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Gemstone Gemini

Page 12

by Ann Gimpel

  “Of course. Let’s finish this cleaning project, and we can go anywhere you’d like including the fanciest hotel in Denver.”

  Happiness beat a track through her. “Gosh, I’d be happy with LaQuinta or a Motel 6. We can’t very well go back to Stephan’s. He might show up. Your house is too far away—unless we teleport.” She was babbling, so she shut up.

  Niall dropped the wooden box into her shoulder bag. “So you don’t forget it.” He dug into the plastic bags he’d piled in the corner and dragged out sponges and bleach. “I am not taking my brand-new mate to a cheap, chain motel. Pick something nice, or I’ll decide for us.”

  She thought about it. “There’s a Victorian bed and breakfast I’ve always thought was beautiful.”

  Niall fished out his cell phone. “Tell me the name, and I’ll book us.”

  “Cora’s Inn.” She went back to work with the freshly filled bucket and scrub brush. Most of the large, colorful throw rug was as clean as she could get it, but black splotches remained. Maybe she should give up and order a new one. When she glanced up, Niall was standing in front of her computer terminal. He must have touched the keyboard because the screen had flared to life.

  “Looks like the mate bond wasn’t the only thing you were researching. Come over here and tell me what all these runes mean.” Niall tapped the screen, getting fingerprints on it, but she didn’t care.

  “They’re not runes. They’re Zodiac signs.” She scrambled upright and joined him. “Did you get us reservations? I wasn’t listening.”

  “Aye, for tonight and the next week. Maybe longer. We’ll have to find a place to live, and that might take a wee bit of time.” He tapped the screen again. “Interpretation, please.”

  Her face heated, until she was certain she was bright red. “Um, the base chart is mine. The one overlaying it is yours. I was doing something called synastry, which tells you how well one person will mesh with another.”

  He wrapped an arm around her waist. “And? What did you discover?”

  May as well tell him. No reason to keep it a secret.

  “We’re about as perfect mates as you could find, although my calculations might be off since your birthday isn’t in my computer program, and I had to improvise.”

  He smiled until his eyes lit with delight. “You could have stopped with perfect mates. No need to add caveats.” He turned her until she faced him. “Which did you do first? This or the mate bond dissolution research?”

  “Uh, the astrology came first, but I was pissed enough to find out about the other.”

  “I love your temper—so long as it’s not directed my way.” He glanced over her shoulder at her office. “I have a suggestion.”

  “What might that be?” Sarai was fully expecting him to suggest they ditch cleaning in favor of Cora’s Inn, something she’d readily agree to since domesticity had never been high on her priority list.

  “Let’s roll the rug and drag it to the dumpster. Everything else should go fast since you’ve cleared up most of the splatters.”

  “I was thinking the same—about the rug.”

  “See? We are good partners.” His kissed her nose and bent to one end of the large rug.

  “If you believe in the message embedded in our charts, we kick some serious partner ass.”

  Niall twisted his head to look at her. “I believe you, darling. Now, give me a hand.”

  She squatted at the other side of the rug, rolling it toward the door. “You don’t really need to help me clean. Once we get the rug out of here.”

  “How about if I want to?” Warmth crinkled the corners of his eyes. “Maybe I’m collecting chips for when I have a nasty job that would go faster with two of us.”

  Two of us. She liked the sound of that. Love and heat mingled until she said, “Hurry.”

  “Aye, darling. Sooner we’re done here, the sooner we can get into a shower and scrub ourselves until neither of us stinks of vampire. Once we’re clean, we can do…other things.”

  “Like?” Desire simmered, filling her with a delicious hunger. If she didn’t watch it, they’d end up coupling on her floor.

  “I’ll tell you later.”

  He hefted his end of the rug, and she got hers. A shot of magic opened her office door and the one leading outside to the trash where they upended the rug into a dumpster.

  Sarai hadn’t considered the vampire stench problem until he mentioned it. “Geez. I hope they let us into Cora’s. I’ve been inhaling vamp nastiness so long, I’ve kind of adapted to it.” She led the way back to her shop.

