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Rough and Dirty

Page 3

by Mina Carter

  The next touch wasn’t so innocent. His tongue laved her nipple, and as she was reeling from the sensation as he pulled it into his mouth and suckled. Pleasure exploded through her body, and then collapsed in on itself to center deep in her core. Her pussy clenched, a hard ache taking up residence in her feminine channel. She needed to be filled, needed him to fill her as instincts as old as time took over.

  Wrapping her hands around his thick upper arms wasn’t possible, so she just held on as best she could while he divided his attention between her breasts. He cupped and caressed them. She wasn’t built small by any stretch of the imagination, but he held her easily. A perfect fit.

  Arching her back to allow him better access, she didn’t expect him to slide a hand down her stomach, heading south. All her breath left her lungs in a gasp as he got her undivided attention. But he didn’t rush in, instead drawing circles on her stomach with his fingertips as he worked his way back up to her neck. The scrape of his stubble against her sensitive flesh made her shiver, but she didn’t have time to dwell on it.

  His lips covered hers at the same moment he slipped his fingers beneath her panties. Secure in his reception, he didn’t beat around the bush. His strong fingers dipped into her cleft, dragging the juices of her arousal up and around her clit.

  She keened, the sound lost as he took over the kiss, his lips more masterful than he’d been before. He rubbed and stroked her clit, demanding a response with his lips and tongue at the same time until she didn’t know which way was up.

  Floating in a sea of pleasure, she clung to him and followed where he led, trusting him to take them where they needed to go. Her hips moved against his hand, seeking more of what she needed. He rumbled in pleasure, the sound a vibration against her body and shifted, using a hard knee to part her thighs further. Before she could wonder what he was about, he parted her folds and slid a thick finger deep inside her.

  She pulled free of his lips with a soundless moan. The climax that had been hovering on the wings thundered closer, circling her with relentless purpose. Her pussy clenched hard around his invading digit, and she tapped his arms.

  “Tom…I’m goin’…too close.” She wanted him inside her when she came. Wanted to feel him filling her, to tip her over the edge into release.

  His lips grazed her neck, nuzzling the sweet spot under her ear that turned her knees to mush. “Just let it go. Come for me, sweet thing. Let me bring you pleasure.”

  His low voice, the whispered words, and the kiss laid gently on her lips were a delicious counterpoint to the sudden thrust as he slid a second finger into her pussy to join the first.

  She cried out as her world shattered around her, pleasure running like fire and ice through her veins. It was too much, she couldn’t keep it all in. Her hips rocked against his hand as he thrust and withdrew, adding the pressure of his thumb against her clit to heighten her pleasure. She rode the high, burying her face into his strong neck as he played her body, drawing the climax out. When the waves ebbed, he pulled away.

  She moaned in the back of her throat when he slid off the bed, missing the strong warmth of his body as she floated in the aftermath of her release. Fabric rustled, the distinctive sound of a foil packet being ripped telling her what he was about.

  She opened her eyes as he returned, planting a knee between hers, to cover her. She smiled, reaching up to stroke her hand down his jaw, the stubble covered skin rough against her palm. The look on his face was hard and feral, a primitive look that made her shiver.

  “I’ll go slow. I promise--”

  She was well ahead of him, sliding a hand down to wrap around his cock. The fact that he’d protected them both without assuming she was on the pill endeared him to her. Using a firm grip, she stroked, marvelling at his length and width. God, she couldn’t wait to get that inside her. If it would all fit.

  He groaned, a muffled expletive leaving his lips so crude that in any other circumstances she might have blushed. Now she took it as an indicator of how close he was to losing control.

  And she was right. After a couple of strokes, he grabbed her wrist, stilling her hand. “You need to stop, love. Unless you want a real short, fast fuck.”

  Letting go, she lay back, parting her legs further as he moved to settle himself between them. The head of his sheath-covered cock pressed against the entrance to her cunt, and he started to thrust. She sucked a quick breath in as the broad tip breeched her entrance, forcing her pussy wide to accept him.

