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Play Room: A Society X Novel

Page 8

by L. P. Dover

  “But this is a new generation,” Stan says.

  I nod. “It is. However, you have to look at the generation that will be coming here to visit. They’ll appreciate seeing buildings that remind them of their childhood. We’re going to bring back those memories,” I say as I flip a few pages into my design. “Ward Enterprises recently acquired this building. With its beachfront access, we’re going to give it an open concept and turn it into an arcade. One that serves children, teens, and adults.”

  “Our focus is to draw tourism,” Bryant states. “By creating a place that not only reminds adults of the place where they met their first love, or the summer they spent watching the sunrise with their friends, but where they can bring their families.”

  “We’re creating nostalgia,” I add. My eyes are focused on Larry, not so much Stan, although when I do look at him, he seems confused. Personally, I don’t think it’s a hard concept to follow. Retro is all the rage right now, and with a small town like Sweet Briar, people will talk about how welcoming it was while they were here.

  “Do you have any questions?”

  Rubbing his face, Stan nods. “I guess I don’t get it.”

  “What part?” Bryant asks.

  “Why wouldn’t we build industrial?”

  Bryant and I both laugh, except it’s not a “ha-ha you’re funny” but a “you’ve got to be kidding me” type.

  “Industrial screams, ‘pass through our town because we have nothing to offer.’ That is the last thing we want. We want people to pass through and stop. We want them to find a place they fall in love with so that they come back. Ward Enterprises is here to make that happen, Stan. We’re investing millions into recreating this town so that people want to live here, work here, and visit. Industrial isn’t welcoming.”

  “Well as Mayor—”

  “Unelected,” Larry points out. I want to laugh but know it’d be unprofessional.

  That seems to put Stan in his place. “I like what I’m seeing and I agree, my childhood had some of the best memories. And you’re right, I moved here with my family because of it. I will admit, though, the idea makes me nervous.”

  “We’ll do a market analysis,” Bryant says. “We can still start building. It won’t slow us down at all.”

  “That is the best idea you’ve had all morning,” Stan adds. I glance quickly at Bryant who is clenching his jaw. The analysis is to appease Larry, not prove that we’re wrong because we’re not. We know this business inside and out.

  “Let’s grab some lunch, shall we?” Larry asks, trying to diffuse the growing situation. Stan needs to be reminded that he had nothing to do with Ward Enterprises getting involved. It was all Parker and Pastor Larry.

  We follow Larry through the church, down the back stairs, and into a small meeting area. There are a few older women, scurrying around to make sure the meal they’ve prepared is ready to go. My stomach growls at the smell of gravy and roast.

  “I hope you’re hungry,” Larry says with a smile. He has no idea how hungry I am right now. Bryant and I follow Larry to a table and sit down. Our food is placed on the table in home-style fashion, yet another nod to my retro building idea. Bryant elbows me to make sure I recognize that we’re on the same page.

  “So, Kai, tell me about yourself,” Larry asks as he plops a heap of potatoes onto his plate. My mouth waters, waiting for my turn.

  “Well, I was born in Arizona, obtained my degree in Urban Development. Took a job with the company I interned with before transferring to Utah for a year to work on a redevelopment project. That job led to Malibu, California, which is where Parker Ward found me. He wooed me for a few months until I finally caved and moved to Portland to work on the Sweet Briar project.”

  “Are you married? Kids?” he asks.

  I shake my head. “Single. No kids.”

  “That he’s aware of,” Bryant the douchebag says.

  I glare at him, letting him know I don’t appreciate the inappropriate comment.

  An arm reaches in between Larry and I, and I smile at the woman who fills my water glass. “Thank you.”

  “Sounds like he’s about perfect for Lexi,” she says.

  “Oh, Lois,” Larry says.

  “What? Our Lexi is gorgeous and deserves a good man. She’s living up in that city all by herself and Kai here is new. I bet she could show him around.”

  “I’m sorry, who is Lexi?” I ask.

  “My daughter,” Larry sighs, yet he’s smiling. I can’t tell if he’s upset with her or proud of her.

