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My Wicked Devil (Club Wicked)

Page 9

by Mayburn, Ann

  Oh fucking bloody hell.

  With a roar of his own, he shuttled his cock in and out of her mouth, reveling in the scent of her pussy, the grip of her hands on his hips, her pants and whimpers. The burn exploded from the base of his spine, traveling up through his balls before shooting out of the head of his cock, pouring cum into the hot, wet cave of her mouth. She stilled and swallowed, taking every drop like she’d been told.

  After the last spurt had been sucked, he reluctantly pulled away from her. She stared up at him, dazed and with a very satisfied smile curving her lips. “Good job, Kira. You’ve pleased me very much.”

  She licked her lips. “Thank you, my lord.”

  Tucking himself back into his pants, he nodded to her. “You can stand up now, and we’ll get that anal plug out of you.”

  He immediately noticed how slowly she moved, how her face tensed in anticipation of pain. “Love, I promise I’ll be so gentle you won’t feel anything but pleasure. It won’t hurt as much coming out as going in.”

  She gave him a strained smile and stood, then cried out and slumped against the kneeler.

  “Kira?” He moved quickly to her side and pulled her up, supporting her body with his. “Are you all right?”

  Chapter Six

  Kira wanted to scream in frustration. This evening had been so good, so perfect, and her fucked-up body had to ruin it. She knew she’d pushed herself too far, should have let him know the bench was hurting her hips, but she didn’t want to stop. He’d been close to coming and so had she. Plus, she’d wanted to please him so badly, to show him that his time with her wasn’t one-sided, that she could give him back some of the amazing sensations he gave her. Plus the fucking awesome adrenaline surge that came with the orgasm had dulled the pain to the point where she really hadn’t noticed it.

  Trying to keep her voice smooth, she pushed at him. “I’m okay.”

  With a low snarl, he said, “Put your hands on the kneeler.”

  She complied, wincing as her lower back seized up. A moment later, he pulled the anal plug from her bottom and she shuddered, confusing sensations of pleasure and pain mixing with the fading rush of endorphins. His warmth briefly left her back, but he quickly returned.

  “You promised me you would use your safe word to keep me from damaging you.”

  “I’m fine.” She tried to rise on her own, and her back seized again in a way that pulled an unwilling groan from her. “Just give me a second, and I’ll be right as rain.”

  Cursing, he helped her stand and kept an arm around her waist. “Kira, stop lying to me. I hate it, and I’m already more than a little fucking pissed right now, so I suggest you stop trying to bullshit me and tell me the fucking truth.”

  She took a deep breath and let it out, hating to have to admit to a weakness. “I’m a little sore.”


  “My lower back.”

  They slowly walked across the room, Bryan letting her set the pace. Thankfully she didn’t have those horrible cramps that kept her doubled over in agony, only the feeling of a shard of glass stuck in her tailbone. Probably pinched a nerve or something like that.

  “Really, it’s no big deal.”

  By now they’d reached the stairs. He was quiet, a tense storm waiting to break. When she glanced up at his face, the rage and the disappointment she saw tore at her soul. But what hurt the most was the hint of guilt she saw in his gaze.

  “Kira, hold on to the wall. Because of your lies, your blatant disrespect to my wishes, you’ve lost the right to wear my collar.”

  She did as he asked, suddenly meek and afraid. When he unbuckled the collar, she had a very real fear he was going to kick her out, that things were over between them. After all, she had broken her promise to him to tell the truth.

  Fuck, what was wrong with her?

  All she knew was that when she was on her knees before him, reveling in the sensations he was giving her, she felt more alive than she had in a long time. It almost reminded her of the sensation of riding a big wave on her old surfboard, a pure rush of intense emotion combined with physical sensation. But unlike surfing, where she had to keep her mind focused, with Bryan she’d been able to let go and just exist.

  No one had ever been able to make her feel that way before.

  “Please, Master. Please don’t give up on me. I’m so sorry. I wanted to make you come. Please don’t make me leave.”

