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The Temple of Arrival

Page 23

by Matthew Olney

  “You know something,” he said, “even with all your power there’s something you’ve never had.”

  “Oh, and what is that?” she said humouring him. She stalked toward him like a predator toying with its prey.

  “Love. You’ve never had anyone truly love you. I thought I did once, but now I realise it was just you manipulating me, using your powers. You don’t have the love of the people, not even your own Venerable Chamber cultists love you. They follow you because of your power not because of who you are. Your own family feared you and gave you to the Empowered Ones, and you know something that’s funny? Even your children, those who are supposed to love you unconditionally, despise you.”

  The Supreme stopped, a look of genuine hurt flashing in her eyes.

  “I know you. You were just a young frightened child when you took the Power. How could you have been ready for the burden? How could you have known any better?” Vavius pressed. During his time as her lover, he had learnt much about her. Her insecurities, if a living goddess could have those.

  Suddenly, Kasdar appeared behind the Supreme. Using the greater power of Surprise, he’d managed to creep up behind her.

  “For my brother!” he yelled, holding up his sword. He then rammed the sword through the Supreme’s back until the tip burst from her chest.

  She looked down at the metal and slowly turned to face Kasdar.

  “Just die!” he cried desperately.

  The Supreme snorted in disdain. Casually she raised an arm and backhanded Kasdar with a blow so powerful that the crack boomed across the plain.

  Kasdar lurched and spun, spraying blood as he fell. The Supreme reached down and pulled the sword through her body until she held it in her hand. Then she slammed it down through Kasdar’s chest.

  Slowly she rose and to Vavius’s amazement, she healed the gaping wound in her chest. He staggered back and fell to the ground. She truly was immortal. Such a blow should have slain her, but it had been nothing more than a slight irritant.

  “Your allies are dead Vavius. This is over.”

  Vavius sat back on his heels, all the fight in him now gone. Never had someone delivered such a blow to the Supreme, and yet she had simply shrugged it off. With a gesture by the Supreme, the two Hollowed who had been watching the fight with Cassia and Elian approached and took Vavius, shackling his hands in White Steel manacles.

  “Let us return to the Temple of Arrival. A new era awaits,” said the Supreme. As Vavius was dragged away he saw what was left of Kasdar. There was almost nothing left of the right side of his face, of his left side his mouth was open in a soundless scream.


  Chapter 27.

  Lizella watched the Supreme and her entourage depart the plain from their vantage spot in the mountains. After detonating the explosives, they had retreated to the nearby hills. The Liberators with her were in stunned awe at what they had witnessed. Lizella’s stomach was doing somersaults. Such power, how could they hope to challenge it? Despair threatened to overwhelm them all, but she caught herself and forced the fear deep down into her gut.

  “There’s someone down there,” Bron said pointing to the base of what was left of the mountain. She raised her spyglass and sighed in relief. It was Rea and Marcian. Quickly, she scrambled down the steep hillside and the others followed.

  She hurried to Marcian’s side.

  “Is he okay?” she asked her tone full of worry.

  “He’ll be okay. Did you see what happened?” Rea asked.

  Lizella nodded.

  “We did. I-I can’t believe it. We’d all heard the stories, but to see her do those things in the flesh…”

  Rea leant forward and gently squeezed Lizella’s shoulder.

  “We have to be strong now. Elian still needs our help and we have to stop the Supreme carrying out her ritual.”

  “Did you not see what she did? How are we supposed to do anything? She just killed an entire army and bested an Empowered One. I say we get the hell out of here. We should fall back north and regroup with Commander Erin,” Bron said. The other Liberators nodded in agreement. Lizella understood the fear they all felt.

  Marcian sat heavily on the ground and rubbed his eyes tiredly.

  “No. There will be no retreat. What Rea said is true. We must stop the Supreme. I know you’re all afraid, hell, I am too, believe me. We will mourn for those we lost later, but right now we are the only hope Elian and all those people have. Gather what weapons and supplies you can carry. We’re going after them,” he said firmly.

