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Inevitable (Key West #2)

Page 6

by C. A. Harms

  Jett stood from his barstool, slapped his hand on my shoulder, and squeezed firmly. “Well, be prepared to fight, because that stubborn-ass woman you’re referring to has been standing behind you for the last three minutes.”

  I hung my head and shook it. The ass just sat there and let me go on and on while Harper stood over my shoulder. This could go one of two ways. I was either going to get bitch-slapped or she was going to accept what I had to say. Who the hell was I kidding? I was getting slapped.

  I slowly turned in my chair and lowered my beer to the bar. “Before you hit me, let me get prepared.” I held out my hands and positioned myself on the stool. When I looked up to find her smiling back at me, I grinned in return.

  “I’m not going to hit you. Even though the comment about me being borderline insane makes me want to kick you in the nuts, I’ll let it slide. But just this once, because I owe you an apology.” She stepped in closer and leaned against the bar. “I’m sorry I acted like a bitch.”

  “You didn’t act like—” She placed her finger against my lips, and I stopped talking.

  “Yes, I was, and you didn’t deserve it. You have been nothing but good to me. Sometimes—” She bit her lower lip and shook her head lightly. “Who am I kidding, all the time I tend to judge men before I give them a chance. I formulate an opinion based on my past, and it’s not fair.”

  “I’m not Ian,” I whispered against her finger.

  She lowered her hand, and I caught it with mine and threaded my fingers through hers. “I know that, but it goes back farther than that. Maybe one day I’ll share the story with you, just not tonight.” I could tell by her red eyes that something had happened since I left her on the dance floor. I wanted to push her to tell me, but I reined it in. Tonight wasn’t the time.

  “Okay,” I said. “Can we start over?”

  “Start over from where, exactly?”

  “From the moment I told you how gorgeous you look tonight.” I smiled, pulled her hand up to my mouth, and placed a kiss against her palm.

  “Yeah, I really liked that moment,” she admitted, and I had to agree; it was a good moment.


  After Harper and I joined the rest of the group, things seemed less tense. Everyone was drinking and enjoying the night. I was glad I had sent drivers to pick them up at my place. Their cars were safely parked in my driveway, and we would be escorted home by two awaiting cars parked outside.

  Harper had relaxed and now sat tucked securely against my side. Her hand kept landing on my thigh, probably without her realizing it.

  “So how many of these places do you own?” Jude asked.

  In all the years I’ve known Jude, I’d rarely heard him speak in complete sentences. But give the guy a little alcohol and take away his kitchen knives, and he became Little Mr. Social Butterfly.

  “Three,” I replied. A few heads turned, and I refrained from returning their stares. “This one, another in New York, and the third is in LA.”

  “Impressive.” Jude nodded.

  “Very impressive,” Harper whispered and I turned toward her. She was looking up at me, and our mouths were only inches apart.

  “Thank you,” I replied as my eyes shifted to her lips.

  “Come on, Easton. Be honest with your guests.” Sarah’s voice broke the mood Harper’s appreciative stare had put me in. “The other two locations aren’t just regular clubs, they’re strip clubs.”

  Kade hooted, and Jude looked at me curiously. Their actions didn’t bother me, though. It was the rigid shift in Harper that made me glare up at Sarah.

  She knew what she was doing. She had an agenda, and she was now checking off the items on the list. “The club in LA was bought for Easton on his twenty-first birthday. It’s amazing.” Sarah’s eyes locked with Harper’s and I tensed. “I should know. I was with him when his father handed him the keys.”

  “Was there something you needed, Sarah?” I asked through gritted teeth.

  “No, just thought I’d stop over and introduce myself to your friends.” Everyone was eyeing her now, and the girls were glaring at her. “Easton and I used to date.” She paused and her gaze shifted to mine. “Or have sex. However you want to categorize it.”

