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Seven Wardens Omnibus

Page 64

by Skye MacKinnon

  She held up her hand, stopping him from continuing with what he was saying. "And if we believed everything from folklore, you wouldn't be with us. Give the dearg-due the same respect." She wasn't quite sure she believed that, but never having met one of the cursed blood drinkers, she didn't want to jump to any conclusions.

  And she was right about Jared's kind. They weren't well received. Particularly the women.

  "MAHOUN!" she shouted again, echoing the call in her mind. Hopefully that would work though she was prepared to have to do something more drastic if needed. So long as it didn't involve spilling her blood. While she stood by what she'd said about the dearg-due, she didn't want to take the chance of blood magic being used against them.


  The Voice reverberated around her mind and she shuddered. She might have wanted him to appear, but now he had, she wasn't completely sure about that.

  "You wanted me to come to you, well here I am." She held out her arms, not caring how dramatic it made her look.

  Or how crazy. She had no idea if Jared and Rónàn could hear the Voice too.


  "Even if I was, I wouldn't be alone."


  Macey didn't answer. She knew she'd never convince him. Just like she knew she was right. Her heart would never be alone, no matter what he said.

  "What do you want from me?" Her voice shook despite her attempts not to let it.


  "That's not an option."


  A sensation like she'd never experienced before flooded through her body and she tried to push it away. She wouldn't let him have the upper hand. She couldn't let him. He was the Mahoun, the person they were trying to destroy. He couldn't be allowed to gain the upper hand. She would resist him if it was the last thing she did, while hoping it wasn't.

  "Why won't you come out and face us?" she demanded.

  Jared reached out and placed a comforting hand on her back. Rónàn did the same on the other side. She leaned back into their touches, their support filling her with strength she'd been missing before.


  His laughter reverberated throughout her. He really didn't believe they were any kind of threat. That would be his undoing if he wasn't careful. If there was one thing she'd learned, it was that underestimating anyone was a bad move. But then, wasn't she doing the same by not believing his threats?

  She frowned but said nothing. Her head was in knots as it was. She didn't want to make it worse.


  She thought through the people assembled around the foot of the castle and came back with nothing. They were just a gaggle of people brought together for a common cause and nothing more. She didn't even know how some of them would fare in a battle situation. She hoped well, but there was no way of truly knowing. And if she was honest, she was in no rush to find out. Battle meant death. Having anyone's on her conscious wasn't what she wanted in life.

  Thoughts of Izban flitted through her mind but she squashed them down again. The last thing she wanted was the Voice to work out what she was up to.

  The booming laugh returned, making her jump as the shock overtook her. She really didn't like it when he did that.


  She didn't answer, but doubts started to creep in as he spoke. She was still hoping Izban was on their side and that she hadn't just handed him the tools to betray them all. She couldn't think about it now, there was still time before she'd know which side he was on for sure.

  "We can take you with or without Izban." She wasn't completely sure she was telling the truth, but she had to believe it or else he'd sense her indecision.

  She could feel the Voice's disbelief but ignored it. There was nothing else she could do about it other than stand her ground. There was a great deal of confusion about the situation though. Why was the Voice being so passive? He'd wanted Macey to come to him but now she had, he was doing nothing with her.


  "Why should I?"

  The Voice laughed again. What was it about this time? He wasn't doing anything she'd consider to be laugh worthy.

  Choking sounds sounded from behind her and the two men's hands fell away from Macey's back. Panicked, she spun around and took in the sight of the two of them clutching their throats and desperate for breath.

  "STOP!" she screamed. "I'll come with you."


  "I don't see that you've left me with much choice," she replied begrudgingly.


  The choking stopped and Macey sighed in relief. She reached out to Rónàn but the Mahoun's presence in her mind stopped her. She shivered. He hadn't been able to reach out like that in a while.


  The doors to the Keep creaked open, leading into the darkness beyond.

  Without saying a word, she turned away from her men and stepped towards certain danger. She couldn't bring herself to care though. As if the Voice hadn't done enough already, he was now actively threatening her men's lives. Not that he hadn't been before, but it felt more personal now and she wasn't about to have that.

  The walk between their spot and the doors was surprisingly lengthy, and yet it took no time at all. She didn't look back. If she did, she'd lose her conviction and run back to safety. Or perceived safety at any rate. In reality, there was no real safe haven while the Mahoun lived on.

  The doors slammed shut behind her, leaving her completely blind. Still, she walked on, eager to get to where she needed to be and face what she had to. The sooner this was over, the better as far as Macey was concerned.

  Turning a corner, she stepped into a pool of light and had to shield her eyes, a slight cry of alarm leaking from her. The very tips of her fingers tingled as the magic inside urged to be released. It could sense the danger around them no doubt, but she wasn't ready to unleash it and let it play. She was still hoping that the Mahoun hadn't realised she held the powers of all seven elements yet. Even if he only suspected, she wanted to keep him in the dark for as long as possible.

