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All Night With A Rogue

Page 11

by Alexandra Hawkins

  Alexius pressed a kiss to her shoulder. Although he had claimed Juliana’s innocence, he damn well had not done it for his sister!

  “Sin,” Juliana said, pushing against his shoulders.

  The inner muscles of her core flexed, squeezing his cock. He groaned as he tried not to move. “Hush. Stop fighting me, Juliana. Your body will accept me if you can settle down.”

  “It hurts.”

  Regret flashed in his eyes. The pain in her pale green eyes almost made him relent, but the damage had been done. It was up to him to show her that she could find pleasure in their union.

  “I know.” He kissed the tears on her cheeks. “I was too rough. Forgive me for my eagerness.”

  The hidden passion he had always sensed within Juliana was merely unrealized. He recalled the game he had played with the pearl necklace and how she had thrashed beneath him when he had tasted the essence between her legs. His testicles tightened with the knowledge that no other man had touched her.

  Juliana was his.

  She inhaled sharply when Alexius tentatively retreated only to reclaim the lost inches. “We should stop.”

  “Perhaps. Though it seems a tad cruel to leave me in this shameful predicament.” He slowly moved his hips against hers. In spite of her initial pain, her core was wet and accepting of his intrusion.

  “Cruel?” She glared up at him. “I am cruel?”

  Momentarily forgetting her fear and discomfort as he had planned, Alexius lazily stroked her with his cock. “Not intentionally,” he amended. “Just as I had not set out to hurt you. Do you recall the pleasure you felt when I put my mouth on you?”

  Her hands fluttered to her breasts. Although they were concealed within her bodice, Alexius wondered if her nipples ached and itched beneath her corset. He longed to rip open her bodice and nuzzle the soft bounty.


  He slipped his hand under her buttock and hitched the head of his cock so deep inside her that they both moaned. “I can improve upon that pleasure. I vow you will cry out my name when I have finished.”

  There was a flash of disbelief in her guileless expression, and truthfully he could not condemn her for it. Nevertheless, her body remembered the pleasure he had evoked. Her tight sheath gave way as the walls anointed his cock from tip to base.

  Alexius sealed her lips with his own as he quickened the tempo of his thrusts. He teased her mouth with his tongue. Allowing his free hand to wander, he followed the outline of her hip, along her waist, before cupping her breast. He broke away from her mouth and tenderly nipped the covered breast.


  This time when she said his name, there was a question in her inflection. Ruthless in his determination, Alexius’s hand returned to her buttock. He held her firmly against him as his cock pounded into her core. She was so wet, he did not bother sparing her the frenzied pace he craved.

  Juliana cried out.

  Blind with need, Alexius silently rejoiced as her hips instinctively met his to deepen their connection. His testicles tightened in response to her feminine cry, and the blunt head of his cock swelled. His hoarse shout heralded his release as his hot seed burst from him, pulsing against her womb.

  It was only when he had collapsed against her, his rigid cock still buried deep within her sheath, he realized that the angry promise he had made to Juliana had come to pass.

  In the reckless throes of passion, it was his name that Juliana had cried as she blindly clung to him.

  If Alexius had had the strength, he might have roared in delight.

  Chapter Eleven

  DAYS PASSED INTO weeks as Juliana blissfully savored the private joy of being Sin’s lover. It was a secret that she had vowed not to share with her sisters. They would never understand, or worse, they might tell their mother. A marquess, even a roguish one, was too tempting a prize for the marchioness. If Lady Duncombe dared to press Sin into making a formal declaration for Juliana’s hand, she feared that she might never see him again.

  While Sin seemed to enjoy their friendship, she could not imagine him falling onto his knees and swearing fealty and love to her. He had no more interest in marriage than Juliana did, and she was honest enough to accept that once her family returned to their cottage in the country Sin would fade from her life.

  It was unavoidable.

  Like spring maturing into summer.

  Not everything was idyllic in the Ivers household, however. Love could not blind her from her mother’s increasing melancholy. Their cousin, Lord Duncombe, had arrived in London. His visit to their rented town house had been extremely unpleasant. The marchioness had sent her daughters out of the room and borne the brunt of his wrath.

