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My Wicked Devil (Club Wicked)

Page 1

by Mayburn, Ann

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Author’s Note


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Loose Id Titles by Ann Mayburn

  Ann Mayburn

  Club Wicked 3:


  Ann Mayburn

  Club Wicked 3: My Wicked Devil

  Copyright © May 2013 by Ann Mayburn

  All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without prior written permission from Loose Id LLC. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  eISBN 9781623003319

  Editor: Jana Armstrong

  Cover Artist: Fiona Jayde

  Published in the United States of America

  Loose Id LLC

  PO Box 809

  San Francisco CA 94104-0809

  This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


  This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. Loose Id LLC’s e-books are for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

  * * * *

  DISCLAIMER: Please do not try any new sexual practice, especially those that might be found in our BDSM/fetish titles without the guidance of an experienced practitioner. Neither Loose Id LLC nor its authors will be responsible for any loss, harm, injury or death resulting from use of the information contained in any of its titles.

  Author’s Note

  Dear Beloved Reader,

  I’ve had people ask me if there is a lot of abuse in My Wicked Devil because it’s a story about a Sadist and a masochist. No, there is absolutely zero abuse, because from my point of view abuse is an inflection of mental, emotional, or physical pain that is done to an unwilling person.

  “But Ann, how can there be any S&M with no abuse?”

  Because, my darlings, what Lord Bryan gives Kira is completely and 100 percent consensual, and he does it for her pleasure.

  “What? Pleasure from pain? That’s poppycock.”

  Yes, pleasure from pain. Some people are wired like that, and for those masochists who crave the mixture of the two, there are always Sadists who love providing what the masochist needs in order to feel complete. Now I’m not saying Lord Bryan takes a baseball bat to Kira or strings her up with barbed wire, but he does mix the pleasure with the pain enough to get her into the subspace she needs and give her absolutely mind-blowing orgasms.

  “So if I try S&M, does that mean I’ll have mind-blowing orgasms?”

  Maybe? It all depends on how you, my beautiful little snowflake, react to things.

  Personally I just can't get off on pain. I’m not wired like that. But I do have sadistic tendencies when I’m matched with a masochist. No blood, because it makes me pass out—not sexy—but watching my submissive endure discomfort, knowing that he/she is going deep into subspace, and witnessing the transformation from suffering to ecstasy is amazing.

  So, I had a point somewhere in there… Oh yeah. Don’t be scared away by the title of “Sadist.” It doesn’t equal dangerous psychopath. They’re people just like everyone else. They have jobs, get married, have kids, pay taxes, and bitch about politics. They probably do such unsexy things as laundry and have the occasional bout of the stomach flu, which they piss and moan about like anyone else.

  They’re human beings, and just because their sexual tastes run to what is considered edgy doesn't mean they should be feared or shunned. And yes, while there are bad people out there who call themselves Sadists/Doms/Dommes/etc. and who cross the line between consensual and abuse, there are bad people everywhere. No cross section of our culture is going to be free of evil. You’re going to find scary assholes everywhere, from an ice-cream man to the CEO of a major corporation who loves to abuse, degrade, and destroy people.

  But in My Wicked Devil, every ounce of pain given by my Sadist to my masochist is done out of love.

  Find that hard to understand or believe? Take a peek at My Wicked Nanny. I begin to delve into a slightly masochistic sub's mind in that book, getting you ready for Lord Bryan and Kira’s love story. All kinky fuckery aside, that’s what all of my Club Wicked books are: love stories for people who like their vanilla ice cream covered with fudge, nuts, whipped (snork) cream, and cherries on top. Oh and sprinkles. Can't forget sprinkles.

  Now I want ice cream.


  P.S.—Before you try any new sexual practice, please please please be careful and seek the help of an experienced practitioner. I’m really for real about this. Like for real for real. Safe, Sane, Consensual.


  Beta readers, you suffer so much for me. Reading through prose that could have been written by someone who failed English…repeatedly. With great vehemence. I appreciate that you find the willpower to push beyond your disgust at my haphazard use of commas to find the story within. Your suffering makes me smile and warms my heart. ;)

  Mistress Ann

  Chapter One

  Kira Harmony took a deep breath, the scents of perfume, cologne, and sex filling her nostrils. Before she’d heard of Club Wicked, she’d never known that people having lots and lots of sex in one building left a pheromone haze in the air, something that would make her almost instantly aroused. But now that she was here, surrounded by hedonism on a scale she’d never even imagined, set against the opulent splendor of the club, she took another deep breath and smiled as she looked around the massive entrance. A double staircase led down from the floor above, and a balcony stretched around it. Statues of women in long robes in states of partial undress flanked either side of the stairs, and Kira was pretty sure she’d seen similar statues at the Acropolis Museum in Greece.

  An older man called out, “Ms. Harmony.” She turned and found a smartly dressed and very big man offering his arm.

  “Good evening. My name is Mr. Grant. Master Hawk is waiting for you at the bar. Since this is your first time here, he asked me to escort you and beat off any Doms that get in the way.”

