Ruthless Passion

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Ruthless Passion Page 13

by Noah Harris

  He pulled back until only the head remained and he slammed forward with such force that my face was pushed into the pillows. He gave me long hard thrusts that had me practically screaming. I was using whatever control I had left to keep the noise down to the bare minimum. That wasn’t going to last. The way that he was moving against me had turned into something of a runaway bull. I had turned him on, and there was no way to turn him back off. I didn’t want to. The feel of him doing me with that kind of ferocity was like a dream come true.

  “I warned you and now look that you’ve done to us.” I saw his claws on either side of my head, and my hands had turned from that of human to something that wasn’t exactly normal. His hips were giving me sharp jabs, and I heard him grunt. It was just about that time. I lost all conscious thought, as my cock went off pumping what felt like a gallons worth of cum onto the mattress. He buried himself and made this howl that sounded like he was in pain, but I knew that it was from the pleasure of exploding.

  My energy had been depleted, and I fell into the very stuff that I had just let go of from my own balls. It was crazy. I knew that the vampire was right there, but something was keeping it from going to a full transformation. Derek was having the same problem like he was stuck between human and beast. Maybe this was what they were talking about. I saw no reason why we shouldn’t continue. He was still inside me, but he was deflating quickly until his slippery cock forced its way out of the hot recesses of my ass.

  “I know that this may sound strange, Duncan, but I think that I’ve never lived before. Having you in my life has shown me that I’ve been missing something that I didn’t even know that I was looking for. You have completed me in a way that seems impossible. If I were to wake up tomorrow and see that you were gone, I would regret nothing of what we had together.” I smiled behind his back, as he had no idea that the byproduct of our union was becoming quite evident underneath me.

  With the speed of the vampire, I twisted around to face him, grabbing onto his hips and driving him down onto the pole with the least resistance. He screamed and his ass clenched with his body now accepting the intrusion into his personal space.

  “What the hell? Jesus Christ… I never knew that it could be like this.” I didn’t mean to take him that quickly, but it was like I had no idea what I was doing. I watched his face, as he bounced up and down in my lap. I had pierced his interior with my weapon of choice. Blowing off that one time on the mattress was nothing compared to what I felt wrapped around me at that very moment. “I thought that we were… I thought that we were going to go slow…fuck it…slow is overrated.” The whole world seemed to be spinning on its axis, and I had no idea what to do.

  “I can’t explain it, and the only way that I can even come close is to say that you brought this out in me. That may seem trite, but I think I understand the reason why our two kinds should never be together. We take an inch, and we both know that we are going to go that extra mile.”

  “I don’t care…I don’t care about anything besides having your cock. My god…this is better than my fantasies. This is nothing like I thought it would be…it’s much better…mind blowing.” I could mimic that statement.

  I soon turned him and had him laying half off the bed and half on. He was holding himself up with his hands and his body had the look of the wolf trying to emerge. He had this full growth of beard, and I could swear that I was doing what would be considered a Wolfman.

  This was the perfect mix of man and beast. I reached out for his hand, not asking any questions and using my eyes to tell him exactly how I felt. He opened up his heart to me, and I was more than happy to give it back in kind. I believed that love was the answer to a question that nobody had asked. Violence and the way that I had forced myself on him were like a natural progression from the sweetness that we had started from. I was now standing on the bed, spearing him with the spike between my legs.

  “I need you to cum…cum and do it deep in my hole.” That was a request that I could live with. I glanced to my side to see that my face had changed. If anybody were to witness our union at this moment, they would think that we were ungodly. I buried myself and felt his hole gripping me and pulling me on the wave of both of our orgasms simultaneously.

  My eyes blurred, and I fell forward with my teeth exposed and driving deeply into his neck. Tasting that blood and going off like that gave me this sense of euphoria that I had never felt in my life. I heard the sound of anguished pain coming from the man that I loved. He was clawing at my neck and raking his nails down my back. We were killing each other, and we had only ourselves to blame.

  Chapter 22

  All I could see was red. This was no longer sex, but something more destructive. We tore into each other. It was as if I saw myself through somebody else’s eyes. My cock was still inside of him, and I could feel the stickiness of my offering clinging to my shaft.

  We had thought that being in between transformation was a good thing, but it couldn’t be further from the truth. It had turned primal. That feral nature was the thing that lurked underneath. It was now coming out to exact some sort of revenge for us getting together like this. All I could see was our flailing limbs and the way that we threw each other around the room still joined at the hip.

  Nothing mattered, and I wanted his death, and I didn’t care that my love should’ve been enough to satisfy any craving. I wouldn’t let go. I saw that his face had turned ashen, but he was still ripping into me like a wolf that had not been domesticated. We fought like savages, smashing into the furniture and leaving pieces of it in our wake. We slammed into the balcony door, shattering the glass and falling onto the balcony of the penthouse suite. The shards of glass stuck to our bodies, but not even that kind of pain was going to stop us from wrecking havoc on each other.

