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Act of Submission

Page 12

by Mandy M. Roth

  She caught hold of herself and released her bite on him. He did the same to her and then licked the spot he’d bitten. She clung to him, her body spent, her heart full. “Whoa.”

  With a shaky laugh, he nodded. “Yeah.”

  “Does this mean you want me to stay?” she asked, hopeful, yet afraid he’d say no.

  “Haven,” he said, kissing her lips gently. “I just claimed you fully.”

  She pursed her lips, not really following along.

  “You’re my wife. My mate. It’s official,” he said with a sheepish grin, his cock still deep in her, blood oozing down his shoulder where she bit him.


  He let her wiggle down from him. She found it hard to stand on her own as her legs were wobbly from having her brains screwed out against the wall. Turning, she caught Boomer putting himself back in his leather pants out of the corner of her eye, but that wasn’t what grabbed her attention. What grabbed her attention was Auberi standing at the end of the hallway, the chimp near him. The chimp had his eyes covered.

  Auberi smiled and winked before picking up the chimp and heading off in the other direction. With a groan, Haven shook her head. “We just gave Auberi a show.”

  “It had to be that way,” said Boomer softly. “He found me last night. After you were asleep. Additional testing indicates you’re from his line of vampires.”

  She closed her eyes. “So I just let my dad watch me get laid?”

  Boomer laughed. “No! Of his line doesn’t mean created by him or fathered by him. It means you come from the same line of vampires he does. It’s probably why Pierre is so interested in you.”

  “I’m lost as to why it’s fine that Auberi just watched you screwing me,” she said, uneasy. As limited her experience may be, she was pretty sure she wasn’t the type to have sex in front of others. Then again, she’d only ever been with Boomer and had managed to do just that, so maybe she was the type.

  “Females with enough vampire in them to be considered vampire, but without too much to keep them from reproducing, are rare. A line should protect them, watch over them, and assure they are mated to their proper mate,” said Boomer. “Auberi probably smelled the mating energy and came to be sure I didn’t hurt you, and that ritual was completed. That ownership of you is now mine.”

  Haven began to protest, but Boomer cut her off.

  “Not that I believe I own you. I’m just explaining how this stuff works. Auberi is hella old. He plays by old rules,” said Boomer. “If anything, you own me.”

  “How is it you know so much about vampires when it’s clear you’re not their biggest fan?” she asked.

  He sighed. “Spent a lot of time with them when I was younger.”

  “Not good times, I take it?” she asked, her heart breaking for him.


  “I’m sorry you got me as a mate,” she said, meaning it. The guy had clearly been through hell. Saddling him with an emotional train wreck that carried vampire in her was cruel and unusual punishment.

  “I’m not,” he spat quickly.

  She touched his hand before easing closer to him. “You’re currently better with what I am than me.”

  “You’ll learn to love you too,” he said with wink, making her heart feel as if butterflies were about to launch straight out of it. He licked his finger and then rubbed the spit on his shoulder where she’d bitten him. It healed over instantly.

  “Neat, and sorry about the love bite,” she said as he pulled her into an embrace.

  “I fucking love your love bites. You should try that when you go down on me,” he said with a huge smile.

  “Oh yeah, sweet talker!” She lost it, laughing as he took her hand in his. “I need a shower. Want to try that in there?”

  “Hell yes!” he shouted, lifting her and racing in the direction of the elevator.

  “Where are we going?”

  Boomer skidded to a stop in the elevator. “We’re taking the short cut up to my place.”

  “You live here?”

  “I do, still want to be with me?” he asked.

  She beamed. “I am liking you more and more. I’m a bit afraid to see your place. You don’t sleep in a coffin or anything do you? You have that Goth thing down pat.”

  He snorted. “I sleep hanging upside down.”

  Her eyes widened.

  He winked. “Kidding.”

  She kicked her feet, laughing as the elevator doors closed. “Wait. I think we did a number on the chimp.”

  “Lil’ Duke? Why is that?” asked Boomer

  “He saw us doing the deed,” she said, her eyes wide. “Pretty sure we’ve now messed him up for life. Wait, he’s named Lil’ Duke? I met Big Duke. He’s a real ball of sunshine, that one.”

