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Seven Wardens Omnibus

Page 67

by Skye MacKinnon

  "Don't remember me," he said as the first trickles of energy began to flow into Macey. When she realised what he was doing, she opened her mouth to speak, to ask him what they were supposed to do about the Mahoun's siblings that were still loose in the world, but it was too late. The trickle turned into a waterfall that swept her under until everything went dark once more.

  Chapter 17

  Her eyes fluttered as she tried to open them, the ache almost too much to bear. Her whole body felt weakened, like she'd never be able to move again no matter what she did. Macey groaned and tried to move on to her side only to be stopped by two firm hands on her shoulders pushing her back.

  "Not yet," a soothing voice said.

  Whose though? She couldn't work it out through the haze in her mind. It was almost as if she'd gone out the night before and emptied the bar of booze. That couldn't be right though, she hadn't drunk in years. Not since she'd come back to find her brothers...

  She choked at the memory.

  "Quick! Bring a bowl!" the voice yelled.

  She wasn't sure what was happening around her but strong soothing hands touched her. She felt safe even with the confusion crashing through her.

  Dry heaving left her mouth and throat sore but she didn't have time to care about that. There were other things making their way to the front of her mind and trying to break forth.

  Warmth flooded through her as someone new touched her. She didn't care who it was at this point, so long as it was someone offering her help.

  She leaned back, her eyes now cracked open. Flint held her steady, her other men just behind him, worried looks in all their eyes. And Luc. He was stood at the end of the bed, an odd expression on his face. His stance relaxed in front of her as he took in that she was indeed breathing and awake.

  "What happened?" she croaked.

  "We were hoping you can tell us that." Flint pushed a spare strand of hair behind her ear.

  "Here." Jared passed her a cup of water complete with straw.

  "Thanks," she croaked.

  The water was a boon she hadn't anticipated and the sweet taste of it on her tongue did wonders for perking her back up again. All she needed now was a chance to brush her teeth and she'd feel much better.

  "I was in the castle with Luc and then there was..." She frowned, trying to recall what had happened but coming up blank. It was like the memory was there but it was too hazy to pull anything out of. "Then I woke up here," she finished instead.

  A conflicted look flitted over the daimon's features but she didn't ask. For some reason it felt like the less she knew, the better.

  The men exchanged glances but she didn't have the energy to ask them questions about it. Instead, she closed her eyes and drifted back to sleep. Flashes flew through her mind as she tried to make sense of events but it didn't help.

  Strength had returned to her, or at least it had a little. Enough to be able to shower and brush her teeth after she'd woken up. According to Flint, it had been another three days, though it didn't feel like it to Macey.

  Sucking in a deep breath, she stepped out of the bathroom and slunk back over to the bed, conscious of five sets of eyes on her.

  "I need answers," she announced, sitting down on the bed and crossing her legs. She'd had time to think in the shower and had come up with the most burning mysteries.

  "We still don't know what happened," Jared replied.

  "I know. I have other questions."

  He nodded and waited for her to speak.

  "Izban?" she started. His well being was the top of her list for questions she needed answering.

  "He's fine," Luc answered before the rest of them could. "He's been fine the entire time. The Mahoun never actually got hold of him."


  "He was just feeding on your fear that you'd sent him to his death," he added.

  She nodded, remembering who the Mahoun was but not how she'd learned the information. "He isn't mad at me, is he?"

  "No more than usual," Cam muttered dryly.

  Macey cracked a smile. She shouldn't have expected any less from the mage. They didn't see eye to eye even if they were on the same side and there wasn't anything anyone could actually do about it.

  "So everyone is safe?"

  "We had a couple of casualties but everyone else is, yes."

  She nodded, though that didn't rid her of the guilt even a couple of deaths caused her. She knew she wouldn't be able to shake them from her mind easily. In reality, she'd be carrying around their memories for the rest of her life. But that was how it should be. Leading an army shouldn't be easy, there was so much more to it than just standing at the front and barking orders. She'd known that going in and wouldn't change it for the world. She owed as much to the people supporting her.

  "Do you have any other questions?" Cam asked softly.

  "Yes." Her voice cracked, but she ignored it. They had important things to discuss. "Where did you go?" she asked Luc, meeting his gaze.

  Surprisingly, he looked straight at her with an honest glint in his eyes. "I didn't know if the Mahoun could sense me. I went to go find out so I could let you know and we would plan accordingly. But you came to the castle before I could do that."

  "But the fight..."

  "I'm not sure, I assume it was some kind of magic to sense danger? It's not anything I've ever come across before. Nor do I have any desire to encounter it again. Once is quite enough for me."

  She gave him a weak smile. She had to admit it was enough for her too. Though she also knew their fight to save the world wasn't even nearly done. They still had a tough fight ahead.

  "What will you do now?" Her voice shook a little at the end but not from the same kind of fear as before.

  "That depends."


  "Whether you still need a guide or not." This time the quiver was in his voice. She wondered what it meant but thought it better not to dwell on it too much. That was one way to end up with an open can of worms. One she didn't think she was quite ready to open yet.

  "I'd have thought you were the one to decide that."

