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A Crush on Her Best Friend's Brother: Complete Box Set

Page 7

by Sharon Cummin

  He moved in a little more and she gasped.

  “Is this what you want, baby?” he asked.

  “Yes, more,” she muttered.

  He went in deeper.

  “You want me inside of you,” he said. “You're so fucking tight, Rachel. You have no idea how good it feels to know that I'm the only man that's ever been buried deep inside your tight pussy.”

  He thrust in as deep as he could. She gasped and grabbed the sheets.

  “I want you so fucking bad. You're all I think about, baby,” he said, as he pulled out to the very tip. “You're mine. All of you. Your pussy is mine. Do you hear me?”

  He stilled at her entrance. She pushed against him, but he didn't move.

  “Answer, beautiful,” he said, as he looked down at her.

  “Yes, yours,” she panted. “Please.”

  He thrust into her hard and she cried out his name.

  “I want to hear you, baby,” he demanded. “When you come, I want to hear it. I want to watch your eyes and your mouth. I want to see your perfect body move against my dick. I want you to know who makes you feel this way. I want to ruin you for everyone but me.”

  She moaned and spoke something that made no sense at all. Her hands held the sheets so tight she couldn't even feel them anymore.

  “Open your eyes, baby,” he demanded.

  She tried to open them, but couldn't. He pulled back and stopped. Her eyes opened and she looked up at him. His eyes were such a beautiful, dark blue.

  “Look at me,” he said. “Don't take your eyes away from mine.”

  She shook her head.

  He grabbed her hips hard and thrust into her as deep as he could, and she screamed his name loud as she came around his cock. He continued to move in and out of her as he leaned down and kissed her. She could taste her on his lips and moaned. Her body felt like jelly. She wasn't sure she could take anymore. It was amazing. She looked up into his eyes and could see how aroused he was. It made her feel so good to know that he felt that way because of her.

  When he reached down and flipped her over, she gasped. He never lost connection with her. She wasn't sure she could keep going. Her body felt like it was going to give out. Her thoughts were a jumbled mess. She almost felt like she was dreaming. He grabbed her hips and pulled her ass in the air.

  “I can't,” she moaned.

  “We aren't done yet,” he said.

  She could hear the grin on his face.

  “On your knees, baby,” he said. “Ass in the air.”

  She got on her knees and leaned down on her elbows.

  “Fuck,” he groaned. “You are so sexy.”

  She felt her eyes begin to close, when out of nowhere she felt a smack on her ass followed by the sting. He rubbed her, and she couldn't believe how good it felt when he did. His hand came back again and she felt another smack. She was waking up and it was amazing. Her pussy was getting wetter with each new slap. The sting was a shock, but it felt so damn good when he rubbed her there. His hand ran along her pussy. She could feel a drip fall from her.

  “Your ass is perfect. I love the way it feels in my hands. You're so wet and ready for me again. Seeing you like this is so fucking sexy.”

  He grabbed her ass and rubbed his cock through her wetness. A moment later he thrust into her deep. She gasped and clutched the sheets in her hand as she buried her face in them. He stilled and her body relaxed. She moved her face so her cheek was against the sheet. He held her hips and thrust into her again. She felt herself push back against him. He was reaching even more spots deep inside of her. She needed him again. He continued to move in and out of her as she pushed her ass back against him to get him even deeper. Her moans and cries all mixed from one to the next. She couldn't stop them.

  “Oh, Brad,” she moaned.

  He smacked her ass again and she yelped. She got up on her hands and knees and pushed back against him hard.

  “Fuck,” he groaned and growled from deep in his chest.

  Rachel continued to slam her ass back as he fucked her deeper than she thought possible. He shocked her again when he reached forward and grabbed her hair. Brad tugged it just hard enough for her to come back as he thrust into her. She cried out his name, as she thought about how turned on she was by what he was doing. He held her hair and pulled her back as he slammed into her and growled her name as he came. She could feel him pulse inside of her and came again around his cock.

