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A Crush on Her Best Friend's Brother: Complete Box Set

Page 9

by Sharon Cummin

  That was a good excuse, right? He had to buy that, she thought.

  “What?” he snapped. “What do you mean they won't give you the time off?”

  “I'm the newest person there. I have to work.”

  “Then quit,” he snapped. “You have to come home.”

  “I can't. I need the money, Brad.”

  “Why do you need the money so bad? Don't you want to see me?” he asked.

  “Of course I do,” she said. “I really need the job. I can't go. I'm sorry.”

  She felt like she was going to burst into tears at any moment. What she was doing was the right thing for him. Why did he have to make it so hard?

  “Is there someone else?” he asked.

  “What? No,” she snapped. “Why would you say that?”

  “I don't know what to say. You've been pushing me away and avoiding me. Don't you think I've noticed? Either there is someone else, or you don't have feelings for me. I have not been with anyone else since Thanksgiving. I committed myself to you. I don't understand what's going on with you. Maybe you never felt the way you said you did about me.”

  “I promise there is nobody else. I love you, Brad. I just think you should have a great college experience and keep your mind on football. I know how much it means to you.”

  “You're really not going home?” he asked.

  “No,” she said.

  “I'm not either. I'm staying at school. You can go home. I won't be there.”

  She heard a female voice call his name.

  “I'm not going. I told you, I have to work. I can hear that you're busy. Go have fun. I have to go.”

  Rachel hung up without waiting to hear his response. She burst into tears on her pillow. It was time to get it over with. She pulled up a text to her best friend and Brad's sister Karen.

  Rachel: I just wanted to let you know that I'm not coming home over break. They won't let me get out of working. Have a great time with Sam. Tell your parents and brother I said hi.

  She was hoping not to get a response. Her friend was so wrapped up in her new man, it wouldn't bother her. She was wrong. The response came right away.

  Karen: That's bullshit! I have been waiting to see you. Get your ass home in two days.

  Rachel: I can't. I'm the newest employee and have to work. It will only be two or three more months, and we'll be home for the summer. Have a nice week.

  She knew Karen was mad, but she would get over it quickly. Rachel hurried to text her mother. She knew that would be fine. Her mom was so wrapped up in her boyfriend and moving that it would actually be a relief she wasn't going home.

  Rachel: Hey mom. Just wanted to let you know I won't be home for break. I'm going to work, so I can make extra money.

  She knew it would be hours before she would hear back. Rachel put her phone aside and cried herself to sleep. She had to keep her baby her priority and do what was best for everyone.

  Brad didn't call or text her the next few days. He probably went home anyway. She knew he was just upset she was blowing him off. He would be onto someone else or super busy with football. There would be no time to think about her. She was the one with all the time and nobody to talk to. Her thoughts were all she had.

  Her mom had been fine with her not coming home, and Karen hadn't said anything else. She knew she had pulled it off. They all thought she was working. Her roommate had left for the week, and she had the room to herself. Mostly everyone was gone, so the dorm was nice and quiet.

  Rachel got back from work and checked her phone. He still hadn't text her or called. She missed him so much. Lost in her thoughts about what she would do for the summer, she didn't notice the time ticking by. She ate what she picked up on the way home and watched television.

  Her mom would be completely moved by summer. Brad stayed at his apartment in the summer. She would be able to go to her mom's until she could get a job and apartment. Hopefully, she could have her own place by the time the baby was born. Her bank account was growing every week.

  She was full from her food, and she knew she could fall asleep in minutes. Rachel changed into shorts and a tank top and looked in the mirror as she rubbed her belly. She loved the little one more than she thought possible.

  A knock at the door pulled her from her thoughts. It was probably a friend of her roommates that didn't realize she was gone. Rachel swung the door open and her mouth dropped open as she covered it with her hand.

  “Karen,” she said. “What are you doing here?”

  Karen walked into the room, turned, and crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Why aren't you with Sam?” Rachel asked.