  God, he was big. She felt every inch of his invading shaft pressing against her inner walls as he pushed into her, every so often pulling back to bear down again. Working his way into her in short, sea-saw movements until he was seated to the hilt.

  He stopped, gathering her into his arms as her pussy throbbed and fluttered around him. She closed her eyes, wallowing in the sensation and a sudden pang hit her. It felt so right. She never wanted to let him go. But that was stupid, there was no way he’d want her for more than a night.

  He kissed her temple, murmuring low words she couldn’t make out over the roaring of her blood in her ears. She’d never felt so filled, so stretched before. It was almost verging on uncomfortable. But almost as soon as the sensation registered, it eased off, leaving her with the need to move.

  “Shh, hold on. Just give me a moment.” He grabbed her hips when she started to move, holding her still. “You’re so damn tight.”

  Biting her lip, she tried to do as she was told but her body had a mind of its own. Little rocks of her hips against his had them both gasping. With a curse, he let go of her hips and pulled his own back. The sensation as he pulled out almost all the way set a new bar in exquisite. Then he thrust back in, a quick fast slide until their hips met again, and she lost the ability to think.

  “Oh God, yes. More,” she begged, wrapping her legs around his hips. He grunted, bracing his hands either side of her head, and gave her what she wanted. What she needed.

  Bending every inch of his big, powerful body to pleasure, he moved over her. Short, hard thrusts followed by slow slides that drove her out of her mind. Their breathing grew ragged, the slide and slap of skin on skin, the sounds of sex, filled the room. Moans escaped her throat to combine with his deeper groans in a primal harmony as they strained against each other. Each motion feeding the fire that grew between them until a roll of his hips brought her to the edge again.

  She gasped, body tense. “Oh… I…”

  “I’m here.” He wrapped his arms around her, rolling on the bed until she was astride him. The sudden movement made her gasp, the change in position causing all new and interesting sensations as his cock stroked in her tight pussy.

  “I want to watch your face as you come,” he growled, hands on her hips to lift her up, and drive her down over his cock, impaling her on the thick length.

  She cried out, his name on her lips as her pussy clenched tight around him, milking his cock in rhythmic waves. He growled, lips pulled back from his teeth and all the cords in his neck and shoulder standing in high relief. His fingers bit into her hips as he slammed up into her—a few short, hard thrusts before he snarled her name and went rigid, his cock jerking and pulsing in her depths as he found his own release.

  Chapter 4

  Last night had been the best sex of his life. Ever.

  Thanks to his training schedule, Tom was used to waking early, and this morning was no exception. Warm and comfortable, he wrapped his arm around Fern’s waist, her curvy body curled against his.

  Poor girl, he’d kept her away all night, unable to get enough of her. And still he was half hard now, cock ready to go at moment’s notice. It was like he hadn’t had sex for bloody years, and was gorging himself before the treat was taken away.

  He looked down in the growing light. The sight of her there, lost on the wide expanse of the bed with her hair spread out around her head like a dark halo hit him like a shoulder to the gut. What would it be like to wake to her there every day?

the thought hit him, he knew he wanted to make it a reality. He’d always scoffed whenever anyone mentioned love at first sight, but now he was forced to re-think his opinion. His strategy for getting her into his bed had worked, so now he needed a new one to get her to stay with him longer.

  Dropping a kiss on her temple, he slid from under the covers. A shower and then breakfast in bed should endear her to seeing him again. He paused just inside the bathroom, a sinking feeling wrapping itself around his heart. Shit. What if she’d only wanted a one-night stand? God, that would suck. He had to face facts. She was beautiful, classy, and intelligent. She could do way better than him.

  After dealing with business, he leaned his hands against the sink to study his reflection in the mirror. A couple of inches shy of six feet, his body reflected his choice of career as hooker for a premier league club. He was heavily built and packed with muscle, particularly his shoulders and neck. Right at the front of the pack, he and the rest of the front row took the pressure of the entire opposition team pushing against them in a scrum, as well as that of the Sharks pushing the other way. It was like a game of piggy in the middle, with men as big as cars.

