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Seven Wardens Omnibus

Page 56

by Skye MacKinnon

  The gods.

  Even if they were dead and gone, the implications of them having existed were unthinkable.

  And complicated.

  As if Macey needed more of that.

  Chapter 4

  "So, what happens now?" Macey asked. "You said you were going to lead us down some kind of path?"

  The daimon sighed. "I was speaking figuratively. I have no idea what actual path to take here."

  "I thought this was your home?" Jared asked, eyeing his cuffs in disgust.

  "It is, but it doesn't usually look like this. There are... less people. A lot less people. None at all, to be precise."

  "Then where do they all come from?"

  Luc shrugged. "The magic of this place is ancient, and I don't think anyone knows how it works. I just hope it takes them all away once you're gone. I like my solitude." He gestured towards the space where the people had been before and seemed to have reappeared.

  Macey scowled. That was somewhat inconvenient. At least it meant it wasn’t actually her test.

  If this daimon wasn't going to lead them, then Macey was going to have to do it herself. Giving Luc an evil glare, she walked past him and down a muddy path towards the revellers. Most of them were naked by now, and the noise of their moans and groans was deafening. Jared appeared next to her, and she took his hand when she saw his expression. This had to be incredibly hard for the incubus.

  "If I didn't know any better, I'd think that this is a test for me," he whispered. "One I'd be failing without these cuffs."

  "Maybe Malan was wrong," Macey mused. "Maybe it's not me being tested. Maybe it's all of us, to prove that we're worthy to see the lampads. Or maybe this is just a coincidence." She sighed. "I really wish we had someone who told us what was happening in clear, easy to understand words. Instead, we have a prophet who likes to allude to things but never actually explains, and a daimon guide who isn't much better at giving out information."

  Jared grinned. "Being a Warden sucks. All work, no rewards."

  Behind them, the daimon cleared his throat. "Being together should be reward enough. Not everyone has a relationship as loving and rewarding as yours." There was bitterness in his voice, a lot of it. Macey almost felt sorry for him. It sounded like he was lonely.

  "Want to join?" a melodious voice asked from their right. A woman, her supple breasts exposed and covered in some sort of sticky liquid that looked like chocolate, was lying on the muddy ground, her legs spread. A man was... well, he was sucking her off, his head squeezed between her thighs.

  "No, we're good," Macey muttered and hurried on. She wasn't sure if they really had to walk through this hedonistic village, but there was no other path, and why would the magic show them this if it wasn't relevant?

  She squeezed Jared's hand tighter when she noticed him staring at the woman.

  "It's going to be fine," she whispered. "Try not to look at them."

  He groaned in response. "I can feel their energy," he admitted. "I can't feed off it, but I can still feel it. It's very distracting."

  Macey didn't even want to imagine how it had to feel for him. Waves, even she was noticing the sexual energy in the air, and she wasn't an incubus. It had to be hell for him. Or heaven, had he been without the shackles.

  She increased her pace, trying to get them away from this orgy as quickly as possible. There had to be a point to it all. They could have gone to a random brothel if they wanted to see naked people having fun with each other.

  Finally, the houses became more scattered and the end of the cavern came into view. The walls were glistening with moisture, reminding Macey of... well, other moist things. She shook her head, trying to get the images out of her mind.

  "There's an archway, just like the one before," Cam called from behind them, his superior senses once again coming in handy.

  "Is it an illusion again?" Macey asked the incubus and he frowned in concentration.

  "No, I think it's really just a doorway out of this cave."

  She sighed in relief. Good. The sooner they got out of here, the better, although she was a little apprehensive of what they were going to stumble in next.

  Cam sniffed the air. "There's a draught coming through there. It smells like the sea."

  "The sea? Aren't we quite far away from that?"

  Macey concentrated on her water magic. Indeed, she felt a light tug, pulling her towards the narrow gap in the cavern wall.

  "I can feel it too," Rónàn confirmed. "Salt water."