  “Why am I not with Sam you ask?” Karen said in a clipped tone. “I thought my best friend was spending the week with me. She backed out at the last minute. I went home and found out that her mother moved in with her boyfriend, and my best friend wouldn't be living across the street anymore. Something she probably should have told me herself. I know that I've been busy at school. I know that I've spent a lot of time with Sam. I have tried to call you, but you are always at work or doing homework. My best friend has been completely blowing me off. I'm not with Sam, because I got on a plane to go and see what the fuck happened to my best friend.”

  Karen's face was red, and Rachel knew she was pissed. With Karen's sudden appearance, Rachel had totally forgotten that she was wearing tiny shorts and a tank top that was not doing anything to hide her belly. Before she could move to grab a sweatshirt, Karen's eyes moved down Rachel and stopped suddenly on her stomach.

  “What the fuck?” Karen said, as her eyes opened so wide.

  Rachel thought they were going to pop out of her head.

  “Before you say anything,” Rachel began, but Karen cut her off.

  “Are you going to tell me it is my imagination or that you had a big dinner? I'm not buying any of it. This is the reason you didn't come home, isn't it?”

  Karen fell onto Rachel's bed and looked up at her.

  “I really am working. I just got home a bit ago. You can't tell anyone. I mean not at all. My mom just moved in with her man. I don't need her worrying about me yet. I'm saving money so I can get my own place. I have everything planned out. I need time. I will tell everyone myself. I just need you to give me some time.”

  “Are you going to tell them on your way to the hospital?” Karen asked.

  “I don't want anyone to be disappointed in me. I want to have my plan ready when I tell them,” Rachel said.

  “Who's the dad? Are you together? Is he helping you? How far along are you? When are you due? Is it a boy or a girl? Can they call me Aunt Karen?” Karen rattled off question after question.

  That last one kicked Rachel right in the stomach. She had no idea how true it was.

  “Slow down,” Rachel said. “No, we aren't together.”

  “I'll kick his fucking ass. Who would knock you up and turn their back on you?”

  “Stop,” Rachel demanded. “It's not like that. I'm happy, and I love this baby more than you could imagine. It's not his job to take care of me. He doesn't even know I'm pregnant. That's my business. I'm due at the end of August. I'm having an ultrasound to find out the sex next week. I have an ultrasound picture.”

  Rachel leaned over and took the picture off the desk next to her bed.

  “Everything is going great. The little one is healthy. I'm fine. I'm just tired all the time. I'm not coming back to school next year. When this year is done, I'm going home. I'm going to stay with my mom, wherever she lives. I plan to get a job and an apartment before the baby is born. In one year, I'll go back to school close to home. It's very important that you don't tell anyone. Not my family or yours. I'm begging you. I want to be the one to do it.”

  “Fine,” Karen said. “You need to quit pushing me away. I don't understand why you didn't tell me. Did you think I would judge you? I want to be there for you.”

  “This is for me to figure out. You need to have the fun college life. I'm not
getting in the way of that.”

  “You wouldn't get in the way of that,” Karen said.

  “I need you to promise me something. No matter what happens, you have to promise to love this baby. You can get mad at me or judge me, but don't ever take any of it out on the baby.”

  “I would never do that. I'll love the baby like my own. I can't wait to find out what you're having. I'm going to spoil them like crazy. Are you going to tell the dad? How have you been able to avoid it? Doesn't he see you and notice?”

  “It's not someone from school. I won't tell you who he is. He needs to know first.”

  “If he's not from school, then he's from home. It happened when you were home. Who could it be? Wait, I didn't even know you weren't a virgin anymore,” Karen said.

  “I went out while I was home. You were busy with your man. I'm going to tell him soon. I want him to know he can be a part of the baby's life if he wants. If not, I'm okay with that. I would never keep him from his baby. I don't plan on being with him.”

  “I can't believe you had sex, and I didn't know,” Karen blurted out.

  “That's the most shocking part of all of this for you? I had sex,” Rachel laughed.

  Karen's phone buzzed. She looked down at it and typed for a minute.

