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Hot Cop Next Door: A Steamy Older Man Younger Woman Romance

Page 6

by Mia Madison

  “That’s my girl,” he praised as he wrought every last bit of pleasure out of my orgasm. “I can feel you coming, baby. So fucking tight.”

  When I started to shake from overstimulation, he removed his hand and rested his arm beside my head before speeding up his thrusts. Had I not been so overwhelmed by the force of my orgasm, I probably would have been embarrassed by the loud, wet sound of his cock drilling into me.

  Besides, it was very clear that Aaron was loving it. Soon enough, his grunts were louder than the wet squelch and I swore I could feel his cock swelling even more.

  “Feels so good—too good,” he panted against my shoulder, kissing the skin over and over before moving to my lips to whisper, “I’m gonna come. You want me to pull out?”

  I was torn between wanting to feel it inside me and wanting to feel it on my skin. Just the thought of him marking me—branding me—in such a primal way turned me on beyond belief.

  “I don’t care,” I whispered, crying out when he started pounding into me hard. “Unh! In me, on me—wherever you want. Make me yours.”

  “Oh fuck. Jessa!”

  Aaron’s voice was broken, pleading—but for what, I had no idea. I reached my arms up to brace my hands against the headboard to keep myself from sliding on the mattress as he became even more aggressive. There were no words to describe how good it felt.

  “Yesss. So fucking wet for me,” he growled. One of his large hands came up to grab my wrists, tearing them from the headboard only to pin them against the mattress. “All mine. Gonna fill you up, sweetheart.”

  My breath caught in my throat as his expelled in a rush. A split second later—he choked out my name and abruptly stilled. I could feel the heat of his orgasm deep inside and the feeling intensified when he gave a final jerky thrust and groaned loudly.


  “That was amazing,” I whispered in a daze. When I felt him trying to pull out, I whimpered. “Don’t go yet.”

  “I-I have to,” he said, his voice strange.

  He pulled out with a wince and sat back on his heels, staring between my spread legs. The intent look on his face embarrassed me, but he caught my thighs when I tried to close my legs.

  “I’ve never done that before,” he admitted, trailing his fingers over my core. “Finished inside without a rubber, I mean.”

  “Was it… Did you like it?”

  Aaron was still breathing heavily as he slid our combined wetness around, dipping his fingers inside with a hiss.

  “Loved it.”

  There was warmth in his gaze as he stared at me for a long moment, yet I felt coldness coming into the room as he stood from the bed and wandered through the open door to the right of the bed. He returned from the bathroom a moment later with a wet washcloth and cleaned the mess between my legs, then gently prodded me to use the restroom before bed.

  My heart broke a little when I came back into the room. Aaron was standing at the foot of the bed in his boxers, staring at the mattress with a pensive look. Was the regret starting so soon?

  I softly asked, “Will you stay?”

  His eyes met mine and a lump formed in my throat. He held his hand out to me and I was powerless to do anything but join him. We laid down together and he tucked me beneath the covers before drawing my back tightly against his chest.

  I closed my eyes, wondering how long he’d wait before he slipped out.

  Chapter 9

  The first thing I did when I woke up was stretch like a cat, surprised by how sore my muscles were. The ache between my legs reminded me of the events of last night and I smiled sleepily before rolling over.

  The bed was empty. My heart sank to my stomach as I recalled the odd look on his face and my final thoughts before drifting off.

  I couldn’t say I was surprised. Aaron—a man I once considered perfect—had at least one major flaw. Indecisiveness. He’d been running hot and cold since the night I messed up the alarm. Nothing like reality to ruin a fantastical crush.

  But I still wished things were different. I still wished he thought of me the way I thought of him. Regardless of his flaws, I knew I could easily fall in love with him.

  The sound of water running startled me into sitting up. I clutched the blanket to my chest as I identified the sound of the toilet flushing and the sink turning on.

  A few seconds later, Aaron opened the bathroom door. He glanced at me with a small smile and did a double-take when he realized I was awake. His eyelids lowered as he jerked his chin toward the bathroom door.

  “You’ve got a lot of fucking body lotion. That how you keep your skin so soft?”


  He let out a seductive hum as he crawled into bed beside me. When he reached my ear, he whispered, “I like it.”

  He started trailing kisses down my neck and I shook myself out of my trance. I pulled back, staring wide-eyed at his confused frown.

