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My Wicked Devil (Club Wicked)

Page 17

by Mayburn, Ann

  Feeling wanton, she arched her back, offering him whatever he wanted to take. A moment later the edge of his beard brushed her left nipple. She winced at the abrasive sensation. Then his tongue laved the tip of her breast, and she cried out. His rumble of satisfaction aroused her almost as much as his touch.

  When he pulled back, she was panting. “Now, my sweet girl, into the golf cart.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest, plumping up her breasts for his hungry gaze, and teasing him with a little roll to her hips as she walked. “As my lord wishes.”

  He swatted her ass as she went by him; then he grabbed her arm. “Hold on one moment.”

  To her surprise, he stripped off his shirt and gave it to her. “I don’t want you to catch a chill.”

  Grinning, she slipped his shirt on, the warmth of his skin and his scent still trapped in the fabric. She took a deep breath, then sat down in the golf cart, holding on to the side as he climbed in and started it up. She looked down and noticed the wheels on the golf cart were slightly oversize, more like those on an ATV.

  They went down a gravel road that split off to a dirt road and another gravel road. He turned onto the packed-dirt road, and she took a deep breath, loving the smell of the forest they were driving into.

  She leaned her head against his shoulder. “Where is this road taking us?”

  “Your surprise.”

  She smiled against him and turned so she could spread gentle kisses over his bicep. Smooth and sun-warmed flesh passed beneath her lips, and she marveled at how different men’s skin was from women’s. The way his muscles tensed beneath her mouth made her giggle, and she realized she wasn’t scared anymore.

  He looked down at her. “You know, I think I can actually feel my testosterone level drop driving this thing.”

  She licked her lips. “I can help you out with that.”

  He gave her a feral grin. “Oh, I’m sure you can. But not here. It would scar me for life to think of Lawrence sitting where we had sex.”

  Laughing, she snuggled closer to him, casually touching him and just enjoying being with him. She was happy, really happy for the first time in what seemed like forever. That thought struck her as both sad and wonderful. Sad because she’d been so unhappy for so long; wonderful because she felt like she now valued her happiness more. She wanted to hug Bryan, to squeeze him tight and thank him for making her feel this way, but she didn’t want to sound like a goober.

  After maybe ten minutes, they pulled up to what looked to be a small cottage that belonged in a book of fairy tales. With stone walls and an English garden out front, it was one of the most charming things she’d ever seen. The little building sat among a stand of weeping willows, and it had a clay chimney pipe with a slight lean that extended off the roof. Behind the cottage and down a slight hill, she heard the rumbling of water, and she could smell a river.

  Bemused by Bryan owning such a whimsical building, she arched a brow at him. “I never would have pegged you as the kind of guy who had a secret enchanted cottage.”

  He shrugged. “It came with the house. I’ve remodeled the inside to suit my purposes.”

  “You know, if you ever have children, they’re going to want this for their own.”

  “Not bloody likely. I have no desire to have children.” He snorted. “Can you picture me as a father? Because I certainly can’t.”

  Surprised and slightly hurt for some odd reason, she got out of the golf cart and ran her fingers through her hair. “Never?”

  “Never. Why would I? I like my life as it is. No worrying about Junior falling down the stairs and breaking his head or having some kid wake up at three a.m. to throw up on me. No way, and no thanks. I like my freedom, and I like my sanity.”

  “Wow, when you say it like that, kids don’t sound very fun.”

  He shrugged and said in a low, almost sad voice, “Not everyone wants to be a parent or is meant to be. I’m just honest enough to admit it.”

  His words made her heart ache, and she kissed between his shoulders, wanting to lighten the mood. “For what it’s worth, I think you’d make a good dad. But, on to happier thoughts: what’s inside the cottage?”

  “A surprise.”

  She scowled at him. “I can’t believe my ass is sore from that little ride.”

  He snorted. “That’s what she said.”

  Rolling her eyes, she moved closer to the cottage. “Really? We’ve dropped to that level of humor?”