  I lunged from my seat and gripped Sarah’s arm forcefully. I had heard enough. As I dragged her down the hallway toward the office at the end, I kept reminding myself that her father was Ray, the man who could kill me with one hand if he chose. But he was also the man who loved me like a son and knew just how conniving his daughter could be.

  When we entered the office, I slammed the door behind me and spun to face her. “Do you fucking like your job?” The anger in my voice caused her to jump. “Because I’m questioning my choice to keep you here.”

  “I was just joking.” She smiled.

  “Bullshit. I’m not the same idiot that fell for your lies a year ago. I’m the man that can barely tolerate your presence.” I glared at her. “Now answer my question. Do you like your job here?”


  I took a step toward her, and her throat bobbed as she swallowed. “If you ever pull another stunt like you just did, you’ll be out on your ass. I don’t give a shit what Ray or anyone else has to say about that, do you get me?”

  She nodded.

  “What we had, what we were, that shit is so far gone. You had your chance, but you couldn’t keep your legs shut, so you made your choice. I made a lot of mistakes, and one of the biggest ones I ever made was you.” I stepped back. “You and I never will be anything other than associates, but I can see that isn’t going to work. I think you need to look at your options, Sarah.”

  Her face fell. “You’re firing me?”

  “No, I’m accepting your resignation for thirty days from today.” I turned and walked out, leaving her staring at my back.

  I should have done it a long time ago. I’d only allowed her to stay as a favor to Ray. He had done so much for me, and the guilt from firing his daughter would have driven me crazy. Plus, I was the one that chose to date an employee and the one that pursued her in the beginning. But after the stunt she pulled tonight, I knew the choice to keep her was the wrong one. Sarah was nothing but trouble, and if she was around, she would only cause issues for Harper and me later.

  Chapter Fifteen


  No one said anything when Easton returned, tension still rolling off him as he sat back down next to me. Instead we all pretended that the last fifteen minutes hadn’t happened. Well, everyone else did. I sat wondering what the hell had just happened.

  He wouldn’t look at me, and I was sure that was because he had no idea what to say about what had occurred.

  When we went back to his house and everyone had wandered off to their designated bedrooms, I took the chance to clear the uncomfortable feeling that had set in after Sarah’s earlier actions. I followed him through the kitchen onto the balcony and stood next to him as he leaned over the railing.

  “So, Sarah, huh?” I looked out over the expansive property. The guesthouse was just to the left of the pool, and the tennis court was a bit farther out. It really was an impressive home.

  “We’ve all had those relationships that we wish never existed. She would definitely be at the top of my list,” he said

  “Borderline insane,” I whispered.

  His laughter surprised me. It was a chuckle that pulled at something deep in my stomach. It was very sexy. “Much worse, more like straitjacket and padded walls,” he said, a smile still gracing his lips.

  “Wow,” I replied, my voice laced with amusement. I looked over at him, only to find he was already watching me.

  “I’m sorry about Sarah. She never should have said those things. She honestly was just trying to get a rise out of you.” He still looked irritated.

  “Why would she even attempt it? I mean, she doesn’t know who I am.” I had never met the girl in my life.

  “I may have mentioned that I was interested in you,” Easton said.
“Which probably didn’t sit well, considering she’s always trying to squirm her way back into my life.”

  “Haven’t you learned your lesson yet? You should stay away from girls that have uncontrollable wild tendencies,” I teased.

  He placed his hand on my lower back and carefully hooked it around my waist. In a move that I have to admit was quite impressive, he had me turned around facing him as his body pressed me firmly against the railing at my back.

  “I guess I’m still looking for the right kind of crazy,” he said, his lips only inches from mine. “Something tells me I may have found it.”

  I wanted him to kiss me. I wanted to feel his lips against mine and the light stubble covering his jaw against my hands. Rising up in my toes, I brought my lips closer to his, lifted my hand to his face, and trailed my fingertips along his jaw. Easton’s eyes closed as he accepted my touch.