  “Exactly why his wife insisted the chimp be named after him.” Boomer grinned. “Might I recommend you hide your undergarments from Lil’ Duke? Or he’ll be in them by the end of the day.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Boomer whistled as he poured himself a glass of milk in the kitchen of the rescue shelter. He’d not wanted to wake Haven, so he’d left her tucked away in their bed and he’d gone to check on the animals. He couldn’t seem to stop smiling. It felt good to have her in his place. An area he’d never taken a woman to before. An area that was now theirs.

  She’s in our bed, he thought and grinned more.

  “You know, I always thought cats were lactose intolerant,” said Auberi from the doorway.

  Flipping off Auberi, Boomer finished off the glass of milk and then went back to the refrigerator. He withdrew a bag of blood and tossed it in Auberi’s direction. The vampire caught it with one hand, his gaze never leaving Boomer.

  “Interesting,” said Auberi, biting the end of the bag open before drinking. “I would not have thought you’d stock human blood.”

  “He didn’t,” added Corbin, entering the kitchen area. “I had some brought over a bit ago. I thought it best Boomer keep it on hand with you being a guest until the sun sets. In addition, James recommended Haven be given blood transfusions. Two vampires, one stone.”

  Auberi nodded his thanks, drinking more.

  “Haven doesn’t need bagged blood,” said Boomer. “She has me.”

  Corbin went straight for the teakettle on the stovetop. He filled it with water and then began the process of warming it. “Things went well?”

  “He’s asking if you mated her without incident,” said Auberi, grinning, his teeth covered in pink from the blood. “You know, did she bite your throat out? Did you eat her head off? All the normal drama we supernaturals bring to the table.”

  “You didn’t report in to him?” asked Boomer, surprised. He would have thought Auberi had an earful for Corbin.

  “I did not.”

  Corbin set about preparing a mug for tea. “The others are gone. They wanted to give you privacy.”

  Boomer put his glass in the sink and eyed his longtime friend. “But not you.”

  “You know why I stayed,” said Corbin, his attention on the mug of tea.

  He’d stayed to stop Boomer if he lost control. To put him in his place and possibly kill him if he overstepped and tried to harm Haven in any way. Boomer touched Corbin’s shoulder. “Thank you.”

  “All went well?” he asked.

  Boomer nodded and then lost his fight with a smile. It covered his face. “She’s mine, Corbin. She’s my wife.”

  Corbin stopped what he was doing and faced Boomer, stepping closer to him. He held out a hand to shake. Boomer did him one better, pulling the man into an embrace. One that was long overdue. He should have hugged the man long ago, considering all Corbin had done for him. Corbin stiffened and then returned the embrace tightly. Boomer held his friend and then gave a good squeeze before letting him go. “Thank you, for everything.”

  “As soon as the sun sets, Auberi and I will head in to the office. We have some matters to discuss,” said Corbin, offering a curt nod before turning and pouring the h
ot water into the mug. He was so British. “The other Sentinels are in town as well?”

  Auberi shook his head. “Not quite yet. They had a matter to deal with. I was already en route here, so I just proceeded onward when Boomer called.”

  Corbin glanced over his shoulder. “Is that anything we can assist with?”

  Auberi faked shock. “Shifters offering to help the Fang Gang?”

  Corbin rolled his eyes. “You helped one of mine. Therefore, we owe you.”

  “You’d help anyway,” said Boomer, grabbing an apple from the countertop fruit bowl. “You’re nice like that.”

  “I am, aren’t I?” asked Corbin with a grin.

  “Hey, I am a nice guy too,” argued Auberi.

  Boomer gave him the finger. “Let’s not pretend the shirts that say Clip n’ Snips and have a dog on them weren’t something you all sent. I’m guessing they were your idea.”

  “Fair point. Give me that finger again and I might just bite it off.” Auberi’s laugh died quickly, and he lowered the half-consumed bag of blood, before sniffing the air. His royal-blue gaze filled instantly with solid black. Bad sign.

