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Walk in My Haunted Shoes

Page 16

by Rose Pressey

  This would be the real test. Would Roxanne act as if she didn’t know the psychic? I knew that wasn’t the case because there was photographic proof.

  “No, I never saw a psychic with her. I really don’t know much about that stuff. That was all Haley,” Roxanne said.

  Chapter 30

  Maybe I was being suspicious, but it sounded as if Roxanne wasn’t being honest. I felt I was a pretty good judge of character too. Should I tell her now about seeing the photo of her with the psychic? I figured I should wait. I wanted to get more information first. If I confronted her with this now, she might stop talking.

  “Well, I need to find out more. This psychic told me to go to that school too,” I said.

  “Are you going?” Roxanne asked.

  “Yeah, are you going?” Haley echoed.

  “I’ve already been to that school once. And it was possibly because Haley went in the first place. She brought a ghost to my friend’s coffee shop.”

  “Me?” Haley asked defensively. “I did no such thing.”

  “I don’t know exactly what Haley was doing or who she went with. That’s what I’d like to find out,” Roxanne said.

  I was still suspicious.

  “I plan on getting to the bottom of it,” I said.

  “I’ll help any way I can,” Roxanne said.

  Noise from the tavern caught my attention. That was when I remembered I had to get over to the graveyard for the tour. I could see the gate from where I stood. To my relief I saw that no one had arrived yet.

  “I’ll be in touch soon,” I said.

  When I ended the call, I turned to go back into the tavern. It seemed even louder now behind that tavern door. The band was really putting on a show.

  “I remember something,” Haley called out.

  I stopped on the spot with my hand on the door handle. “What do you remember?”

  I hoped this was something huge. Maybe she remembered the name of the man who had hit her.

  “Roxanne was at the school that night. She did go with us,” Haley said.

  “Why would she do that? Why would she tell me that she wasn’t there?” I asked.

  “I don’t know. Now I’m confused. Does this mean that she lied to you?” Haley asked.

  “It kind of looks that way. Maybe you need to tell me more about your relationship with Roxanne,” I said.

  Before she had a chance to answer the door opened and I stumbled backward. I managed to remain on my feet, but it had been a tough balancing act.

  Tammy’s eyes widened. “Oh, Rip, I didn’t mean to almost knock you down. I’ve been looking for you. It’s almost time for your tour.”

  “I guess I lost track of time,” I said.

  Tammy looked around skeptically. “Are you out here by yourself?”

  Haley placed her hands on her hips. She was totally waiting for me to tell Tammy about Haley’s presence.

  “It’s just me,” I said. “Thought I’d get some fresh air.”

  Tammy raised an eyebrow.

  “She doesn’t believe a word you’re saying,” Haley said.

  I knew she didn’t believe me. I just didn’t want to worry her right now. Before Tammy had a chance to ask more questions, I heard the voices.

  “Oh, the tour-goers are here,” I said. “I still don’t have the flashlights.”

  Tammy held up the bag of flashlights. “I figured if I found you out here that you’d need these.”

  “What would I do without you?” I asked.

  “You’d likely have to walk around in the dark,” Haley said.

  She was such a snarky ghost. I couldn’t count on my phone as a flashlight during the tours. If the ghost decided to drain them like the spirits regularly did, I would be in real trouble. I didn’t like walking around town without being able to call 911 either.

  “Come get me when the tour is done,” Tammy said. “No sneaking around back here.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” I said.

  Tammy shook her head as I hurried away. Several people had gathered at the cemetery’s gate. Haley followed me as I made my way over to the cemetery. This was a much harder trip than taking the alleyway from the front sidewalk. It was much darker and there was uneven pavement. Not to mention the large silo I had to maneuver around. It was part of the historic home that sat right behind the tavern. I stumbled a couple times on my trip.

  “You sure are clumsy,” Haley said.

  She didn’t even know the half of it. The group hadn’t even noticed that I was making my way toward them. They all had their backs facing me.