  “Kiss me,” I whispered.

  Without hesitation he lowered his mouth to mine and devoured my lips. I had never enjoyed kissing. To me it was an unnecessary task before the big deed. But kissing Easton was different; he put so much in to each movement, into every swipe of his tongue, which lightly sucked on my lip before going in once more to leave me breathless. I felt his kisses all the way down to my toes, leaving my entire body craving more.

  He pulled back and rested his forehead against mine as we both panted. “Are you ever going to admit that you like me just a little?”

  I smiled against his lips as he kissed me again. This time when he pulled away he looked down at me.

  “I may like you,” I said, and he smiled once more. “But only a little,” I clarified as I held up my hand, placing my thumb and index finger just a breath away from touching.

  “Well, I’ll take whatever it is you’re willing to offer.”


  “Did I just see you leaving Easton’s bedroom?” Avery squealed as she ushered me down the hallway to the kitchen.

  “Oh my God, will you keep it down?” I hissed. “It is not what you think. We fell asleep watching a movie.”

  I left her standing in the hall with her arms crossed, glaring at me. Last night after we shared some toe-curling kisses, Easton invited me to his room. At first I thought he was insinuating that we carry on behind closed doors, but he truly just wanted to spend time with me. Before I knew it I was dozing off wrapped in his arms, and I can’t remember ever sleeping so peacefully.

  “Let me get this straight.” Avery took a seat on the opposite side of the table. I had started a pot of coffee and was waiting impatiently for it to perk. “You spent the night in bed, next to a man that I swear fell straight out of a GQ magazine. You both managed to keep all your clothes on and you just fell asleep.”

  I laughed at her expression, and she looked at me in amazement.

  “Yes,” I replied.

  “Wow.” She rubbed her head, still looking perplexed and amazed. “Your ability to control yourself and not attack is inspiring.”

  That was when her smile broke out, and I grabbed the placemat and swung it, making contact with her head. “Smartass.”

  “Really, though, in all seriousness, that’s pretty special.”

  She was right, it was.

  “GQ, huh?” Easton said as he stood in the doorway with his arms crossed over his bare chest and a cocky smile spread across his face.

  All Avery could do was hide her face in embarrassment. I myself chose to enjoy the view.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I stayed in Miami a few more days, wanting to get everything that would hold me here finished. I had talked to Harper every day since she left. Each day I felt like she allowed me in just a little more, giving me the chance to get to know the real her.

  So I wasn’t surprise to find that the first place I thought of when arriving back in Palm Beach was Allure. I knew I would find Harper there, and she was the only person I wanted to see. Just the thought of her smile made my heart race.

  I grinned as I entered the salon, holding a single red rose. Almost immediately I had four women eyeing me hungrily and two others working their way to my sides.

  “Well hello, handsome,” a short brunette cooed. “What can we offer you today?”

  I was still scanning the room, looking for the blonde that held all my attention. Once I located her near the station in the back corner, I found that she was grinning brightly, obviously enjoying the attention her stylists were giving me.

  “I’ve actually found what I’m looking for,” I told the brunette as I excused myself and walked across the lobby toward Harper. “Hey, gorgeous,” I said as I leaned forward and kissed her cheek. “This is for you.”

  I lifted the rose up from my side, and her face brightened the moment she took it from me. She brought it to her nose and breathed in its sweet scent. “Thank you.”

  If giving her a rose lit her face up the way it was at that moment, hell, I would have one delivered every day. Out of all the years I’ve known Harper, I’ve rarely seen her smile this brightly. She’s always hidden behind her sarcasm and attitude. Everyone had grown used to it, accepting that was just the way she was. But the girl behind that mask was breathtaking.

  “You are more than welcome.” Stepping a little closer, I took her hand in mine. “I was hoping I could spend some time with you tonight. Maybe go to dinner, or anything you want as long as we’re together.”

