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Her Vampire King: A Dark Vampire Romance (Royally Mated Book 4)

Page 4

by Bianca Cole

  I smile at him as he reluctantly leaves me.

  “So, Miss Davis, you were attacked by a vampire on your walk home, is that correct?”

  I nod, but I’m not sure I can call it an attack. Sure, Vlad grabbed me, but it didn’t feel like an attack.

  “Can you tell me how this came about?”

  I recall my conversation with Elias. “Yes, I decided to take a shortcut home and left the main street to walk down a back street.” I pinch the bridge of my nose. “I was walking toward my apartment when I noticed a man following me.”

  The office scribbles on a notepad as I recall everything that happened. The fear I’d felt when I realized Vlad was chasing me was insurmountable, but once he got his hands on me, it all went away.

  “I kept checking over my shoulder, but he just kept following. That’s when I started to run, but he chased me and caught me easily.” I shrug. “Before I started running, I didn’t realize he was a vampire.”

  The office nods. “And then?” he asks.

  I feel heat filters through my body at what happened next. It was erotic and a little bit too enjoyable, but I can’t tell the police that. “The vampire pinned me against a wall, spoke to me for a short while, and then bit me.”

  “What did he talk to you about?”

  I can’t understand why, but I don’t want to tell the police his name—I don’t want to reveal that Vlad Balan was the vampire that attacked me. “He asked me where I lived, and I was vague, but he got angry when I wouldn’t tell him the address.”

  The police officer’s brow furrows. “Strange. And, you’d never seen this vampire before?”

  I shake my head. “He was the first vampire I’d ever met.”

  The office nods his head. “We haven’t had a vampire attack in a long while, ever since the wolves moved in.” He glances up at me, eyes narrowing. “Did he mention a chalice at all?”

  “A chalice?” I shake my head. “No, why?” It seems like an odd question to ask me.

  He shakes his head. “We just believe that he might be after an artifact we are keeping here in the city, that is all.” He clicks his pen in and slams his notebook shut. “I think that is all I need from you, Miss Davis.” He steps forward and holds out a card. “It was nice to meet you, and if you think of anything else that could help us find your attacker, please don’t hesitate to call.”

  I take the card and nod, staring at it blankly. “Thank you.”

  He turns and walks away, allowing Kev to return. “Hey, are you okay?” he asks, noticing me staring blankly at the card.

  “Yeah, that was just a bit weird. The office asked me about a chalice.”

  Kev sits down by my side. “What kind of chalice?”

  I shrug. “No idea, he believes the vampire is after an artifact.” I pinch the bridge of my nose again, shutting my eyes. “I’m exhausted, Kev. You’d be best to go home and get some rest. I’ll be fine.”

  “No way, I’m not leaving you here alone.”

  I shake my head, glaring at him. “Kev, I’m in the best hands possible. You’re not sleeping in this damn chair all night.”

  He sighs, knowing that I won’t give in. “Fine, but I’ll be back to visit you in the morning. Okay?”

  I nod. “Thanks, Kev.”

  He glances at me and then the door reluctantly. “Are you sure there isn’t anything I can get you first?”

  “I’m sure, now go away.” I wave my arm toward the door, and he leaves, shutting the door behind him.

  I rest my head back on the pillow, shutting my eyes instantly. Exhaustion overcomes me as Vlad’s face floats into my mind. It doesn’t matter how hard I try to push thoughts of him away, they keep coming back.



  I’m angry with myself.

  How could I let them bring it here?

  I stare up at the large hospital, wishing that there’d been an opening between the Tower of London and here to strike, but if I’d tried to get it, I’d be dead right now. There are too many werewolves.

  I go around the back of the hospital, finding an unguarded back service door. The hospital is one of the most unguarded buildings I’ve seen in London. Maybe they think it’s the last place a vampire will look for the chalice.

  As I step into the hospital, it hits me.


  Damn it. My muscles coil, my fangs lengthen, and my cock thickens in my pants. Rosie’s here, and she’s a distraction I can’t handle.

