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Power Reclaimed (D.C. Power Games Book 2)

Page 12

by Ivy Nelson

  listen. Now kneel.”

  Deep breaths. Why was she having such a hard time today? Decision made, she blew out

  a breath and lowered herself to the carpeted floor and bowed her head. Her heart racing as

  she did.

  “Much better. Wasn’t that so much easier than arguing with me?”

  “Yes Sir.”

  He caressed her head one more time. “Stay there. I’ll be back.”

  Then he was gone. Presumably to get some… equipment. Or perhaps to give her time to

  reflect as he had when he ordered her to the corner last night. Was that really just last night?

  It felt like a lifetime ago after the morning she’d had. But memories came flooding back and

  warmth filled her as she thought of how enjoyable the night had been. What did he have

  planned now? Was he going to spank her again? Would he finally make love to her? It felt

  like it had been weeks since he had been inside of her and she was ready to feel him again. “Good girl,” he murmured when he came back into the room. “I’m going to blindfold you

  now. Don’t be alarmed. It’s meant to help you block everything out for a little bit and focus

  completely on me and the sensations I’m giving you. Is that OK?”

  She nodded, but quickly said, “Yes Sir,” when he frowned.

  “Better.” From behind his back, he produced a long, wide piece of cloth that had been

  doubled over. Not exactly the kind of blindfold she was expecting. He stepped behind her,

  getting close enough that she could feel the brush of his jeans against her shoulders. Then he

  crouched down and peppered kisses along her neck. She sighed, enjoying the feel of his lips

  gently caressing her skin. His teeth nipped her ear before he held the blindfold in front of her



  “Yes Sir,” she whispered. And then, her world went dark. With deft fingers, he secured

  the blindfold with a knot at the back of her head. Air rushed across her face, confusing her at

  first. Then she realized he was waving his hands in front of her face, making sure she

  couldn’t see anything. Every one of her other senses became heightened. The sound of

  Michaels clothes rustling as he moved about the room seemed unusually loud and she could

  feel the cool breeze of the air conditioner dance across her skin.

  A moment later, he was by her side again. This time, he helped her stand. And then, he

  began to undress her. Slowly. Peeling her shirt upward over the secure blindfold.

  Instinctively, she raised her arms to make it easier for him. The garment fell to the floor with

  a soft swoosh. Next, she felt his fingers at her waist unhooking the button there and lowering the zipper. The normally quiet sound of the metal teeth separating was nearly deafening as he lowered it with painstakingly slow movements. Then, in one swift motion he lowered her pants and panties. He dropped to one knee and urged her to lift each foot so he could free her of the clothing. Her bra was all that was left. Her breath hitched when instead of standing, he kissed her calf, then again, higher, and higher. He left a trail of scorching kisses as he made his way up her leg until he reached her inner thigh. She tensed as he planted another kiss on

  her upper thigh.

  “Relax,” he whispered. Even in a whisper, he sounded dominant and in control. With a

  few deep breaths, she did her best to steady her racing heart and relax her tensed up muscles.

  But then, he planted a kiss there. Just above her clit. She gasped, and he chuckled against her

  sensitive skin. The vibration of his deep laugh and the gentle scratch of his stubble against

  her sent shivers through her. He continued his kissing trail up her body. Slowly. So.

  Painfully. Slow. And then he was standing in front of her again. He captured her lips in a

  heated kiss as his hands slid under her arms and around to the clasp of her bra. With a quick

  flick of his fingers, he popped it open and broke the kiss long enough to pull it off of her. “Beautiful,” he said. “I could look at you for hours.”

  Heat spread across her face and down her chest as she imagined his intense gaze

  exploring her now naked body. It was off-putting, not being able to look at him. His big hand

  grasped hers and tugged. “Come with me.” Slowly, he led her through the room until she

  could tell they were standing near the bed. He turned her so she was backed up to the end of

  it. “Lay back on the bed, Angel.”