  “She’s single,” Lois says before heading back to the other women. I watch her closely and can tell that she’s talking about me. The women giggle, causing me to blush.

  “Lexi has a good heart, so if you’re looking for someone to show you around, she’d gladly do it. She recently finished school and is a chef. Boy, my daughter can sure cook.”

  “Food is the way to a man’s heart,” Bryant adds.

  “Let me give you her number just in case you find yourself bored some day and want to go site-seeing.” Larry writes her number down on a piece of paper. I take it and read it over, but something doesn’t feel right. I know I’m not in a relationship, but it feels like one. A very odd one to boot, but I’d be afraid of getting involved with Lexi and her finding out about my escapades at Society X.

  Of course, thinking about the club and the things that have happened in there have me thinking about the mysterious woman and whether I’ll get a chance to see her again. I want to, but I’m not sure in what capacity. The play room is supposed to be about fetishes, I’m not sure how I’d react if she summoned me to suck on her toes. A spanking, I could probably do. I’ve always wanted to play with a flogger, but have never had the chance. I would draw the line at putting on a diaper though. Pretending I’m a baby doesn’t turn me on, and if there’s one thing that I’m adamant about, it’s making sure my partner and I are both satisfied.

  Setting her number down on the table, I turn my attention to my lunch. This home-cooked meal is a Godsend. I can’t cook for shit, and this is the best meal I’ve had in a long time.

  When we’re done, I notice the piece of paper is gone. I could say something, but I don’t want Larry to think that I’m interested or that I might call. The last thing I want is for him to tell his daughter to expect a phone call from me and it never happens. Clearly, the sorcery of Society X is working against me right now, which makes me what to reach out to Jenica. Although, I don’t know what I’d say.



  I spent the past couple of days thinking about nothing but the pros and cons of doing the unthinkable. What kind of person goes to a sex club to lose their virginity? Me, that’s who. There’s seriously something wrong with me. A part of me wonders if it’s because I’ve been such a good girl my whole life, and now, the wild side of me has the freedom to do whatever it wants. Either way, I’ve made my choice. Or at least, I think I have.

  The traffic is horrible this morning as I head toward the shop. Adrenaline courses through my veins, and I know it’s now or never. When I come to a stop at one of the traffic lights, I pull out my phone. Jared’s name is programmed into it so I press the call button. He picks up on the second ring.

  “Good morning, Alexandria. What can I do for you this morning?”

  I suck in a breath and speak quickly, “I want an appointment in the dark room.”

  “I’m sure I can get that scheduled. Is there a specific time or date you have in mind?” he asks.

  “As soon as possible. Preferably tonight.” I want to do it now while I have the courage.

  “Okay, I’ll see what I can do. Do you want me to pair you with a partner or do you prefer the same one you’ve had?”

  “Same one. I don’t want anyone else.”

  “We’ll contact him right away. I’ll call you as soon as I have an answer.”

  “Sounds good.” My hands shake as I hang up the phone. I’m so nervous, and yet, terrif
ied to hear the verdict. If he turns me down, I’ll never go back to Society X again. Maybe I’m stupid for even going in the first place, but I keep getting drawn back.

  I arrive at the Let’s Get Baked shop and Adrienne is already inside with Sandy. “Good morning,” I announce, walking through the door.

  Sandy waves. “Good morning, sweet pea. We got a busy day today. Brenda from the real estate office called me last night and said she wanted fried chicken instead of baked for her employees.” She shrugs. “Apparently, that’s what they all want. I need you to make your famous macaroni and cheese. It was requested.”

  “What does Alex make that isn’t famous?” Adrienne says with a laugh.

  I smack her blonde ponytail in passing. She has two packs of strawberries in front of her and I know exactly what she’s going to bake. “What about your strawberry cake? It’s been in tons of magazines.”

  She brushes off her shoulders and winks. “It has, hasn’t it?”

  The smell of the fryers come to life, and Sandy’s already putting in the flour coated chicken. My stomach growls; I’ll have to make sure I steal a couple of pieces before we take it over to our clients. Grabbing the macaroni out of the pantry, I fix two pots of boiling water and toss the noodles inside.