  “Fuck,” she moaned, as he slowed his pace inside of her.

  He leaned down onto her back as they both panted. She slowly slid down onto the bed with him against her. The sweat from his chest was on her back. Once their breathing slowed, he moved off of her and went into the bathroom. He came back out with a washcloth and cleaned her between the legs. She moved up the bed and he curled in behind her. With his arm over her and their legs tangled together, they feel asleep.

  Brad had his phone alarm set for eleven thirty. He didn't want to miss their first New Year together. When it went off, she jumped. She felt his chest move behind her.

  “Are you laughing at me?” she asked.

  “Of course not,” he said with a chuckle.

  He got out of bed and pulled on his boxers and jeans.

  “Get up, sunshine,” he said. “We are celebrating the new year.”

  She groaned as he pulled back the covers.

  “Hurry and cover that sexy body of yours,” he said.

  “I'm not sure I can even move anymore,” she said.

  He looked down at her with a smirk. The television was on and he changed the channel so they could watch the ball drop. She pushed her way off of the bed and walked to the bathroom. When she came back out, she got dressed.

  How she missed the champagne earlier, she had no idea. He pulled her onto his lap on the bed and they watched the countdown. She wrapped her arms around him and moved to put her head on his shoulder. When she looked down at his neck, she gasped.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Nothing,” she said with her eyes wide.

  “Don't give me nothing,” he said. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “Your neck,” she said.

  “What about it?” he asked.

  “You need to look in the mirror,” she said, as she stood up. “Please don't be mad.”

  He hurried off the bed and into the bathroom. She saw his eyes widen as he rubbed his neck.

  “How?” he asked.

  “In the tub,” she replied.

  His neck was bruised a deep purple from where she had sucked on it. Not a tiny mark, but a huge one. She had moved her mouth around while she was doing it. There were two bite marks. She could see the shape of her teeth. He turned and looked at her. When he walked toward her, she backed up. He grabbed her and pulled her closer as he kissed her forehead.

  “I had no idea you could do that kind of damage,” he said with a laugh.

  “You're not mad?” she asked.

  “Of course not,” he said. “You couldn't help yourself.”

  She pulled back and smacked him on the arm as he laughed.

  “Your parents and sister are going to see that. It is way too high on your neck to cover up. What are you going to tell them?”

  “I'm going to tell them that the sweet, innocent girl across the street has a naughty side,” he said with a straight face.

  “Brad, you can't say that,” she said, as she fell onto the bed with her head in her hands.

  He leaned down in front of her.

  “I was just kidding. They think I'm out with the guys tonight. If they mention it, I'll make up something about how some hot chic couldn't control herself. I won't be lying about the hot chic,” he said.

  She looked up and shook her head.

  “We are here to celebrate our first New Year's Eve as a couple,” he said, as he took her hand and pulled her up with him.

  They stood in each other's arms on the balcony as the ball dropped for the countdown on the television.
As soon as it was midnight, Brad covered her mouth with his. He pulled back and looked into her eyes.

  “I love you,” he said.

  She stood still for a moment as tears slid from the corners of her eyes.

  “What?” she asked, unsure of what she heard.

  “I love you so much. I've loved you for a long time,” he said nervously.

  “Really?” she asked.

  He shook his head and brushed his thumbs through her tears.

  “I love you too,” she said.

  As soon as she finished, fireworks shot off into the beautiful night sky. Brad pulled her so her back was to him, as he held her and they watched the show together.

  They slept together in a tangle of limbs. He had woken her up twice with his mouth on her.

  When the bright sunlight came through the balcony door, she opened her eyes slowly. They had to check-out in one hour. Their time together had flown by. She didn't want to leave. How could she go three months without seeing him? He opened his eyes and looked at her.

  “I'm not ready to leave you,” he said. “Do you think our families will notice if we miss New Year's Day?”