  “Don’t you understand? I can’t keep you safe, can’t trust you if you won’t be honest with me about your body. What if I’d really messed something up, Kira? What if I’d reinjured you? Don’t you know that would kill me?” He met her gaze, and her heart lurched at the absolute seriousness in his gaze. “For a sadist to scene with a submissive who won’t use her safe word is a travesty waiting to happen.”

  He jerked the collar off, giving her only a glimpse of black leather and sparkle before he shoved it in his pocket. Even in his anger, he was a magnificent specimen of male flesh, all cut muscles, defined abs, and those hard nipples that drove her crazy with need. How could she let herself fuck up something so potentially good? He leaned back against the wall and stared at her, his dark eyes blazing with emotions that stripped her raw, whipped her soul until she bled.

  With a grunt of effort, she began to lower herself to her knees, desperate to earn his forgiveness. “Please don’t leave me, Bryan. This is all so new to me. I didn’t know that it would be this bad. I thought I could handle it, and I didn’t mean to lie to you, honestly. Please don’t go. I’m sorry I disappointed you—”

  Before she’d made it two inches, he was at her side, lifting her back up. “How badly do you hurt? You better be fucking honest with me, love.”

  “I”—she swallowed hard—“I think I might have pinched a nerve in my lower back.”

  He closed his eyes and pressed his forehead to hers. “Do you need to go to the hospital?”

  “No.” He lifted his head and gave her a skeptical look, his jaw and body tight with tension. “No, really. I’m okay. I’ll go to my massage therapist tomorrow, and she’ll fix me up. This isn’t the first time this has happened.”

  He took in a sharp breath, his nostrils flaring. “What is the most comfortable way for me to carry you?”

  “I don’t need to be carried.”

  “Really? Then take those stairs on your own.”

  She glanced at the stairs, knowing he’d see in an instant the pain they would cause her. “Umm, give me a minute.”

  Gritting his teeth, he placed his hand around her neck, reminding her of his collar and making her sad all over again that she’d lost the right to wear it. “If you ever want to earn my trust, you must stop lying and telling me half-truths. Would you like it if I lied to you about being in pain?”

  Chagrined, she shook her head. “No, I’d hate it.”

  “Exactly. Now, tell me the best way to help you up those stairs.”

  She looked at the dozen steps leading up to the main house. “If you let me hold on to the railing on one side and your shoulder on the other, that should do it. I’m not sure if carrying me would make my back better or worse because of how my spine would move.”

  His jaw tight, he nodded and slung her arm over his shoulder. Slowly, surely, they took each step. The whole way he was beyond solicitous, coaching her when she faltered, praising her when she took a step. His words flowed over her, wrapping her in warmth even though she was still naked except for her garters and stockings. By the time they made it to the top, her body was covered in a fine sheen of sweat and her lower back ached.

  “Thank you, my lord.”

  “Kira, I’m so fucking pissed at you right now.” He brushed back a strand of hair off her cheek, his gentle touch at odd with his words. “I would highly suggest that for the next few hours you do everything I say.”

  “But I thought you wanted me to leave?” Her voice trembled on the last word, and she tried to push away, to keep him from seeing the tears. Now that the endorp
hins were fading, she felt vulnerable, cold, and very alone. Her back ached, her bottom hurt, and her soul was an icy ball in her chest.

  “Just because I’m angry doesn’t mean I want you to leave.” He cupped her chin, the gentle touch undoing her. Tears flowed down her cheeks, and he brushed one away with his thumb. “That doesn’t mean I will tolerate such lies from my submissive, but I will work with you on being honest. We’re still very new to each other.”

  “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to make you angry.” She shuddered when he gathered her into his arms, warming the ice in her veins.

  “I know, love, I know.” He sighed and rubbed her back. “Can you walk?”

  “Yes, but slowly.”