  “Won’t be a problem. I paid for the room and did electronic check-in. We’ll teleport into our suite and collect the keys later.”

  She smiled, pleased he’d planned things out for them.

  “What?” He poured a little more bleach into the bucket, dipped a sponge, and went to work on black blood stains.

  “Don’t tell anyone, but I could get used to being taken care of.” Snapping up the cleaning rag she’d been using, she sluiced it with the bleach solution. “Thanks for not taking me seriously when I told you to get lost.”

  He turned to look at her. “How could I? We’re mates.”

  “Yes, and I’ll come to appreciate what that means as time goes on. Want to know a secret?”

  “So long as it comes from your lips, of course.”

  “There’s nothing sexier than a man with a mop or a vacuum or a cleaning rag.”

  He laughed, rich and low. “I’ll keep it in mind, darling.”

  Her wolf howled; the amulet pulsed, and she got back to work. The sooner they were done, the sooner they could get naked together, and she couldn’t wait.

  Chapter 11

  A Few Days Later

  Niall wrapped a thick, fluffy towel around Sarai, hating to cover her magnificent body but wanting to soak up some of the excess water before they took to the bed. Again.

  Cora’s Inn was a delightful haven. Furnished with eighteenth century antiques, it was warm and welcoming with dark wood furniture and brocade wall coverings. He’d told Sarai she picked well, but she’d demurred. Said she’d gotten lucky since she’d never seen the inside before.

  She dried herself and tossed the towel over a hook. Still naked, she draped the opal amulet around her neck and slipped on the ring and bracelet. The stones blazed bright against her fair skin.

  “Does that come-hither look mean it’s bedtime?” Her lush mouth spread into an enticing smile.

  “It’s always bedtime for us. At least until the babies start coming, and then we can paw at each other in a closet or something.” His groin tightened with anticipation. He could make love with her nonstop and never tire of her taut breasts, flared hips, and the dark mysteries between her legs.

  “I need to get back to work someday. I’ll lose all my customers.”

  “It’s nine at night. You can work tomorrow.”

  Her warm, trilling laugh teased him. He loved to hear her laugh. “Speaking of work,” he went on, “I’m transferring to an EMT group in Denver. Lynda gave me a great reference, and I’ll be starting soon.”

  “Thank the goddess.” She made cow eyes at him. “At least it will give me time to tend my own business.”

  “Don’t be so certain of that, darling. EMTs work odd hours.”

  “Eh, so do psychics.”

  “Well then, it appears another segment of our partnership is destined for success.” He made a grab for her, but she evaded him.

  Sarai bent to pull the plug on the clawfoot tub. Their suite had both shower and tub, and they’d made good use of both in the few days since they’d settled in. The globes of her ass parted slightly, giving him a peek at her sex.

  Already half hard, his cock shot to full attention, and he surged forward, pinning her against the rim of the tub. He threaded his arms beneath hers and took a breast in each hand, rubbing the already-erect nipples. She made a purring noise deep in her throat and butted her rump against him in obvious invitation.

/>   As he’d suspected, their bodies fit perfectly together for stand-up loving. He transferred a hand between her legs, sliding two fingers inside her. She tightened around him, moaning with delight. Niall bent his head and nipped her shoulder before running his tongue down her spine, slow and lazy.

  As she arched into his touch, he let go of the other breast and continued his transit of her silky flesh with his mouth. She tasted of vanilla and honey and musk. The more aroused she got, the more intense her scent and flavor. He’d teased her about being a honeybee in another life, and she’d shrugged and said anything was possible.

  He reached the hollow at the base of her spine and sank to his knees behind her, running his tongue down one ass cheek and then the next. He bit and sucked and nipped with her hips rolling from side to side beneath his touch. His cock curved against his belly, achingly hard. The way it was acting, you’d think he hadn’t come in weeks instead of just an hour before.

  Bending his head to get a better angle, he slid his fingers from her and spread her lips before gliding his tongue into her vault. She reached between her legs and grabbed one of his hands, dragging it forward until his fingers teased her clit.