  Smiling at the familiar sensation, Macey stepped through the archway, her steps quickening. The tunnel was dark, but she wasn't as scared of stumbling as she had been before. The sea was waiting for her. Water, proper clean water, not like the Thames water they'd seen outside. Maybe this was some kind of underground estuary?

  Faster and faster she walked, dragging Jared with her.


  Then, suddenly, the ground stopped and there was nothing there, just air, and she fell, screaming.

  Time slowed down as she saw the glowing walls of a new cave, reflecting on the surface of the water far below them... but it was coming closer, fast, and then they crashed into it, sinking quickly.

  Without even thinking about it, Macey shifted. It was probably the fastest she had ever changed into her kelpie form, but it was also one of the most painful shifts ever. Her bones hurt where they'd lengthened and thickened, and even her scalp was throbbing. She breathed in the icy water, her gills filtering it.

  It tasted amazing. Salty, refreshing, pure. Unbelievable pure for being under such a large, polluted city.

  She flicked her tail through the water, her mood changing to playfulness. This was a place she was going to be able to have some fun. Rónàn might want to join her in a long, drawn out swim. She focused on her antenna sense, searching for other people in the water. It was only her and Jared so far, the others must have been able to stop.

  Jared. Oh no. She swam towards the incubus who was sinking ever lower, unmoving. She gently took his arm between her jaws, shaking him. No response. She had to get him out of the water. Incubi couldn't breathe underwater. The kelpie in her found that very strange, but her human self was still strong enough to realise how important it was to get Jared to the surface.

  She gripped his sleeve with her teeth and pulled him up, swimming as fast as she could. They'd drifted down further than she'd realised. The water was dark, almost black, but she knew where the surface was. She was a kelpie, after all.

  When her head broke the surface, she brought her legs underneath Jared's body, lifting him up until he was lying on his back, his face in the air. He wasn't breathing.


  She wasn't going to be able to shift while holding him above the surface of the water. How was she supposed to help him? Revive him?

  She whinnied in distress, the sound echoing through the cave, making it sound as if there was a whole army of kelpies standing around her.

  "Coming!" a voice called from far above, and a moment later, a body crashed into the water beside her, spraying her with water. Her eyes were beginning to dry out, not used to being exposed to air, so she lowered her head beneath the surface, taking a deep breath.

  It was Rónàn, shirtless and with bare feet, swimming towards her. He was so much better prepared than she had been. Oh well, it was her who'd discovered this lake... kind of, so of course she'd been surprised by the fall and the water.

  The selkie surfaced, taking in a deep breath, then immediately took over from Macey, holding Jared's head. He put his ear against the incubus's chest, listening for a heart beat.

  He smiled and nodded at Macey when he found it, then pressed his lips against Jared's, breathing into his mouth.

  This was the second time now that those two were kissing. Well, this time it was a kiss of life, but still. At least this time, there was no jealousy in Macey's heart.

  She shifted back as quickly as she'd changed into her kelpie form, the anxiety over Jared's f
ate making the pain pale into insignificance.

  She thought about begging Rónàn to work faster, to save him, but she knew it wouldn't make a difference. The selkie wouldn't skip on saving Jared. He cared about Macey and their family unit too much. She just hoped that his selkie magic was enough to save her incubus. Tears slipped down her face, unnoticed through the salt water itself.

  "What's happening?" Cam shouted down from the ledge above.

  She didn't answer, but relief filled her just by knowing that she didn't have to save two of them.

  Air buffeted the water, causing ripples to cascade over the surface. Macey looked away, not really wanting her eyes to dry out too much. That would make re-submerging them painful and she had no desire for that to be the case.

  "Let me take him back to the land," Luc requested.

  Macey shook her head.

  "What good would that do? Obviously we need to be down here."

  "Or maybe this is just another test. This doesn't work unless you trust me."

  Her eyes met those of the daimon as Rónàn continued to try saving Jared.