  “One of us has to stop this, and it’s not gonna be me.” I had this one track mind of seeing him dead at my feet.

  “If you expect me to stop this, then you’re going to be waiting a very long time, Duncan.” We finally separated, and you would think that would be enough to bring this down to a slow boil, but it only infuriated us further. I threw him into the room through what was left of the door with him landing squarely on the glass coffee table in the middle of the room. He shook off the impact, getting up and ready to attack again.

  I flew as if in slow motion through the air, and he leaped up to greet me halfway. We tumbled back down onto the floor in a heap, before I heard what sounded like the door opening. Somebody was foolish enough to stand in between us

  “I don’t know what this is all about, but I need you to look at this sword, Duncan. Look at it carefully and really concentrate on the carving not only on the blade but on the handle itself. Think about the last time that you saw the sword and how it calmed you and that fire that you feel inside for vengeance and death.” I could barely see Hiroko holding that sword in between us. It was the only thing that was stopping us from killing each other. Through hatred in my eyes, I did look at the inscription and read it out loud in my head. It slowly turned down the flame. I didn’t even know why I was feeling this way, but I was grateful for Hiroko for standing in and doing something about it.

  I fell on my knees looking at the carving on the handle and feeling this sense of self coming over me. I recalled how Hiroko’s father had forced me to look in on myself and maybe it was about time that Derek did the same thing. I had no energy, and I saw Derek in his half wolf form still salivating for a chance to make me into a very satisfying meal.

  “I don’t think that this is going to work on Derek.” In my weakened state, there was no way that I was going be able to fight back in any way that would prevent him from doing what his natural animal side wanted to do. “I have to say that you coming to the rescue was a little surprising.”

  “I came to tell you that you only had 24 hours, but then I heard what sounded like a war going on in behind these doors. I pounded on the door for an interminable amount of time and then I decided to take
action. You forget Duncan that the sword was forged centuries ago. Nobody really knows where it came from. It has been passed down from one generation to the next. It may not act in the same way with the wolf, but I think that it will have a profound effect.” Hiroko whirled around with his black trench coat turning with him until he was holding the blade in front of the wolf.

  The wolf was chomping at the bit. It clamped its jaws over the sword and then released it with a whimper of dismay. It cowered in the corner and then it changed back to Derek and the frightened form of the human underneath it all. He looked at me, and I could tell that he was feeling the same thing that I was. We were both appalled that we had turned on each other like that. I felt the incisions of his claws on my back. It definitely did give us food for thought for having sex again.

  “I don’t even know how I can be more apologetic, Duncan. I wanted to kill you, and I have no idea where that emotion came from. I can only assume this is what they were talking about when they warned us that we shouldn’t be together. I think that if we are going to go forward with this relationship that we should somehow acquire that sword. We need it, and money is no object.” He was used to getting his way and what he saw, as an acquired piece was something of a family heirloom. I really doubted that Hiroko was going to release it willingly.

  “I know that no amount of money is going to make you give that up, Hiroko. I can only ask and appeal to your sense of right and wrong that this sword belongs in our hands and not yours. I won’t force you to let it go. You’re my friend. That has to mean a lot to you, especially when it is the only thing that you really have of your father. I know what you are going to say and that we shouldn’t have gotten together in the first place. You have no idea how hard it was to stand close to him and do nothing.”

  He seemed to be thinking about this strongly. “I don’t think there’s any reason for me to give this to either one of you. We all have demons, and they may not be as deep as yours, but that is your cross to bear. Besides, it’s entirely possible that this time tomorrow that you won’t have Derek to worry about anymore. I’ve been keeping a close eye on what he has been doing, and I am reasonably impressed that he was able to open up the lines of communication with those that he has injured in the past. I think that he has been learning that there are consequences for his actions. I will have to give this more thought. I do have a gift, and maybe this will give you both something to worry about other than your love for each other.” He walked toward the door tossing a card over his shoulder.

  He slammed the sword into the floor and then turned to me and told me without saying anything that it was mine to borrow. He would want it back, and I would be remiss if I didn’t give him back something that reminded him of his father. I could see the pain in his eyes, but he was dealing with it by taking on the responsibility of leading an organization like the Yakuza. It wasn’t the path that I wanted for him, and I had this feeling that his father wouldn’t approve. I couldn’t tell him how to live his life, any more than he could tell me how to live mine.

  “I really don’t know what came over me. God damn…you really did take a chunk out of me.” I saw that his shoulder was a bloody piece of meat. He had his hand on top of it, and I could tell that the skin was slowly forming around the wound. “I can honestly say that feeling is something that I will never forget.” He went into the bathroom, and I followed him until I was standing at the threshold. I came in cautiously, aware that I had done him harm, but he had given, as good as he had got.

  I turned and on my back were streaks of red deep in the skin. I was lucky that I had the vampire to heal me, and he had the wolf to do the same thing. It would be a painful reminder that we shouldn’t be together, but I wasn’t even sure that was going to stop us. We had the sword, but how long we would have it was anybody’s guess. “You did your fair amount of damage. I could feel you pierce my lung and rip into my organs like they were made of Swiss cheese. I think that we fed off of the sex at first. It turned towards violence and opened us up to a whole new can of worms.”