  “I think I’m free.” She looked up over my shoulder and smiled. “If you survive the day. You may get mauled walking out of here. You have about four women checking out your ass right now, and I’m pretty sure they’re planning some form of attack.”

  Sure enough, I turned to find the same brunette that greeted me and three other women appreciatively scanning my assets.

  “Any tips you can offer me on getting out of here, unscathed, would be greatly appreciated,” I said as I turned back to find her laughing behind her hand.

  “I’ve got nothing, sorry. In fact, I’m just gonna sit back and watch.” She stepped back and sat down in the stylist chair behind her and held her rose to her face, attempting to hide her smile.

  “Evil,” I said, shaking my head.

  I spun around and took two steps toward the exit before hollering back over my shoulder, “I’ll be at your place by six.” All eyes shifted from me to Harper as I rushed past the women who were now zoning in on her to get the scoop.

  As I placed my back against the door, Harper scowled at me. She wasn’t happy with the way I had shifted the attention onto her. I winked and pushed back, leaving her to deal with the eager women.


  My next stop was Jett’s restaurant. I had locked in all the final paperwork for the second and third locations of the restaurant. Things were well on their way to completion, and I was about to make Jett a very happy man. As I walked through the front entrance, I had my head down as I typed out a message to Bennie. I heard my name and looked up quickly to find Avery and Quinn walking toward me.

  “Good afternoon, ladies,” I said as I leaned forward, then kissed them on the cheeks. “How are you?”

  “We were just having lunch before heading off to do a little shopping,” Avery said. “When did you get back in town?”

  “About thirty minutes ago. I stopped in at Allure to see Harper first.”

  The girls’ faces lit up. “Oh yeah?” Quinn asked, pushing for further information.

  To put them out of their misery, I gave them a little more. “I’m taking her out tonight.”

  “You’re taking who out tonight?” Jett asked, stepping up behind Quinn. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back against his chest. She leaned her head back, and he bent down to kiss her.

  “Harper,” I replied.

  Jett’s head shot up and he smiled. “Good.” He was finally accepting my interest in his sister. After that night at Ricochet, he realized she wasn’t just some random hookup to me.


  I was going to
make dinner reservations for us, but I decided I wanted exclusive time with Harper. When we were alone, I got a better insight into the person she really was, the one she fought so desperately to hide. I loved that she could let her guard down around me and just relax. So tonight I chose to have dinner catered. I set up a table just off the back of my condo. My place was private and secluded, which made it feel like my own little oasis. I lined the pool with lanterns and set candles along the deck. I’d told the caterers to set up dinner, light the candles, and leave just before we were scheduled to arrive.

  As I pulled up in front of Harper’s place, I couldn’t remember ever being this nervous, or maybe it was excitement.

  The moment I knocked on her door, I think my heart jumped into my throat at the sound of a deep, vicious bark. It didn’t sound like any dog I had ever been around. I knew she had one; I remember the day she got the dog and brought it by the restaurant to show Jett. But the bark still flowing out from behind her door had me a little worried. I wasn’t an animal guy. I had never had one and had no desire to change that.

  When the door opened, I looked down to see a head the size of a car looking back at me and swallowed hard. Okay, so maybe “the size of a car” was an exaggeration, but when you’re in panic mode, everything seems bigger.

  “That is not a dog,” I stated. “That is a tank.”

  Harper laughed. “No, actually, this is Brutus, and I promise you he isn’t just any dog.”

  I looked up at her, cocking my eyebrow.

  “He is my best friend, my cuddle buddy, and my protector,” she explained as she rubbed his head in a motherly way. “He may be big—”

  “He’s fucking huge,” I corrected.

  “Okay, he may be huge, but he is the sweetest dog you’ll ever meet. Don’t let him fool ya, he’s a big baby.”

  I still wasn’t convinced. The idea of a dog as big as most motorcycles had me convinced that I should wait in the car.


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