  “Couldn't Sam be away from you for a few minutes?” Rachel joked.

  “It's Brad,” she said.

  “Does he know that you're here?” Rachel asked.

  “Yes,” Karen answered. “I told him you were avoiding me, and I was coming to track you down. He wanted to make sure I got here safely. He's a brat, but I love him. I know he'd shit if he knew some guy knocked you up and isn't helping you. You're one of the family. I know he'd want to kick the guy's ass.”

  “You can't tell him either,” Rachel snapped. “You promised you wouldn't tell anyone.”

  “I can't tell my brother?” Karen asked. “You know I'm super close to him. He won't tell my parents.”

  “No,” Rachel snapped louder. “I don't want any chance of either my mom or your parents knowing. What if he knows the guy? Can't do it.”

  “You have to tell,” Karen said. “What if something happened? I would never forgive myself if I knew and could have helped. I'll give you a week. I won't tell anyone for one week, but that's all. You can't keep this from your mom. She needs to know.”

  “One week,” Rachel said. “Are you kidding me?”

  “Be happy I didn't blab it already. You know how excited I am right now. I'm going to be an aunt.”

  Fuck, Rachel thought. She had no idea how right she was. One week. Rachel wasn't sure she even had that long. Karen would tell Brad for sure. There was no way she wasn't going to tell anyone. If she let it slip, he would be the one she would tell. Her brother knew everything about her. Shit!

  Karen played on her phone for another few minutes.

  “What are you doing?” Rachel asked.

  “Brad asked how you were doing. He's doing the whole big brother thing. Making sure we're safe here. I told him you were fine and that we were alone. There were no hot guys taking advantage or anything,” Karen said with a laugh.

  Rachel closed her eyes and fell back onto her bed. Karen's plane was leaving the next morning. Rachel still couldn't believe that her best friend flew out for one night just to check on her.

  “Do your mom and dad know you're here?” Rachel asked.

  “Nope,” Karen answered. “Just Brad. He didn't come home. I called him and had him book my flight. My parents think I'm over a friend's house for the night. That's why I have to go back in the morning.”

  “I can't believe you,” Rachel said.

  “I'm glad I came. I can't believe you didn't tell me. You know I would have been here for you. If I could, I would stay so I could find out the sex of the baby with you. I don't like that you're alone.”

  “You are such a good friend. I hope you know I love you so much and would never do anything to hurt you. Thank you for caring,” Rachel said.

  “I just can't believe it's true. I thought if either of us ever got knocked up, it would be me. You have no idea how shocked I am that you're not a virgin anymore, let alone pregnant. What do you think the dad's going to say?” Karen asked.

  “Look,” Rachel said. “You're only here for tonight. I don't want to spend it talking about something that is going to stress me out. Why don't we watch a show and talk about you and Sam. How's that going? Is it getting super serious?” Rachel asked.

  Karen's face lit up at the mention of Sam. The two girls sat back and relaxed while Karen went on about her new man and how she thinks he's the one. They talked well into the middle of the night. Karen made sure to set her alarm so she wouldn't miss her flight. She got ready and waited for her cab to arrive. They cried and hugged goodbye.

  “Remember, you promised me that you wouldn't tell anyone. I need you to let me do it. It's very important to me,” Rachel said, as she grabbed Karen's arm as she was walking out the door.

  “I told you that I'll give you one week. I meant it. You need us. We will all be there for you. I know you're going to get a lecture or two from our parents, but they will be there. The damage is already done,” Karen said.

  “Don't say that. I'm happy about this baby. You will never know how much. You can't tell anyone. I mean it,” Rachel said.

  “I won't tell our parents. It's going to tear me apart waiting a week to talk about it. You should at least let me tell someone.”

  “No,” Rachel said. “I mean it.”

  “Fine,” Karen said with a frown.

  She rubbed Rachel's baby bump.

  “I can't wait to meet you little one. I'm going to love you and spoil you rotten,” Karen said.