  She’d no sooner reached the small stone step at the front door than his energy poured over her a moment before he grabbed her wrists in both hands and spun her around. Removing his shirt from her body with more care than he’d shown her clothing, he soon had her bare-chested. “Take off your pants, everything. I want you naked and available to me.”

  She kicked off her shoes and pulled off her socks. After tugging down her jeans and stepping out of them, she pulled her panties down as well and added her bra to the pile. He growled, and her body gave an answering gush of moisture. A warm, deep throb started low in her belly. The delicious rush of adrenaline that accompanied him dominating her burst through her body like an intoxicating drug.

  “Turn around.”

  She did as he asked, all too aware of how closely he watched her and slightly embarrassed by her body’s imperfections. He’d seen her up close and personal before, just never in this bright a light. Firming her spine, she tried to let her anxiety go. This was Bryan. He adored her body.

  His touch ghosted over the healing bruises and fading welts. “You have beautiful markings, love. Each one of them a testament to my ownership, a brand anyone can see marking you as mine. Raise your hair off your neck and don’t move.”

  She complied, and a moment later, something cold and smooth snaked around her neck. It didn’t take her long to realize he was putting his collar back on her. Emotion filled her until her breath caught in her throat. He trusted her, he wanted her, and she loved him.

  Tears spilled from her cheeks as the realization came crashing over her.

  Oh fucking hell, she’d fallen in love with him.

  It had happened so quick, been so unplanned that she wasn’t sure how to deal with it. But the marvelous feeling of the first blush of love spread through her, warmer than the sun. The collar tightened around her throat, not enough to be uncomfortable but enough so she was aware of it, aware of willingly wearing his collar, his mark of ownership.

  She was his submissive, and she couldn’t be happier.

  After securing the collar, he carefully turned her and wiped the tears off her cheeks.

  “Are you all right, love? Feeling a bit overwhelmed?” She nodded and sniffed. “We’ll take care of you in a minute. Give me your wrists.”

  He picked up a pair of brown leather cuffs lined with sheepskin on the inside. They had two big brass rings, and when he bound each wrist in turn, she noticed how heavy and substantial they felt. These weren’t pretty, decorative cuffs. These cuffs were meant for bondage. She couldn’t wait to see what Bryan had in store for her.

  “Spread your legs.”

  She quickly did, remembering how not so long ago his command would have shocked her instead of arousing her. Through some kind of magic he’d tapped into desires she didn’t even know she had, but now that she’d found this kind of connection, she couldn’t imagine how she’d ever live without it again.

  Another pair of cuffs went around her ankles, and he paused to kiss her mound, his tongue snaking out and licking her slit. “Fucking delicious. I plan on eating a great deal of this pussy today.”

  She could only moan in response and quiver as he blew warm air onto her bare mound.

  After standing, he took off his boots on the porch. Clad in only his worn jeans, he opened the door and led her into what looked like one big bedroom. Well, there might have been something other than the bed in here, but all she could do was focus on the huge, amazing, and terrifying stainless-steel four-poster bed dominating the room.

  A canopy of steel grids topped the bed, and chains of various lengths hung from several points of the frame, dangling down to the bed below. There were big hoops attached at intervals to the posts of the bed, and after trying to figure out why they were there, it dawned on her the bed would be used for pretty much any kind of restraint her Master could want.

  “Oh my. Is that from the Martha Stewart prison collection?”

  He pinched one of the red marks on her bottom. “On the bed, Kira. I want you on your back.”

  She clambered onto the high bed, the white silk sheets slippery beneath her as she moved to the center of the heavenly mattress. Maybe after they were done, she could talk Bryan into napping out here. Birdsong and the rush of the river came through the open windows; the sheets smelled faintly of vanilla. When she rolled over onto her back, she couldn’t help but sigh. Everything felt so good, and she was so incredibly alive. Outside the air took on the golden quality she loved. Lots of movies were shot in this perfect lighting for a reason.