  Afterward, Juliana’s mother seemed to find little pleasure in London. Oh, the marchioness always ardently denied that something was troubling her when her three daughters questioned her. However, she was lying.

  The previous evening, Juliana had stumbled across her mother and Lord Gomfrey in a vestibule. Juliana had encountered the earl on several occasions, but she did not know him well enough to offer an opinion on his character. That was until she caught him threatening her mother. Juliana regrettably had been too far away to overhear their conversation. Nevertheless, the gentleman’s demeanor had been accusatory and rather menacing.

  Juliana planned to get the truth out of her mother even if she had to do a little threatening of her own.

  “No more evasions, Maman,” Juliana said, waiting until after breakfast so she could catch her mother alone. “What is this business between you and Lord Gomfrey?”

  Lady Duncombe’s lower lip quivered at her youngest daughter’s harsh tone. Juliana had always tried to treat her mother with the proper respect that she deserved but had grown weary of the subterfuge between them.

  “The truth, Maman.”

  Lady Duncombe placed a trembling hand to her lips and cleared her throat. “Do you recall my prideful assurances that my luck has improved at the card tables?”

  Juliana pulled them both down so they were sitting on the sofa. “Yes. I know you spoke truthfully on the matter. A little more than a week ago, I overheard you as you faced your creditors and paid their bills.”

  Tears filled the marchioness’s eyes. “Well, I did experience some good fortune. Enough to satisfy those merchants. That is, however, until the night Lord Gomfrey joined the table.”

  Juliana pried open her reticule and retrieved her lace handkerchief. “Here.” She dabbed gently at the wetness on her mother’s face and pressed the linen into her hand. “I assume the evening did not end well.”

  Lady Duncombe brought the handkerchief up to her nose and sniffed. “We seemed evenly matched. I won. He won. The conversation between us was lively and, dare I say, flirtatious.”

  “Then you began to lose.”

  “Dreadfully. Oh, the evening was a complete disaster! I sustained heavy losses. Naturally, Lord Gomfrey was sympathetic about my humiliating predicament. He generously offered me a stake so I could—”

  Juliana dug her fingers into her temples to allay the pain. “Oh, Maman, how could you—”

  The marchioness’s expression hardened as she thought about that night. “And the more I tried to regain my balance—”

  “The higher the debt accrued.”

  Lady Duncombe clasped her hands together. “It was silly of me to have accepted Lord Gomfrey’s stake. I should have realized his intentions, but I was shaken by the losses. I was so desperate.”

  The anger Juliana had felt earlier softened into pity. This was not the first time the family had faced financial adversity, and she doubted it would be the last. The marchioness was clever at cards, but even a skilled player could be defeated by a competent adversary. Juliana embraced her mother. “Not to worry, Maman. We will figure out a way to pay Lord Gomfrey. Your debt of honor will be satisfied.”

  The marchioness’s spirit seemed to crumple at Juliana’s words of assurance. As Lady Duncombe buried her face against her daug
hter’s shoulder, the older woman’s entire body shook while she sobbed.

  Puzzled, Juliana rubbed her mother’s back in a comforting gesture. “There, there. . . . It must have been a terrible burden keeping this secret.”

  Lady Duncombe hiccupped and shuddered.

  Juliana pressed her nose into her mother’s shoulder. The familiar floral scent had always been a source of love and comfort to Juliana. This was a chance to return her mother’s gift. She could be strong enough for both of them.

  Ten minutes had passed before the marchioness pulled away. Her mother wiped her cheeks and blew her nose as she struggled to compose herself. She tried to smile, but it was a poor imitation of a genuine effort.

  “Oh, my darling Juliana,” Lady Duncombe said, her voice cracking with emotion. “My burden lies not with keeping secrets from you, Cordelia, and Lucilla but rather with Lord Gomfrey’s appalling terms.”