  I grit my teeth, remembering the way she felt in my arms. The way she tasted. The scent of her arousal was almost as intoxicating as her blood.

  If I give in to those urges again, I’ll forget all about the chalice—just like before.

  I remain frozen, unsure of what direction to go. The chalice’s call is diminishing, and Rosie’s call is increasing. A clock ticks by on the service corridor wall, reminding me that I have only a couple more hours. A couple of hours until I’m trapped in London with no shelter.

  The blood lust clouds my mind, and I find myself walking toward Rosie. Her scent is too difficult to resist. I need her in every sense of the word. I grit my teeth, keeping my eyes down at the floor as I move through the corridors toward her.

  If anyone notices my eyes, I’m going to get caught.

  Oddly, I’m walking amongst hundreds of humans, and none of them appeal to me. Only Rosie’s blood appeals. She has to be my new blood giver. I can’t take no for an answer.

  I come to a stop outside of a door, glancing in through the glass window. There Rosie is—fast asleep.

  I notice a bouquet sitting nearby, abandoned, and I grab them. Rosie finds me attractive, and I’m going to play on that, despite the danger. I don’t want a blood bond with her, no matter how enticing she is.

  My hand reaches for the door handle, and I push it open, entering the room. Thankfully, it’s a private room, and she’s alone. I bite my lip, wondering if I should wake her or not. She looks unbelievably peaceful as she sleeps—an angel.

  I shake my head. I shouldn’t be thinking like that, as Rosie serves one purpose—a blood source.

  Rosie moves in her sleep. “Vlad,” she mutters my name, groaning softly.

  I stopped, smirking that I affected her enough with our brief encounter for her to dream about me right now.

  “Rosie,” I murmur her name, grabbing her hand and squeezing softly.

  Her eyes flicker open, and she looks at me, eyes widening. “Vladimir?” she asks, sitting up. “What are you doing here?”

  I hold the flowers out to her. “I came to apologize.” I shake my head, realizing that I put her in here. The blood I drained from her was too much for her to take. “I’m so sorry that I took too much.”

  Her brow furrows. “No, apparently you didn’t. Not according to my vitals. They’re running more tests to find out what’s wrong.”

  She squeezes my hand back. “I should be scared around you,” she says, looking at our entwined hands. “Why aren’t I?”

  I shrug. “Maybe you’ve been sold a load of shit about vampires all your life.”

  She laughs. “Maybe. You don’t seem too bad.”

  I swallow, knowing she has no idea. I’ve done some terrible things in my life. Vampires are brutal—it’s a fact. We’ve come to live with humans, but before our existence was revealed, we had no laws or rules.

  I glance at the monitor she’s hooked up to. “Why have they kept you in?”

  She looks at the monitor, and her eyes widen. “Holy shit. My blood pressure was really low, but it looks alright at the moment.” She glances at me and rubs the space between her eyes. “Ever since you entered the room, my headache is gone.”

  Her numbers are gradually increasing on the monitor, rising steadily. “That’s strange.” It keeps going up until it hits 100/70, which is normal. “It looks like it has stabilized.”

  Rosie’s brow knits together, and she glances from me to the monitor a few times. “Did you do it?”

  I shak
e my head. “No, I don’t think so.”

  She flicks her tongue across her bottom lip, drawing my eyes to her luscious lips. I want to kiss her, touch her, taste her more than anything. I know I won’t get away with any of that here. Feeding on her in a hospital would be a death sentence. They’d kill me before I have a chance to run.

  “Why did you really come here?” she asks.

  I sigh heavily. “The truth is the wolves have taken something from me. It means that in a couple of hours, I’m going to be trapped here.” I shock myself since I never tell anyone the truth.

  What is with this human?

  She feels important. I feel connected to her in a way I can’t explain.

  Her brow furrows. “Why?”

  “The wolves have stolen the only thing that allows vampires to walk in the sun. They’re hiding it under UV light so that I can’t take it.”

  Rosie taps her chin, looking at me thoughtfully. “Can I go in there without being harmed?”

  Is she serious?