  He led her through the quiet mansion, and she wondered what time it was. Reality had a way of slipping by when she was with him. It was kind of disturbing how lost she became in Bryan, how his charisma, his pull became the center of her universe. She hadn’t felt that way since…well, never. Bryan made all the previous relationships she’d had feel like practice for the main event. She tried to steel her heart against him, to tell herself that his concern and caring were merely that of a Master to his submissive. For all she knew, she’d feel like this with any Master.

  Not just Bryan.

  He stopped before they reached the main foyer and opened the door to a small, elegantly appointed sitting room. A white marble fireplace dominated the far side of the room, and a pretty lounge area with comfortable cream and gold furniture used up the majority of the space in the center. The air held the faint scent of lilacs, and she spied a giant vase full of the flowers on an elegant table near the window.

  “Would sitting or lying down be more comfortable?”

  “Really. You don’t have to make all this fuss over me.”

  He gave her an exasperated look. “Answer the question.”

  “Couch, please.”

  After making sure she was comfortable, arranging pillows around her, and bringing her a blanket, he stood over her with a foreboding expression darkening his face. “Stay here. If you move one inch, I’ll let every Master at Wicked take a turn paddling your arse.”

  She swallowed hard, not liking the idea of any Dom but Bryan touching her. She trusted him to not hurt her beyond what she could endure, but the thought of strangers hitting her made her ill. “Yes, my lord.”

  He nodded and tucked the blanket more securely around her. Picking up a remote from the table situated between the couch and chairs, he pressed a button, and the gas fireplace across from her flickered to life. He gave her one last warning look and left.

  As she curled into the soft cushions, she stared at the flames and tried to get her rambling thoughts under control. She felt so used up, like she’d run twenty miles, then done a thousand jumping jacks. The nerves in her spine twitched, and she tried to shift to a more comfortable position. It was funny how the pain Bryan gave her could feel good, while the pain of her injuries just fucking hurt.

  She was so tired of hurting.

  Well then, why did she keep doing stupid shit? Things she knew pushed the limits of her endurance and health, but challenges she couldn’t say no to. Her teachers at the stuntman school had warned her time and time again about taking too-big risks, about pushing her body too hard. She’d laughed it off, feeling young and invincible. Besides, her fearlessness had gotten her coveted acting roles her fellow stuntwomen would have killed for. If she’d been careful, she would be just another chick wearing a wig and taking the fall for someone else. But was that feeling of invincibility she chased after her drug of choice? Was she blind to what her relentless pursuit of the next dangerous high had done to her life?

  Was that what she was doing here with Bryan? Chasing another adrenaline high? Trying to compartmentalize her feelings and emotions, she examined her actions during her time with him. Sure, when she’d first stumbled across the idea of retraining her body to handle pain, it had seemed like going to an experienced sadist had been the best idea. Like going to any professional when she needed help. But she hadn’t known what it would be like to do a scene with a Dom. No, not just a Dom, with Bryan.

  A man she knew nothing about.

  His touch was painful magic, a pleasure so deep and soul altering that she felt like his stamp would be on her forever. After two times together, without sex, she already felt as if she was under his thrall. His disappointment in her had cut to the bone, almost as deep as her ex-boyfriend leaving after she’d tried so hard to give him what he wanted. A knot twisted in her stomach as she wondered how long Bryan would hold out before he wanted to have true sex with her. Her vagina clenched at the thought, not with desire but with fear. The cramps she got from penetration were terrible, the closest thing to labor pains a woman could have without actually having a baby. She couldn’t imagine how Bryan could possibly help her overcome them.

  Shifting so she could see the door when it opened, she tried to calm herself, but the little spider of panic was beginning to spin a web in her mind. Bryan’s dungeon had been so big, so vast, there was no way she was the first woman to be there. And he was sinfully hot. When he got tired of her inability to put out, she had no doubt there would be throngs of submissives waiting to do what she couldn’t. Beautiful, skinny women who could fulfill his every need. Not fat redheads with more issues than Carter has pills. A mental image of Bryan fucking some nameless female in his dungeon made her heart clench.