  Bron looked as though he was about to argue but then thought better of it.

  “We still have a few barrels of gunpowder left, our muskets and swords and that’s about it in terms of supplies. Food and water for a day maybe two at a stretch.”

  A shout came from one of the Blue Coats. Marcian looked up and his eyes widened. In the sky was a dozen airships moving swiftly against the wind.

  “I don’t recognise the flag they’re flying,” Lizella said as she passed him her spyglass. Marcian held it up to his eye.

  “Those are Arikar airships. Visp must’ve convinced them to send assistance,” he exclaimed. Despite everything, a twang of excitement filled his chest. He scrambled to his feet.

  “Fire a flare. Let them know where we are. We’re not out of this fight yet.”


  A wooden ramp descended from the landed airship and out marched ten heavily armoured Arikar warriors. Their White Steel armour glinted in the sombre sunlight. Walking between them was Visp and at her side a jovial looking Arikar captain. At seeing the dishevelled look of Marcian and the others Visp swore.

  “We are too late. What carnage occurred here?” she said.

  Marcian stepped forward, Lizella at his side.

  “The Supreme. There’s nothing you could have done Visp. Even if you’d arrived earlier, I doubt any of you would have survived. The power she wields is beyond our worst nightmares,” he explained.

  “But we can’t give up,” chipped in Lizella. “They took Elian to the Temple of Arrival. We have to rescue him.”

  At hearing Elian’s name, Visp’s eyes widened.

  “Elian? Yes, we must get him back,” she said in an almost monotone voice.

  “Where’s Tiberio? I’d have thought he’d be at your side,” Marcian continued glancing at the Arikar officer. The tall man smiled and offered him his hand which Marcian shook.

  “Forgive my manners sir, I am Captain Artubai and I lead these forces on behalf of the Arikar leadership. Tiberio I am afraid to say was wounded during his journey to our lands. He is quite safe but was too ill to come with us,” Artubai said.

  “Time is of the essence,” interrupted Rea, “we need to come up with some sort of plan. How are we supposed to rescue Elian and the others with the Supreme there?”

  Artubai flashed her a smile and reached into his tunic. He pulled out a scroll.

  “There may be a way. The Mentors are aware of what is happening here, and they have provided us with some information that we may be able to use against the Supreme,” he said handing Rea the scroll. She opened it and read the words scratched onto the parchment’s surface.

  “Well, what does it say?” Marcian urged.

  Rea lowered the scroll and shook her head in disbelief.

  “It says that we need to let her begin the ritual. The Mentors seem to think that will be the only window of opportunity we may have to kill her.”


  Chapter 28.

  The Temple of Arrival

  The main hall was packed with people. Most were prisoners being herded into lines leading into the Oracle chamber, among them were representatives of the Venerable Chamber and the Imperium. Elian watched the gathering in despair from the window of the small room in which he’d been placed. It contained a single bed and a small expensive looking dresser on top of which were laid his cloak and gauntlets. He looked at them, even with the extra power they provided him he knew he was no match f
or the Supreme. It was as though the items had been placed there to mock him, to remind him of just how truly powerless he was. The door to the room opened and in walked Cassia. Her long blonde hair was loose about her shoulders. She wore her purple cloak and the full attire of an Empowered One, including a breast plate of steel coloured bronze and gauntlets like his own.

  “Hurry up and get dressed- brother,” she said irritably.

  “I can’t believe I have a sister,” he muttered as he walked over to the dresser and picked up his cloak.

  “Half-sister,” Cassia replied pacing the room. Elian frowned.

  “What do you mean?”

  Cassia stopped and smirked.

  “Oh, you really are clueless, aren’t you? My father was just some high up in the Venerable Chamber. Mother may be immortal, but she still has- appetites. She’s had many children, but never has she taken such interest as she has in you. Why do you think that might be?”