  She hardly knows me, and she was scared when we first met. “Why would you want to help me?”

  She tilts her head to the side. “I don’t know, but I get the feeling you’d be a powerful ally to have on my side.” Her shoulders slump. “I’m going to need help to escape from London.”

  My heart skips a beat. Rosie wants my help to get out of here, and I want to take her to be my blood giver. I feel it’s too soon in our friendship to suggest it yet, but this is perfect. Although, I’ve been around for long enough to know when something is too good to be true.

  “What are you running from?” I ask.

  She looks down, averting my gaze. “A mistake I made a while ago.” She clears her throat. “I found out the mistake caught up with me just before we met.”

  “The shifter?” I ask.

  Her eyes widen. “Were you watching me?”

  I smile at her. “Yes, the moment I scented you, you had me mesmerized.”

  She shakes her head, a small smile on her lips. “You need to stop with the one-liners.”

  I laugh. “So, you are bargaining a trade?” I grab her hand, squeezing softly. “It could be dangerous.”

  She looks down at our hands. “I need help, so yes, if you agree to get me out of London, I’ll steal it for you.”

  I shake her hand. “Sounds like we’ve got a deal.” I move closer to her, inhaling her intoxicating scent. “Shall we seal it with a kiss?”

  Her eyes darken with desire, and she licks her bottom lip.

  I move closer, pressing my lips to hers and kissing deeply. My tongue tastes her and savors her.

  Rosie wraps her arms around my neck, moaning against me, clawing at me for more.

  I won’t bite her—not here. I’ve got a handle on my urges since the first bite, but it still tests all my resolve to resist. She may regret this deal.

  The saying maybe not to make a deal with the devil, but it’s worse to make a deal with a vampire. Rosie will be mine forever now, no matter what.

  She breaks away, panting and flushed. “I guess we’ve got a deal then.”

  I smile, loving the way her full breasts heave as she draws air into her lungs. Her heartbeat is fast and erratic, making me long to be inside of her in every possible way.

  “It’s going to be guarded, so here is the plan.”

  She sits up straighter, fixing her hair.

  I find it amusing how much she wants to help me—she has no idea what she’s getting into.

  “I will distract the werewolves by showing my face at the front entrance. They will all leave the artifact unguarded once they realize the vampire king is in London.”

  Her eyes widen. “They’ll kill you.”

  “I’d like to see them try.” I squeeze her hand, which I’m still holding. “Many have tried, but none have succeeded.” I shake my head. “Don’t worry about me, baby, you worry about getting my chalice.”

  Her cheeks darken when I call her baby. I’m not sure why I do; it just feels natural. Is it possible that I’ve already started creating a blood bond with her?

  It makes no sense because I’ve felt this bond with her since I set eyes on her—before I fed. Vampires don’t have mates. We’re not like shifters or faeries. Many say we don’t have a soul, although I beg to differ. Everyone has a soul.

  “A chalice?” she asks.

  I nod. “Yes, that’s what the wolves took. The chalice of Heverdes allows our kind to walk in the sun, and wolf shifters stole it, killing thousands of my people in the process.”

  She sighs. “That’s awful, I’m sorry.”

  “You’ve got nothing to apologize for. The wolf-shifters aren’t always angels as you humans believe.” I stand. “Come with me.”

  She stands and then winces. “Oops.” She looks down at the needle sticking out of her arm. “I’m not exactly a fan of needles. Can you...”

  “Of course.” I step toward her and remove the drip from her vein carefully, feeling my fangs lengthen as her blood tinges the air. I bring her arm up to my mouth and suck the spot gently, tasting her blood. “There, all better,” I say, forcing myself to remove my lips from her arm. It’s hard. She’s addictive.

  She smiles sweetly at me, surprising me. “Thank you.” It’s not often that a human is so at ease around vampires unless they’re the kind that is insane and obsessed with the idea of becoming like us. David is a prime example. Rosie doesn’t strike me as that type of woman.

  The connection between us is different. I can’t say why or how it just is. “I’ll show you where the room is, and then, I’ll head to the front.” I grab her hand, hoping that posing as a couple will hide what I am.