  It sure as shit made Bryan look good.

  He stalked up to the bed with bundles of black rope in either hand. Tossing them onto the bed, he pulled out a pocket knife. The sunlight created delicious valleys and shadows over his lean, muscular frame, and she appreciated the hard work and dedication it took to keep himself in shape. It also made him feel oh so masculine when he pressed into her, and his obvious appreciation of her plump curves made her more confident than she’d felt in years.

  After cutting two lengths of rope, he reached up and grabbed one of the chains. As he pulled it down, additional chain spooled out from somewhere hidden in the canopy.

  “Right arm.”

  She lifted her hand, and he grabbed her wrist, snapping the chain to the cuffs with a solid snick.

  “Other arm.”

  This continued for a good ten minutes, him requesting only movement from her and expecting complete compliance. He focused on his work as he checked the tautness of the chains, the circulation around her wrist and ankles, then made sure nothing was going to get pulled or strained. So even though she was literally chained up and at his mercy, she felt safe.

  He paused next to her head. After staring at her for a long moment, he began to open his jeans. Her instinctive reaction was to reach for him, but the jangle of the chains brought her up short. Why the hell did he hardly ever allow her to touch him? She barely suppressed a frown as she looked back at Bryan.

  Obviously he read her intent, because his lips curved into his devilish smile that meant she was in trouble.

  “What’s your safe word?”


  “What word do you use when you need to slow down?”


  “Good girl. I expect you to use them and will be very, very unhappy if you push yourself too far.”

  He tugged his jeans down so they rode below his hips, the tendon leading from his hip to his groin standing out from the curve of his body. Beneath he wore a pair of tight blue cotton briefs, and her whole body clenched at the sight of precum darkening the fabric over the tip of his cock. She used to think she’d never like a man’s strong cum, that she’d always prefer the sweet taste of a woman, but once again Bryan had proved her wrong. Sucking him off, feeling him empty himself down her burning throat, had been an incredible turn-on.


  Grateful for the chance to please him, she eagerly sucked on him as he pushed his way into her mouth, his harsh groans sending an answering wetness between her legs. Her widespread legs that revealed every fold of her pussy to him. God, she couldn’t even manage to feel embarrassed about being tied up and laid out before him like a human sacrifice. His ravenous reaction to her body shoved all doubts aside, leaving her feeling wanton. The collar pressed against her neck, and she thought about how pretty she must look to him, adorned in his jewels while taking his cock.

  The chains clanked as she shifted her hips and kept pushing her mouth down over his cock. Because of her angle, she couldn’t get him as deep as she had yesterday, but at least this time she didn’t gag. The ring through the head of his cock was fun to play with, and she loved the way he’d thrust his hips when she tugged on it. She worshipped him with her mouth, her tongue, trying to tell him with her touch how much he meant to her.

  “Shit, you’re too bloody good at that.” With a regretful mutter, Bryan pulled himself from her lips. He fisted his cock and massaged out a fat drop of precum. It clung to the curve of his piercing, and she groaned.


  She did, and he moved onto the bed next to her head. Slowly jerking his cock, he milked himself until more precum came out, enough to send one luscious drop into her mouth. She moaned and sucked on the salty liquid, loving the taste of his arousal. He tasted like sex.

  He moved off the bed again and removed his pants. She bit her lower lip as he bent to pick something up, his ass flexing in a delicious way and his heavy sac hanging between his thighs, tempting her. When he stood, he had a small basket with a dark cloth over it.

  “Close your eyes.”

  Trying to keep from pouting, she did and tensed when the bed dipped. Before she could prepare herself, she felt something gently pushing at the entrance to her sheath, something big, something warm, and something with a piercing.

  His dick.

  Her womb clenched down, and she wanted to cry with frustration. “Yellow. I’m so sorry, my lord. Yellow.”

  Instead of sounding pissed, his voice was incredibly kind when he said, “Kira, open your eyes.”

