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Demon Love

Page 3

by Georgia Tribell

  She turned to see him round the corner behind the Urgan. Her heart hammered hard and fast in her chest at the thought of Thor being caught in the blast. “Stay back! I’ve activated an antimatter.”

  Before she’d finished her statement, Thor launched himself at the demon and raised his dagger. “Take cover!”

  Squatting down, she wrapped the coat around her legs making sure it covered all of her and then pulled the extended hood over her head and down across her face. Last, she shoved her hands into the opposite sleeves and prayed it worked.

  The blast nearly knocked her over and left her skin tingling and her nerve endings dancing as if she’d just overdosed on caffeine. As soon as the feeling passed, she stood on shaky legs and surveyed the empty alley. There was nothing, no trash, no Urgan and most importantly, no Thor. Her stomach rolled as she looked around the dark gloomy space. For a split second, she thought she might be ill, but then she pulled herself together and began to search.

  “Thor!” Quickly she removed the small flashlight she carried and turned it on.

  She searched the section of alley she was in, making sure not to rush so she didn’t miss a thing. By the time she reached the intersection, she wanted to sit down and cry. Instead, she took a deep breath and continued the search. She walked about another twenty yards when her light caught a dark object lying on the ground. Letting the light move across the figure, she felt her breath catch in her chest as she recognized Thor’s prone body. She ran to him, placing a trembling hand to the side of his face. “Please, please, please be okay.”

  He growled his response and relief washed over her. “Can you talk? How bad are you hurt?”

  “Leave me.” His voice was rougher and deeper than normal. He shifted his broad shoulders as if to rise and that’s when she spotted the Urgan dart in his shoulder.

  He turned to her and as she watched his eyes began to swirl with a mix of black and silver. Kendra froze and fought the urge to run. She reminded herself that this was Thor and not some street terrorizing demon.

  “Don’t move. I’ll call Navida. She’ll know what to do about the dart.” She put her hand on his shoulder and gently tried to push him to the ground as she used her radio to call for help.

  “Don’t touch.” Thor’s arm shot out, and his hand caught her in the chest knocking her off balance. “Demon blood. Leave. Now. Kendra.”

  She landed on her butt, dropping both the radio and flashlight. The latter rolled away, cloaking them in darkness. “I’m not leaving you alone. You need help. Navida’s on her way and will patch you up in no time. Now, just stay still until she gets here.”

  “Too. Late.” Thor pushed up on all fours, arched his back and made a sound that turned her blood to ice water. “Run.”

  She watched, transfixed, as he climbed to his feet, growing larger by the second. His back was to her and before her eyes she watched as his already muscular shoulders broadened, he grew a good two feet in height and wings appeared on his back through his coat. He tossed his head back and gave a mighty roar, then swung around to face her.

  Black-and-silver glowing eyes studied her as he moved closer. Kendra stared and for a few brief seconds wondered if she’d been dropped into the middle of a bad sci-fi movie. With his next step, Kendra snapped out of her trance and scrambled to her feet. She stood perfectly still as Thor slowly circled her. Without warning, he stopped behind her. She stiffened as she felt his hot breath on her ear followed by the soft scraping of a talon across the base of her neck. He moved around her and as he did, she got her first good look at him. The only thought that entered her mind was a winged gargoyle statue had come to life.

  His chest rippled with muscles beneath his shirt and looked as hard as stone. She tilted her head back and saw strong chiseled features staring down at her. Black hair fell to his shoulders, making him look like a dark angel. Kendra forced her gaze to meet his and reminded herself that this was Thor, not one of the demons they tracked down and destroyed. “Thor. It’s Kendra.”

  He growled deep in his chest and leaned toward her. Kendra forced herself to stay where she was. Somehow, she knew running would make things worse. From the other side of Thor, she heard fast approaching footsteps, followed by voices.

  Thor heard them as well and turned to face the intruders. With wings spread and talons held high, he roared his disapproval at the group and took a step forward.

  “Kendra! Where are you?” Midnight’s voice echoed off the alley walls.

  “Back here,” she called as Thor took another step closer to the group.

