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War of the Exiles

Page 26

by Michael G. Thomas

  He moved to the right where another screen showed a starmap of the Tenth Quadrant.

  "General Makos has been forced to withdraw from Medamud. Migrants escaping the fighting in the Anicinàbe core territories have crossed the border in large numbers. He says one large group are moving in around the debris field, and their ships show signs of battle damage. It would appear the violence is weakening them."

  "Migrants?" Arana asked, "There's not a lot of difference between mass-migration like this, and invasion. I've seen the reports about an event in the heart of Anicinàbe space. You're saying it is causing an outward expansion. An escape from danger, how do you know it is not the prelude for full-scale war?"

  Governor Nak Sekieki twisted about and spoke quietly with his bodyguard. He looked up several times and seemed especially interested in Spartan. After what seemed an age, he turned his attention back to the group.

  "We are unsure. Information inside Anicinàbe territories is unreliable. All we know is that Tahkeome and his ships escaped during the last fighting at Medamud. He must be returning to deal with this...event."

  He opened and closed his mouth three times, each time gulping in cooler air.

  "General Makos is therefore moving to our border with the Empire. Fresh transports will come through to reinforce our garrisons throughout the sector."

  "That's great," complained Spartan, "So now we have no ships watching the blockade. That makes defending this city even more critical."

  He noticed Arana lifting her eyebrows at his sarcasm.

  "Subtle," she said under her breath.

  Spartan tried to smile, but he looked even grimmer than normal.

  "None of this matters right now. We have what, six hours until the first units of these two clans hit us, maybe less if they get their fingers out. You saw my imagery. The columns are massive, and they are hauling some serious firepower. If they succeed, then Makos and the others will be wasting their time. The future of Karnak stands with us here, today. I need every single soldier on the walls and ready. We must show strength and resolve, or the Anicinàbe will simply regroup and try again."

  Spartan knew the next thing would be contentious, but it had to be said. Kanjana translated, and with every word the Governor seemed to become sterner.

  "I want every single soldier at the defences, and I don't care who they are. Byotai, half-bloods, Anicinàbe, Khreenk, everybody!"

  "You cannot put Anicinàbe animals on my walls. I will not allow it."

  Kanjana sounded quite polite, making it almost seem a request, but the expression on the Byotai's face said the exact opposite. Arana stepped in, putting herself between Spartan and Governor Nak Sekieki.

  "Can you call upon air cover, anything at all? Two or three bombing runs could cause significant damage and buy us some time."

  Governor Nak Sekieki twisted his head in the manner he'd learnt from the Humans.

  "No. We are all that remains to fight the enemy. I sent the last fighters to the East to look for occupied settlements. They have not returned. Perhaps you could use your three dropships?"

  Spartan shook his head angrily while the Byotai leader continued talking, and with every word, the group of mercenaries were becoming just as annoyed. Governor Nak Sekieki's throat croaked, but finally, after what seemed like an age, there were no more words. Spartan looked to his own people, but Khan snapped, unable to take any more.

  "That is enough."

  The interior lights flickered, and then one of the junior officers began saying the same word over and over. Spartan moved closer, and Kanjana stepped in front of him.

  "Air defence system has picked up targets."

  Spartan licked his lips."

  "How many?"

  Governor Nak Sekieki looked at the screen, and then moved around and placed his hands on the nearby rail. In this position he was raised half a metre above the others and had the perfect position from which to look down at them. The video images changed to show high-altitude imagery from the long-range camera fitted on the drones. As they moved closer, two went dark, but one more remained long enough to show what they needed to see.

  "Nakoma has landed substantial ground forces ten kilometres away. Drones show she is ferrying in troops from Montu. This is the end."

  He looked up, giving the impression he was calling up to a deity.

  "The Zuni and Kolchan will soon be in range, and the Spires are poised to finish the job. The siege is over, Spartan. I suggest you carry out whatever tasks are required before death, and make yourselves ready for the end."