  With slow movements, she lowered herself onto the bed and laid down flat on her back.

  The blindfold made her more aware of her nudity and she felt exposed and vulnerable. She

  had to fight the urge to cover her breasts and clamp her legs shut.

  “Scoot farther up on the bed,” he directed.

  When she was where he wanted her, she felt and heard the bed shift as he joined her. At

  first, he stretched his body out against hers, letting her soak in his warmth. The smell she had

  grown to associate with him flooded her senses and she moved her head in an attempt to

  nuzzle his neck and drink him in. He made no move to stop her. After a minute or so, he

  straddled her and pinned her arms above her head. Then he was attaching something to her

  wrists. She didn’t recognize what it was, but it was soft. When he pulled his hands away, she

  tried to bring her hands down to her sides again only to discover that he had attached her to

  the bed somehow and she couldn’t move her arms very far. The realization that she was

  restrained, caused her to jerk against the bindings, soft material of some sort. It didn’t cut into

  her skin. Even felt nice. But the knowledge that she couldn’t escape sent her heart racing, and

  she squirmed on the bed.

  “Still, Angel. I want you like this. Helpless, at my mercy. I’m going to make you feel so

  much that you don’t have time to think. For just a little while, you’re going to block

  everything out and just focus on the sensations I’m giving you. Understood?” Michael asked

  as he climbed off of her.

  “Ye… Yes, Sir,” she whispered, her speech stilted and breathy.

  “Good girl. Very good girl.”

  Chapter 10

  Michael stood at the edge of the bed and stared at the gorgeous woman splayed out in front of him. Beautiful, vulnerable, completely at his mercy. As much as he wanted to simply make love to her, he needed to help get her out of her own head first. If he could overload her with sensation, she might be able to leave the complicated mess she found herself in behind for just a little while.

  He didn’t have anything too intense planned, just a little exploration. Not only could he help her forget for a little while, he could learn more about her body and the things she reacted positively too.

  “Spread your legs, Angel. Let me look at you.” Her legs inched apart at his request and he chuckled. “That won’t do. Wide Angel. Let me see all of you.”

  “No fair,” she muttered.

  “Excuse me?”

  “I can’t see any of you.”

  “For good reason. Patience Angel. Now stop stalling. Spread your legs.”

  Her legs slid farther apart, and he hummed. Already, wetness had gathered between her legs. It practically begged him to taste. But he resisted—for now. In the bag he’d borrowed from Peter, he found a few items that were perfect for what he wanted to do with Adara. Picking up the first item, he moved to the bed and stretched himself out next to her, lying on his side propped up on an elbow. With his free hand, he grasped the handle of a whartenberg pinwheel. It looked menacing which was another reason for the blindfold. She might back away from the wheel of metal spikes if she cou
ld see it. As it was, the sound of it jingling as he brought it close to her skin caused her to jump. Starting just above her knee, he gently dragged the wheel up her thigh, stopping just below her hip. Adara’s breaths came rapidly then as the sensation shocked her.

  “Easy baby. Just feel.” He pulled the toy up her side and she pulled away from him. Not that she could get far. He clucked his tongue. “Still.” He watched with rapt attention as her chest rose and fell with each deep breath she took, trying to calm herself. Next, he ran the wheel under her breasts.

  “What is that?” she whispered.

  “I’ll show you later. Just feel it.” The toy was meant to awaken her nerves and heighten sensation. It seemed to be working. Her nipples tightened as he tugged the wheel up one breast and neared the dark areola.

  “It tickles.”

  “Quiet. Do I need to get a gag out too?”

  “Please no. I’m sorry.”

  “Sir,” he said pinching one nipple roughly between his thumb and forefinger. “Ouch! Sir. I’m sorry, Sir. I’ll be quiet. Please don’t gag me.”

  He blew on the offended nipple and chuckled. “We’ll see.”