  Juliana’s mother straightened her spine. It seemed to take all her strength to meet her daughter’s curious gaze. “Lord Gomfrey demands payment immediately, or he will reveal my disgraceful predicament to the ton.”

  “Beast,” Juliana hissed.

  Lady Duncombe laid her hand on the right side of Juliana’s cheek. “More than you know, Daughter. He knows our family cannot withstand the scandal. And poor Cordelia and Lucilla! Any hope that Lord Fisken or Mr. Stepkins might offer for your sisters’ hands in marriage will be soundly dashed once the rumors reach their ears. Not only will we be utterly ruined; your sisters’ hearts will be irrevocably broken.”

  Sin’s handsome face shimmered in Juliana’s mind. She had never encountered a gentleman who seemed so irreverent to polite society’s rules. Oh, how she envied his freedom and reckless nature. It also made him rather unpredictable. When he learned of her family’s awkward circumstances, how would he react? Would he offer his assistance or simply walk away?

  Perhaps it was unfair of her to speculate. In spite of her innocence, she had understood that Sin viewed their friendship as he would any other amusement. He loved her body and her wit, but he was categorically a rogue at heart. When she returned to the country, there would be another lady who would stand at his side and dally in his bed. Next spring, Sin would not even be able to recall her name.

  Juliana tensed as the painful thought washed over her. This was not the moment for regrets. There was no use denying that she had been drawn to Sin from the very beginning. While one might argue that the experienced marquess had seduced her, she had done little to avoid the outcome. It had been her choice.

  Her single act of defiance had been exhilarating and liberating.

  No one, not even Sin, could take that away from her.

  “Maman, you mentioned terms. This means Lord Gomfrey wants something other than money. What is it?”


  Juliana did not recall standing or moving toward the hearth. The coals were unlit, though she doubted anything could penetrate the coldness that she felt in her bones.

  With her back to her mother, Juliana said, “You refused him, I presume.” When her mother remained silent, Juliana turned around and laughed. “How could you possibly entertain the notion that I would marry such a man?”

  “The offer was not precisely one of marriage.”

  Juliana gasped as if struck.

  Lady Duncombe rushed to her daughter’s side, placed a supportive arm around Juliana and led her back to the sofa. It was not until they were seated again that Juliana found her voice.

  “He desires for me to be his mistress?”

  “The role of a mistress implies that your future prospects are, shall we say, limited, and too harsh to describe the arrangement the earl has proposed. I believe Lord Gomfrey hopes that you will look upon the arrangement as a courtship of sorts.” Her mother seemed to age before Juliana’s withering gaze. “He is willing to forgive the debt and return the promissory note that he forced me to sign if you agree to place him above all others.”

  Her mother was doing her best to rationalize that the earl’s arrangement was nothing more than a forced courtship. For Juliana, it seemed like Lord Gomfrey desired a mistress more than a wife.

  “For how long?” Juliana choked out the words, fighting back the scream that was clawing its way out of her throat.

  Wary of Juliana’s control, her mother said, “Till summer’s end.”

  “So little time?”

  It seemed like a thousand years to Juliana.

  Lady Duncombe glanced away. “L-Lord Gomfrey wanted me to tell you that he prays that you will not view your time with him as a punishment. He is rather taken with you and hopes that you will return his affection once you have spent some time with him. He made it quite clear that he is willing to set a date at summer’s end if all goes well.”

  “Does he? Would that not assuage everyone’s guilt in the matter?”


  Juliana’s vision blurred as she jumped to her feet. She wanted to flee the drawing room. If she could, she would leave the house and keep running until she collapsed from exhaustion.

  “Do not touch me!” she exclaimed, pulling her arm out of her mother’s reach. “How could you? If Lord Gomfrey had approached Papa with such a crude offer, Papa would have put a bullet into him. He . . .” Panting, Juliana tugged on the edge of her bodice. She could not catch her breath. “Papa would have never sold me to pay off a debt!”

  With a muffled sob, she sank to the floor as her vision grayed.

  Ignoring her faint protests, the marchioness wrapped her arms around Juliana, and they both settled onto the carpet. “Your beloved papa is dead,” her mother said fiercely. “He has been lost to us these past five years, and what trials we face are ours alone.”

