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Country Boy

Page 11

by Karrington, Blake

“In the bedroom asleep ma.”

  “We’ll let her know I made it here,” Kiki said as she wobbled towards the kitchen.

  Van interrupts them, “Who can sleep with all this noise gurl?”

  She turned to Q and handed him the phone. “It’s June,” she said while following Kiki in the kitchen.

  “What up my nigga?” Q said into the phone.

  “What’s up Q? Baby’s here homie. He says it’s important that he talk to you.”

  “Aiight homie, I’m on the way.”

  “Yo’ Van, I’ll be back as soon as I can ma.”

  “You need to, we’ve got some unfinished business Baby!” “Aiight sexy, I can’t hardly wait!”

  Chapter 19

  The Setup

  Baby Rasta was waiting on The Block for Q. They sat in the Chill-Grill and talked.

  “You know they found the body to day mun,” said Rasta.

  “The po-po got that strip on fire mun. People scared to death Q.”

  “Did Inga put the body where she was told Baby Rasta?”

  “Yeah mun, Inga do as she told mun.”

  Word had spread quickly about Da Da’s death. Baby Rasta had only told what he knew. All over the news was they had found a body in the dumpster without its head. Q had started to think it wasn’t Da Da until they matched his tattoos. “But what happened to his head?” he thought. Then it hit him... Yuma. Had she cut Da Da’s head off? From the way she had stuck her tongue in his mouth giving him the kiss of death; Q felt she was capable of anything. He contemplated asking Rasta but quickly changed his mind.

  Baby Rasta told Q all of Tex’s hangouts. He had a complete layout of his daily routine.

  “Ras’, you and your sister have done more than enough. Me and The Crew can handle it from here.”

  No mun. We family. You have problem mun, we have problem. It’s Respect mun.”

  “Yeah Rasta, much respect.” Q was able to convince Baby Rasta to promise him that he and his sister would step to the side when it came time to settle up with Tex. He had promised Tex a killing if they ever crossed paths again. Even if it meant dying in the process.


  Tex had called a meeting with all of him and Da Da’s workers. Most of the younger runners were shook. One of the young hustlers spoke, “Tex, whoever did this was one vicious mothafucka homie. They cut Da Da’s head off.”

  Tex responded, “Yeah Lil’ Bushwick, they fucked our homie up. Caught him slippin’. Da Da was a walking street Bible. Whoever set him up was close to him.”

  The whole group of hustlers began staring at each other.

  “Wait a minute niggas. I know it wasn’t any of y’all. If it was you would already be dead. I didn’t call this meeting to point fingers. Somebody knows something. If not us then who? That’s what we’ve got to find out. First we pay our respect to our homie, then its back on the grind.”

  “Has anyone gotten a look at our new connects face?”

  “I didn’t get a good look but it was a female.” This was spoken by Ham. “

  Do you remember what she was driving?” Tex asked.

  “Yeah homie, it was dark but I’ll remember the car if I see it.”

  “Good. Everybody listen up.”

  He gave a description of the car then informed everybody to be on the lookout. They were to page him immediately and keep track of where she went.

  After hitting everybody off with their work Tex and Ham sat alone across the street from the Mini-Mart.

  “Da Da was good peoples, Tex. From the looks of it he never had a chance,” said Ham.

  “That nigga had plenty of chances Ham. I asked Da Da time and time again to let me meet this new connect. I’m willing to bet my life that greed got the best of him.”

  “What if his connect had nothing to do with it Tex? I don’t see no female being that gangster. They cut our homies head off Tex.”

  Tex sat in silence, his mind racing. The connect was a woman, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t have had men waiting. Hell, she could have killed Da Da herself. This hustle game brought all types of shit to the table. Tex mind lapsed further into the past, now oblivious to his conversation with Ham.