  He knew exactly how she liked to be touched and rubbed her swollen nub with practiced ease in tight little circles. He tongued her as far as he could reach, working her between his hand and his mouth until the hot tide of her climax rained from her. He lapped his reward, waiting until her spasms quieted before drawing her to her feet and turning her to face him.

  Her face was splotched with passion. So were her breasts. She closed her mouth over his, teasing his lips with her tongue until he opened to her. He hooked an arm beneath each thigh and lifted her easily so he could slip into her. She wrapped her legs around his waist, never breaking their kiss.

  He loved to take her like this, holding her in place with his arms and his cock. She writhed around him, using her legs to lever herself up and down his shaft. He thrust upward, ever willing to help. Her breasts were squashed against his chest, the nipples like hard little agates.

  Sex with her was always a wild ride where he wanted to do everything all at once and had to settle for one thing at time. Right now, he wanted to suckle her breasts and her clit and just look at her, preferably when she had a hand shoved between her legs. She’d been shy about pleasuring herself in front of him, but she’d gotten over it damned fast when he’d stroked himself to a climax in front of her. It made her so hot, she’d stuffed a hand between her legs, frigging herself for all she was worth.

  The image heated his blood to molten. He reared back from their kiss, heart thrumming like a tripwire and breath coming in ragged gasps. “I love you, darling.”

  Her eyes were liquid with lust, her lips soft from their kisses. “Bet you say that to all your wenches.”

  “Nay. Only you.” He lifted her enough to thrust into her. “Ready, darling?”

  “More than ready.”

  She buried her face in his neck and bit hard. The heat of her tantalized him, pushed him so high he was bursting with lust and hunger and a desperate need to care for and protect the woman in his arms. The concentric rhythm of her release drew him along. Semen rushed from him in hot, rough spurts as he clung to her, digging his fingers into her muscled thighs.

  They stood like that for long moments, catching their breath. He nuzzled her neck. “Maybe next time, we’ll make it to the bed.”

  She tilted her head back and grinned. “Why would we want to do that? Put me down.”

  “Your wish is my command, darling.” He lifted her off his erect member and set her on the floor.

  She walked to the sink and soaked a washcloth. After drawing it between her legs, she turned and wrapped it around his cock. “Damn. Will it ever be just an ordinary penis again? You know, one that hangs between your legs.”

  He grabbed the washcloth and chucked it into the sink. “Hush. Don’t be wishing such a thing on me.” He laced his fingers with hers, and they walked into the bedroom where a king-size bed butted beneath dormer windows.

  His phone trilled, and he crossed to the desk to look at the display.

  “Don’t answer it,” Sarai called.

  “I have to. It’s your uncle.” He tapped accept. “Aye? What’s going on?”

  Stephan’s laugh preceded his words. “Very little in my house. I’m sure your life is far more interesting. I called to let you know we’re meeting in Golddust tomorrow night—with the mages.”

  Niall winced. He’d really dropped the ball on that project after he’d told Stephan, Micah, and the other men they’d made a mistake severing ties with their magical cousins.

  “Good. I’ll be there. What time?”


  “Got it. Any more vampire attacks?” Niall almost didn’t want to know, but he couldn’t hide behind newly mated bliss forever.

  “Not here,” Stephan spoke slowly, “but there was one in Albuquerque and another in Flagstaff.”

  Breath whooshed from Niall, and he sank onto a nearby plush chair.

  “What is it?” Sarai joined him, sitting in his lap. “Put Uncle on speaker so I can hear.”

  Niall fiddled with the phone controls.

  “Hey, Uncle Stephan,” Sarai said.

  “Hey yourself. I don’t suppose you’re ever coming back here, huh?”

  “To visit, but Niall and I have been looking for something to rent in town.”

  “I figured it was something like that,” Stephan’s voice was gruff. “How about renting from me? It’s a big house and mighty lonely without Marie.”