  She laid her cheek against Juliana’s shoulder. “This world belongs to men. We live by their whims and laws. If I could spare you this fate, know that I would.”

  Juliana swiped at the tears rolling down her cheeks. “Refuse his offer, Maman.”

  “And then what?” She seized Juliana’s chin, forcing her to accept the unpleasant truth that gleamed in her mother’s angry gaze. “Scandal . . . the chance for you and your sisters to marry well is lost . . . debtors’ prison? You alone have the ability to save this family. Is it really too much to ask?”


  Juliana closed her eyes, attempting to shut out the truth in her mother’s words. “What if we appeal to Lord Duncombe? I know he is angry at you for bringing us to London. Nevertheless, he might pay off Lord Gomfrey in order to avoid the scandal.”

  “No, he will not.” Lady Duncombe sighed, the sound heavy with regret. “You are correct; Oliver is angry with me. As far as he is concerned, my casual defiance of his authority has hardened his heart toward us. He will leave us to our grim fate and rejoice.”

  “So I am to be the sacrifice,” Juliana said dully.

  The marchioness stiffened as if slapped. “What exactly are you sacrificing, Daughter? Sinclair has already taken your innocence. Did you think you could hide something like that from your mother? I know you too well.”

  “Maman, please.”

  “You are fortunate that the ton is not speculating whether you are his mistress in name only or in deed. While I like the gentleman, I suspect you will wait in vain for a respectable offer from Sinclair. Lord Gomfrey, on the other hand, is offering a means to save our family.”

  She could not believe it. Her mother knew that Juliana and Sin were lovers. The realization made her physically ill. “Release . . . me,” she said, struggling out of her mother’s embrace. Juliana’s legs became entangled in her skirts and she landed flat on her face.

  Her cheek burned as her flesh connected with the carpet, but she welcomed the pain. Gritting her teeth, she unsteadily climbed to her feet and headed for the door.

  “Juliana, be reasonable,” the marchioness pleaded, using the sofa to aid her as she stood. “I did not mention Sinclair to shame you. A mother just kn
ows when her daughter is in love. Your face brightened whenever Sinclair was close. Worse, I saw how he watched you as you moved about the ballroom. He wanted you, and considering his reputation, the conclusion was inevitable.”

  Juliana brought her hand up to her face. She had no illusions about Sin’s reputation with the ladies of the ton. However, she refused to allow her mother to sully the tender moments she had shared with him. “Now I understand, Maman. You assume that since I was willing to play at being one man’s whore, why not another’s when it benefits the family?”

  “No!” her mother shouted, her face reddened from exertions or belated shame. “You twist my words and it is cruel of you. I have failed you. I know this and I deserve your hate. However, I beg you to consider Lord Gomfrey’s offer. If not for me, for your sisters.”

  Juliana did not glance back at her mother until she had opened the door. The marchioness’s face was a mess. Her nose was swollen and red, and tears leaked down her cheeks even though she did not make a sound. She looked as miserable as Juliana felt. If Lady Duncombe desired her daughter’s forgiveness, she would have to give Juliana time.

  Juliana was numb. “I will give you my answer this afternoon.” She nodded her head. “Now if you will excuse me.” Juliana turned away.

  “Wait. Where are you going?”

  Her mother took a step closer, but one look from Juliana forced Lady Duncombe to reconsider such a foolish action.

  “I thought to take some air. Do not worry. I shall be quite safe in a carriage. You will have your answer in a few hours.”

  “There is one more thing that I have not mentioned,” Lady Duncombe said before Juliana could close the door. “Lord Gomfrey has several terms that we must adhere to. The first: we cannot speak of the arrangement to anyone. The ton must believe that you are at the earl’s side because you desire it.”

  “And the second?”

  “You must end your friendship with Sinclair.” The marchioness’s eyes softened at Juliana’s soft gasp. “Forgive me, Daughter, if this causes you pain. Nevertheless, Lord Gomfrey was most specific.”


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