Book Read Free

Asha King

Page 11

by Wild Horses

  “You sound pretty sure.”

  “I’m very sure. You jealous, Miss Jackson?”

  “Pfft,” she scoffed. “Please.” Maybe ridiculously so.

  His hand reached down, grasping her bare knee, and heat shot through her body. She shifted, panties dampening, as he gave her knee a squeeze. “We’ll have to see what can be done to reassure you later.”

  It was going to be a long meal.


  Dinner and three beers later, Dani was feeling quite okay.

  She breathed in deeply and let out a loud sigh, smiling up at Adam. “You smell divine. I think I just said that out loud, didn’t I?”

  “I think you’re drunk.”

  Dani thought it over, tipping her head back and forth. The world didn’t rattle around in front of her—she was happy, vaguely tipsy and warm, but not drunk. “Nope. Still good. Nicely primed for you to take advantage of me in the truck.”

  Adam chuckled and unfolded his wallet, plucked out a few bills, and set them on the table. He slid out of the booth and then offered his hand. She accepted it, enjoying the feel of his firm grip and calloused fingers, and rose. The room continued to behave itself, so while she wouldn’t get behind the wheel of a vehicle, she figured she’d be fine by the time they got home.

  When she’d started thinking about the ranch as home, well, she decided not to dwell on.

  Night had fallen hard on Stirling Falls by the time they stepped outside. The sky was black beyond the handful of streetlights and the road was empty save for a few cars from restaurant patrons.

  Her hand still held Adam’s and delicious tingles ran up her spine being this near to him. They approached the car but as he reached for the passenger door handle, she stepped in front of him, leaning against the vehicle and looking up at him with heat in her eyes. “Or maybe I’ll take advantage of you.”

  “Dani,” he began, as if arguing, but any protests faded as she pulled him closer; he went willingly, pressing her against the truck. Her hands slid over his sides, grasping his T-shirt, and her lips parted for him when his mouth descended.

  The kiss was long, fierce. Consuming and heated. Her hands roamed his sides, his back, his chest. His fingers clasped around her hips possessively and he pressed deeper against her, his cock hard against her lower belly.

  Anyone could see them—someone could leave the restaurant any moment, or glance out into the street, seeing her pinned against the truck. Thrill rushed through her veins, almost enjoying the thought of being caught like a couple of school kids. When need built between her thighs, her hips undulated, needing to feel him. A growl left his throat as he pulled his lips away and gazed down.

  “I can’t wait,” she whispered.

  His kissed her again passionately, making her brain shut off and body take control. She didn’t argue when he broke away and wrapped one arm around her then moved them, away from the truck, back toward the restaurant, and urgently between the buildings. There was scarcely more than shadows there to witness them, like slipping into a whole other world a few yards from the street.

  Almost immediately he had her against the wall, brick biting into her back. Buttons popped from her plaid shirt, clicking on the pavement as they fell; his hands reached under her tank top next, caressing her breasts, kneading them possessively. She moaned against his lips when he kissed her again, leaning into his touch. Her hand slid between them, gripping his erect length and giving it a purposeful rub over his jeans.

  “Did you...?” she began breathlessly.

  He reached into his back pocket and pressed a small foil packet into her palm.

  Dani grinned. “Planning to get lucky?”

  His fingers skimmed up her thighs, gathering her short skirt and thrusting it upward. “Says the girl in a skirt.”

  She might’ve laughed but then his fingers brushed past her panties and sank into her pussy. Her head tilted back, lips parting to cry out, and his kisses moved down her neck, working lower to her cleavage. She fumbled with his belt, then his jeans, struggling to get them open and keep a hold of the wrapper when his hands were doing such delicious things to her body. Her fingers shook, tearing open the package, and he groaned as she worked the condom onto his shaft.

  “I need you,” she said in a breathy, rasping voice, giving his cock a firm squeeze.

  Adam pulled back, panting heavily, his hands coming up to frame her face as he stared at her a moment. Breathless seconds passed and she forgot her body’s want and need, forgot everything but the sight of faint streetlight etching along the side of his face, his warm eyes locked on hers, perfect lips parted as breath pushed past them. Her heart surged warmly, beating wildly, emotion she couldn’t place welling in her.

  The moment passed and was forgotten when he leaned down to kiss her savagely. She arched into him, and when his hands moved to reach for her panties, she helped wiggled out of them. His fingers spayed across her ass, lifting her up, then he drove into her with no precursor, no more teasing. Both let out a shuddering breath.


  “God, you feel good,” he rasped against her ear; she’d concur, but she was too delirious to think of words. He moved slow at first even as she rocked her hips, trying to force him faster. Her nails dragged up his arms, biting through his shirt to his skin. She wished she could get him stripped right down and see his hard, strong body again, taste his flesh and relish in the feel of him. Sweat slithered over her brow, down her back, no breeze reaching them in the narrow spot between buildings. The alley was silent but for their joined moans and cries, and the slapping of flesh together.

  Her legs were weakening so she wrapped them around his hips, encouraging him to move deeper in her. His pace quickened and one hand slid between them, fingers pressing down on her clit. Pleasure coiled, tightened, then burst inside her, orgasm gripping her suddenly.

