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Unconditional Surrender

Page 10

by Desiree Holt

  He wouldn’t have believed it was possible for one person to disappear so completely off the face of the earth. He knew criminals who would like to be able to do that. That damn Delahunt had helped her. He would swear to it. Otherwise, how else could she have accomplished it? She didn’t have those kinds of contacts, no matter how good a prosecutor she was.

  If she would only listen to what he had to say. He’d admired her for so long. He wanted to cherish her, to do everything for her. To make her his prize. How could she not see that? He’d try to be very specific with the gifts.

  Okay, yes, again he had to agree that the break-ins had been a foolish move on his part, but he was getting desperate. He wanted her with such a burning need. From the first moment he’d laid eyes on her, she’d become everything to him. He thought she was the best prosecutor on the Chicago State’s Attorneys staff. If only he could have approached her out in the open, but people would have misconstrued. One night with him, he was sure, was all it would take. Then she would be his precious little flower.

  If only he could find her.

  Fucking damn!

  He knew Delahunt had been quietly asking questions and doing some investigating as to who her mysterious suitor was. Suitor, not stalker, as the idiots kept saying. Well, maybe he could do something to give that a shove in the right direction, and use that to get a lead where she’d disappeared to. But he’d have to be very careful how he handled it. Hardly anyone could be trusted these days.

  Chapter Nine

  The creamy confection was, as promised, outstanding. Smooth ice cream, hers in a salted caramel flavor, sat in a waffle cone, perched for easy consumption. The rich taste burst on her tongue as she slowly licked it, tasting each drop. She’d had ice cream, but this was ice cream! Sitting on a low stone wall in Alamo Plaza’s parklike area, consuming the treat one lick at a time and enjoying the late-afternoon warmth, Kari felt truly normal for the first time in months.

  “Have you been to the Alamo yet?” Slade asked.

  She shook her head. “I’m ashamed to admit I have not. Actually, I haven’t done much except work, to tell the honest truth.”

  “Not even taking time to make friends?”

  Kari concentrated on her cone. “I will. Eventually.”

  “You made one today. I hope you follow through on it. Megan Welles seems like a nice person to know.”

  “Yes, she does.” She sighed. “I guess I’m sadly lacking in the girlfriend department.”

  Slade’s inner antennae were still working overtime. He could understand if she’d only connected with a couple of people so far, but not to hook up with anyone? There was definitely something else going on here with her and one way or another he was going to find out. He knew the smart thing was to let it go, not get all up in her business. Another few days and he’d be gone again. He was so used to not leaving entanglements behind he wasn’t sure if he could be comfortable doing it.

  He was fighting an internal battle with what he wanted and what he was afraid to do. His insides were in turmoil, his muscles tense and his mind sending him silent messages he didn’t want to receive.

  Don’t pry. Don’t ask questions she probably doesn’t want to answer.

  No, ask her. Maybe she has a problem you can help her with.

  Yeah? Like what?

  Don’t ruin this, cowboy. Not when you’ve finally got the woman you’ve been dreaming about for five long years.

  Slade didn’t know which bothered him more, her evasiveness or that sexy twist of her tongue. Remembering the feel of it on his body, his cock popped to life and tried to push its way out of his slacks.

  He knew whatever had hold of Kari wasn’t just nothing. He’d been in too many situations like this not to know and his Spidey senses were on full alert. He wanted to tell her she could drop anything on him, but he realized despite the super spectacular sex that had knocked his socks off, they hadn’t really spent much time together. Or gotten to know each other. He hoped that was what today was about.

  He knew come Monday she had to go back to work and he needed to spend time with his men. The shooting competition was next weekend and he was hoping Kari would come along to watch. He wanted to get her down to the ranch too. See how she liked it. If maybe next time he was on leave, they could spend some time there.