  Her brow raises as she looks at our hands.

  “Act natural.”

  She nods, squeezing my hand back.

  I can’t deny that while it’s a good cover, I’ll use any excuse to touch her. It feels good, invigorating. I don’t know what this is between us, but I intend to explore it when we get out of this city. Rosie is my possession now, even if she doesn’t realize it yet.



  As Vlad leads me down the hospital corridors, I wonder if I’m making a mistake. I’m not sure what it is about this vampire, but I feel at ease with him. If the story he’s telling me is the truth, then I want to help. Particularly if it means he can get me out of the city. It seems like an easy out.

  I can’t explain to my friends the reason I’m leaving. No matter what Elias said, I know no wolf shifters drop grudges that easily. He wants me dead—all of them do. I killed their alpha, and they have to avenge his death. It’s not necessarily something they want to do, but it’s ingrained in them.

  An instinct they can’t fight, no matter the circumstances. It would have been different if I’d been a wolf shifter challenging Neil for leadership.

  Vlad pulls me down a quiet corridor, leading me through the hospital. We come to a stop, and he glances around the corner, moving back quickly.

  He pulls me close to him, forcing me to rest my hands on his hard, muscular chest. “There are a lot of guards,” he murmurs, holding my gaze.

  I bite my bottom lip, wondering if I’ve bitten off more than I can chew. “Do you think your distraction will lead all of them away?”

  He smiles. “Certain. No wolf will pass up the opportunity to capture the vampire king.” He squeezes my hips, making me needy for him. His lips meet mine in a chaste and soft kiss. “Wait here until they’re all gone and then make a move. Do you understand?”

  I nod. “Yes.”

  He kisses me again, this time deeper. “Good luck, I’ll see you on the other side.” He tries to move, but I grab his hand, stopping him.

  “Where will we meet afterward?”

  He moves his lips close to my ear. “Get out of this hospital and as far away as possible, keeping the chalice hidden. I will find you when I can.” A shiver runs down my spine as he slowly drags his fangs down my neck before disappearing.

heart pounds hard and fast in my chest as I lean back against the wall. It’s quiet at this time of night in the hospital, other than the hushed murmurs of the guards around the corner.

  I wait for what feels like an eternity, listening to them talking. “Fuck, the vampire king is here. All bodies to the entrance, we need the manpower for this,” a voice comes through loud on a radio.

  “Roger that. We’re on our way,” one of the guards says. “Who is going to wait outside?”

  “Not me, I’m going to take down the vampire king,” one replies.

  They all start arguing.

  “Silence. We will all go. The chalice is under the protection of UV, no vampire can walk in there without turning to a pile of ash,” the original guard says.

  “Fine, let’s go,” another guard says.

  I hold my breath, listening as their footsteps thud away, leaving me my chance. Vlad knew they’d leave it unguarded.

  I move toward the room, my heart hammering at a thousand miles an hour. When I get there, I try the door. “Fuck,” I whisper when I find it’s locked. This was a complication I wasn’t expecting.

  I reach into my pocket, finding a hairpin. Carefully, I push it into the lock and try to feel my way through the lock. It’s not as easy as it looks on the fucking TV, as I feel sweat bead on my forehead. The pin bends and then snaps, leaving me stuck. I search the vicinity for something, anything. Vlad is risking his life, and I need to get this chalice for him. There’s a construction worker’s bag left to one side, and I rush toward it. I need something to bust the entire lock off the door. I find a hammer, but it’s going to be loud.

  Thinking fast, I pull the fire alarm, knowing it will mask the sound of the hammer. I rush toward the door, smashing the lock of the door with one hard swing. The door flies open, and I keep hold of the hammer, moving into the room.

  My breath catches in my chest when I set my eyes on it—a pure gold chalice with sparkling gems, sitting in the center of the UV lit room.

  There doesn’t appear to be any other security around it, other than that. I step forward and reach for it, my heart hammering against my rib cage. I grab it, feeling an odd power arc through me. “What the hell,” I mutter, glancing down at it.


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