  She stepped out of the light and back into the thick black darkness around them. There was a part of her which was convinced this was nothing more than an illusion.


  The Voice was almost pleasant again, seductive even. She said nothing. She wouldn't give in to his call even if she wanted to.


  She braced herself, unsure about what she would be faced with. Would he throw memories of her childhood at her or something more sinister? Her time here even?

  Cries started up as soon as she had that thought but the sounds weren't ones she recognised. These were the screams of innocents. Fellow victims of the Voice who hadn't managed to escape like she had. Her heart sank. Could she cope with the torture reaching her ears? She could swear there were even the cries of children hidden among the pain.

  She soldiered on, trying to ignore the distractions. There was no time to dwell on this. People still living needed her more than the dead did at this point.

  "I'm sorry," she whispered, only then realising that tears were falling quickly down her cheeks. If she could have seen properly, she was sure they'd have splashed against the floor too.

  She turned another corner, the darkness still thick around her. This time, there was light at the end though, and not the blinding light of earlier either. It was softer, more like firelight.

  If only that was reassuring. After her time with the lampads, she doubted she'd ever find fire comforting again. Unless it was coming from Flint that was.

  Stepping into the light, her vision returned slowly and she noticed a single black clad figure in the middle of the room, a hood covering his head and features.

  She wasn't sure how she knew, but this was definitely the Ma
houn. Or as human as the Mahoun got.


  "You should be," she responded, not having any more time for his games. She could still hear the faint cries of the people he'd tortured but was just about managing to block them out. A small kernel of guilt grew in her stomach over that. She shouldn't be ignoring those in pain. She was a Warden. It was her job to protect the world and all that lived in it, no matter the cost to herself.

  Holding on to that thought as tightly as she could, she straightened her spine and met the Mahoun's invisible gaze.

  "What do you want from me?" she demanded.


  "How specific," she muttered, unimpressed by his evil speech giving skills. Wasn't this where he was supposed to monologue his entire plot to her while she created a mad plan of her own that somehow worked despite all the odds?

  She'd been reading too many books.


  "I'm sorry, I can't do that. I'm only one of them," she pointed out.


  "Fine. Two."


  "Truth," she countered, putting as much conviction in her voice as she possibly could. He wasn't beating her this way.


  "It is as far as I'm aware." She stepped further forward, almost gasping in shock when a face behind the Mahoun was revealed to her.

  Luc held a finger to his lips. She didn't know why he was here, or even if he was a friend in this situation, but she obeyed. If he really was here to help her, then she'd take it. She'd need every little bit of help she could possibly get.

  The Mahoun laughed in her head. It was disconcerting being able to see him but the hooded figure wasn’t moving when he spoke or cackled. She had to wonder if this was really him or if it was just another ruse.

  Something deep within her was convinced that wasn't the case though. She was in the presence of pure evil and her body and soul knew it.


  "What?" she blurted before she had time to think.

  The Mahoun moved sharply, a duelling cane leaping into his hands. He twirled it around, looking every inch the deadly foe he was.

  Macey gulped loudly, she didn't have anything she could use to combat that.

  Luc caught her eye and threw her a cane of her own. Trusting in her reflexes and her magic, she opened up her hand and caught the staff. It was perfectly weighted, as if it had been made for her.


  The Voice sounded enraged, but the Mahoun still moved towards Macey, evil intent in every movement.

  Luc moved into the light so he was standing next to Macey, a staff of his own in his hands. Confidence flooded through her. With both of them there, maybe they stood a chance. Though with their opponent being an evil being of immense power, that might have been a stretch still.

  "Do you know what you're doing with that?" Luc whispered to her.

  Macey shook her head. "My plan was to trust in my magic."

  "Good. You're learning then."

  "Do you?" She nodded towards his cane.

  He didn't answer out loud, instead he spun it around in much the same way the Mahoun had. Good. That meant they really might stand a chance.

  The Voice cackled more in her head, probably already confident of victory. No matter what she did or how hard he fought, Macey was determined not to let him have that.

  She steeled her heart, pulling on the strength of her bonds with the other Wardens. They wouldn't feel anything on their end but it gave her the extra protection and skills she would need.

  It was time to see if they were Wardens in more than just name. In a way that had nothing at all to do with magic.

  Chapter 14

  The fight had become an intricate dance of wooden staffs meeting with a clunk, then returning to their masters again, then meeting once more in a cacophony of sound. This wasn’t a fight as much as a show of strength and confidence.

  Luc was in his element, easily blocking the Mahoun’s attacks, but Macey was beginning to think that the devil was just toying with them. Maybe he was even trying to distract them while he had a much worse plan put into action by his lackeys.

  Hopefully, the others had entered the castle and were following the plan.