  "No," he replied, a forlorn look crossing his features. It was so at odds with how he normally looked, she almost asked him what the matter was. "It's up to you, Macey. Your need of a guide is what brought me to you. If you don't need one anymore then the lack of need will send me away."

  Conflicting emotions warred to life within her. As infuriating as the daimon was, it was nice to have someone other than Cam know what they should be doing. And there was still a lot to do. She'd need all the help she could get.

  "Stay," she whispered. "Please?"

  He nodded. "If that's what you wish, Macey."

  Luc turned away from her and panic gripped her stomach. "I thought you were staying," she blurted.

  "I am. But not in the room." He didn't turn back to face her as he spoke and she wasn't too sure why. "But I'll see you in the morning and we can talk then." He didn't wait for a reply and left the room quickly.

  Macey frowned, unable to get a handle on how she was feeling.

  "He's left us so we can be alone, Macey," Jared whispered, the seduction pouring from his voice.

  She felt herself relax as the words rushed over her. She doubted he was using his powers on purpose but she didn't mind if it got her to stop thinking about her troubles and enjoy the moments.

  And she'd heard it said that sex had healing properties.

  "Do you want us all to stay?" Rónàn asked, speaking for the first time.

  Macey nodded instantly. She didn't want to be without any of them in that moment. She'd come too close to losing them all. To losing herself. She needed the reassurance of their bodies connecting and the intimacy that would bring.

  A smirk lifted the corner of Jared's mouth and excitement began to build in Macey. She looked around her men, meeting each of their gazes and seeing the love and longing lingering there for her. She knew all eyes would be on her.

  "No touching, selki
e." Jared growled slightly.

  "Don't worry, I don't want a repeat of that."

  "What?" Flint demanded.

  "Nothing," Rónàn and Jared chorused.

  Despite herself, a small giggle passed from Macey's lips.

  Flint gave her a begging look but she shook her head.

  "You don't want to know," Cam told him, a slight chuckle in his own voice.

  Jared didn't wait for anyone else to say anything and leaned over Macey, pressing his lips against hers and taking her in a searing kiss. She fell back onto the bed, taking him with her, but only for a moment.

  "I don't think so, Macey," he teased, drawing a hand down her clothed chest. "I think I want to watch."

  She swallowed loudly hoping he was going to do what he promised. She didn't want to miss out on what he had in mind.

  Jared shuffled away from her and rose to his feet. "Strip," he commanded.

  She didn't hesitate to obey as his eyes raked over her, filling her with heat and fire unlike the one she felt when it was anger coursing through her body. She had to admit to much preferring this version of the flames.

  "Good," Jared said, turning his back and grabbing one of the chairs littered around the room. He sat himself down so he was facing the bed, surveying her with greedy eyes. "Flint."

  The command in his voice had tingles running up and down Macey's body. Whatever he had planned, she was ready and willing to do his bidding.

  "Yes?" the wraith asked, clearly amused by the situation. Macey didn't care if he was, so long as he played along.

  "Kiss her."

  The words sunk in and it was all Macey could do not to whimper already. This was everything she'd ever fantasised about. Them in bed with her and Jared calling the shots. Controlling them. Demanding.

  Flint obeyed instantly, caging her beneath him on the bed and lowering his lips to hers. He kissed her with unrestrained passion, teasing her completely. Macey bucked against him, pushing her naked body against his clothed one, his jeans scratching against her skin.

  "More," she murmured into their kiss.

  "All in good time, Macey," Jared answered from his chair. "Cam," he said firmly.

  With Flint still kissing her, Macey had no idea what the other wraith would be doing but that only made the situation hotter. Not wanting to be the only one naked, her hands flew to Flint's shirt, tugging on the bottom and trying to pull it over his head.

  "No, Macey, not yet," Jared chided. "You'll need to wait until I say so."

  She didn't respond to him, knowing that wasn't what he wanted. This was no longer about just fun. It was a game of power. At least it was power she was willing to give him. To give them.

  "Flint," Jared said. "time to move."

  His weight left her body and it was all she could do not to grab fistfuls of his shirt and pull him back to her. There was something intoxicating about the idea of having him so near. All of them.

  "On your hands and knees, Macey. Don't open your eyes." There was an edge to Jared's voice she'd only heard a time or two before. It sent tingles through her, winding her up tighter as she realised the control he had. Jared's incubus nature would be feeding heavily from this, she was sure of that, and it would make him all the more powerful for it. She couldn't say she minded. It was intoxicating.

  Hands rested on her back, smoothing over the skin as they touched too softly. She wanted it harder. She wanted it faster. Most of all, she wanted it now.

  "I've been dreaming of this moment, Macey. Of being able to see you with others. Participating is even better, but there's something about getting to watch you taken by multiple men."

  His words sent thrills through her as another set of hands touched her legs.


  She didn't need to hear the rest of Jared's instructions to know the selkie had moved next to her head. His hand rested on top of her hair and a soft sea breeze scent assailed her nose. This was what it meant to be with them. Water, Fire, Earth and Wind. Even if Rónàn wasn't a Warden, he was one of them.