  His thoughts turned to Dirk. Him and Da Da had thrown Dirk’s body into a dumpster behind the old Bait & tackle shop outside the Boro. Coincidence was a mothafucka, but there wasn’t enough money in the world to make Tex feel that Da Da was thrown in the same dumpster as Dirk’s by chance. Whoever killed Da Da had to know he was linked to Dirk’s death. “Was it those

  P.G. niggas?” he thought to himself. “Damn Tex, you alright homie?” “Yea Ham, I’m cool, I was just thinking ‘bout our boy.” “I feel you. Shit’s fucked up.” After dropping Ham off on the strip. Tex rode to the carwash to meet his favorite group of winos. They would be waiting for him to come through for his daily clean-up.


  Da Da’s funeral was packed with the typical people you have when a street soldier falls victim to The Game. Fainting family members everywhere, baby mama’s trying to fight one another. Instead of grieving for the headless corpse lying in the bronze casket.

  A week after the funeral Da Da’s head was found in the trunk of his car behind the rock quarry in Lilesville, NC outside

  Wadesboro. Da Da’s mother couldn’t go through another service, so she had his body exhumed and placed his head with the rest of him.


  “Hurry up Q, the contractions are nine minutes apart” yelled Van.

  “I’m going twenty-five miles over the speed limit now.”

  “Calm her down, said Q. “You have to keep her calm.”

  Van continued to relax Kiki as much as she could. “Kiki just relax and breath like you did in class.”

  “Fuck the class, this shit hurts” Kiki yelled.

  At the hospital the doctors were already waiting for Kiki to arrive. Her contractions were now three minutes apart. She was in labor. Van went into the delivery room while Q waited restlessly out front.

  Four hours, thirty minutes later he walked in Kiki’s room and held his godson for the first time.

  Kiki broke down when she saw the tears rolling down Q’s face. She had never seen him show emotions before. Wrapping her arms around him Van spoke.

  “She named him Umar Jr. Isn’t that beautiful Q?”

  “Yeah ma, he looks just like my nigga.”

  Lil Umar weighed 8 pounds and 4 ounces. Kiki’s room was almost full with blue balloons and cards from all of Kiki’s and Umar’s family and friends. Reading all of the cards made Q think of his own family. He never involved them in his lifestyle. After his mother and father divorced they still remained good friends. His siblings, which consisted of two sisters, were his heart. Fucking with any of them was a good way to die.

  The opening of the door snapped Q back from his thoughts. The whole crew walked in Kiki’s room. “What’s up everybody?”

  It was Big Kev speaking. June, Corey, Fat Dave, and Pooh, all had more balloons.

  “Where is Lil Umar?” Fat Dave yelled at Kiki. Still weak she was only able to smile.

  “She’s very tired,” said Van. “You can see Lil’ Umar through the window in the incubator room.”

  They all exited at one time, headed to see the new member of the family. Kiki was asleep before the door closed behind them. Rubbing her Van spoke, “She has to get some rest Q. Lil Umar took a lot out of her.”

  “Yeah,” Q. responded, “She looks exhausted.”

  “I’ll keep a check on her while I’m here during my work hours,” Van said.

  “Aiight ma, call me on your break.”

  Chapter 20


  Inga hadn’t done much moving since Da Da’s death. She hadn’t played her part as Yuma, since Da Da was her only connect on The Strip. No one else knew of her. At least that’s what she thought. Inga grew up without a mother or father. They had been killed by a local kingpin from Kingston, Jamaica. Baby Rasta was the youngest. lnga being only f
ifteen herself was forced to raise her baby brother on her own. Whatever it took to feed them she did it. Men took advantage of her young, tender body. At age eighteen she met E’On. He was the same kingpin who had killed her parents a few years back. They hid Inga within their village away from E’On’s henchmen. E’On always got what he wanted. Young girls were his thing. Each time she laid on her back her hatred for men became her only resolve. On her twenty-first birthday Inga beheaded E’On in remembrance of her mother and father. Looking at her watch she realized it would soon be time to meet Baby Rasta. Grabbing her cell phone and keys she headed out the door.

  After paging Q and Dina she headed towards The Boro. Feeling hunger pains she stopped for a bite to eat.