  Elian shrugged his shoulders.

  “Think about it, idiot. You saw the fight between her and Vavius, you must have felt the emotions pouring off them both.”

  Elian’s eyes widened in shock.

  “Vavius is my father,” he gasped.

  Cassia clapped her hands together.

  “Finally, he gets it. Imagine the power a child born of the Supreme and an Empowered One would have in its veins. Your veins to be exact.”

  “I think I’m going to be sick,” Elian muttered. It now made sense. Follow his learning that the Supreme was his mother this piece of news seemed rather trivial in comparison. He was becoming numb to all the lies and revelations. It now made sense to him how Vavius had been able to communicate so easily with him and why he’d appeared to him during his incarceration in Asta. His own father had betrayed him and left him to die at the hands of The First Fear.

  “If it makes you feel any better, he only discovered this truth recently too. My we are a most dysfunctional family, aren’t we?” Cassia laughed.

  “None of you are my family. My family is down there somewhere, being lined up to be sacrificed for some mad ritual,” Elian snapped.

  “Mad ritual? It’s not madness brother. The Supreme needs those people to feed the Oracle. The tens of thousands that have been sacrificed will give it the power it needs to revive. Then it will be your turn and the world will be made anew.”

  “Sounds like the very definition of madness to me,” Elian muttered doing his best to hide the horror he felt. All those people would die unless he did something. The Liberators were defeated, scattered with ease by the Supreme, who was left now to challenge her? The Empowered Ones? Those who were just as wicked as the Supreme and her acolytes?

  “Tell me Cassia, what will your place be in this new world? Has she told you what it will be like? She showed me all the other times she’s used the Temple. Every single time it ends the same. Human nature to resist, to be free always breaks through. What makes this time any different?”

  Cassia dismissed his words with an impatient gesture.

  “Just get dressed Elian. You will discover mother’s plans soon enough,” she said, unable to hide a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

  Elian put on his armour and cloak. And reached for the gauntlets. As his hand touched them the channelling stones embedded in the palm lit up brightly. He closed his eyes savouring the extra sense of power that coursed through his veins.

  “Don’t even think about fighting your way out of here brother. You might be able to best me, but there are two Hollowed outside that door,” Cassia said as though reading his thoughts.

  Elian pulled on the gauntlets and flexed his fingers. She was right of course, but time was quickly running out, he needed to find an opportunity to escape.

  “Elian, can you hear me?”

  He froze.


  Somehow, she had managed to link with him.

  “Yes, it’s me. I can’t hold this link for long, I can already sense that the Hollowed have detected me. Listen to me, you have to focus hard, you have to let me know exactly where you are,” she said.

  Elian glanced at Cassia. She was busy looking at herself in the mirror. He closed his eyes and opened up his emotions, all the while doing his best to keep Cassia from noticing. He could feel the link with Rea strengthen as they synched.

  “Ok, I have it. Don’t worry Elian we’re coming.”

  “The Supreme is going to use the Temple to destroy the world! Hurry!” he thought, emphasising Fear into the link.

  His stomach sank as Cassia chuckled. She was looking at him via the mirror.

  “So, some of your irritating friends survived. Let them come. They can join you and the others as sacrifices to the Oracle,” she mocked.


  Rea opened her eyes to see the others gathered round her on the Arikar airship. All looked worried.

  “I reached him. He’s ok for now. I can find the way to the Temple; I just have to follow his presence.” she explained.

  “Elian said that the Supreme- intends to destroy the world using the Temple.”

  Marcian stared at her in disbelief and the others paled at the words. He faced the Arikar.

  “We have a way of finding the Temple. Let’s go.”

  The Arikar captain nodded and shouted orders to his warriors to get the airship skyward.

  “Do we have a plan of attack?” Artubai asked.

  Marcian rubbed his chin in thought before answering.