  “Get away from him, Kendra. We need a clear firing range,” Midnight yelled.

  “No.” Without thought, she put herself between Thor and Midnight. “Don’t hurt him.”

  Navida stood beside Midnight holding the medical kit. “That’s not the Thor you know, Kendra. You need to move away from him.”

  “He’s not a monster, either,” she shouted back.

  “It doesn’t matter. He has to be neutralized before he hurts someone.” Midnight raised his gun and aimed. “I’m ordering you to move, Kendra.”

  “Neutralized? As in dead?” Her voice broke at the thought, but she didn’t move.

  “No. We are going to tranquilize him, but we’re running out of time. The dart must come out before too much of the poison enters his system.” Navida’s voice was filled with concern.

  Kendra turned back to Thor. She wouldn’t let them take him down like a wild dog. “Thor, the arrow in your shoulder must come out. Turn around.”

  Thor leaned toward her and growled over her shoulder at the others. She put her hand against his chest and felt the strong heartbeat beneath. He shifted and silver eyes glared down at her. His breath ruffled her hair. She reached up and brushed back the strands of hair that had fallen across his face.

  “Kendra, you’ve got to move now.” Midnight called from behind her with growing urgency.

  “I’m sorry, Thor, but I’ve got to do this.” She pushed against his shoulder and at the same time stepped to the side.

  Reaching up, she grabbed the arrow shaft and pulled hard. Thor roared as it came free and swung around. His arm caught her in the stomach and sent her flying through the air. Kendra hit the ground as the unmistakable sound of gunfire filled the air. She rolled to her feet and ran to where Thor lay face down on the cold hard ground.

  She dropped to her knees and glared up at the other two. “Did you have to treat him like some wild animal?”

  Midnight stopped beside her. “It’s better this way.”

  She placed a hand against Thor’s forehead. “Is he okay?”

  Navida knelt beside Thor and opened the medical kit. “We used a strong tranquilizing dart. He’s asleep right now and will stay that way for the next several hours.”

  She watched as Navida injected Thor with a thick neon blue liquid. “What are you giving him?”

  “An antitoxin to counteract the poison.” Navida closed the medical kit.

  Thor’s entire body shuddered and a moan emanated from him. It broke Kendra’s heart to see him hurting and to be unable to help. “What’s wrong with him?”

  “His body is reverting to human form, but it will be in very small increments because of the poison. By the time he’s back to full human form, he’ll be toxin-free.”

  His thrashing body stilled when she laid her hand against his cheek. “We need to get him off the ground.”

  “We’ll take him back to my place,” Midnight announced in his typical commanding manner.

  “No. He’s going to my place.” Kendra looked up at Midnight, daring him to challenge her, which he did.

  “Like hell,” Midnight snapped. “He needs to be with one of us.”

  Kendra stood, putting herself on a more equal level with Midnight. Her insides felt like a bowl of Jell-O, but despite this, she held her ground and stood over Thor like a guardian angel. “He’s going to my place. It’s closer than yours, end of story. Now, get us some transportation.”<
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  Midnight opened his mouth to speak, but Navida beat him to the punch. “I wouldn’t argue with her if I were you.”

  Chapter Four

  Changing from human form to demon and back again was like being ripped apart and flung back together. It left one unsettled and disoriented at best. Thor lay on his side with his eyes closed. He’d started waking up slowly a while back, and knew he was in a soft warm bed that wasn’t his. Even though he was back in human form, his demon senses were still running hot, making him supersensitive to light, sound and smell. He was in Kendra’s bed; he could tell by the subtle scent of lavender and woman that was uniquely her. Warmth radiated from beside him. Reaching across the bed, his fingers grazed bare skin. He cracked opened his eyes to see large worried ones staring back at him.

  Kendra reached out and ran her fingers down his cheek and across his lips. “How are you feeling?”

  “Like I’ve been slammed by a train and dragged behind it for a hundred miles or so.” He took her hand in his and put his lips to her wrist. The feel of her skin and the subtle scent of her desire were a balm to his shattered and lost soul.