  Just as he said it, his phone buzzed. A few seconds later, Rachel's phone buzzed. They both laughed as they checked their messages. They were from Karen.

  Karen: Dinner is at five o'clock. Be there on time.

  Rachel looked back up at him and laughed. She wasn't supposed to be at dinner.

  Rachel: What are you talking about?

  Karen: You and your mom are coming over for dinner tonight. Where did you go last night?

  Rachel turned her phone to Brad before answering.

  Rachel: I was hanging out with a couple of people I know. I knew you would be with Sam. I'll be home in a couple of hours. I'll make sure to be on time for dinner.

  Rachel and Brad got ready and left the hotel. He walked her to her car and opened her door for her.

  “I guess I'll see you in a couple of hours,” he said with a smile.

  “You will,” she said. “I'll see you at dinner.”

  Rachel asked her mom if she knew about dinner when she got home. Her mom said she had just been invited that morning. They got ready and walked across the street. Rachel hoped it wouldn't be awkward being around Brad in front of his family. His car wasn't there when she arrived with her mom. She pulled up a text.

  Rachel: You're not home.

  Brad: No. I went to the mall. I didn't want them to think it was strange that we both pulled up at the same time. It's going to be hard enough to explain the vampire marks all over my neck. Damn, woman. You're naughty.

  Rachel laughed as they stood waiting for Karen to open the door. Her mom gave her a strange look.

  “It was just a text, sorry,” Rachel said.

  Karen swung the door opened and pulled them both inside. They sat in the living room with Karen and her parents. Everyone was talking about school and work when the front door opened and Brad walked in with his bag. Karen jumped up and ran to hug her brother. Just as she pulled back from him she screeched.

  “What the hell was that?” he snapped.

  “What the hell happened to your neck? Mom you have to see this,” she yelled.

  Brad's mom was off the couch and at the door in seconds. She reached up and pulled his shirt collar to the side. Her eyes widened and she gasped.

  “I know you're twenty-one, son, but that is ridiculous. That thing is huge. There are teeth marks. Where were you?” she asked.

  “I stayed at a hotel with the guys. There may have been some women there. I can't help it if I'm delicious and she couldn't get enough of me,” he said with a laugh.

  Rachel laughed from the living room. Brad's mom turned to look at her.

  “It is not funny Brad, and Rachel, I can hear you laughing in there. Come and look at this right now,” his mom yelled out. “This is not acceptable. Do you three hear me? Nobody needs to have a mark like that on them. I can't believe you let that happen.”

  Rachel stood up and walked over toward the door. His mom pulled his collar back for Rachel to see. Her eyes widened, and she put on as serious a face as she could.

  “I can't believe you let some girl do that to you,” Rachel said.

  “She wasn't just some girl,” he said. “She was absolutely beautiful. I couldn't tell her no. When she got a taste of me, she couldn't control herself.”

  Rachel looked down at the ground with her bottom lip between her teeth.

  “It's not funny. Was she some kind of slut? Who does something like that?” his mom asked.

  Rachel hurried back to sit on the couch. Her own mother was looking right at her. She looked up at her mom with a confused look.

  “She's not a slut. Don't say that. You don't know her. Just because she marked my neck doesn't mean anything. What if I love her? What if she's the woman I'm going to marry one day? We didn't notice it until it was too late. It's no big deal. I'm a grown man. Can we just enjoy the day?” he snapped.

  His mom turned around and walked back into the living room to sit down. Brad walked toward his bedroom. Rachel pulled her phone out.

  Rachel: I'm so sorry. I can't believe she said that. She thinks I'm a slut.

  Brad: No she doesn't. If she knew it was you, she'd kick your ass and lock you up. It was worth it. I want to wrap my arms around you and hug you. This is hard.

  Rachel: I can't believe it's hard already.

  Brad: Smart-ass.