  "Where should I have them take you first, Macey?" She could tell by his tone he didn't actually want a reply.

  She whimpered all the same.

  "Should I have you suck Rónàn's cock? Or should I let Flint slip into you from behind? Maybe you want it up the ass first. It wouldn't surprise me. I think it's Cam's turn there." A hint of mischief snuck into his voice but it didn't lose any of the command there. She was too involved in the scene around her.

  Despite not appearing in control, she knew she was. One word from her and all four of them would stop. It was a good job she didn't want that.

  "I think a little pleasure first. Cam, if you would."

  The men around her shuffled slightly and the hands on her back disappeared, moving to the soft skin of her thighs. Cam dragged his thumbs over her and a moan escaped her lips.

  Hot breath brushed against her sensitive skin. She shivered. The urge to push back against his mouth was strong but she ignored it. That might displease Jared and the last thing she wanted was for this game to stop. She was far too into the experience to cut it short.

  Cam's tongue darted out and he drew it along her. She couldn't hold back and a loud groan escaped from her.

  She didn't need to open her eyes to be able to picture the satisfied smirk on Jared's face. He was loving this.

  "I think you can take Rónàn's cock now," Jared mused.

  "Yes," she murmured.


  She opened her eyes and looked straight at him, not at all surprised to find a raised eyebrow.

  "Please?" she tried.

  "Very good. Rónàn?" He waved his hand in the direction of the selkie who was blissfully naked.

  "It'd be a pleasure." He stroked a finger down Macey's cheek.

  She opened her mouth, knowing what was coming next and relishing the thought of what was to come. Rónàn obliged and she wrapped her lips around his cock.

  He tangled his hands into her hair, pulling her further on to him. She gagged slightly but then relaxed her throat, taking him deeper.

  "I think that's enough, Cam." This time, she was only dimly aware of Jared's voice and words. The rest was lost to the sensations of her men touching her.

  Cold air rushed over her as Cam stepped away. She groaned in disappointment, the sound only serving to vibrate her throat along Rónàn's cock.

  "Flint, you know what to do," Jared instructed.

  Firm hands touched her hips and she was quickly dragged back until she met Flint's cock. He slammed into her hard and fast, seeming as desperate as she was for the contact.

  Macey's legs began to tremble as she tried to hold herself steady but it didn't work very well and it was only through Flint and Rónàn's strength she managed to stay on all fours.

  Pleasure tightened inside her, twisting around and begging for release. She pushed it back. She wasn't ready for that yet. There was still so much more to experience.

  "You look so beautiful like this, Macey," Jared whispered, much closer than he'd been before. He traced his fingers across her back, leaving discernible patterns on her skin.

  Rónàn began to tremble and pulse within her mouth and she knew he'd come soon. Flint probably wasn't far behind either, not from how erratically he was now moving inside her.

  She was right there with them. The urge to come was strong and as much as she tried to hold off, she knew she wouldn't be able to hold back much longer. Flint thrust into her particularly hard, hitting the spot within her that would make her explode.

  Her whole body began to shake and she couldn't stop the wave of pleasure ripping through her even if she'd wanted to. Rónàn pulled out of her mouth, moaning as he did. She was dimly aware of Flint's answering noises, but couldn't focus enough on them to respond.

  She crashed back down to earth quickly and found herself flipped so she was lying on her back with Jared looking down on her, lust and love filling his eyes. She knew what was about to happen and held out her
arms to him. He leaned in and kissed her gently, positioning her legs around him. Slowly, he entered her, his cock causing small aftershocks of pleasure to rack through her. She was surprised she could take him straight after Flint but his incubus magic was probably to thank for that one.

  She wrapped her arms around him, knowing her other men's eyes were on them too as they rocked and moaned together. It didn't take long for the two of them to explode in each other's arms. Jared knew exactly what buttons to press. They all did. She was truly blessed with them.

  Coming back down to earth for the second time, she was almost too blissed out to function. Her eyes fluttered closed, sleep calling her name. She could feel strong arms tucking her into the bed and then the warm bodies getting in beside her and pulling her close to them.

  In her whole life, she'd never felt as safe or as loved as with them. Even if they had horrors to face and monsters to battle, she knew they could handle it. Not only were they the Wardens but they had one another.

  All she'd have to do was work out what the flames they had to do next. Somewhere in her dream addled mind, the crash of waves against the shore and the smell of salt on the breeze came to her. Not in the same way it did with Rónàn's scent either. This was different. She had to go to the sea again. For what purpose, she wasn't too sure. Hopefully not another underwater city.

  So long as she had her men with her, all would work out well. They were a team for a reason and she'd spend the rest of her life proving it over and over again.

  If they survived that long...

  What’s happening? Find out in the next book in the Seven Wardens series, Above the Waves:, or get the final three books (plus bonus material) in the second box set.

  About Skye MacKinnon

  Skye MacKinnon is a USA Today & International Bestselling Author whose books are filled with strong heroines who don't have to choose.

  She embraces her Scottishness with fantastical Scottish settings and a dash of mythology, no matter if she's writing about Celtic gods, cat shifters, or the streets of Edinburgh.


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