  He was playing a dangerous game here. He still had so many reservations about permanent relationships, regardless of the many successful examples he’d seen. He knew he was being selfish, spending as much time with her as possible if he didn’t let this go anywhere. She wasn’t the kind of woman you used and discarded. But damn it all, anyway. He wanted her, more than any other woman who had ever walked into his life. If only he could get his own shit straight so he could figure that out. But all that aside, there was something going on with her that gave him an uneasy feeling. Solving problems was his strength, but this time he wasn’t sure how to go about it. For once in his life he was at a complete loss.

  One thing he did know was if he had to watch her pink tongue in action another minute, he’d have a hard-on it would take a bucket of ice to tame.

  “You about finished with that cone?” he asked.

  “Oh. Yes. Wait. One more lick here.” She swiped her tongue around the bottom of the cone, all that was left, then popped the little bite into her mouth.

  Damn. He could have an orgasm just watching her.

  “Here. Give me the trash.” He dumped their debris in the nearby garbage can then took her hand and urged her to her feet. “Come on. The Alamo is right here. No time like the present to start appreciating Texas history.”

  He was always awestruck whenever he visited the mission where the battle for Texas freedom had begun. He hoped it would relax Kari and ease some of the tension vibrating around her. Since the stranger had bumped into their table she’d been nervy. The boat ride hadn’t seemed to help nor had the ice cream cone. All normal fun things that shouldn’t have been a big deal.

  But he’d been in Delta Force long enough to pick up on someone’s fear. She was on edge—no, make that on guard—every single minute, always looking around, checking for—what? He wanted to ask her what the hell she was afraid of? Was it someone she’d convicted? Some criminal who held a grudge? In her line of work it was probably more common than he wanted to know. But this wasn’t the time or the place to get into it. Maybe when they were back at her place, when they were relaxed, after some more really good sex. But he’d have to be careful. If he went about it wrongly, she’d draw in walls around her and maybe even tell him she didn’t want to see him again. But his life was assessing threats and demolishing them. He wanted to put that skill to use here.

  “That was awesome,” she told him when they exited the building. “I’ve been looking forward to this since I moved here.”

  “Too busy to come before now?” He asked the question casually, wondering if it had something to do with this tension she wore as a permanent cloak. Everywhere except in bed.

  She shrugged. “Just, you know, getting settled in and stuff. Besides, by the end of the week, I’m usually so bushed I just want to veg out.”

  “Maybe we can do a few more things while I’m in town.” He was holding her hand so he felt the involuntary twitch of her fingers.

  “I-I think I’d like that.”

  “Only think?” he teased.

  “I mean yes. Yes, that would be fun.” She stopped and turned to face him. “Have you got your guys all squared away for tonight? Do you need to call them or hook up with them or anything?”

  “Here. Let’s sit for a minute on this low wall here while I check on everyone.” He pulled out his cell. “Beau is certainly all set. And then some. But let me double-check with him anyway.”

  “Miss me already?” Beau joked.

  “Like a case of the plague,” Slade told him. “Just checking on your transportation situation. I’m assuming you’re good until tomorrow?”

  “Hell to the yeah. Megan’s not on assignme
nt this weekend so we’re taking advantage of her free time. She said she’d give me a ride back to the ranch tomorrow. That okay?”

  “Sure. It’s not like it’s some secret hideaway.”

  “Good, because I told her about it and she wants to see the horses.”

  “Bring it on. See you tomorrow.”

  Trey was next on his list. “I’m good to go, boss man.”

  “You behaving yourself?”

  “Hell, no.” Trey laughed. “What fun would that be? Hey, Kenzi,” Slade heard him call out. “Am I on my best behavior?”

  Slade heard the faint sound of a musical laugh. “You’d better be.”

  Trey came back on the line. “It’s all good, Slade. I’m not doing anything to embarrass us. Just having a good time. Oh, and Kenzi said she’d deliver me back to you tomorrow.”

  “Everything okay?” Kari looked at him, her eyes full of concern.