  Then memories of what happened flashed through his mind like a movie in fast-forward. He looked up at her beautiful face and felt fear unfurl in his belly. “I was afraid I was going to kill you after I changed.”

  She laughed and it was low and sexy. “I had nothing to worry about. You never did anything threatening.”

  Thor frowned at her. “This isn’t a game. You touched my blood as I was changing. It could have killed you.”

  “Navida gave me some pills to take and said I’d be fine. Stop worrying so much.” She smiled at him as she tugged her hand free. “Why don’t you grab a quick shower while I fix us something to eat? Erik dropped off some items for you. It’s all on the bathroom counter.”

  Thor snagged her hand before she could stand. “This conversation isn’t over.”

  She tugged her hand free. “I know.”

  He watched as Kendra walked from the room and tried to decipher the woman. It was obvious, from the fact that he was here, that she cared. Tossing back the cover, he walked into a small bathroom and was immediately assaulted by the array of bath products cluttering the space. He had maybe a dozen essential items in his bathroom and they all fit neatly into the medicine cabinet.

  Here everything from Q-tips to a dozen different body lotions covered the counter space. He turned on the shower to allow the water to warm and then opened the small duffel bag. He pulled out the few items Erik had gathered for him and placed them beside the sink. He found a pink towel with lace edging under the cabinet to use and couldn’t help but smile at the soft feminine luxury. He’d been drawn to the warrior side of this woman, but it was her softer side that was going to be his undoing.

  He stepped into the shower and immediately the hot water pelted his skin, helping to relieve some of the aches and pains he felt. The Urgan had tossed him a good two hundred yards and he’d landed with a bone-jarring thud on the concrete. It’d hurt like hell, but not nearly as much as the memory of Kendra flying through the air. Done, he rinsed and stepped out to dry off. Thor contemplated how comfortable he was here in these surroundings and with Kendra. He wasn’t sure where all of this was headed, but he knew he was going to find out where it ended.

  His stomach rumbled as he entered the kitchen. “I didn’t realize how hungry I was until I smelled the bacon.”

  Kendra smiled as she put a plate on the table. “Then have a seat.”

  Thor sat and dived into the food. It was nice eating a meal that wasn’t served in a diner or through a fast-food window. When he finished the last bite of pancake dripping in syrup, he looked up to see Kendra studying him.

  She smiled. “Guess you were hungry?”

  “Sorry, I wasn’t very good company just then.”

  She shrugged. “It’s okay. After what you went through and then sleeping for most of the day, I’m not surprised.”

  Thor took a sip of the hot coffee and savored the way it went down. He put the cup down and looked across the table. “Why am I here and not at Navida’s, or Erik’s, or, heaven forbid, Midnight’s?”

  She lifted her chin and met his gaze. “Because I told Midnight you were coming here. He wasn’t happy about it, but he finally conceded. Is there a problem with that?”

  The fact that she’d insisted he be brought here thrilled him on a very primitive level. It also bothered him beyond reason that she didn’t seem concerned with her own safety. “Yeah, there is. I could have hurt you in the state I was in.”

  Kendra shook her head. “You were so out of it, you couldn’t have hurt a butterfly, much less me.”

  Her words did nothing to diminish the tension in him. “I changed into my demon form and that’s not something to be taken lightly. I’m not in total control when in demon form. Most people wouldn’t want to be around when that happens.”

  “Well it’s a good thing I’m not like most people. You didn’t scare me away then, so stop trying to do it now.” Kendra pushed back her chair. “Take off your shirt.”

  “What?” Thor eyed her as she picked up a package of bandages and a tube of cream from the counter.

  “I’ve got to bandage the wound.” She walked behind him and tapped him on the shoulder.

  He pulled the shirt over his head and flinched when her soft, warm hand touched his skin.

  “Sorry, didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “It’s nothing. Don’t worry.” He gritted his teeth as her fingers spread the salve across his wound. The injury wasn’t close to life threatening now, but he wasn’t so sure her touch wasn’t. He mentally counted to ten in hopes of keeping his lust in check. She leaned in closer and the subtle scent of shampoo, body wash and woman was enough to disintegrate his willpower. He turned and captured her wrist in his hand. With a single tug she landed in his lap. She gave a startled yelp that he cut off by capturing her mouth with his.