  Out of breath, Dani charges through the door. “Sorry, I’m late. There was a wreck I got stuck behind. I thought I’d never get here.”

  Sandy waves her off. “We’re good on time. Just get started on the green beans and sweet carrots. The ladies at the real estate office want a country meal and that’s exactly what we’re going to give them.”

  “They need to visit North Carolina Mountains,” Adrienne replies. “There’s this place I visited with my husband that has the best southern comfort food.”

  Lips pursed, Dani places her hands on her hips. “Are you saying it’s better than what we can do?”

  Adrienne throws a strawberry at her, and Dani catches and eats it with a smug smile. “Of course not,” Adrienne laughs. “I’m just saying it was really good. Hearing the accents over there is pretty interesting.”

  “I’ve never been farther east than Wyoming.” Just saying that proves I didn’t travel much as a child. While my friends traveled the world with their families, I was stuck in Sweet Briar. My trip to Wyoming was with some of my friends in college.

  Dani walks over to Adrienne and me, her voice low as she looks at me. “Want to go to Society X tonight?”

  Adrienne shakes her head, her focus on the strawberries. “You two are so bad.”

  I move closer to Dani. “I might have a date in the dark room.”

  Both of their eyes widen and they gasp. “Seriously?” Dani squeals. “You decided to do it?”

  “Yeah, if I don’t back out. I’m so nervous.” My macaroni noodles are done, so I drain the water out of the pots and set them aside. Dani and Adrienne’s eyes are focused solely on me. My cheeks burn and I know they’re bright red.

  “Are you sure this is what you want?” Adrienne asks. “You can’t take back your virginity once you lose it.”

  I shrug. “I’m going to lose it eventually, right? I’ve been with the same man the past two times in the play room. I might not know who he is, but I have a connection with him I haven’t had with anyone else.”

  Dani agrees with a nod and looks at Adrienne. “She speaks the truth. I’ve heard the stories. You should’ve been here to hear them.” Then she turns back to me. “With it being your first time, it’s going to hurt at first. Does this guy know you’re a virgin?”

  I close my eyes. “No.”

  Both Dani and Adrienne sigh. Adrienne touches my elbow and I open my eyes. “Don’t you think he deserves to know? Taking a woman’s virginity is a big deal.”

  “I know,” I whisper. “I’ll find a way to tell him.” I walk away to grab the shredder, hoping like hell they’ll want to talk about something else when I return. When I join them again, Dani opens her mouth to speak, but I turn to Adrienne. “How are you doing anyway? We heard you were sick.”

  Adrienne rubs her belly. “I had a stomach bug. The baby and I are okay. I had to make sure to drink lots of fluids. The doctor said I was going to need an IV if I didn’t start keeping things down.”

  Placing my hand on her shoulder, I squeeze it gently. “We’re glad you’re okay. I’m going to miss you when you go on maternity leave.”

  She snorts. “Me too. I’m already missing out on the juicy stories.”

  Dani winks at her. “Don’t worry. I’m sure Alex will fill you in on the dirty details.”

  Rolling my eyes, I laugh and walk away. Before I can open the refrigerator doors, my phone vibrates in my pocket. I pull it out and my heart begins to race. Sandy isn’t paying attention to me so I sneak off inside the pantry.

  I accept the call, making sure to keep my voice around a whisper. “Hello,” I answer.

  “Alexandria, it’s Jared. I have some good news.”

  My pulse spikes even more. “You do?”

  “Mm-hmm. Your partner has agreed to meet you in the dark room. The only available time we have is nine o’clock. Does that work for you?”

  “Yes,” I blurt. “I can do that.”

  “Great. I have you down. See you tonight.”

  “See ya.” I hang up the phone and close my eyes. I’m going to lose my virginity tonight.

  Before going to the club, I go home, take a shower, and change clothes. My hair smelled like fried chicken, which is not exactly the scent I want to smell like. Jared meets me at the front and we go through the security process like usual. Once we’re in the back hallway, I count down the seconds before I enter the dark room. Jared opens the door to what will be my dressing room and then he opens the black door across the room. It’s pitch black inside, but the light helps me to see a little.