  She did, and a tear spilled down her cheek. “Yes, my lord.”

  “Good girl. This is how it’s going to work. I’m going to have my cock inside of you. That is not something you have a choice over unless you decide to use your safe word. Don’t fret, love. We’re going to make sure you are very, very ready for me. Every time you say yellow, we stop, I make you come, and then we continue.”

  She stared up at him. “That doesn’t sound very sadistic.”

  He grinned, but his gaze was soft as he stroked her spread thighs. “I’ll take care of your needs. All of them.”

  Before she could respond, he’d laid down on his stomach and began to rub his goatee against the top of her slit. Pinching her labia together, he forced her clit to pop out of its little hood. Licking at the exposed nub while rolling her pussy lips, he quickly sent her into an intense orgasm. The angry throb in her womb subsided, and she once again yearned to be filled by him.

  Holding her gaze, he fisted himself and slowly rubbed the head of his cock over her entrance, making her writhe against him. He fed just the tip of his dick into her, and her vagina clamped down like it was trying to suck him in. The relaxation of her orgasm faded, replaced now by an urge to take him more, deeper, now.

  He eased a little bit more into her, working probably about two inches of his fat cock into her tight sheath. The uncomfortable tensing of her womb started again.


  He immediately pulled out and pinched her nipple, making her groan. “Good girl.”

  After mercilessly stimulating her clit to orgasm with a vibrator, he once again pushed himself in, deeper this time. Holding still, not forcing the issue, he took in a deep breath. Sweat stood out on his body, a silent testament to how hard he was fighting to be gentle with her. Moving her hips the littlest bit, she began to rise up to meet him, and he was almost all the way in when she began to tense up.


  His savage snarl as he pulled out both scared and thrilled her, almost as much as the dangerous look in his eye when he grabbed more rope. Moving quickly, the bobbing tip of his enormous erection slick with her fluids, he unhooked both of her legs. She stretched, but her relief was short-lived. He took her left leg and, pressing her ankle toward her butt, wrapped the black rope around it five times and left a small length of rope hanging down her inner thigh.

  “If you feel any numbness, let me know.”

, my lord.”

  He repeated the action with her other leg and sat back to survey his work. “Very pretty. But you need more.”

  He reached into the basket again and pulled out what looked like black clothespins. He tied the rope to each, shifting it around until it was the length he desired. She had no clue what he was going to do with it, but when he was finally satisfied with one side and moved to put the clamp on the other piece of rope, she realized what he intended to clamp with those pins.

  “Oh, oh no, my lord. Please no.”


  He slapped her inner thigh, and part of his hit went over a healing welt. Her yowl of pain made him smile, and she raised her head up, watching in dismay as he grasped her right labia and clamped it with the clothespin. As if that wasn’t bad enough, because of the short rope holding the clothespin to her leg, it pulled her labia open, exposing her to Bryan’s gaze more fully.

  It was so kinky, so dirty.

  She loved it.

  He did the other side, then leaned back on his haunches, his cock bobbing against his belly. “There we go. Nice and open for me.”

  He moved forward and braced his hands on either side of her head, the solid mass of his arms begging for her touch. Above her the chains clinked as she fought their hold, wanting to touch him so badly. He pressed his pelvis down and rocked the head of his cock over her fully exposed clit.

  The sensation was intense, almost maddening in its delicious, sensual torture. Her mind began to shut down to focus only on the slow rub of his dick and the movement of his balls against her pussy. She was probably soaking him with her arousal right now, and she wanted to lick it off, to clean him and make him groan.

  Reaching between them, Bryan took his cock in his hand and began to slap the tip on her clit. She arched and tried to buck him off, the direct contact hurting. He didn’t relent, just tapping at her exposed bud until she began to anticipate the sting followed by the rush of pleasure. The erotic noise of his cock hitting against her wetness merged into the other stimulation, creating a dark hole of pleasure that she began to fall down. No, not fall, more like slide.


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