  Laughing, she glanced down at her outfit. From the tour she’d been taken on after being granted membership at Wicked, she knew that inside the club people wore pretty much next to nothing. Her teal halter dress, a vintage piece from the fifties, would normally be risqué. With her size 16 body came a nice set of breasts that were all but spilling out of the top. With her long auburn hair up in a French twist, her freckled back was bare and exposed. Add a pair of nylons with the seam running up the back, and she felt sexy, in a Marilyn Monroe in The Seven Year Itch sort of way, but nothing any man would come running for.

  A stunning woman with long, carefully cu
rled blonde hair glided past them in a G-string. The other woman’s perfect, wobble-free body made Kira suck her gut in.

  No matter what sadist she ended up with, she would never, ever do a public scene.

  Realizing the gentleman, Mr. Grant she believed was his name, waited for her to respond, she forced a smile. “Oh, I think I’ll be safe, but I wouldn’t mind the escort. Right now my knees are about to give out.”

  Mr. Grant laughed and placed her hand on his arm in a very old-world gesture of civility. He was older, probably late sixties, but he was also self-assured. “Darling, I may be a submissive, but let me tell you. You look amazing, and any Dom would be thrilled to have his collar on your lovely, swanlike neck.”

  Kira couldn’t help her pleased smile. His sincerity warmed her from the inside out, giving her the courage to follow his lead as they made their way to the Hall of Mirrors bar. They started walking through the opulent foyer of Wicked, and Kira tried to keep from feeling overwhelmed. For fuck’s sake, she’d done a free-fall jump from the top of the Eiffel Tower when she’d been an actress, with a split second between getting the shot and pulling the cord on her parachute. This should be a piece of cake. There was nothing in this massive space to suggest this was anything but a magnificent private club that catered to the extremely wealthy outside Washington, DC. It certainly didn’t look like the premier BDSM club on the East Coast, but it was, and by some miracle, she’d gotten in.

  They reached the massive polished-brass double doors that led to the public bar. Two big men in black tuxedos opened the doors in unison and let them in. Normally she would have giggled at such a choreographed display, but the space beyond took her breath away.

  Gilt mirrors, crystal chandeliers, and beautiful, naked people.

  Mr. Grant took them to the left, along a massive dark-wood bar that occupied one entire wall of the room. Behind the bar, ornately framed mirrors extended up to the two-story ceiling, and on the opposite side immense windows allowed you to observe a nighttime garden illuminated by tasteful lighting. Having been raised as the daughter of a very successful plastic surgeon, she was used to money, but this place had something money couldn’t buy.

  It had class.

  She scanned the crowd and couldn’t help the rush of excitement speeding her pulse. The public bar area was crowded, and every couch and chair was taken. There were even those who stood with submissives kneeling at their feet.

  Another thing she didn’t think she’d ever be able to do in public. Fuck, she was going to make one shitty-ass submissive, but she had no choice.

  This had to work.

  Soon the familiar sight of her old costar’s long black hair and strong Native American profile came into view. Tonight his hair was held back by a silver clip, and he wore a tight black T-shirt and dark brown leather pants. Sexy, sinful, and oh so obviously in love with the pretty bartender smiling at him.

  Sunny, the bartender, had a very gamine beauty about her. Tall, slender, with massive dark chocolate brown eyes and perfect skin. Her pixie cut made her already high cheekbones even sharper and her full, natural pout all the more sensual. The way the other woman looked at Hawk let Kira know Hawk’s devotion wasn’t one-sided.

  Kira had met Sunny a few weeks ago at a party hosted by their mutual friend, Jesse Shaw, for a charity Kira was active in. While Sunny had been there as Hawk’s friend, not girlfriend, Hawk had still treated her like his date. Kira found Sunny to be a blast to hang around, and she was grateful the other woman was here tonight.

  Mr. Grant smiled at Sunny. “I have a delivery for Master Hawk.”

  Hawk turned and smiled. “Ah, Mr. Grant, you’re looking handsome as always.”

  Mr. Grant chuckled. “Master Hawk, you could charm the pants off a monk.” He turned to Kira and gave her hand a kiss. “I hope you have a wonderful evening. If you ever have any questions, please let me know. I enjoy helping people, so please don’t hesitate.”

  Charmed by his good manners, she smiled, then gave him a light kiss on the cheek, making sure not to smear him with her lipstick. “Thank you so much, Mr. Grant. I hope you have a lovely evening as well.”

  She waved as Mr. Grant left and turned to find Hawk smiling at her. Goodness, he was a handsome man, but they’d never had anything even close to a spark between them. It was a case of the totally wrong chemistry for romance and the right one for friendship.

  “Kira, so glad you made it. You look amazing.” He stood and gave her a strong hug. “Welcome to Wicked.”

  Sunny reached across the bar and gave Kira’s hand a squeeze. “Hey, sweets. What can I get you?”

  “A glass of champagne would be nice.”

  “Got it.”

