how excited she is. She hears wedding bells.”

  “I hear wedding bells too…but they’re really far away right now.”

  “Whatever.” She rolled her eyes.

  “I told Volt it’s time he met you. You busy on Friday?”

  “Oh my god, I’m free as a bird.” She clapped her hands excitedly. “I can’t wait to meet this hunky man who’s going to be my best-friend-in-law.”

  “You’ll love him. He can be a little rough around the edges, but it adds to his charm.”

  “I like a man who’s a little dark.”

  “Then you’ll really like him.”


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