  He reached up. His nose had been broken at least three times and his ears got taped down during a game, or he had to have them syringed. Even so, the hard swelling in the left was never going away. All in all, he looked like the bruiser he was. Sighing, he dropped his head, there was no way she was after more than a bit of fun and a chance to bed a Shark. He was a notch on her bedpost, not the other way around.

  His mood weighing him down, he switched the shower on and stepped in. He ducked under the spray and stayed there, eyes closed. The sound might wake her, but hell, that would just give her the chance to escape without having to deal with him if she wanted. Perhaps it was for the best.

  “Hey, tiger, I didn’t wear you out, did I?”

  So convinced that she was going to make a run for it, the sound of her voice surprised him. Looking up, he found her right in front of him, wrapped in the shirt he’d worn last night. Pleasure hit him. He liked that, seeing her in his clothes. Her lips curved into a smile, but the look in her eyes was wary, and for an instant, he saw similar worries to the ones he’d been having reflected there.

  He grinned like a damn idiot. “Hell no. I’ll give you a repeat performance whenever you like, love.”

  The look she gave him was so hot it would have blistered paint. “Really? How about right now?”

  He sucked in a breath, watching as she slid his shirt off and let it drop to the floor to reveal her in all her naked glory. A night like that and sex in the morning? He pinched himself. This was not happening, he just wasn’t this lucky.

  His cock punched to full mast within a heartbeat to jut loud and proud in front of him. He wouldn’t have been able to hide his reaction to her, even if he’d wanted to. Her gaze flicked down, the visual caress as stimulating as if she’d reached out and wrapped her hand around his cock there and then.

  “Now works.” Hell, did it work.

  Stepping back until his arse hit the tiled wall, he made room for her. The cubicle wasn’t small, for normal people, but with him in it, space was at a premium.

  “Big lad,” she murmured, a catch in her breath as the spray from the showerhead caught her, the water a little on the cool side to bring his raging libido down to a manageable level. Reaching out, he adjusted the temperature and extended his free arm.

  She stepped into his embrace, no coyness about her manner even when his cock pressed into her stomach. She treated him to a hot look, hands smoothing over the width of his shoulders. “You’re a big lad all round, aren’t you?”

  “Yeah.” The rough growl of his voice, thick with desire, was almost unrecognizable. “Want me prove it to you again?”

  Wicked heat and mischief sparked in her eyes. Shaking her head, she went up on tiptoe to plant a trail of kisses over his wet shoulders. Nips and hot, open mouthed kisses that tested the strength in his knees. Locking them, he concentrated on keeping his hands light on her waist. Letting her touch him, kiss him.

  “Hmm, you know.” She traced the line of his collarbone with her tongue. “I think I need to check for myself.”

  He swore, the expletive violent, and followed with a shaky laugh. “God, yeah. I mean… Please.”

  Dropping his head back, he let her have open access to his body, marvelling all the while that she wanted to, that she was still here. But she seemed as fascinated with him as he was with her. A hum rose in the back of her throat, a pleased little sound that reminded him of a cat purring. He liked it. Liked her.

  Fuck, yeah, he liked her. Really liked her.

  Her hands smoothed over his chest, tracing the line of his pecs before moving down to his abdomen. Male vanity made him tense, bringing his six pack out into high relief. He wanted her to see and feel the best of him.

  Her fingers worked down. He sucked his breath in, anticipation holding him prisoner as her hand drew closer and closer to his cock. The memory of her fingers wrapped around him last night made his cock jerk, a bead of pre-cum glistening at the tip. God, if she didn’t touch him soon…

  The wet heat of her tongue flicked over his nipple the same instant her small hand closed around his cock. The breath punched out of his lungs as his back arched, and his hips thrust forward all at the same time, body jerking different ways as it chased the pleasure she offered.