  For the briefest moment, he felt as if he was dreaming and then her arms went about his neck, pressing their bodies closer. His breathing stopped and lights exploded behind his eyelids when he felt her soft, warm breasts press up against him. He let his hands skim across her back and the flare of her hips. Her breath caught and her tongue darted into his mouth capturing his in a seductive dance that threatened to send them spiraling out of control.

  Thor tightened his hold on her hips, refusing to let that happen. He wasn’t going to rush this, no matter how much she tried. Releasing her hips, he captured her face between his palms and slowly regained control of the kiss. She shifted in his lap, deepening the kiss, but he refused to give her back the power she wanted. Gently, tenderly he ended the kiss, pulled back and opened his eyes.

  She sighed and opened her eyes. “Why did you stop?”

  He reached behind her, sliding his fingers through the silken strands of blond hair. “I’ve waited too long for this moment to rush it.”

  A sly, sexy smile spread across her lips as she leaned back and placed her palms flat against his chest. “So have I.”

  Her hands moved down his chest to his abs and he knew if he let her go any further, they’d never make it to the bedroom. Slipping one hand behind her back, he placed the other beneath her knees and stood. “Let’s go finish this in the bedroom.”

  She laughed and told him to hurry as she trailed a sting of kisses down the side of his neck. Thor made it to the bed, turned and sat, placing her in his lap. With one arm behind her back, he captured her face with the other and slowly lowered his mouth to hers. Their lips touched and immediately Kendra tried to rush ahead, but he refused the lure and slowed them both down.

  This was a moment he’d dreamed about and now that it was coming true, he was going to savor it. With the kiss and himself under control, he pulled back and watched as she raised her heavy lids. Deep turquoise eyes met his gaze, and he knew she felt the same primitive attraction he did. “Undress for me.”

  For a heartbeat she
didn’t move and he wondered if he’d crossed some invisible line, but then slowly she stood and started a very seductive dance. He barely breathed as the last item fell to the floor and she stood before him like a Torlin nymph. He let his eyes travel over her body and felt his own respond. Reaching out, he cupped her breasts, relishing the way they filled his hands and the hard nipples pushed into his palms. He rolled the hard buds between his fingers until her breathing grew rapid and her skin flushed with desire.

  Her hands spread across his chest and trailed down to the front of his pants. “I want you.”

  Before she could do anything, he wrapped his arms about her and fell back onto the bed. Kendra laughed as they bounced and she stretched out on top of him. He then rolled, trapping her beneath his body. He watched her eyes widen as he pushed her legs apart and settled between them. Even through the layers of clothes her heat reached him and the beast inside. The animal within pulled against its restraints.

  Kendra watched the internal emotions play out across his face and feared he’d pull back from her. She laid her hand against his cheek. “I’m not afraid of you.”

  Thor took a deep ragged breath, “You should be, because if we continue I won’t stop until I have you begging.”

  A sensual thrill shot through her body at his words—no man had ever pushed her to the point of begging. She watched as his eyes changed from black to silver then back again. If she didn’t love the man, she was sure she’d be terrified, but she knew there was no way he would ever hurt her. She was equally certain she needed to prove that to him.

  Taking his face between her two hands, she looked him in the eyes. “I’m not afraid and I never beg.”

  Guiding his face toward her breasts, she arched toward him. “Now, please, finish what you started.”

  She watched as Thor lowered his head and slowly licked her nipple. Sensations shot through her body sending a rush of warmth between her legs. Then his warm wet mouth closed over her and the heat in her stomach intensified and moved lower. He feasted on one breast then the other as his hands roamed over her body, until she was rubbing against him like a cat in heat. Need overtook logic as the spiral inside her wound tighter and the world around her narrowed to her and Thor. Pressing her hips up, she tried to get enough contact for release but he shifted, leaving her frustrated beyond words.


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