  Sarai met Niall’s gaze, a question in her eyes. He tapped the mute button and asked, “Is that what you want?”

  “For now, it would be perfect,” she replied. “We don’t exactly have time to house hunt, and Stephan and Marie were very good to me.”

  Niall unmuted the phone. “Sure and we’d love to take you up on your offer.”

  “Thank you. Thank you very much. Beyond me being lonely, it’s best for shifters to live in groups until we solve the vampire problem.”

  “Do you think it’s solvable?” Sarai asked.

  Stephan blew out a noisy breath. “I wish I knew, honey. Depends where their unnatural power is coming from this time.”

  “Since you brought it up,” Niall cut in, “do we have any idea if it’s still mage-linked or if the vamps located another patsy?”

  “We can float that tomorrow night when we meet with the mages—assuming they’re still talking with us.”

  “It’s as good a plan as any. I’m signing off for now,” Niall said.

  “See you tomorrow,” Sarai told her uncle.

  “I’ll look forward to it, honey.”

  Niall set the cell phone aside. Worry ate at him. He’d suspected it wouldn’t be as easy as killing off a bunch of vampires in Europe to discourage the crew on this side of the Atlantic, but for there to be two more incidents in less than a week was disheartening.

  “We’ll figure it out.” Sarai killed the lights. “Come to bed.”

  He followed her to the cushy bed a maid had thoughtfully turned down when they’d been out eating dinner. Sarai molded her body to his once they’d laid down, and he cradled her head, stroking her hair.

  “I wish we could vanish somewhere, but it’s not realistic to shut out the world.”

  “No,” she agreed, “it’s not. Shifters need our help.”

  “I’m selfish enough to want you to be safe.”

  “What if I feel the same way about you?” she countered. “I fought it, but I love you.”

  “Och, darling, sure and it’s that astrological mumbo-jumbo.”

  She shook her head where it was cradled in his hands. “My mother used to have a saying.”

  “What was it?”

  “A shifter’s mate is in the stars.”

  He chuckled. “I like it. Was she into psychic pursuits too?”

  Sarai tilted her head to look at him in moonlight streaming through t
heir window. “Wait till you meet her. She’s a shaman, so I come by my mystical pursuits honestly.”

  “I thought they lived on the West Coast.”

  “They do, In Los Angeles, but Stephan told them about our mating—”

  “And curiosity took over.” Niall finished her sentence. “When were you going to tell me my new in-laws are on their way?”

  “It’s not as bad as all that. I only just found out this afternoon—when Mother called to get the details on your astrological chart.”

  “You could have lied,” he said blandly. “Told her I was some sign that never gets along with Cancers.”

  Sarai shook her head. “Mom is psychic. Remember? You can’t pull anything over on her.”

  “I’ll keep it in mind. I suppose they’ll be staying with Stephan?”

  “Yes, that’s the plan.”

  “We’ll wait until they’re gone to move in.”

  She snuggled closer into his embrace. “Smart man. It’s one of the reasons I fell for you.”

  “Oho. You like them smart and handy with a broom, right?”

  “You got my number, sweetie. Oh yeah, Mom and Dad should be here day after tomorrow.”

  Niall thought about the timing. It would be after their powwow with the mages, which was probably good. “How are they traveling?”

  “Teleport. How else?”

  “Well, they could at least pretend to be human and drive.”

  Her tone turned serious. “They’ll like you. You’re a lot like them in many ways. You probably know my father. He was on that ship with you and Stephan.”

  “I’ll look forward to renewing our acquaintance. Sleep, darling. We haven’t been getting very much.”

  “Only if you rest too.”

  “I promise.”

  As her body relaxed against him, he savored the small window of peace they’d carved out for themselves. It wouldn’t last. If his jaguar was correct—and the canny bastard was almost never wrong—they’d be in the thick of things again very soon.

  Odd the twists and turns life took. He never thought he wanted a mate, but Sarai was the most precious gift in the goddess’s world to him. He’d never been one to wish for peace, but he craved it now. His bring-it-on mentality had ceded to staunch protectiveness.


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