  Spartan looked to Khan and then lurched forwards, grabbed Governor Nak Sekieki and yanked him over the edge. The frail Byotai landed on his back and groaned in pain. The Governor's bodyguard reached for their weapons, but Spartan, Khan, and the others were already there. Spartan pointed his carbine at the head of the Governor. At the same time the air-raid warning sounded, the great speakers warning of the impending gloom to every quarter of Melantias.

  "I am taking over the defence of this city. You will keep your hands to yourself until this is over."

  He reached down and lifted Governor Nak Sekieki to his feet.


  The Byotai answered in quiet, but desperate sounding words. Kanjana spoke for him.

  "He understands."

  Spartan licked up upper lip that had suddenly become so dry, and then spat on the floor.

  "Good. Get him to send word to the rest of the city, and then follow me."

  Khan grabbed Spartan's shoulder.

  "To where?"

  Spartan activated his visor, encasing himself in armour.

  "To the surface, old friend, we have a battle to win."

  The group moved to the entrance of the elevator, but stopped when Spartan noticed the other Byotai waiting below ground.

  "No, I don't think so. This control centre, or whatever you call it, is closed. Shut the entire thing down and join us on the surface. You'll live or die with the city."

  With that, they climbed into the large elevator and waited until every one of them was inside. Just as it started to lift, the lights went out on the secure underground room. Governor Nak Sekieki was silent, but Spartan saw the anger in his alien eyes. They made it almost halfway to the surface when Arana asked the question all of them were wondering.

  "What about the Red Scars? We've got at least three hundred locked up in the tool shelters behind the wall."

  Spartan and Khan shared a look, and Arana knew what they were thinking without one of them having to say a word. She decided to speak for them.

  "They will have their chance to prove themselves."

  Kanjana seemed surprised to hear this.

  "Spartan, is that wise? The Red Scars are the least trusted of all my kin. They have no loyalty to me, you, or anybody in this city."

  The elevator came to a stop, and the door slid open to reveal two narrow lines of mercenaries from the Black Widows, Helion 5, and Dynax Corporation. All of them moved aside with the speed and precision expected from a unit out on parade. Spartan, Khan, and Arana were first out, with Khan standing in the centre. By the time they'd reached the end of the wide corridor, the sounds of battle were audible. One large shape blocked their way outside.

  "Olik, what's happening?"

  The Jötnar seemed out of breath.

  "Their guns are longer ranged than we thought. It's started."

  As if to emphasise the point, the first volley of rocket assisted shells rushed overhead and exploded harmlessly against the thick rock of the Stone Hills. Some of the armed settlers shouted. Panic could set in at any moment. Spartan turned to face the rest of the unit that had exited the elevator.

  "Get to your positions, and send out the command. We hold the wall, no matter what they throw at us."

  The group separated, but Olik lifted his hand to stop Spartan speeding by.

  "What about the Blood Pack and our prisoners? I've got to..."

  Spartan grabbed his friend's arm.

  "Split the Pack. I want half on the walls, and half in reserve. They will be needed when the wall is breached."

  Olik looked surprised.

  "Breached. I thought..."

  Spartan laughed.

  "Oh, they will be coming in. The only question is how many will make it any further?"

  "And the prisoners?"

  Spartan lifted his carbine and activated the energy pack.

  "Take me to them. I have something to ask them."

  * * *

  The tool shelters were actually more like aircraft hangars, with thick walls and curved ceilings nearly a metre thick. The doors were wide and guarded by two large groups of Exiles. They waited in silence as Spartan, Kanjana, and Khan approached. One in particular moved directly in front of them and placed his staff so that it touched the ground between the three.

  "Spartan...Khan...and you."

  The bareheaded Byotai half-blood looked at them both with expressionless eyes. One was hidden behind a patch, and there was a fresh cut across his chin. The sound of his voice as he looked at Kanjana was odd and left a chill in the air.