  Sitting in the restaurant at his table Ham was enjoying his food, glancing out the window. He spotted the familiar looking car going through the drive through. “Where have I seen that car?” He mumbled to himself. Watching the glass slowly roll down Ham still couldn’t recognize the person behind the tinted windows. It wasn’t the hand reaching out the window that jolted his memory, but he did recall seeing the bracelet which bore Jamaican colors on Da Da’s new connects’ wrist. Ham flipped open his cell phone to call Tex. The car began to pull off from the drive-thru. “Damn,” Ham mumbled to himself. Jumping from table he exited the restaurant. No answer. Tex’s voice mail picked up. “Yo’ Tex, its Ham homie. I’m right behind our people playa’. Call me ASAP.”

  Inga already knew she was being followed. Whoever it was had no experience at all. Before she left the restaurant she had already spotted him. Instead of calling Baby Rasta or Q, she checked her purse, and then slowly smiled to herself.

  Riding behind her Ham texted Tex. After putting in the number and code he closed his phone. “Damn, where this bitch headed. She was the last person Da Da talked to before he disappeared,” he mumbled to himself. “This bitch betta’ have some answers.”

  Spotting an empty rest area Inga slowly pulled in front of the sign reading Restrooms. Seeing no other cars pulling in besides the one following her, she stepped out of the car and’ headed toward the restroom. Once inside she removed two mini machetes from her purse.

  Still with no word from Tex, Ham grabbed his snub-nose. After inspecting the traffic one more time he made his move. “Maybe I can fuck this bitch too,” he thought to himself.

  Quietly he walked into the women’s restroom. Opening the door slowly he stepped in. Once inside he began kicking the stall doors in. Suddenly the lights went out. “What the fu ...” was all he had a chance to get out of his mouth. Dropping his gun he reached for his throat which had been cut from ear to ear. No sounds could be heard except the holes being punched throughout his body as Inga unleashed her fury upon him.

  After leaving the restroom Inga sat in her car staring at its entry way. Her heart was pounding, not from fear, but from excitement!

  The excitement of being able to claim another man’s soul. Slowly she rolled away, leaving a black cloud over the rest area forever.

  Back at Honey’s, Terri was finishing up her last appointment for the day. She would be leaving for the hospital as soon as she could. Tim’s rehab had been going well.

  “So Terri, when will you be bringin’ our lil’ brother home?” Tee and Elbony asked her.

  “I spoke with the doctors in charge of his rehab earlier today. They’re thinking about releasing him sooner than next week.”

  “That’s great,” said Tee.

  “Yeah I can’t wait,” Terri responded.

  “Well I’ll pick Lil’ Ty up from the day care, so stay as long as you want.”

  “Thanks Tee, you’re the best friend, oops, boss I ever had.” Everyone within ears reach burst out in laughter.

  Tee pointed towards the front door as if to say “You’re fired, now get out!!!”

  It was around 6:00 p.m. when Terri arrived at the hospital.

  She had stopped and picked up some food for Tim. She was surprised to walk in Tim’s room to him doing push-ups.

  “My, do we have plenty of energy today!” she said.

  “What’s up Baby-Girl? I thought you were the doctor or one of his telling ass candy stripers. They don’t want me doing full workouts yet, but if I don’t burn some of this energy off this room’s gonna drive me crazy.”

  “Well are you finish? I brought you something to eat.”

  “Good, I’m starving. What you got besides you ma?”

  Smiling now she answered, “I brought your favorite. Shrimp fried rice and beef-ribs.”

  “Thanks Baby, I promise I’ll make all this up to you.”

  “You already have Tim by staying here with me.”

  After eating Tim lay on his hospital bed with Terri at his side. Ever so gently she massaged his body. It had been weeks since they held each other. Both their bodies were thirsty. Now kissing him on his chest Terri savored his taste. Easing her hand underneath the covers brought an instant response. “Baby what about the nurses? Wha... I. I.”

  “Relax Boo,” she said stroking him slowly. “Relax for Moment.”

  With his body now paralyzed along with his tongue, Tim could only grunt as the love of his life gave him the best head he ever had.