  Disquieted by the thought of Bryan, a man she barely knew, having that much control over her emotionally, she debated sneaking out of his house before he got back. That way she could nip this stupid emotional bond in the bud and find some Dom who wouldn’t tempt her to want things she couldn’t have. Some Master who would teach her how to manage her body and then they would both be on their separate ways. Then she could find some normal, safe guy and get married and have 2.5 kids while living in the suburbs. Not a dark, dangerous, and utterly captivating lord she could easily become lost in.

  Groaning softly, she sat up and looked down at the comforter enveloping her. Well, she really couldn’t drive like this, but maybe she could step out and call a cab or something. Yeah, she’d go back to the trophy room, get her stuff, and make it out before Bryan was any the wiser. She wasn’t sure how much time she had left before he got back, or that matter for how long he’d been gone.

  Where had he gone? Maybe he was so disgusted with her that he would return with a couple of aspirin and send her on her way. Shit, she’d rather have that than the lecture she had a feeling was coming. Then again, would he lecture her if he didn’t care? No, that was grasping at straws. He’d lecture her because he probably got off on it, not because he was really worried. Or if he was worried, it was the concern someone would have for one of their pets when they got hurt. Not the worry of a man caring about his woman.

  No, she didn’t have to sit here and listen to him yell at her like she was some child. He could kiss her big ass. She was a grown woman, and no man would make her feel like anything less.

  After pulling the comforter around her, she slowly made her way to her feet. Little shards of broken glass had taken up residence in her hips, and she tried to tell herself she was fine and nothing would happen if she took a risk with her body for the sake of her pride.

  For a grown woman, you sometimes sure act like a child, her mind whispered.

  Ignoring her conscience, she started to walk toward the door, but before she’d taken two steps, it opened. While he was gone, Bryan had taken the time to put on a new button-down shirt, much to her disappointment. As he entered, a tall woman with blonde hair dressed in black slacks and a white classic silk shirt followed him. She had a giant black zippered case over her arm and an intense energy about her that went well with her bright blue eyes. Both the woman and Bryan gave Kira a quick head-to-toe inspection, and their mouths tightened in an almost identical line of disapproval.

  Bryan closed the door quietly after himself. “Going somewhere? I believe I told you to
stay put, Kira.”

  Busted, she flushed and shook her head. “I was wondering where you went.” Trying to salvage her dignity, she tightened the comforter around her and lifted her chin. “May I ask who this is with you?”

  The woman set the giant case down next to the chair near the door, then came forward with her hand extended. “My name is Jennifer Barnette. It’s nice to meet you, Kira.”

  Extending her hand as much as she could while still maintaining her grip on the blanket, Kira shook the other woman’s hand. “Umm, nice to meet you as well.”

  Jennifer smiled. “I’m a physical therapist who specializes in therapeutic sports massage and a friend of Bryan’s. He called and asked me to come look at your back and see if I could bring you some relief.”

  Kira wasn’t sure if she should be pissed with him for assuming she’d be okay with some stranger working on her, or happy that he cared. She looked over Jennifer’s shoulder at Bryan and let out a low breath. “Thank you.”

  He raised one eyebrow in a devilish way that managed to look arrogant and hot. “Thank you what?”

  Feeling very uncomfortable, she glanced at Jennifer, then back at him. There was no way in hell she was calling him by anything other than his given name in front of a stranger. “Thank you, Bryan.” The emphasis she put on his name was kind of snotty, but instead of looking pissed, he grinned and winked.

  That, man confused the shit out of her.

  Jennifer laughed. “Before you earn yourself an ass beating, I’m also a Mistress at Wicked, so don’t worry about following your Master’s protocol in front of me.”

  Sure she was going to die of embarrassment, she looked at the floor and muttered, “Thank you, my lord.”

  He snorted. “You could at least pretend to be intimidated.”

  “You could at least pretend to be humble.”

  Jennifer laughed and moved across the room to her case, which Kira now recognized as a portable massage table. “Bryan, can you clear me a space please? Then we’ll get her fixed up enough so that you can take care of her sass.”


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