  "Tenskwatawa," said Spartan, "What are you doing here?"

  The leader waited for a second, eyeing up the two warriors. Spartan looked as big as him, but wearing his advanced M3B armour and brandishing the odd looking XC1 Carbine. Khan, on the other hand, was a giant, yet even Tenskwatawa seemed far from being intimidated.

  "The Red Scars are animals and are responsible for the deaths of many of my kin. It was them that deposed so many of us before the last war."

  Spartan wasn't sure what confused him the most, the fact that Tenskwatawa was here, guarding the prisoners, or that he was now speaking English with an almost flawless accent.

  "Tenskwatawa, the last Anicinàbe or Byotai that spoke my tongue so well was Tahkeome."

  Tenskwatawa lowered his head but said nothing.

  "I see," said Spartan, "In any case, I've taken control of Melantias. Return to your kin and prepare them for battle. Nakoma is coming, and battle is soon to begin."

  Tenskwatawa paused and then turned away. With a click of his fingers, the other Exiles joined him and away they went. Khan muttered as he moved from view.

  "I don't trust that one, not at all."

  Spartan nodded in firm agreement.

  "Khan, I couldn't argue with that."

  He then pressed the button on the side of the massive doors and entered the spherical code sequence. The doors began to slide open, and both stepped inside, completely oblivious to the fact that three hundred or more Red Scars were waiting there. Khan braced himself for a fight, but Spartan walked in as though he was visiting a store. Kanjana followed them, with her hand waiting on her hip in case she needed to draw a weapon.

  "What now?" she asked.

  Spartan stopped and deactivated his helm. The visor hissed quietly as it folded away, and he waited for his eyes to adjust. The nearest members of the group came closer. Spartan nodded to Kanjana.


  She nodded twice and waited, her hands still low and ready.

  "I am Major Spartan, and I am in charge here. I don't care who you are, or why you surrendered. All I offer is the chance for battle against the Spires and their soldiers. I make no promises, and I offer you nothing in return."

  One of the Red Scars moved out into the light. His body was cut, and jewellery hung all over his face. His eye sockets were filthy and body armour dented and battered. Yet for all of this, he was fully upright and moved with the agility unique to his kind. Spartan turned his full attention on this one figure.

  "So tell me, soldier. What is it that you want?"

  Kanjana said the words, and still there was silence in the storage area. The Red Scar warrior reached inside his cloth and tugged. Blood dripped down but hidden behind a flap of skin came a blade. Kanjana had already seen it and lifted her sidearm just as the Red Scar drew the blade across the inside of his hand. Spartan remained unmoved and waited patiently.

  "Well, what will it be?"

  The warrior looked back and said a few quiet words to his kin. A chatter spread throughout the large number; that was when Spartan saw three hundred was a much too low estimate. There was easily double that number. The figure looked back at him and moved closer. He was now near enough to jam the blade into Spartan if he so desired it.

  "We fight."

  Spartan smiled and leaned over to Khan.

  "Tell the Byotai to stand down."

  He then looked to Kanjana.

  "They might not like us, but they hate the Spires more. We can use that."

  Kanjana did not seem impressed.

  "What if they had refused? They might have attacked us."

  Spartan laughed and nodded to the light outside the storage shelters.

  "Olik is out there, with thirty Blood Pack and an entire company of Byotai militia. Don't worry, I'm no fool."

  He then signalled for them to follow him back to the light. He made it halfway but turned back to look at the Red Scars still hiding in the blackness. Khan called out to them in his gruff, angry voice.

  "I have weapons and armour for you. Follow me."

  Spartan and Kanjana watched as the large group of Red Scars, some of the most fearsome warriors in the Anicinàbe arsenal, left the shelter and followed like a tour group. Khan marched them to the sally port and took them outside and in front of the walls.

  "Weapons?" Kanjana asked, "What weapons?"

  Spartan positively beamed.