  Chapter 21

  Life Goes On

  Sitting in Dina’s apartment Q wondered why Inga and Rasta hadn’t showed up yet. Both of them were all business when it came to everything. He wasn’t really worried about their safety. Both were dangerous. The breaking news story broke his train of thoughts. They were reporting a grisly murder at a rest area outside of town. The name of the victim was not disclosed but the cause of death appeared to have been at least forty stab wounds. Whoever killed the victim showed no mercy. The last report was the victims head was completely severed.

  “No word yet?” It was Dina speaking.

  “Nah, I just hit Ras again,” responded Q.

  “What happened?” Dina said pointing at the television.

  The police were still taping off the scene.

  “I don’t know, Dina. Somebody was killed at that rest area.” Q’s phone going off changed the subject. Reading the message he breathed a sigh of relief. “Five minutes,” he said. “They’ll be here in five minutes.”

  When they arrived Q sat back and listened to Rasta talk about The Strip. He’d had several opportunities to kill Tex but his word to Q was his bond.

  Q couldn’t help but notice the calmness Inga displayed. She sat in silence listening to Baby Rasta and Q discuss the situation. Her almond eyes told Q nothing. They were beautiful yet cold.

  Ras spoke again, “We finish the job soon mun. So many times mun I want to let him meet the Real Rasta. The one they call the Ghost mun.”

  “You should have killed that nigga Ras.”

  No mun. I leave it up to you mun. He’s not good for the business. Bleed him like the blood-clot coward that he is mun.”

  “Don’t worry Ras. I got some shit for his ass.”

  The news reporter flashed back on the screen with more information on the murder at the rest stop. Baby Rasta and Dina both were glued to the TV. Q’s eyes were locked with Inga's. Only this time her eyes spoke. As if they were holding their own conversation with him they gave him the answers, which confused him. All the news reports, all that happened at that rest area, it was her work. “Damn,” he thought to himself, “This fine mothafucka ‘bout her business.”

  Inga spoke, “Can I have a word with you alone Q?”

  Caught off guard he fumbled with his words before recovering. “Aah... Aah... Yeah,” he said walking towards Dina’s kitchen. Dina and Ras continued to watch the news.

  Once in the kitchen Inga spoke softly. “He gave me no choice.

  “Who was he and what happened?” Q asked her.

  She told Q everything that had went down. He sat and listened quietly while thinking to himself. Inga had endured a lot of pain throughout her young life. Q contemplated asking her what had took her down the dark road her life now traveled but cha
nged his mind. “I think that you and Rasta should be heading back. I’m grateful for everything that y’all have done.”

  “Q, you know how Baby Rasta work. He will look at your gratefulness as a sign of disrespect. And so do I. It’s not your fault what happened today. He got what he deserved. If it wasn’t him on the news tonight Q then who would it have been?”

  She was right he thought. He wouldn’t be talking to her now. She continued, “Baby told me about the situation with your friend. The easiest way to cause a distraction is by using one of us.

  Let me take off that distraction for you as a favor.”

  “Aiight Inga, you and Ras win again.

  Only if I can return the favor.” “What kinda favor?” she asked.


  He answered too quickly.

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” she said heading back into the living room with Ras and Dina.


  Heading back to Rockingham Q thought about the conversation he had with Inga. Rasta trusted his sister with his life. She had taken care of him on her own.

  The day Tim was shot someone had yelled behind him for help. It was a woman’s voice. Instinct made him react. He saw her just before the lights went out. All during his battle for his life he kept her picture with him in the darkness. No name, only a face. A face he would never forget. Once he was able to describe her to Q it wasn’t long before he had a name to match.

  It hurt Q’s heart knowing he would have to kill a woman. After he had spoken to Rasta about it, Ras understood.

  “Let me think about it mun” was his last response. Now Inga aka Poison offered to deal with-it. He knew he would be in debt to her for life.

  Chapter 22

  Death Around the Corner

  Two of Tex’s main men had been found murdered. The rest of his boys were scared to death. They all felt the same way... It could be one of them next. As he lay on his bed smoking a blunt, he blew little rings of smoke from his mouth. “Do you want another hit of this,” he asked the female laying in bed with him.


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