  He lifted his blood soaked fingers and where I had dug in was now only an imprint of my fingernails. The skin was raw and pink, but that was expected after healing in this way. I remembered the card that Hiroko had tossed over his shoulder. I went to retrieve it, picking it up and seeing one lone name in black. I had no idea what it meant, but it had to be something important for Hiroko to come here personally. He had gone out of his way, and now it was a matter of making sense of it.

  “It can’t be… I killed him.” Derek was looking over my shoulder and from the sound and the tone of his voice; I could tell that the man’s name rang a very serious bell with him. “I think I know what is happening. We need to find him and confront him with what we have learned. He’s responsible for all of this. The name James White is one name that I never thought that I would hear again.”

  Chapter 23

  Derek had spent most of the day giving back to others, but he was also tracking down confirmation about James White. He told me what had happened and for the most part, it was truly accidental. They had come across one another. It was during one of his full moon attacks that he had come across a hunter looking for big game.

  “I saw him in the distance in the snow. This was up in the Yukon and at that time, it was the only way that I could be alone with my thoughts and the curse that was given to me without my permission. The cold made me feel alive, but on those full moons, you know how I get. I’m usually able to stay away from populated areas, but, this time, was different. He hunted the wolf without provocation. I don’t condemn him for his actions. I’m sure that he was scared out of his mind when he saw what I was.” There was no judgment on my part. I’d done my fair share of destruction, and I was definitely not one to talk.

  It was the middle of the night, and we were sitting in a rental car outside the city in a residential area. This was where ordinary people went to live their lives with white picket fences and little dogs that they had to take out to do their business.

  “I hope that you know that I hated myself for what I did do you.” We really didn’t talk about it, but I think that we both knew how each other were feeling. “I just thought that you should know that that is not how I act anymore. I don’t attack humans or animals of any kind. For some reason, I didn’t feel that I had a choice.” He was staring at a baby blue house and sitting there idling at the curb.

  “I know how you feel, but we really don’t have time to debate the issue. I confirmed that James White is dead, and that doesn’t come as any great big surprise to me. What was left behind wasn’t much. I didn’t realize that his death would revisit his son. I don’t know how he knows that I was responsible. It could be that he was out there that day, and I didn’t see him. I know that I did change back, but it was several miles after I had already attacked. He’s only 18 years old, and he already has a family of his own. The money that he offered for the bounty was everything that he inherited from his father. It does explain why he would want my money. He wanted to hurt me where it counted, before finishing it.”

  “You can’t be responsible for something that happened so many years ago. The one thing that I have learned from my time as a vampire is that you have to forgive yourself for past transgressions. If you don’t, it will keep you from living your life and maybe that is something that James White Junior needs to learn. I haven’t asked, but what exactly are we doing here? I know that you want to confront him, and you have every right. Do you intend to kill him for what he tried to do to you? Can’t you see it in your heart to let bygones be bygones? You can only hope that he will do the same thing, and maybe you can come up with some sort of arrangement where everybody benefits.” The fact that he was still sitting in the car made me believe that he wasn’t quite sure what he was going to do. It was a hard pill to swallow that revenge could solve anything.

  Derek must’ve been very mad, but hopefully, he could see clear that this kid was only trying to avenge his father�
��s death. From everything that I had learned so far, I would say that Derek and James had this connection that was haunting them both in different ways.

  “I don’t know what I’m going to do. I’m hoping that I will figure that out when I come face to face with the man that wanted to have me killed. An enormous part of me wants to grab him by the throat and choke him until there is no life left in his eyes. I know that’s wrong and that I should see it from his point of view. I guess, I’ll find out what I’m capable of when I talk to him face to face. I brought you along so that you can be the buffer between us, in case things turn to a more violent nature.”

  “I think that we both know that there’s nothing that I could do to stop you from killing him. I can only be the voice of reason and hopefully that will be enough to make you both see that revenge is not the answer.” He breathed deeply and then he got out of the car, as the family wagon inside the garage went by us with what looked like a beautiful blond woman and one kid sitting on the passenger side. This meant that he was home alone. It was better that they face each other like this and not have the interference of family.

  “I know that you will be there with me, Duncan. That may not be enough, but it’s more than I can ever ask of you.” He opened the door and moved across the street, until he was standing at the front door with his finger pointed towards the buzzer. He pressed that button and the loud gong that followed was a good way to announce his presence.

  He looked nervous, and I suppose I would’ve been in his shoes. We both heard the footsteps approaching.

  The door opened like he wasn’t even worried that it was some kind of intruder about to rob him of all of his possessions. “I was wondering when you were going to come here. I was hoping that this day would never come and that what I did would finish this once and for all.” He had his hand behind his back and then he produced what looked like some kind of animal taser. He stabbed forth, and I took it from his grasp. We both pushed him back into the house.


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