  "Prove it."

  "How would you like me to do that? This isn't the best place to doubt anyone," Luc pointed out.

  "Remove the cuffs," she demanded, only realising as she finished speaking that it might be just what they needed to save his life.

  "I don't think..."

  "I can't feel any of the sexual energy from the village, it's safe for now."

  "He still needs to have them on, Macey, please trust me."

  "So you keep saying, but so far you've done nothing to actually prove I can," she snapped. "It's all just words. Nothing more than words."

  Indecision warred over his face.

  "Let me take him back to land, and then I'll remove his cuffs."

  Macey glanced at her two men, but saw no change in Jared's status. All that seemed to be happening was Rónàn growing weaker. Much as she was. While it was easy to stay afloat in her kelpie form, her human one wasn't nearly so resilient and she could feel the burn in her legs and arms just from treading water.

  "Very well," she accepted.

  Rónàn ceased what he was doing and pushed on Jared's limp form to help Luc take him into his arms. With the man settled, Luc flapped his wings and soared upwards, apparently not suffering at all from the weight of another man on him.

  Macey closed the gap between the two of them left in the water. Rónàn slipped an arm around her, pulling her closer. She appreciated the gesture and support, leaning on him. She really was lucky to find the men she had.

  Luc returned moments later and held out his hand to Macey. "You need to be up there too."

  "And Rónàn?" she asked, without accepting.

  "I'll return for him in a moment, but I think you'll be more useful to the incubus."

  She nodded and allowed the daimon to hoist her out of the water. She tried not to think about the fact shifting had left her without any clothing and the daimon could see her naked. His wings moved the air around her in a way which had her stomach dropping. She didn't like being in the air. She'd discovered that with Cam before and hadn't been in any rush to repeat the experience. But she knew Jared was more important than her hatred of flying.

  Luc set her down and she stumbled slightly, only staying upright by falling into Cam's arms.

  "One cuff free incubus," Luc muttered, waving his hand in Jared's direction. The cuffs unclicked and fell to the dirt floor. "Don't lose them, you will need them."

  "Can't you just make more when that happens?" Cam asked.

  Luc fixed him with a disbelieving look. "What do you think I am? I can't make things out of thin air, you know. I have to have them on me anyway."

  "Please just go get Rónàn," Macey begged, her worries resting with her selkie down below. She couldn't have been the only one to be tiring and she didn't want to swap one man in danger for another one.

  "As my lady commands." Luc gave the most ridiculous bow, but Macey didn't care, she just rushed over to Jared, falling to her knees and pressing her head against his chest. A faint heartbeat reached her ears and she almost yelled in relief. He was alive.

  "How do we..." she started to ask. But the moment her eyes fell on Cam, she knew the answer.

  And so did he, if the way he was unbuttoning his shirt was anything to go by.

  "I know," he whispered.

  Macey rose to her feet and closed the gap between them. While she longed to savor this time with Cam, she knew it wasn't going to be an option. It was a good job he knew every button she could press.

  "I hope this works," she admitted.

  "It should do," Cam replied, though his voice shook, revealing just how worried he was about his friend.

  She closed the gap between them, pressing her naked body against his. He circled her in his arms, pulling her closer so he could lower his lips to hers.

  Cam's kiss was searing. Desperate. Consuming. Like her, he was only half there as he worried about his friend, but she was okay with that. This wasn't about intimacy between them, though she was sure it'd be enjoyable. Their focus was on recharging Jared's powers and saving him from the coma like state he'd fallen into.

  Carefully, Cam laid Macey down on the floor, neither of them caring for the dirt that littered it. Their eyes met and Macey saw the love and devotion in his gaze. He wasn't just doing this for Jared. Cam was doing this for her too.

  She cupped his cheek in her hand before kissing him again, their worry and concern turning into a deep passion. Cam loved her, just as the others did, and even if the circumstances were dire, he'd take this opportunity to show her just how much.