  When I was just a few steps away the group noticed me and spun around. They all looked startled.

  “Whoa, is this part of the tour?” one of the women asked.

  “Sorry to scare you all. And sorry that I’m late.” I started pulling flashlights from my bag.

  I hated being late. I could count on one hand how often that had happened. One time was too much in my option. However, the ghosts and phone call had distracted me this time.

  “I’m ready to start the tour now though. Are you all set for a spooky good time?” I tried to sound as friendly as possible to make up for my tardiness.

  “Sure, yes,” the group said.

  “My name is Ripley and welcome to the Devil’s Moon Haunted Tour. Tonight, I will guide you through the haunted street and buildings of town.” I handed out the flashlights.

  Three women and four men were on the tour tonight. It looked as if it was three couples and the man was by himself. He had short dark hair and blue eyes. There was something familiar about him, but I couldn’t quite put my finger out it. Where had I seen him before? The way he stared at me gave me the creeps. Maybe it was better if we started the tour of the buildings around town. Though I supposed we’d have to come back to the graveyard before the tour ended.

  Nevertheless, I just couldn’t bring myself to do it just yet. I’d figure out what to do before the end of the tour. If he was acting normal by then I’d continue the tour and show the group around the cemetery. If he gave me any doubts during the tour, then I would just end it early and not show the group around the cemetery. Yes, that sounded like a good plan.

  “We’ll start the tour in the buildings,” I said, gesturing toward the alleyway.

  The group followed me down the alleyway. The strange man was at the back of the group, as if he was following all of us. The more we walked the more I was grateful that I wasn’t giving the tour to just him. We rounded the corner and arrived in front of the tavern. I almost expected to see the man ghost right there on the sidewalk waiting for us.

  Since the tavern was so crowded, I decided to skip it and go straight to the restaurant just up the street. It was haunted by the wife of a Civil War soldier. She waited for him to return by standing on the top floor and watching out the window. I’d even seen her.

  I glanced over my shoulder to see if the strange-acting guy was still back there. Unfortunately, he was back there, and he was watching me. I was almost sure he sensed that I found him creepy. I wanted to avoid looking at him, but I also wanted to keep an eye on him.

  I shared a few stories of the tavern while we walked since I wasn’t sure we’d get a chance to go in there at all tonight. My mind was distracted though. I kept thinking about the weird man walking behind us. Only a few seconds later did it hit me. Now I remembered where I had seen him. He was the man featured in the photo with Roxanne and the psychic. He had been much younger then. Harrison, David or Darren? Wait. His hair had been much longer. He must have gotten it cut. He was the man who had asked me to be in Paranormal Monthly. I bet he didn’t work at the magazine at all. He apparently had gotten a haircut recently.

  This was huge. Now I knew that this guy was here on purpose. It just couldn’t be a coincidence. I was in big trouble. What would I do now? I couldn’t have this guy on the tour. I was too panicked to even focus.

  Chapter 31

  My stories probably seemed rambling now. I would have to end
the tour. What would I tell everyone? When I peeked over my shoulder, he was still watching me—just as I had suspected. I knew that I was acting strangely now. The tour-goers had to have noticed, which meant that he had to have noticed too. He had to know that I was suspicious of him, but did he know that I thought he might be responsible for hitting Haley with his car? Haley had gone to the psychic, who had told her to go to the abandoned school. Haley had said that Roxanne was there too. What was the point of going to the school though?

  Where was Haley when I needed her? Maybe if she saw this guy she would recognize him right away and could tell me his name. I wasn’t too proud to admit that I needed help solving this crime.

  When I glanced back again the guy was gone. I wasn’t sure which was worse, having him back there or not having him back there. The fact that he’d followed me this far and now disappeared had now panicked me. What was he up to? Was he hiding somewhere? Surely he wouldn’t have given up on freaking me out that easily? I had a feeling he had something bad planned.