  “I do. It is a simple one but one that will cost lives. We do not have the luxury to be stealthy with this, time is too pressing. I want your airships and warriors to launch an all-out assault on the Temple. You need to cause as big a distraction as possible whilst we get inside. The more Seekers and Hollowed you can keep busy the better.”

  “What will you do once you get inside? The Supreme will be surrounded by her disciples,” said an unconvinced Artubai.

  Marcian glanced at Lizella. She nodded and squeezed his hand.

  “Me, Lizella and Rea will try to save everyone we can. Blue Coats,’ he said looking at Bron and the other surviving Liberators, “your job is to get inside and plant those explosives. If the Supreme intends to do as Rea says, whatever happens, that Temple must be destroyed.”

  With a lurch, the airship rose from the rocky ground and slowly climbed high into the sky. From a bird’s eye perspective, the carnage of the battlefield below came into terrible view. Marcian paled at the sight.


  The last thing Elian expected was what he was now witnessing. Music played, men and women wearing masks like those he had witnessed at the ball Visp had taken him to as a slave in Asta danced and twirled around the edge of the long hall leading to the Oracle. Brightly coloured banners decorated the walls and ceiling. The source of the chaotic music came from the rear of the hall where a band played a plethora of brass instruments and drums. It was a riot of noise and colour, more a macabre festival than a ritual that promised the end of all things. He took in the scene in bewilderment.

  “The Ritual is sacred to the devoted,” explained Cassia who also wore a mask. Hers was covered in bright blue and yellow feathers from some exotic bird. Only her eyes could be seen, her hair was covered by the hood of her purple cloak. Despite the revelry going on all around him he couldn’t help but sense the immense wave of dread and fear emanating from the silent miserable prisoners in the centre of the room. Somewhere amongst them was Helias, Dora and Lizella’s parents.

  With a loud crack that shook the hall the huge stone doors leading to the Oracle slowly opened. A dazzlingly bright light shone out and stood in silhouette was the Supreme.

  “My loyal subjects,’ she said, her voice booming throughout the chamber, ‘today is a very special day. Today we will herald in a new era of peace, one where the woes of war and rebellion will no longer plague our world.”

  She stepped forward and opened her arms wide to take in the huge crowd of petrified prisoners.

  “I can sense your
Fear my children, but do not be afraid. You shall serve a glorious purpose. You shall serve your Supreme!”

  The Venerable Chamber acolytes cheered her words, the prisoners cried out for help. Elian did his best to shield himself from their despair and sadness, but it was overwhelming. He wiped his eyes of tears. The Supreme gave an order and the Hollowed advanced on the crowd. Terrified screams came from the prisoners as the monsters forced them forward and toward the Oracle chamber, all the while the musicians played, and the masked people frolicked. Madness, that’s what it was.

  The crowd moved through the huge doorway and into the chamber beyond. Cassia grabbed Elian’s arm.

  “Come, it’s time you fulfilled your purpose,” she said.

  Roughly, she pushed him through the mass of people. Those in the masks parted with some bowing in reverence, others reached out to touch him. Elian felt dizzy, the noise mixed with the heat generated by so many bodies amassed together. He wanted to flee, but he could sense the Hollowed watching him closely.


  The Arikar airships flew over the vast bleak landscape of what had once been Aeranyth, the greatest kingdom in all the world. Ash fields dozens of miles long spread out in all directions, the only landmarks being the broken skeletons of once mighty and proud stone towers. Marcian stood on the flight deck and squeezed the amulet about his neck. He didn’t know why, but he could feel that the piece of jewellery was somehow tied to the dead land below. The mysterious man who had given it to him all those years ago had said that whoever bore the amulet was the heir to the empty throne of Aeranyth. ‘Heir to a land of death,’ he thought soberly. He looked to his right at Rea. The Gifted was sat crossed legged on the deck her eyes closed tight in concentration. Every so often she would call out directions to the airship’s navigator.


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