  Without waiting, Cam thrust inside her, his cock filling her completely. Macey groaned, throwing her head back and pushing her body against his. The worries fled her mind as she lost herself in the sensations of Cam inside her and his kisses peppering her neck.

  They weren't taking their time as they usually did. This was a quick, hard, intense love making, but hopefully it would be enough for Jared.

  The sound of wings behind them almost made Macey look up, but she really didn't want to face the daimon in the naked and sweaty state she was in. Hopefully, he'd do the decent thing and look away, or better, fly far away, giving them some space.

  "Do you need me as well?" Rónàn asked just when Cam thrust hard into Macey and she moaned heavily.

  "Check on Jared," she gasped. Cam was gripping her breasts now, twirling her nipples between his fingers. She loved it when he did that.

  "His heartbeat is stronger now," Rónàn reported. "I think it's working."

  That spurned Cam on and his thrusts became harder, quicker, until Macey was a moaning mess, writhing on the stone floor, her hands grasping for something to hold on to. She found Rónàn's ankles and gripped them tight.

  He didn't comment on it, but when she looked up, the heat in his eyes was almost overwhelming to watch.

  She was unravelling fast and wasn't going to last much longer. Cam was pounding into her, his groans becoming louder.

  "Jared?" she asked but it came out as a moan.

  "Getting stronger," Rónàn confirmed. "His breathing has steadied."

  One more thrust, one more twirl of her nipples, and Macey couldn't hold it together anymore. She came apart, screaming as the orgasm ripped through her. This was intense, strangely amplified by their surroundings and the worry for the incubus. She was shaking, still holding on to Rónàn's ankles as Cam came within her, gripping her thighs tighter than was comfortable. She didn't mind. She was looking into his eyes, the love and passion in them obvious. She hoped he'd see the same in hers. They were made for each other, all five of them, even though Flint wasn't here with them.

  With a sudden gasp, Jared sat up, sucking in a deep breath.


  His voice was hoarse and shaky.

  Macey let go of Rónàn's ankles and the selkie moved back to Jared's side.

  "You almost drowned," he explaine
d. "Cam and Macey have been... ehm... feeding you."

  Jared turned around, his movements slow. His eyes widened when he saw the two of them naked and on the floor, their skin covered in dust.

  "Oh," was all he said. "Thanks."

  Cam slid out of Macey and got up.

  "How are you feeling, mate?"

  "Okay, I guess," Jared said. "I think I need another meal to be fully back to my old strength."

  Macey was exhausted from the quick fuck with Cam, but she smiled at the incubus nonetheless. "I volunteer."

  He shook his head. "No, not now. We need to go on, I can feel a disturbance in the earth. We shouldn't linger here."

  They all stared at him.

  "A disturbance?" Macey finally asked. "What do you mean?"

  Cam passed her his shirt and she slipped it on, thankful he was tall enough that it fell past her ass and at least gave her some cover.

  The loud whoosh of wings announced Luc's arrival before he landed on the stone ledge a second later.

  "He means we need to leave, now."

  The urgency in his voice had Macey getting up immediately. She started to put her clothes back on, wishing she could take a shower first. Cam was already half dressed, hiding the view of his perfect abs. Later, she promised herself. Jared was going to need another meal, and maybe he was wanting to take part in it too. And maybe Rónàn too... was she being greedy?

  "Cuffs back on, incubus," Luc warned and handed them to Jared.

  "Is that really necessary?" Macey asked but Jared had already clicked them around his wrists. He still looked pale and weak, but if what he'd said was true, they needed to move.

  "How are we getting off here?" Rónàn asked. "Do we jump down again and swim?"

  Luc sighed. "The path continues on the other side of the cave. I'll fly you there, one by one. You can thank me later."

  Without warning, he grabbed Macey, even though she still hadn't put on her jacket again, and took her into the air with him.

  She disliked the daimon more and more. Even Malan was preferable to him.


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