  Had she not been pinned against the wall, she might’ve crumpled bonelessly to the ground; it was all she could do to hang on as he fucked her harder, faster, strokes brutal until at last he cried out her name and grew still, panting.

  “I don’t know who took advantage of who here,” she sighed happily, “but I approve.”

  He kissed her again, slow and sensuous, then helped her straighten her clothes and his. He gripped her hand tightly as they exited the alley, both rumpled but grinning because no one was out on the street to catch them. Ever the gentleman—aside from against a random building sex—he opened the truck door for her and got her situated before he climbed in as well and got them back on the road.

  Dani stretched out contentedly in the passenger seat, grinning, her eyes heavy. It wasn’t until the truck was about to turn down the dark drive way to the ranch that she sat up straight and alert.

  “So, I think I forgot my panties back in that alley.”


  NEW POST: Draft Mode

  We interrupt my usual snarky posts to talk to you about something very important.

  Equine health.

  Did you know that pretty much ANYTHING can, like, kill a horse? We all know a broken leg means euthanization, but even gas can if they get their stomachs turned.

  After dealing with a horse’s colic today, I decided to Google and OMFG. You guys. God? He hates horses. Forget Satan being a snake; it had to have been a horse. If you look at them funny, they keel over.

  So take CARE of your horses and pray. A lot.

  BTW, the colicky horse is okay now.

  I also have another PSA to talk to you about:





  Flashlights, ladies. Get a mini one for your keychain.

  Trust me on this. I pity the poor city worker who discovers my panties back there.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Dani had set off for a trail ride with Angie and the camp kids—a notion which had Adam shaking his he
ad but not arguing. She decided she was going to try, so he saddled up Bud and sent her with the group, then waited around for Angie to call about a horrible accident.

  The vet came for Sweet Pea again and that seemed to be going well. Dewey had hovered around the horse half the night so Carlee could get some sleep, but whatever internal pain the horse had was passed now. Gus was in town, Dewey took a nap, Carlee was outside with Sweet Pea, which left Adam with the run of the house.

  He headed straight for Gus’s office.

  The door was unlocked, as always, and laptop sitting open on his desk. Adam had free reign to use it whenever; he had little interest in his own computer, enjoying that he’d basically severed all connections with people in general three years ago, but he decided this was something he had to see.

  After sitting down and typing in the password to unlock the system, he headed straight for YouTube.

  She’d said the video was still online.

  Surely there were plenty of girls singing to country songs in their underwear on YouTube but he typed in the title, “cover”, “underwear”, and, “charity”—

  Immediately the field filled in with his search request along with, “Dani Girl.”


  Adam clicked.

  A moment later the video began to load and Dani’s smiling face greeted him.

  “Hey there, Dani-girls and Dani-boys,” she said cheerily. “We had a bargain: you raise ten thousand this Christmas for homeless kids, I lip sync. But...”

  Adam blinked. Holy shit, did she just say ten grand?

  “Since you went above and beyond, raising almost twenty-five thousand dollars, I will, in fact, sing for you. Badly. I hope you enjoy my humiliation.”

  The video cut to her standing in the middle of a living room. If it was her apartment, it looked comfortable and contemporary with light blue walls and white furniture, random dots of green plants here and there. It was odd, seeing her at home, in her own element, but at the same time familiar, like it was the sort of place he could imagine curling up with her in the evening with pizza and a movie.

  Music started and she held a hairbrush up to her lips. True to her promise, she was in her underwear—white and yellow, dots he assumed were daisies. Her camisole was a sunny yellow and her nails were painted to match.

  Despite his shock and slight confusion—this was not the little production he assumed it would be—he was grinning widely and forgot to wonder as she started singing.

  She was right—it was bad. Very. Couldn’t carry a tune in the least bit, but then he appreciated that about her—that she wasn’t secretly masking a fantastic voice with faux humility. She couldn’t sing and she owned that fact.

  Her energy and charisma more than made up for it as she twirled around and made dramatic faces at the camera. Despite already having seen her naked and in various positions, he hardened at the sight of her prancing around, shaking her hips and full ass, camisole riding up on her narrow waist, and occasionally giving a glimpse of cleavage depending on how she moved.

  When the video ended, she gave the camera a little wave and the screen faded to white, where an ending cartoon played, encouraging the viewer to subscribe to her channel.

  Adam scrolled down.

  Over two million hits, thousands of comments. He glanced through the side bar of videos, seeing her face over and over in various animated expressions—vlogs on different topics.

  In the info section of her video, he found a link to her website and clicked that next, frowning slightly and not entirely certain of what he was about to find.


  Adam stood in the barn, emptying the first of five bags of grain into the huge, unplugged freezer they stored it in.

  She was a celebrity.

  He shook his head, trying to clear it, but after spending half an hour reading her blog, watching videos, and looking at various photos, he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it.