  “God, yeah. Do that more.”

  Reaching up, he planted a hand on the walls either side of him. He didn’t trust himself to use the showerhead to hold onto. The sensation of her mouth and her hand on him…he’d tear the damn thing right off the wall. It was all he could do to stay still as she explored him, but there was no way he was moving. Not while she touched him like this.

  Licking and kissing the flat discs of his nipples, she alternated flicking her tongue over them with gentle nips that made him gasp. Gritting his teeth, he shoved his hands harder against the tiles. Anything to stay upright.

  Heat surged as she worked him, pumping his cock in steady strokes that threatened to blow his mind. His hips developed a mind of their own, rocking counter to the motion of her hand. Looking down, he watched the head of his cock flash in and out of her grip. God, it was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen.

  “Hmm, big…but I think I need more evidence.”

  Tom threw his head back, the back of his skull thunking against the wall. She was trying to kill him. She slid to her knees right there in front of him, hands on his thighs for balance, and he lost the ability to think.

  The first warm, wet rasp of her tongue over his cock made him flinch, the second, moan, and when she leaned forward to engulf him in the heated cavern of her mouth, he was done. She had him; heart, body and soul. The fact that she’d do something like this for him without asking, without the coercion he’d always had to exert with previous girlfriends to get such a treat… it blew his mind.

  She slid down, more of his cock enclosed by silky heat until he was sure he was going to choke her. Then she pulled back, and his eyes rolled back in his head. Removed from the warmth of her mouth, cooler air hit his wet shaft, and he shivered. But just as quickly, she was back, fingers digging into his thighs as she bobbed her head up and down. Driving him to heaven, or hell, and back again.

  One hand moved without conscious thought, driving into her hair to hold her in place. All the muscles in his arm tensed until they screamed to avoid taking control of her head and making her move faster. He couldn’t help the tiny thrust of his hips, looking down to watch her lips around him as she sucked him off.

  Fire raced out from his spine to encircle his balls, pulling them up tight as his cock pulsed in her mouth. He fought back the rising tide within him. The way he felt, if he came, he’d damn well choke her. Lord help him, she only had to touch him, and he was ready to go.

  “Come here,” he murmured and pulled her to her feet. She released his cock with a pop, managing one last soul-stealing lick ov
er the tip as she stood. Before she’d reached her feet, he moved.

  Turning, he pressed her back against the wall and pinned her in place with his body. Water splattered over them, hitting his shoulders first, then streaming down between them. A shudder hit him at the feel of her wet skin and curves. He wanted her in the worst possible way. If she knew the stuff that was going through his head, she’d run, and he wouldn’t blame her. Hell, he’d tell her to run faster.

  Not that she could outrun him. For an instant, the thought of chasing her, running her down, and capturing her caveman-style flashed through his head. He almost went up in flames. Primal possessiveness and need wrapped him in its insistent grip.

  He had to have her. Had to sink into her wet heat again, fuck her in long, slow strokes until she came gasping and shuddering around him. He wanted to hear his name on her lips again, cried out in passion.

  Hands rough in his need, he lifted her, wrapping her legs around his waist. She locked her ankles together behind his hips to hold herself in place. Her breathing caught, a tiny catch of need as he readjusted himself, fitting the broad head of his cock against her.

  “God yeah, please. Oh—“

  Her soft moan whispered against his throat, an extra caress as he thrust in. He paused, head bent over her shoulder as sensation and emotion welled up and threatened to choke him.

  He’d come home. And he never wanted to leave.

  Yup, he was just as big as she’d thought last night. Fern wrapped herself around Tom, and revelled in his strength as he held her around the waist with one arm, the other braced against the wall.

  She moaned, ragged sounds of pleasure escaping her as he moved. Pulling almost out of her to drive back in again with a power and precision that stole her breath and her sanity. He’d taken her several times last night, all different positions and varying tempos, from slow and seductive right through to fast and furious. None of that prepared her for now. None of it could have.


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