  Boomer’s cat woke and he sensed Corbin’s doing the same. The men shared a look before Boomer took off for the door of the kitchen area. Something was wrong in the rescue shelter. Very wrong. He pushed the door and then fell backwards as it refused to budge. Auberi hit it next only to fall back as well. Corbin, being Corbin, didn’t rush the door so much as he gave it a good nudge, his gaze moving to Boomer.

  “I smell vampires,” he said.

  “As do I, but not full-bloods. Hybrids,” added Auberi, concern coating his face. “They’ve barricaded the door.”

  Boomer shouted, “Haven!”

  She was alone in the sanctuary with them all. He’d left her vulnerable. He’d been her mate less than twenty-four hours and he’d already failed her. Instinct took over and he spun, rushing head first at the supply closet doorway. He crashed through it, not bothering to open it before leaping up, diving through the small, high window. The glass dug at him, but he paid it no attention, his focus on getting to Haven.

  On saving his mate.

  He knew without a shadow of a doubt they were there for her. There to harm her.

  Over my dead body!

  He’d only just accepted that he could be a mate, that he could love someone else before truly learning to love himself. There was no way in hell he was letting anyone or anything tear that away from him.

  He rolled when he hit the ground, shards of glass embedding deep into his skin. The pain invigorated him, breathing new life into his cause. Boomer came to his feet with a speed that would have shocked others. As he came up, something slammed into him from the side, knocking him back to the ground with a hard force. He twisted, his claws emerging. He struck out, connecting with the side of a man he’d never seen before. The guy was in partially shifted form, and from what he could tell at first glance was a mix of a hyena and possibly a vampire. Neither was pretty.

  Another hybrid of some sort joined in the fray, leaping upon him, clawing and biting at him, scoring some direct hits in the process. He threw one away from him with all his force before engaging the other head-on. Boomer’s mouth shifted with the change, his teeth lengthening, his jaw shaping more into that of a panther’s than man’s. Sinking his teeth into the attacker’s throat, Boomer inwardly screamed his triumph. He yanked back, taking a large chunk of flesh with him before the attacker fell away to the ground, limp, his throat missing. Boomer spat, freeing his mouth from the taint of evil. He pushed up, going at another attacker.

  Spinning, he caught sight of Corbin doing the same. Auberi was there, trading blows with three of the enemy, dodging in and out of the fading sun’s rays. Boomer knew the cost of that and what Auberi was doing for him.

  Boomer twisted, taking out two more of the enemy. He made a move to go in Auberi’s direction, but the vampire looked directly at him. “Save your mate. We’ve got this, kitty.”

  “Asshole!” shouted Boomer, his mouth returning to almost normal. He took off in the direction of the side entrance to the facility. A group of hybrids rushed out of the tree line and surrounded him, blocking his ability to get to the door. They were like roaches as the last of the sun’s rays faded away, coming out of every dark corner. There was no end to them. Boomer kept slashing his way through them, his vision tunneled on the side entrance. The driving need to get to his mate controlled his every thought, his every action.

  They just kept pouring out of the woods at him. The harder he cut through them, the more arrived. Fear crept up his spine as he realized they were already within the compound. That they were probably already to Haven.

  Run, baby, he pushed with his mind, hoping he could reach her. Run! Stay alive!

  Chapter Seventeen

  Run, baby! Run! Stay alive!

  Haven jerked awake, positive Boomer had just spoken to her. She glanced around. He wasn’t there. No one was.

  Not true, she thought. A deep knowing passed through her. She wasn’t alone. She lifted her head, the pillow still damp from where she’d dozed off after the shower she and Boomer had shared. She nearly gasped when a small hand touched her hip. Lil’ Duke was there, next to the bed. He lifted his free hand and put it to her mouth and she almost asked what he was doing when she sensed his fear. He was shushing her, trying to keep her from speaking.

  But why?