  She hugged Rachel and got in the cab. Rachel watched until the cab was out of site. She ran back to her dorm room and collapsed on her bed. What the hell was she going to do, she wondered? Karen gave her one week to tell her mom. How was she going to tell her that over the phone? Her mom was going to kill her. Rachel knew that Karen would wait the whole week before she slipped to either of their parents, but she knew Brad was another story. Karen never kept anything from Brad. He knew right after she lost her virginity. Not that he wanted to know. Karen loved her brother very much. She would be dying to tell someone. Rachel knew Brad would be the person Karen would confide in. The problem was, he was the father.

  Rachel would never tell her mother before she told him. He was the first person she needed to talk to. They hadn't talked in days. He was so upset that she had blown off going home. She was surprised that he even questioned her faithfulness to him. If he knew how much she loved him, he would never have asked. She wasn't sure how he would respond. Would he be mad that she was ruining his life? Would he think she got pregnant on purpose? Would he even want to see his baby?

  She knew his parents would want to be a part of the baby's life. They might not talk to her, but they would want to know their grandchild. She felt so bad, but she didn't regret having his baby. He was the one man she knew she would love for the rest of her life. How was she going to tell him? She couldn't do it over the phone. There was no way. She had to see his face when she did it. That was not something you did long distance. She had to let him know that he was off the hook. He needed to finish college, have fun, and play ball. There was no way that was changing. She didn't expect anything from him. All she wanted to do was beat his sister to telling him she was pregnant.

  She got on her computer and booked a flight out in three hours. It was more expensive than she thought it was going to be. She had the next three days off and booked a return flight for the morning of the day she had to work again. There were hotels by Brad's apartment, and she knew there would be openings. The trip was going to cut into the money she had been saving, but there was no way she wanted someone else to tell him he was going to be a father. She grabbed some clothes and things she needed and threw them into a bag. The cab was on the way to pick her up. She grabbed her phone and keys and
locked the door behind her.

  When she got to the airport, she rushed through security and found her gate. He didn't even know she was coming, she thought. What if he wasn't home? What if he had someone in his apartment? She knew he was mad and hadn't talked to her in a few days. If he really thought she had been with someone else, would he have done the same thing? She felt tears ready to spill from her eyes, but she stopped them just in time. It didn't matter. She wasn't going to be with him anyway. It was her and the baby from then on. She just needed to tell him and be on her way. The only reason she was staying for a few days, was that she knew she would be tired. It would be good to rest away from her dorm. She would stay at the hotel and enjoy the pool.

  As soon as the plane landed, she hurried out of the airport to a cab. She knew she had to tell him before she lost the nerve to do it. It would still be light out when she got to his place. She wanted to get in, tell him, and get to a hotel before it was too late to get a room. As she gave the driver the address, she turned on her phone. It buzzed with text messages.

  Karen: I'm home. My parents didn't figure it out. You have one week. I love you. Call me anytime. I will be there in a second. We all love you and will be there to help you with everything. I'll help you find a cool place this summer and help you move in. Maybe I can stay with you while I'm home. You're my best friend. Please, don't keep things from me.

  Rachel felt so bad when she read that. She knew she was keeping something huge from her. When Karen found out that she was really going to be an aunt, she was going to lose it. Rachel just wasn't sure if it would be a happy lose it or a pissed off lose it.

  There was a message from Brad as well.

  Brad: Are you okay?

  Shit! What had Karen said to him, she wondered? Quickly, she replied.

  Rachel: What do you care? You haven't talked to me in days.

  He didn't answer back. She knew his text was sent when she was on the plane. Maybe he didn't have his phone.

  When the cab pulled up in front of his apartment, he still hadn't answered her. She saw his car in the lot, so she knew he was home. Rachel paid the driver and got out of the cab. She felt sick to her stomach as she stood in front of his door. When she knocked, she thought she heard laughing from inside. It was five o'clock in the afternoon, and she knew he wasn't alone. Maybe she should turn around and leave, she thought. There was no time for that. The door swung open, and a girl about her age was standing on the other side.


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