  "The ground in front of the wall is littered with them. Like I said, I offer them nothing but the chance for revenge. The rest they can do themselves."

  He said something else, but another volley of rocket-assisted shells came down, and this time one struck the wall with an almighty crash. Kanjana stumbled right into Spartan and knocked them both to the ground. Spartan shook his head as he stood up.

  "Okay, that was heavy. We need to get to the top of the wall. It has begun."

  * * *

  Spartan waited on the wall, with Khan and Kanjana at his side. They were able to look along the defences and at the many towers that jutted out. The wall curved upwards rather than a simple vertical surface, as a protective measure against storms and earthquakes.

  "That was...impressive," said Spartan.

  Khan continued to gaze out to the South.

  "We're still here, aren't we?"

  It was now the sixth hour of the bombardment of Melantias, and for many unlike anything they had seen before. To Spartan and Khan it was just another siege on another world. Spascia, Helios Prime, New Carlos City, and so many more had all fallen to the curse of siege warfare. Now Melantias could be added to that list. Kanjana moved away for a few seconds and spoke with a Black Widow, who promptly moved back along the wall to join her unit. Kanjana returned to the two of them.

  "Two units of civilians have broken and withdrawn from the trenches."

  Spartan shook his head. Khan growled in irritation.

  "I said this at the start. These are not soldiers. When it comes to it, they are not ready for battle. They need to do more than stand; they need to be able to kill."

  Spartan pointed to where the enemy was hidden just out of range and partially obscured by the dust that built up into a wall far into the distance. Every thirty minutes, the skyline would flash yellow, and the volley of three rocket-assisted shells launched. They were due for another attack at any moment. Spartan spotted the flashes.

  "Here it comes."

  Seconds later the powerful shells came down and struck the bastion, trench works, and wall. They both clung to the wall as the ground shook violently. Sections of the battlements crumbled and fell down, while a single section of the wall groaned.

  "That's not good," said Khan.

  He leaned over the edge and looked down. This part lay between two of the towers and was one of the strongest sections of the wall. A third of the entire height split and dropped down into a heap at the fo
ot of the wall. The fallen debris created a rocky ramp that led up to the damaged section.

  "Yeah. I'm amazed the wall lasted more than a single volley."

  Spartan looked behind the wall where the rocky outcrops of the Stone Hills provided additional protection for the underground city. Fires ranges in dozens of places, and he observed many groups rushing about with water to douse the flames.

  "Your secondary defences, are they strong?"

  Khan nodded slowly.

  "There are barricades at the entrance to the Melantias settlements, along with weapon stores. It's three metres tall and strong. Without the extra hours you bought us, we'd have nothing but a damaged wall."

  Spartan seemed pleased with that. He tried to speak, but the wall shook again as more shells crashed against the same section of wall.

  "The defenders, are they capable of fighting?"

  Khan shrugged.

  "I've spent days drilling them. Every one of them has been trained to fight. They can shoot, put out fires, and use a blade in a rudimentary way."

  He tried to look reassuring.

  "Put it this way. If Nakoma had assaulted us two days ago, we'd already be in chains. Hell, if she'd brought all ten of those guns, this would have been over. Somehow you knocked out seven of them. That's impressive, even for you."

  Spartan laughed and looked back to the South. The firing had stopped, and he used that opportunity to survey the damage. After twelve heavy bombardments, he was amazed the wall was intact. The Nanocrystal skin had proven incredibly strong, and though there were signs of damage, there was still only the one breach.

  "Look," said Khan.

  He pointed up and both watched in silence at two black shapes high in the sky. They were small, but even from here Khan knew what they were.

  "Confederate Class ships. How?"

  Spartan grinned.

  "I sent the word to Gun."

  Khan shook his head.

  "But we've made promises to Alliance High Command, the Anicinàbe, and the Byotai. Under no circumstances can we put IAB boots on the ground. If we do so, that would be considered an act of war by both sides."


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