  Slightly distracted, Macey lost her grip on her magic and the Mahoun's staff got through her defences, knocking hard against her shoulder. She stumbled back, cursing herself for her carelessness. She didn't know how to fight, but somehow, her magic did. She just had to keep connected to it. She ignored the aching pain flaring down her arm and filled herself with magic once more, letting herself be led by it. She stepped forward and attacked the Mahoun in new fervour, joining Luc's ever faster strokes. Together, they matched the Mahoun, but neither he nor they were getting the upper hand.

  She still didn't know why he'd chosen to do this little staff fight. He could have just slipped into her mind again and fought her there. No, instead he was fighting her physically. There had to be a reason for it, but she couldn't stop to think.

  She blocked his next attack, then swooped low and aimed for his feet, but he twisted his staff faster than she could see and prevented her from succeeding. Something needed to change; this was a waste of time.

  From the corners of her eyes, she glanced at Luc. The daimon was fighting hard, his wings steadying him, half unfolded. She was surprised his long black cloak didn't get in the way.

  THIS IS FUN, the Mahoun shouted in Macey's mind.

  "No, it isn't!" she called back in between blocking yet another vicious attack. "What do you want?"


  "Could you be more specific?"


  Macey decided she was done with the staff and let it drop to the floor, creating a coil of magic instead.

  "Dream on," she hissed while weaving together lightning, water and fire magic, keeping it invisible so the Mahoun wouldn't see what she was doing. Luc was continuing to block the man's attacks, now having to protect both himself and Macey.


  A shiver ran over her back. No, that wasn't going to happen. She wasn't going to let him scare her. Not that she wasn't scared shitless already, but she wasn't going to let him make it worse. Right now, he looked like a man and a man could be killed. He was no longer the disembodied Voice, but flesh and blood.

  Suddenly, the Mahoun broke through Luc's defences and hit the daimon hard on the knee. Luc screamed and fell to the ground, his staff slipping from his hand.

  Macey had to act, now, before the Mahoun hurt Luc. She took the magic coil and flung it at the Mahoun like she had at the tree when they were practicing earlier that day. The tree had burst into flame. The Mahoun... he laughed.


  She stared at where her magic used to be. Sparks were falling down, her magic, disintegrated. She'd thought she was strong, but he had defended himself against her attack without even moving. How the fucking waves did he do that?

  Ignoring her, he lifted his staff, ready to let it pummel down on Luc. No, she couldn't let that happen.

  Instead of carefully planning her next attack, she simply threw random magic at the Mahoun, whatever she could find within herself. A lance of water hit him in the stomach, or at least it would have, had he not had some kind of invisible shield surrounding him. The water she'd thrown at him was now a useless puddle on the ground, soaking his black boots.

  That gave her an idea. She formed a very big, very obvious flame and then pushed it towards him, giving him time to completely focus on it, while at the same time, she created some lightning and made it hit the wet ground beneath his feet.

  He screamed as lightning raced through his body, making his limbs twitch.

  Macey poured more energy into the lightning, creating more and more bolts that she fired at the Mahoun. His gu
ards were down while he tried to deal with the pain she was causing him.

  Luc groaned and she turned to him, her eyes widening when she saw how his leg was bent in an unnatural angle. That hit had to have been a lot more violent than it had looked. He grabbed his staff and threw it at Macey, who just about managed to catch it.

  "Blow to the head," Luc shouted over the Mahoun's screams. "Get him unconscious."

  Macey took two steps towards the cloaked man and lifted the staff, bringing it down on the back of his head with as much force as she could muster. The screaming stopped and he collapsed into a heap.

  As soon as he was on the ground, Macey ripped the hood off his head - and screamed. There was no face. Pale white skin was drawn over where the face was supposed to be, but it was smooth like that of a shop window mannequin. This wasn't a human being, or even a humanoid person. No, this was some kind of weird creation of the Mahoun, not the devil himself.


  She swirled around, but there was nobody in the room besides Luc and herself.

  "It was too easy," she whispered and the cackle of the Voice confirmed her suspicions.


  Suddenly, the room around her disappeared and she was thrown into darkness.

  "Hello?" she called out, getting to her feet. Everything was dark; no, not just normal darkness, but a thick, foggy blackness that felt both threatening and ominous. "Anyone here?"


  She conjured a flame, but before it could even illuminate the room, it flickered out. She tried again, and again, but something snuffed out her magic as soon as she created it. It reminded her of the Mahoun's dungeons, where she'd been imprisoned. It had been impossible to do magic there as well, but it felt a little different here. The magic inside her was still there, it just didn't exist anymore as soon as it left her body.

  "I tried that, it doesn't work. Save your energy."

  She recognised that voice, even though he hadn't sounded as exhausted the last time she'd spoken to him.


  "Yes, over here."

  She followed the direction of his voice until she stumbled over something soft.


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