  “Let’s say it’s seventy-five percent okay. Let me call Teo so I can satisfy myself Marc at least won’t be alone. Yeah, hey, amigo,” he said when Teo answered. “You in a place where you can talk?”

  “About the basket case you brought me?” Teo grunted. “Yeah. I’m out in the barn. What’s up?”

  “That’s what I’d like to know. What’s he doing?”

  “Sitting on the patio. He’s been there so long I told him he’s going to grow roots.”

  “Damn.” Slade thought for a minute. “Has he been drinking?”

  “Coffee, only. He may be a depressed dumbass, but at least he’s not stupid. What do you want me to do with him?”

  “Has he taken one of the horses out today? Maybe get him to ride with you, or take him out on the four-wheeler. Pretend you’re checking fences.”

  Teo’s sigh was loudly audible. “Only for you. And I get extra for babysitting.”

  “Only as long as you tuck him safely into bed. I’ll check with you later. And, Teo?”


  “Thanks a lot.”

  He disconnected the call, but instead of getting up he continued to sit on the wall, lost in thought about Marc.

  “Problem?” Kari’s soft voice broke into his thoughts.

  “You didn’t meet Marc at the party, but I told you about him. Remember? He was hiding out in some corner waiting until he could make an exit.” He rubbed his jaw. “You know I’m worried about the guy.”

  “I know you said he’s in a dark place, but that you can’t find a way to help him. But, Slade, listen to me.” Kari rested her soft hand on his arm. “There’s only so much you can do besides just being there for him. You know you guys need to give him some room to come to terms with all this.”

  “Yes, but it’s damn hard. He keeps telling us if it wasn’t for the team, he doesn’t know what he’d do. But still, most of the time he shuts us out. I’m just happy he didn’t decide to crawl into a hole and never come out.”

  “I know this is something that’s very hard for him to come to terms with.” Kari paused. “I don’t know Marc, I’ve never met him, but I’m going to make an assumption here. If he’s Delta, he has to be smart, disciplined, trained to examine things from all sides and sniff out problems. He’s beating himself up because he believes he was stupid enough to let his dick do his thinking for him there.” She laughed. A soft sound. “Pardon the crude language.”

  Slade took her hand, laced his fingers with hers and lifted them so he could brush his lips over her knuckles.

  “You can say dick any time at all, darlin’.”

  She laughed again. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “Which was why, when all of us left the party with someone last night, he left to return to the ranch as soon as it was politely possible. He just doesn’t have the stomach for social situations anymore.”

  “I can understand that. One hundred percent. But give him time. Be there for him. He’ll come out of it. And who knows? When he’s least expecting it he might meet a woman who’ll pull him out of it and be just what he needs.”

  “God, I hope so. Anyway, that’s enough discussing that for now.” He stood and pulled her with him. “Now, what was on your mind when you asked about my team?”

  Her eyes sparkled with mischief. “Oh, how about a thick steak, baked potato and some exercise to work it off?”

  Slade decided to pack all the garbage in the back of his mind for now and just enjoy tonight.

  “Sounds perfect to me. Let’s go.”

  * * * *

  The dinner was as promised and they returned to the apartment pleasantly full and a little buzzed on the excellent wine. But instead of falling into bed, Slade coaxed her into that incredible shower with him. He looked at the woman standing there and wondered how the hell he’d gotten so lucky. She had occupied his thoughts for the past five years, a mixture of desire and regret. Regret that he’d probably never find her again.

  Then, boom! There she had been, an unexpected surprise at the party. He was torn between wanting to store up every minute with her because he’d probably end up walking away and wanting to find a way to make this last. He knew how to do everything else. Why didn’t he know how to build a permanent relationship?

  Despite whatever it was that was plaguing her, beneath it all he sensed a strong, determined woman who’d created a place for herself as a corporate attorney. She was confident, funny, smart and sharp. And a wildcat in bed. God! The images that had popped into his head of the things they’d done together. He was pretty sure when his ten days were up this time he wouldn’t be able to just walk away from her. And how did he handle that?