  Hawk sat and gestured to the empty stool. “Have a seat. Are you ready to go sadist hunting?”

  She swallowed hard. When he said it out loud like that, her idea sounded not only stupid but dangerously stupid. “I guess.” He raised one eyebrow, and she lifted her chin. “I mean, yes.”

  Sunny returned and set Kira’s glass next to her. “I talked with Master Hawk, and he thought it might go better if I went with you. I know all the Doms here by either sight or reputation—us submissives do gossip—so I can tell you which sadist would probably be the most helpful for you.”

  While Kira took a healthy drink of her champagne, Hawk nodded. “Besides, I really don’t want to go and talk about some guy’s dick and how good he can fuck you. No offense.”

  Laughing, Kira set her glass down. “Good point. I’ll be more than happy to talk all day with you about stunt work, but we’ll skip the sex stuff. It would be like talking about it with my dumb-ass younger brother.”

  Sunny giggled and managed to choke it back at Hawk’s glare. “A word to the wise, Kira, as a submissive, I’d really watch lipping off to any Dom. It could end badly.”

  A woman passed them with what looked like weighted clamps hanging from her labia. She had to walk with an odd, wide-legged stance to keep from dislodging the weights as she followed an older woman dressed in a conservative suit. Kira tried not to stare, but the woman’s obvious humiliation was made all the worse by the fact that she was so aroused her honey had dripped down her thighs.

  The sound of snapping fingers brought her attention back to Hawk and Sunny. “What? Sorry. I was distracted.”

  Hawk stood and reached over the bar, easily lifting Sunny from the other side. For a brief moment his hands lingered on the bartender’s waist, and Kira almost got knocked on her ass by the blast of sexual heat coming from the two of them. Then Hawk took a step back and let Sunny go.

  The other woman’s nipples were hard as rocks, and the pulse in the side of her neck banged. Kira felt sorry for the young woman and slung an arm over her shoulder, helping to break the tension. “So, where does one go sadist shopping at?”

  * * * *

  Kira stood at the end of an extremely long hallway with Sunny. Massive viewing windows on either side allowed people to look into the different theme rooms, and most people wandered from window to window. One couple appeared to have been so overcome by the scenes inside that the Master had his submissive giving him a blowjob right there.

  With a giggle, Sunny tugged her forward. “Come on. There are a few Doms I want you to see.”

  “Are we window-shopping?”

  “Yep.” Sunny paused and leaned closer. “We’ll find you your sadist, Kira. Don’t worry.”

  Oh, Kira wasn’t worried. She was terrified. When she was standing on the edge of the exit out of a plane, about to jump for some skydiving fun, she was also terrified, but in a way that made her want to scream with joy.

  Now she just wanted to scream.

  The thought of allowing a stranger to hurt her on purpose made Kira’s stomach lurch. But that is exactly what she needed, maybe even wanted. If she did, she wasn’t quite ready to admit it to herself yet. She’d always been fiercely independent, so the thought of totally surrendering her will to anyone made her leery. Yet, if she wanted to re
ally get over her issues, she needed to be able to trust whomever she picked. Trust someone to hurt her enough to get her off, but not enough to really hurt her. How the hell was she going to be able to do that? A leap of faith of that magnitude was crazy, but that is what it was going to take. Everything she’d read about BDSM and talked with her friends Jesse, Hawk, and Isaac about, all stated trust as being the most important aspect of any successful BDSM relationship. So, she was going to have to trust a stranger enough to really let go and submit to whatever Master she picked. She needed to find a single man, one she had chemistry with, who also had a taste for making women hurt but wasn’t a psychopath and could still inspire her respect.

  Yeah, sure. No problem.

  The first window they reached showed a burly man in gray leathers inserting small-gauge needles into a woman’s nipple.

  Kira recoiled. “Oh, hell to the fuck no.”

  “Got it. Next.”

  Sunny dragged her past a couple more windows. This one was decorated to look like the interior of a barn. A woman was tied upside down to a ladder while the Dom slapped her face. The way he hit her, the taunting and arrogant look on his face as he did it, annoyed the shit out of Kira and made her want to hit him back. No, that wasn’t the kind of guy she could see helping her learn how to take pleasure from pain.

  Three rooms later and Kira was now disgusted, angry, and scared. She was also ready to cry. This had been her last hope. So far none of the men Sunny had shown her had made her anything but apathetic, angry, or icked out. The last one had taken a piss on his submissive, and both Sunny and Kira had gagged and left.

  Sunny put her hand on Kira’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “It’s okay. These are only a few of the single sadists we have here. We’ll find him.”

  Turning her head to the left, avoiding Sunny’s sympathetic look, Kira stopped in her tracks.

  On the other side of the glass was a theme room designed to look like a medieval chamber. And sitting on the massive wood-and-gilt throne, with his leg slung arrogantly over one arm, was the most devilishly handsome man Kira had ever seen. Instant heat filled her body, and for the first time, the negative wad of feelings in her gut began to vanish.


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