  When he was satisfied with her silence, he slid down to the end of the bed and began kissing up her body again. This time, he purposely used the stubble of his chin and cheeks to scratch at her soft skin. Small groans and gasps came from her but to his delight, she stayed quiet. And she tried to stay still, but he was intentionally driving her to the point of squirming, so he didn’t chide her when she squirmed beneath his mouth. It was pleasing that he could tell she was trying.

  When he reached the apex of her thighs, he gave in to his desire for a taste. His tongue ran the length of her seam. There was no trying to stay still anymore. She bucked beneath his tongue and moaned loudly. Capturing her clit in his mouth, he sucked, hard. She cried out, and he increased the pressure, then slipped one finger inside of her. Soon, she was pleading for him to stop and keep going all at the same time. One more finger slid inside her tight opening as he continued his assault on her clit with his tongue.

  Another minute or two of his unrelenting attack on her senses before he felt and heard her orgasm. It tore through her body and she clamped down on his fingers, crying out as she rode the wave of pleasure.

  As she was coming down, he slid up her body and pressed his lips to her ear. “Adara Kent. Did you just come without my permission?” Her body went rigid. “Naughty girl. It’s a good thing you’re hot as fuck when you come for me. Next time you better ask though. Are we clear, Angel?”

  Rigorous head nodding. He chuckled, pressing a kiss to her temple. “Good girl,” he said as he plunged two fingers inside her again. “Now come for me again.” He worked his fingers in and out a few times and then pressed his thumb hard against her clit. With his mouth, he tormented the nipple closest to him until he felt her body tense. Another orgasm rolled through her.

  “So hot baby. How many more times do you think I can make you come for me?”

  Her body trembled as her orgasm finished. “No idea Sir.”

  “I think we should find out. I won’t even make you beg tonight. We can save that for later.”

  Laughter rumbled through him as she jerked her head from side to side. “Oh, you’ll beg, Angel. Some day soon.”

  “We’ll see,” she said saucily.

  “Oh Angel. Don’t test me, not when I’m offering you as many orgasms as you want. I can change my mind and not give you anymore. I rather enjoyed spanking your sexy ass.”

  “Sorry Sir,” she mumbled.

  “That’s what I thought.”

  Shifting, he rolled off the bed and reached for another item. It was cliche, but she was new and seemed to be enjoying this sensation play. Starting at the base of her throat, he dragged the toy down her torso, flicking his wrist periodically. Stopping at her pussy, he chuckled as he watched her jerk away from his tickling.

  “Feather?” she asked when he gave her a break.

  “Very good.” He moved the feather over her body again before setting it aside to allow himself another taste of her pussy. He inhaled her scent as he continued the onslaught of sensation he was showering on her clit with his tongue. Soon she was twisting beneath him in the throws of another orgasm. He continued laving attention on her pulsing body and turned one orgasm into three. The bedspread beneath her was sporting an impressive wet spot. When she began begging him to stop, he gave in to her cries and stood again.

  At the bag, he selected one more item, a glove with massage beads in it. When she had recovered from her orgasms, he straddled her once more, he ran the glove across her body and she sighed.

  “Feel good?”

  Her head bobbed up and down and he shook his head. With his un-gloved hand, he grasped a nipple between his fingers and pinched. “You’ll learn eventually, Angel.”

  She whimpered as he released the nipple and he went back to running the glove down her shoulders and arms. “Let’s try this again. Does that feel good?”

  “Yes Sir.”

  “Much better. Forget again and I’ll have to spank you. And right now, I would much rather fuck you.”

  He spent a few more minutes massaging her body with the glove, taking time to periodically plant gentle kisses on her. When she was fully relaxed, he slid off of her and quickly shed his clothes. Taking his time with Adara had been torture, and he was ready to bury himself in her. Grabbing a condom, he rolled it up his shaft and positioned himself between her legs. He was pretty sure he knew the answer, but he wanted to give her an opportunity to answer him properly. So as he settled on his knees at her opening he asked, “May I fuck you, Angel?”