  Maybe he was just playing games though. Maybe I was being too suspicious. After all, there could be a logical explanation for the photo. I should have just asked the psychic about the photo. But she was weird too and I’d wanted out of there. All of this was unsettling, and I didn’t think I could go through with this. I had to end the tour now. I hated to do it, but this wasn’t safe. I had to call Brannon and let him know about this guy. I explained to the group that an emergency had come up. I told them they could have a raincheck or a refund.

  Once the group had dispersed I hurried toward the tavern. My anxiety was high as I scanned my surroundings. I just hoped the guy wasn’t hiding and waiting for a chance to jump out and grab me. Not to mention I had to cross the intersection to get back to the tavern. If he had hit Haley, then he could be waiting for the opportunity to do that to me too. I pulled out my phone and dialed Brannon. Thank goodness he answered right away.

  “I thought you’d be on the tour right now,” he said when he answered.

  “I was on the tour,” I said.

  He would know by that statement that the tour was off and that something had happened.

  “Don’t tell me you found another body,” he said.

  Now that was the first thing he always thought. How sad.

  “No, but I’m worried that I might just be the next dead body found.” I glanced over my shoulder.

  Thank goodness the guy wasn’t back there.

  “What’s going on, Rip?” Brannon asked with worry in his voice.

  I explained to him what had happened. “I think this guy is the one who hit Haley. He was at the library to speak with me and now he showed up on the tour.”

  “I’m on my way to the tavern now,” I said.

  “I’ll be there soon,” he said.

  After ending the call, I hurried my steps. The last thing I wanted was to be out here alone. When I reached the tavern, I squeezed my way into the jam-packed space. Music pounded against the stone walls of the old building. People stood around talking and drinking, although I had no idea how they even heard each other over the loud music. I didn’t blame the ghost for wanting to get out of here. I wasn’t much for loud rooms and crowds either.

  Tammy was behind the bar. She looked exhausted. When she happened to look up and our eyes met, she motioned for me to come over. Maybe she wanted to put me behind the bar to help after all. Although after I’d been told to stay away because of my slippery fingers I probably should avoid it. I always dropped something.

  I stepped up to the bar. There were no empty stools of course.

  “What are you doing here?” Tammy asked.

  Oh, yeah, I had forgotten that Tammy would realize I was supposed to be on the tour.

  “I think I might know who the killer is,” I said.

  Her eyes widened. “It’s time for me to take a break. We’ll step outside and talk.”

  She motioned toward the front of the room. I made my way back through the crowd toward the front door. Tammy was somewhere behind me, maneuvering the crowd too. When she reached me, I opened the door and we hurried outside.

  “Wow, it’s busier than I’ve ever seen it,” I said.

  “I guess it’s the band. People love them,” Tammy said. “Why are you here right now?”

  I raised an eyebrow. “You’re not happy to see me?”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “Like I said, I think I know who the killer is. He came on my tour tonight. It was the guy who asked me to do the magazine cover.”

  “And that’s why you canceled the tour.”

  “Exactly,” I said. “I can’t walk around with a killer following me, now can I?”

  “I would say no. But how do you know he was the killer? Did he confess?” Tammy asked.

  “No, but I saw his picture at the psychic’s house. Maybe I am assuming wrong, but it seemed odd. He was with Roxanne in the photo, so I guess she could be involved with this too.”

  “See, I knew she was bad news. I just got a vibe. Hey, maybe I’m a bit psychic too.”

  “Maybe,” I said.

  Headlights splashed across the area in front of us. Brannon pulled his cruiser along the curb in front of us.

  “What did he say about this?” Tammy asked.

  “Not much yet. I just don’t have proof that the guy did anything wrong yet.”

  “So Brannon will tell you there’s nothing he can do,” Tammy said.

  “Exactly,” I said around a sigh.

  Tammy and I watched as Brannon got out of his car and walked up to us.

  “I have to get back inside. Let me know what happens,” Tammy said as she touched my arm.