  Sure, he was like anyone else perhaps classically out of touch with things, thinking of celebrities as movie stars or singers or something. But there was no denying she was equal to many of them in terms of popularity. Hundreds of thousands of follows on different sites, thousands of comments on her blog posts. He read a few of the popular articles where her humor was playful, often self-deprecating and occasionally biting of others. He stifled a laugh a few times and could certainly understand why she had a fanbase.

  And he wondered precisely why she was at Gus’s farm in the first place.

  He dragged a box cutter down the front of the next grain bag and dumped it with the first, trying not to think about the aching in his chest.

  Soon the voices of kids and beat of horse hooves sounded, the trail riding party having returned. He hadn’t received any phone calls so she must’ve been fine.

  He blinked for a moment, remember being in the barn last week with her while she insisted on taking a video while they were giving Lady Luck a shot of Bute. What had she said? Something about doing anything for the purposes of comedy?

  Was this a new blog feature? Documenting life on a farm? Seducing the horse wrangler? Not that he didn’t do his fair share of seducing, but the fact remained...what if it was an act?

  What if he was falling for an act?

  His stomach turned uncomfortably at the thought, mood gloomy while he went about his later afternoon chores. Eventually the voices outside faded, kids off to do a handful of activities with Angie before their parents got them and horses turned out. He preferred the silence out there, just the soft whinny of horses, mice scampering around the barn, and birds outside.

  A figure appeared in the corner of his eye and he recognized it immediately. Conflicted feelings rose, both wanting her but not trusting her.

  “So you didn’t end up tossed in the woods?”

  She sauntered toward him, the sunlight outside highlighting her curves through the open door. “He was good. I was stuck between two kids so he mostly just followed the path. Angela grunted something about bad form.”

  “I told you to take lessons.” He gathered up the empty grain bags, still not looking at her even as she moved closer. He stuffed the bags in the trash behind him and turned back around to see her there, leaning against the closed grain bin, staring up at him from under her Stetson.

  Her lips were pulled into a frown, brows furrowed. “What’s wrong?”

  He tried a smile but it felt wrong. “Fine. Just busy.”

  Dani’s arms snaked out before he could walk away, wrapping around his torso. He could break away, sure, but his hands drifted up over her bare arms, dark skin satiny smooth beneath his fingertips; he moved almost on instinct like he couldn’t help but touch. She gazed up at him both saucy and hopeful, so honest. Everything in him insisted she was for real, that this wasn’t some new blog story for her, but bitter doubt crept in again.

  “There’s work to be done,” he said as he disentangled himself from her.

  She held back a moment behind him and he could feel her eyes on him, so he left the room, moving deeper into the barn.

  But of course her steps followed. “Are you getting broody and growly because I unknowingly said no to a date? Or did you forget you haven’t asked me?”

  He turned back to her. “I’m not broody or growly.” Okay, so his voice was pitched a little darker than usual, but surely he wasn’t brooding.

  She kept walking toward him, swinging hips tantalizing in her tight jeans. “You need to unwind.”

  Adam more than recognized that look in her eye; he glanced over her shoulder at the open barn door. “Dani—” He stepped backwards but hit the collection of rain barrels at the back of the room.

  She moved closer grinning. Her hands came to rest on his hips as she gazed up at him, pressing her body against his. Her nearness set his blood ablaze with wanting. Despite the fact that she’d been out on a trail ride, the scent of vanilla and strawberries clung to her, a ghost of her shower earlier.

  Dani rose on her tipt
oes and he went lightheaded, thoughts disappearing as his blood rushed south. His lips found hers and he sighed inwardly, relaxing even though he’d been annoyed, body trusting her even if his head didn’t. Her fingers slipped under the hem of his T-shirt, sliding over his muscles.

  A horse whinnied in the distance, snapping him to attention. What the hell were they doing—what was he doing? He saw all the posts about dating on her blog. Was this going to end up there too? Jokes about the time she got fucked in a hay loft or a tack room?

  He pulled back. “Dani.”

  But she grinned wickedly up at him. “Everyone’s busy. We won’t get caught. Probably.”

  He gripped her wrists and removed them from his waist with just about all the self-discipline he was capable of. “Come on—”

  Instead of verbally protesting further, she sank to her knees at his feet. His breath caught in his throat as she bit her bottom lip and gaze up at him coyly.


  She reached up and he watched, hands still on her wrists as she splayed her fingers and ran them up his jean-clad thighs. A shuddering breath left him at her touch, any control he’d had disappearing immediately. When she boldly rand her hand over his growing erection, he gave up entirely and gripped the edge of the rain barrel behind him, head tiling back as he groaned. The zipper of his jeans drew down, breaking the otherwise silence, and she peeled down the front of his boxers.

  Her fingers delicately wrapped around his cock, warm and soft. His chest heaved with panting breaths and he gazed down to find her looking up at him from long-lashed dark eyes, slight smile curving her lips. He felt every nuance of her touch—fingers trailing, almost tickling, whispering over his shaft in a way that both heightened his arousal and brought him no relief. She paused only long enough to cast her hat off before returning her attention to him.

  “You know,” she said casually, her mouth near enough that he felt her breath on his dick, “you made me beg plenty of times.”


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