  “When you’re ready, just go through this door and make your way to the bed. Your partner will be in momentarily afterwards. When you get done, just come over to your door and press the button. The door will open and you’ll be let inside without your partner seeing you.”

  I nod in understanding. “Got it.”

  He nods once and starts for the door. “Have fun.”

  My heart’s pounding so hard I can feel it in my throat. Even my teeth are chattering. Tonight, I didn’t even bother with lingerie. No one was going to see it. With shaking hands, I take off my clothes and sneak into the dark room, using the wall as a guide toward the bed. The sheets are silky against my back as I lie down on them. I keep hoping my eyes will adjust to the darkness, but I can’t see a damn thing.

  The sound of a door opens and I hold my breath. Biting my lip, I grip a handful of the sheets in my fists. I can hear his breathing as he approaches, all deep and full of anticipation. The bed dips down and a hand slides up my leg and stops at my thigh. His other hand touches my shoulder and moves up my neck. The warmth of his body seeps into mine. The next thing I know, his lips are on mine, his tongue gently finding his way inside of me. I want to talk to him, but I’m so nervous. His legs tangle with mine and I can feel how hard he is for me. Everything inside of me clenches. All I can feel is his mouth on me, sucking my nipples and touching me like he’s a starved man. His groans are enough to drive me over the edge. He kisses my stomach on down to between my legs and licks my clit once, making me gasp at the contact. A deep chuckle escapes his lips as he spreads my legs wide.

  I hear the sound of a wrapper opening, and I’m pretty sure it’s him putting on a condom. As he moves closer, I can feel the tip of him at my opening. My breaths come out faster. “Wait,” I whisper, placing my hands on his shoulders.

  “Are you okay?” he whispers back.

  I slide my hands up his shoulders to his face. It’s the first time I’ve been able to feel what he looks like. His face is smooth and he has soft hair I can run my hands through. It makes me wonder what color his hair and eyes are.

  “There’s something you should know.”

  “What is it?” He sou
nds concerned and I like it.

  “I’m a virgin.” I can hear the intake of his breath. Everything after that comes to a halt and I hold my breath. I can still feel the tip of him at my core, still hard and ready to go. “I understand if you don’t want to go through with it.”

  He places a finger on my lips. “I’m just shocked. I’ll go slowly. I promise.”

  His lips press to mine, very gentle and warm. The next thing I know, his hand is between my legs, his fingers fondling my clit. I open my legs wider and he slips one inside. Arching my back, I give into his touch, moaning in delight as he explores me with his fingers. All too soon, he pulls them out, leaving me breathless.

  Using his tongue, he licks a path all the way up my leg to the inside of my thigh before sucking on the spot that ached to feel his touch again. Nuzzling my clit with his nose, he enters me with his tongue. I grab his hair and moan, so close to losing control. Chuckling, he moves away, continuing his torturous path up my body to my breasts.

  “That’s not funny,” I whisper.

  He bites one of my nipples and I gasp. “Your orgasms tonight will be with me inside of you.”

  As he wraps his warm lips around my nipple, my whole body tightens with need. Pressing his hips against mine, he positions himself between my legs, grazing his cock along my opening.

  “Are you ready?” he murmurs.

  I nod even though he can’t see me. “Yes.”

  Taking my face in his hands, he lowers his lips to mine and stays there, breathing me in with just the gentlest of touches. When he pulls back, he caresses my cheeks with his thumbs and tenderly pushes inside of me until he’s all the way in.

  I bite my lip to keep from crying out. It hurts, but it’s a good sort of pain.

  “I’ll stop if I’m hurting you.” He carefully thrusts his hips.

  “You’re good,” I breathe. “Keep going.”

  He moves slowly, our hips pushing against each other. It’s almost like he’s making love to me, but I know that’s not what this is. I can always pretend. What’s crazy is I can feel the connection all the way down to my soul.


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