  I hugged her. “Don’t work too hard in there.”

  “Don’t worry,” Tammy said as she walked away.

  “Have you seen him since you called me?” Brannon asked as he walked up.

  I shook my head. “Thank goodness, no.”

  “You said you saw his photo with Roxanne?” Brannon asked.

  “Yes, and I think he’s the one who hit Haley with the car. Now I just have to find out why. And why they were at that school. Why would the psychic tell me to go to that school?” I asked.

  “Maybe we need to check this school out,” Brannon said.

  I stared at him for a moment. “As in we go there?”

  “Yes, I think we need to go.”

  The thought scared me a little, but I said, “I think we have to.”

  I glanced down and realized that I had lost my scarf. This wouldn’t have been a big deal, but it had been my grandmother’s scarf. I had to get it back.

  “I lost my scarf,” I said.

  “Where do you think you lost it?” Brannon asked.

  “It could be anywhere between here and the restaurant. Maybe we should check the graveyard,” I said.

  “We’ll take a look.” Brannon gestured.

  Brannon and I walked around the tavern and down the alleyway headed toward the graveyard. As we approached the graveyard gate, I spotted my scarf on the ground.

  “Oh, there it is.” I pointed.

  Relief washed over me. I’d thought I’d lost it for good.

  Brannon and I walked up to the gate and he reached down to pick up the scarf. I was ecstatic that no one had taken it. Luckily there weren’t a whole lot of people walking around back here at this time of night. Only the people who had been on the tour. Or Mrs. Clatterbuck. As I stood there watching Brannon, I spotted a footprint in the dirt. The footprint was rather large and it had a strange pattern. Like part of the bottom of the shoe had been missing.

  “Here you are,” Brannon said, breaking my contemplation. “See something interesting?”

  No doubt he figured I’d seen a ghost. Mrs. Clatterbuck perhaps?

  I pointed at the ground. “Just checking out that footprint. It’s large and the shoe is messed up.”

  “Probably someone on your tour,” Brannon said.

  “Yeah, Mrs. Clatterbuck ha
tes muddy prints.”

  “She hates a lot of things,” he said.

  I wrapped the scarf around my neck. I had to be more careful in the future so that I wouldn’t lose it. Maybe I should just leave it at home. Through my grandmother would be upset if she knew I never wore it.

  “So now what do we do?” I asked. “When are we going to that school?”

  He studied my face. “I suppose there’s no time like the present.”

  “Now? It’s dark and scary.” I glanced around.

  “Since when do you let that stop you?” Brannon asked. “You walk around in the dark all the time.”

  “Good point,” I said.

  “If we don’t go now will you be able to sleep tonight for thinking about it?” Brannon asked.

  I sighed. “No, I suppose not.”

  “Exactly. So that’s why we should go now. Besides, if there’s anything paranormal happening this would be the best time of day to catch it.”

  “I should tell Tammy where we’re going. In case we need to be rescued.”

  “No offense to Tammy, but I’m not sure she’s the best one for that job. She’s scared of her own shadow.”

  “You’d be surprised how tough she can be if need be.”

  “Kind of like you,” Brannon said with a wink.

  Brannon and I made our way back to the front of the tavern. Part of me couldn’t believe we were going to the school at this time of night, but the other part of me wasn’t questioning this move at all. Brannon and I had gone on quite a few investigations at this time of night. Even later. However, this could be dangerous. It was almost as if someone wanted us there. After all, the psychic medium had told me to go there. What was it about the place? Maybe I should research a bit more. That would have to wait until tomorrow though.

  Chapter 32

  Brannon pulled his cruiser up to the school. It was just as spooky as the last time I’d been here, maybe even scarier this time. Maybe it was just because the psychic had tried to get me to come here. I supposed she could say that it had worked because here I was. That was kind of weird. She’d wanted me here. I was having second thoughts about coming here. Since we had already arrived though I’d have to go through with it. I wouldn’t let Brannon know of my doubts.


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