  Sex with her was beyond incredible and he’d had enough in his life to know. As they stood in the shower, water sluicing over them, he wondered idly if that was her way of letting the real Kari out, the one who hid inside the shark-like prosecuting attorney. Tiny droplets of water clung to her very thick lashes and highlighted the deep emerald green of her eyes. More drops coursed their way down her body, running in gentle rivulets over her nicely rounded breasts and dripping from her tightly beaded nipples. Over the curve of her stomach and down to her neatly waxed mound. That alone gave him the mother of all hard-ons.

  He ran his hands gently down her shoulders and arms, loving the silken feel of her skin. Indulging himself, he licked the line of her jaw, moved down into the valley between her breasts and caught the droplet on the rosy flesh of one nipple. Closing his lips around it, he sucked deeply, pulling it into his mouth. When he was satisfied with the taste and feel of it, he turned his attention to the other breast and the other nipple, licking and sucking until she clutched his biceps and moaned softly, tilting her head back.

  His cock, already semi-hard, responded at once. It seemed just touching her made his body ready for her. No one would ever accuse Slade of being shy with either women or sex. He’d enjoyed more than his fair share, but there was something different about Kari Malone. He wondered if there was something in the drinks he’d had that made him so obsessed with her, so hungry for her.

  There was a convenient little bench in her shower and he lowered her to it, splaying her legs wide and running his fingers through the soft thatch of curls on her sex. She hummed her pleasure, leaning her head back, eyes closed. Kneeling on the tile floor, water cascading over them both, he parted her sex, sucking in a breath when he saw the tempting pink flesh. He blew softly on her inner lips, reveling in the tiny shiver that raced over her.

  The water made her skin even silkier, and he ran his tongue over the inside of her thighs, her belly, the crease where hip and thigh met before flicking his tongue over her tempting pink clit. God, she tasted so delicious, sweet and salty, her liquid better than any drink he’d ever had. To give himself better access, he lifted her legs and draped them over his shoulders then took a minute to just stare at her gorgeous, gorgeous pussy.

  When he clamped his lips over that swollen nub she cried out and dug her fingernails into his arms. He pulled it into his mouth, pressing it between his lips while he stroked
his fingers over the crease on either side of her slit. He was so tempted to let one finger stray a little farther, down, down, and back to where that hot, tempting rear opening begged him. The thought of his cock inside that scorching channel made him so hard he nearly cried out.

  Instead he eased two fingers inside her while he continued to suck on her clit.

  “Oh, oh, oh.” The little cries floated from her, almost as arousing as the feel and taste of her.

  He added a third finger, stretching her and curling his fingers to scrape that oh so sweet spot and drive her wild. He felt the quiver in her inner walls that signaled the onset of her orgasm. Her muscles clamped down on him, her breathing sped and tiny moans drifted from her mouth. He worked his fingers faster, driving her up and over. Lowering her legs, he opened the shower door to grab the condom he’d stashed there as a just-in-case. He rolled it on with hands shaking with need, lifted her up and lowered her directly onto his cock. Pressing her against the shower wall, he began the slow in-and-out glide, the friction so delicious it nearly drove him out of his mind.

  “Oh, my God, Slade,” she gasped. “You’re going to kill me.”

  “Not yet, sweet thing. And not for a long time. This is just too good. Come on now, put your arms around my neck.”

  She hung on for dear life while he drove in and out of her, winding her legs around his waist to hold herself in place. He felt the clenching of the walls of her sweet, slick pussy and increased his pace. They came together in wrenching spasms, bodies shaking so hard he worried they’d slip and kill themselves. At last the shudders, the tremors, all subsided, leaving them both drained.

  Slade eased himself gently from her body, settling her on the bench while he disposed of the condom. Then he took the bottle of shower gel, worked up a good lather and proceeded to soap her entire body. He might have finished sooner if he hadn’t stopped so frequently to treat himself to the taste of her lips, the feel of her mouth and her tongue.


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