  Dinner went by without any more comments about his neck. Rachel and her mom stayed for a couple of hours. When they went home, Rachel went to her room. She called Brad once she was ready for bed. It was going to be hard to leave the next day. He was leaving before her. She wouldn't be able to see him before he left in the morning.

  They talked for over an hour. She tried to hold back her emotion when it was time to let him go. Tears fell from her eyes, and she knew he heard her sniffle.

  “We'll talk every day. It's three months. We can wait three months. I waited for two years to see you. Everything will be fine. You'll see. Call me as soon as your plane lands. I need to know you're safe. I love you,” he said.

  “I will,” she answered. “I love you too.”

  As soon as they hung up the phone, she ran sick to her stomach for the bathroom. What the hell was going on, she wondered? It was the second time in just over a week that she had gotten sick. It was probably just the stress of school and knowing she would have to leave him.

  His car was gone when she woke up the next morning. She quietly got ready, hugged her mom goodbye, and got into the cab that was waiting to take her to the airport.

  She checked in for her flight and walked through the steps on autopilot.

  She got on the plane and pulled out her phone to turn it off.

  Brad: Have a safe flight. It's only three months. It'll be fine, I promise.

  A Crush on Her Best Friend's Brother, Part 3

  Rachel sat on the plane with her phone in her hand, as she read Brad's text again.

  Brad: Have a safe flight. It's only three months. It'll be fine, I promise.

  How did he know, she wondered? She had loved him since she was thirteen when he kissed her late at night in his room. Once she started high school and saw the real Brad, she knew she would never want to be with him. It didn't change the feelings she had buried deep inside. She was able to avoid seeing his arrogant, gorgeous ass. When he opened the door a month before, everything changed.

  When she went back to college after Thanksgiving, she thought he would leave her alone and they could go back to the way things were. He never did. She was surprised when he began texting and calling each night. They really were building a friendship. She couldn't wait for the month to pass so she could see him again.

  When that time came, it flew by so quickly. She was so happy that they were able to spend an entire day and night alone together. Her guard was still up. She knew the man he was when he went off to college. Could he have changed that
much in two years, she wondered? Was it really possible? When he asked her to be his girlfriend, she was shocked. Maybe he was the same guy she had originally fallen for years ago. He told her that he loved her, and she wanted to believe him. Could they really last in a relationship being so far away from each other? He was a star football player. Surely he would go on to play professional after college. What would she do when he decided he was done with her? She wasn't sure she would be able to handle it. Brad was the one man that could tear her world apart.

  It would be three months before she would be able to see him again. Would he really wait that long? All of his friends were partying and moving from woman to woman. They had made it a month without seeing each other, but she wasn't sure they could make it three. After that, it would be another two months until summer. Who knew how they would see each other then. Brad had his own apartment and wouldn't be coming home. Would he want her around for the summer? How would their families feel about that? She asked him to hide their relationship from their families for the time being. Her best friend was his sister. She didn't want to upset anyone if they weren't going to stay together. Rachel wasn't sure how long Brad would stick around.

  She turned off her phone and closed her eyes. It would be okay. It had to be. She was looking forward to starting new classes and getting back to normal. Her nerves were going crazy, and she was stressed out. She knew her stomach would settle down and the queasy feeling she had been fighting would go away. Three months wasn't really that long, was it? It would go by quickly, she thought. Everything would be fine. It would be worth it to be able to spend time with the man she knew she would love forever.

  When the plane landed, she grabbed her bags and got a cab back to school. She fell onto her bed in her dorm and turned her phone back on. It felt good to be back, but she was so tired. Why hadn't she rested more when she was home, she thought? Before her phone powered up, she had already fallen asleep.

  She woke to the loud ring of her phone. It was next to her on the bed. She looked at the number and smiled as she answered it.

  “Hello,” she said.

  “Are you okay?” he asked. “Your plane should have landed hours ago. I texted you a bunch of times, but you never answered. You scared the shit out of me.”


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