  Lil’ Duke took her hand and tugged, pulling on it with urgency. She surveyed the darkened room, trying to figure out where Boomer was and why the chimp wanted her out of the bed so badly. She tucked the sheet around her naked form and pulled it off the bed with her as she permitted the chimp to guide her where he wanted to go. Maybe Boomer needed her. Maybe he’d sent Lil’ Duke.

  Confused, Haven followed along, holding the sheet around her, letting the chimp guide her in the dimly lit room. He opened a door that didn’t lead to the hall but rather to a massive closest. She’d never seen anything like it before. Boomer had a closet that was bigger than her apartment had been. Everything was lined up perfectly and organized to the point she had to wonder if he needed some medication to tone down the OCD. The man could also use some color. Nearly every garment in the walk-in was black.

  “What are we doing in here?” she asked, bending, the sheet nearly falling.

  The chimp covered his mouth with his free hand and shook his head. She sensed it then—danger. How had she missed it? Something was off. Wrong. And it was closing in on her.

  Haven nearly panicked but caught hold of herself, knowing it would do her no good. She had to get her head about her, think clearly and figure out what was going on. Clothing. She needed to be dressed. Danger and naked never went well together. As luck would have it, she was surrounded by clothing.

  Clothing that the actual horror movie villain PinHead would wear, but clothing all the same. She and her man were going to have a long talk about his attire. She was starting to think she was mated to Marilyn Manson.

  She grabbed for a shirt and pulled it from the hanger, dragging it over her head quickly. Haven snatched a pair of pants from another hanger and tossed them aside. They wouldn’t fit. She grabbed another and exhaled softly. They were exercise pants.


  She dressed as fast and as quietly as she could. Lil’ Duke grabbed her and yanked her into a bunch of shirts hanging. She nearly tripped but somehow kept her balance, following the chimp. She understood then his goal was to hide her. It was adorable, but ultimately she needed to protect him. It took some doing but she managed to pull him deeper into the recess of the closet and tuck herself in too. There was a shuffling just outside the room.

  A smell like none other reached her, making her recoil slightly. What was that? As her mind raced, she nearly gasped when she landed on the answer.


  It was the smell of pure evil.

  Dragging Lil’ Duke back even more, Haven tried her best to hide him deeper un
der the clothing. He made a small sound and she touched his mouth, as he’d done hers, indicating the need for silence. She nodded to him when he tucked into a small ball. Haven was about to exhale a sigh of relief over the silence that now surrounded them when something grabbed hold of her ankle, ripping her out from under the clothing.

  A scream lodged in her throat. She clawed at the floor, trying to remain, but the person pulling her was too strong. Too powerful. Her flight or fight instincts kicked in and she found herself going at the arms pulling her, reaching and pushing at the arms that had no give to them.

  “Finally,” said an all too familiar voice.

  It couldn’t be.

  Haven gasped and looked up to find her brother there, holding onto her, his face twisted horribly. Huge fangs were prominent as black filled his eyes. Spittle ran down his chin and fell onto her leg as he sneered at her. “Time to die, bitch!”

  “Harper?” she asked, and it came out as more of a scream than a question. “You’re really alive?”

  The answer came in the form of a strong backhand to the face, jarring her, loosening her teeth some in the process. She tried to deflect another blow, but found she was no match for him. Something was off. Something was horribly wrong. While it was Harper before her, he smelled different.



  She gasped, realizing everything she’d been told about him was true. He was working for the bad guys. The brother she’d tried so hard to avenge was dead and gone, leaving this madman in his place.

  Tears sprung from her as she kicked at her brother, trying to get free. She managed to land a good kick to his face and he jerked back, giving her the space she needed to spring up and off the floor. She snatched hold of Lil’ Duke and took off, running from the closet and into Boomer’s bedroom.

  Haven tripped and flung the chimp toward the door. “Run! Get help!”

  He took off and she breathed a slight sigh of relief. At least the chimp was safe, for now. She turned onto her back just in time to see her brother look as though he was defying gravity as he sprang forth from the closet area. He slammed into her and they rolled as Haven batted at him, trying to keep him from biting her. All the while her own darkness tried to push to the surface. She couldn’t let it out. Caging it would be impossible.


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