  A groan erupted from her throat before she said, “Yes Sir, please.”

  “Excellent answer,” he said as he inched his way inside. She lifted her hips to meet him, attempting to urge him deeper inside of her. “Patience, beautiful Angel. We’ll get there. Let me enjoy this.” When he was fully seated inside her, he rested his forehead against hers and kissed her gently. “You feel so good.”

  “Please Sir. Don’t make me wait anymore.” He didn’t need anymore encouragement, he gripped her hips and began to move, pulling out and slamming back inside of her. He quickly settled into a fast paced rhythm. Enjoying the feel of her tight cunt enveloping his hard cock. She was going to squeeze the life out of him and he would die a happy man. He slid a hand between them and put pressure on her clit, rubbing up and down until he hit the spot that caused the reaction he wanted. Keeping the pressure up in that exact spot, he continued fucking her.

  “Blindfold. Off. Please, Sir. I want to see you,” she begged as he thrust in and out of her. He broke contact with her clit long enough to undo the knot behind her head and then he was back to his assault on her body. It wouldn’t be long before he needed to lose himself inside of her. He wanted to milk one more orgasm from her body. So he did just that, his fingers massaging her clit until she was writhing beneath him. “Come, Angel.” And she did. The orgasm that ripped through was accompanied by a scream and he began to fuck her hard and fast until he fell into his own orgasm. When his own breathing calmed, he rolled off of her and reached up to undo the silk cloth that bound her wrists to the bed.

  They lay together silently for a few minutes, Adara curled into him, one hand rubbing his back.

  “Thank you Sir.”

  “For what, Angel?”

  “Insisting that I kneel and honor our bet. I’m sorry I’m stubborn.”

  He hummed thoughtfully and kissed her temple. “I think your stubbornness will make our game that much more fun, Angel. Thank you for trusting me.”

  After a few more minutes of cuddling, he nudged her out of bed, “Let’s shower and get some sleep, Angel. I want to hold you while you dream.”


  “Good morning, Angel.” Adara’s eyes fluttered open, and she smiled at the painfully sexy man staring down at her. His slightly mussed hair and two or three day’s worth of growth made him even h
otter in her opinion. The thought of the things he had done to her with just the stubble on his chin made her blush. Letting him take complete control of her body was turning out to be very beneficial for her. She stretched and whispered, “Good morning Sir.”

  He leaned down and kissed her tenderly. “Time to get up. We’re meeting Darci and Bradley for lunch. They got back last night.”

  That sent her bolting upright. “Oh! I forgot they were coming back already. I can’t wait to see them.” As she sat, his tender smile widened and morphed into one of his wicked grins, lust filling his gaze.

  “What?” she asked suspiciously.

  “Nothing. Just thinking of all the things I want to do to you. Too bad we need to get going.”

  “What time is it?” she asked, looking around for her phone.

  “Almost eleven. We were up pretty late. I couldn’t bear waking you.”

  Her eyes went wide. She never slept that late. He really had worn her out.

  “Up and in the shower,” he commanded. She scrambled from the bed and hurried to the bathroom. Behind her, she could hear him murmur something about her beautiful backside and she grinned. It was fun knowing she had that effect on him. Twenty minutes later, she was out of the shower, dried off and getting dressed. As she slid a casual green dress over her head, Michael stepped into the bedroom.

  As the dress fell over her hips, he pushed himself off the door frame where he had been casually watching her. When he reached her, he grasped the hem of her dress and pushed it up. His hands skimmed down her hips and lowered her panties. “I think I’ll keep these today,” he said, planting a kiss on her neck. She tried to turn around, but his hands remained planted on her hips, preventing her from moving too far. Not to mention her panties were now down around her knees.

  “You can’t,” she protested.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You’re not seriously going to make me eat lunch with our friends without panties.”

  “That’s exactly what I’m going to do,” he said before dropping to one knee to lower her panties further. “Step out.”

  This was embarrassing. She didn’t move.


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