  “You stayed.”

  “You asked me to,” he said uncertainly. “Do you want me to go?”

  “No. I’m just surprised.”

  A beat passed before he nodded. “You thought I’d slip out after you fell asleep.”

  “Did you consider it?”

  “The thought crossed my mind, but I wouldn’t have done it even if you didn’t ask me to stay.”

  I shifted until I was facing him head on and he followed suit. I opened my mouth to speak when I felt his hand capture mine on the bed. I looked down at our intertwined fingers and logical thought fled.

  “I’d like to see where this goes. I’ve been thinking about it since our first kiss. It’s why I pulled you over last night.”

  “I’m surprised you came here after how I acted,” I muttered regretfully. “Aaron, I’m—”

  “Don’t apologize, you weren’t the one in the wrong. I shouldn’t have pulled you over. I already planned to come over after my shift, I just got excited when I passed your car. I didn’t even consider how you’d react.”

  “So we’re really going to give this a shot? What about my dad?”

  Aaron sighed. “I don’t know. I haven’t allowed myself to really think that part through yet.”

  The hesitation and uncertainty weren’t enough to dampen my spirits. Besides, pushing him too hard now was just going to send him running. What we both needed now was a little time—preferably time spent together.

  “You know, it’s really no one’s business but ours,” I said slowly, waiting to see a spark of recognition in his eyes before I added, “We can keep it to ourselves for now.”

  Oddly, Aaron frowned. It seemed logical to me, but he apparently wasn’t happy with it.

  “I don’t want to hide you, sweetheart.”

  “We don’t have much of a choice. It’s either keep this on the down low for a little while and give yourself a chance to think things through or force yourself to make a rash decision. I think it’ll be better for us both to give it a shot first.”

  He blinked multiple times as he stared at our joined hands. Then he laughed—his smile so wide it made crinkles appear beside his eyes. He lifted my hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to my knuckles.

  “I love smart women,” he said, almost wistfully.

  “Does that mean you’re on board?”

  “Drop the sheet and I’ll show you how much.”

  We didn’t leave my bed until it was time for Aaron’s shift, and when we said goodbye at my door, he kissed me like he never wanted to let me go.

  Maybe for once, things would work out in my favor.

  Chapter 10

  The two weeks after our first night together seemed to pass in the blink of an eye. We saw each other—in secret, of course—as much as we possibly could. But with me working five shifts in a row and one of Aaron’s coworkers out on paternity leave, it wasn’t nearly as often as we would have liked.

  So we made plans to ask for a long weekend off. It was no trouble to get Mona and Mandy to each take a shift and Aaron had someone who owed him a fa
vor agree to take his over the weekend.

  On Friday night, I dressed in my new lingerie—purchased subtly from the store when no one was around to see me ring myself up—and covered the surprise with the closest thing I had to a little black dress. The bag of essentials I packed sat beside my door in wait.

  Three nights and two full days with Aaron. The mere idea of it was enough to have me vibrating with excitement.

  My phone buzzed while I was checking my hair in the mirror and I dug it out, smiling at the message.

  Running a little late. If you get there before I do, make yourself at home.

  Another message came through before I had a chance to reply.

  Can’t wait to see you, sweetheart.

  I smiled and tossed my phone in my purse before I walked through the apartment and made sure everything was turned off. A week into our relationship, Aaron and I exchanged keys. It made it a lot easier to see each other with our conflicting schedules.

  One morning, I woke up with my face pressed against a bare chest, wrapped in Aaron’s strong arms as he softly snored. We hadn’t even made plans to see each other that night. When he finally woke up, he simply said he didn’t like the thought of sleeping without me.

  After I dubbed it the best surprise ever, it started to become a regular occurrence.

  Since he was running late, I had a chance to give him a surprise in return. With the idea already forming in my mind, I rushed out of the apartment—determined to beat him home.

  I was grinning like an idiot when his front door opened. I listened carefully for his footsteps, mentally tracing his progression through the house.

  His first stop was the kitchen. There was a rustle of plastic bags—likely our dinner—and a few clanking noises that could only be his badge and gun.


  It was on the tip of my tongue to call out to him, but I bit down on my lower lip to keep the words in. Instead, I let the anticipation rise as he walked through his house searching for me.

  It didn’t take long for him to come back to his closed bedroom door. He opened it slowly, chuckling when he noticed the candles I had scattered around the room.

  “Well, isn’t this a nice—”

  The words died in his throat when he noticed me lying on his bed in my new outfit. Simple black stockings held in place with a garter belt over a pair of ruffled black panties. Of course the real appeal was the top—the very same blue corset he’d fondled in the store.

  It was a pain in the ass to put on, but his shell-shocked reaction made it well worth the trouble. I’d put it on every day if it meant having him look at me like that.

  “You have no idea how much you tempt me, gorgeous,” he said in awe as he started absentmindedly undressing. “Damn.”

  “That’s kind of the point.”

  “Not what I meant. You make me want to cuff you to my bed and never let you leave. I’d kill to come home to this every day.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind if we ever move in together.”

  “Open invitation, baby.”

  Our eyes locked instantly in a moment of mutual understanding. Neither of us had to say a word and the message was still crystal clear. We were both willing to live together—but it would never be in this house.

  “Don’t tell me you’re stopping now.”

  The awkward tension lifted from the room as Aaron shook his head and raised an eyebrow as if to say oh hell no. I watched the clothing pile get higher and rubbed my thighs together in anticipation, grinning when he yanked his slacks and boxers down with a jerky tug.

  He paused to bend down at his slacks, but I didn’t sit up in time to see what he grabbed. His large body was blocking the view as he climbed up the bed and settled between my legs.

  “Just looking at you makes me hard. I don’t know if I want to punish you or worship you.”


  With his lips lightly caressing mine, he whispered, “Sounds like a plan.”


  I reared my head back against the pillow and looked up in time to see him expertly cuff my wrist to the bedpost before reaching for the other. My first instinct was to draw back, but I suppressed it. I had no reason to fear Aaron.

  Like he could read my mind, he paused with the other wrist pressed against the metal and asked, “Is this okay?”


  “Just tell me if you’re uncomfortable at any point.”

  After the second cuff clicked, I tested the strength and tugged lightly at the metal. It tightened a link and I felt a small spike of panic.

  “They’re police issue, baby. You aren’t getting free without my key.” He held it up to the light before placing it safely on the end table. “Wrap your hands around the bars and try not to tug on them.”


  “You still good?”

  “Yeah. Just a little nervous.”

  “Let me make it better,” he whispered before capturing my lips in a searing kiss. He stopped for just long enough to add, “Missed you so much, baby.”

  I missed him as well, but I had to convey it with my kiss since my lips were once again occupied. His hands roamed possessively over my body, forcing me to take his advice and wrap my hands around the bars. I was already squirming and he’d barely started.

  Aaron tore himself away, grinning down at me like the cat that ate the canary before licking his lips and lowering his gaze. He sucked in a breath and nodded to himself as his fingers traced over the corset.

  “You look absolutely devastating in this.”

  I had a feeling he’d like it. In fact, I was certain that he’d been imagining me wearing the corset from the moment he first saw it. Satisfied that my surprise had gone over well, I relaxed on the mattress and prepared to let him do whatever he desired.

  First, he thoroughly inspected the corset. After taking a great deal of pleasure in the sight of me wearing it, he inspected the front seam and slowly undid the tiny hooks holding it together. By the time it was spread out and my breasts were bared, I was practically panting with need.

  But he bypassed my aching nipples entirely, sitting on his knees beside my legs as he inspected the bottom half of my outfit. His palms traveled from my ankles to the top of the stockings at a glacial speed. It took every ounce of willpower I had not to squirm around mindlessly.

  “You’ve got great legs,” he said as he palmed my inner thighs and teased the fabric of the panties. “These are sexy—but they’re in the way. I’ll buy you a new pair.”

  “What do you—hey!”

  He gripped the fabric in both hands and tore one side from my hip before repeating the action on the other side. With a crooked smile, he peeled the ruined underwear away from my skin like he was unwrapping a present.

  “Much better.”

  He lifted me just high enough to slide the corset from beneath my back, taking a moment to fold it and gently lay it to the side before his mouth descended on my body with a ravenous hunger.

  Lips, neck, breasts, stomach, thighs—the only place he ignored was the place I needed him the most. I moaned and begged but he refused to let his talented tongue dip between my legs. I lost track of how long he spent teasing me.

  The light at the end of the tunnel came when he dipped his nose between my legs and inhaled. My whole body tensed—waiting for contact, for release.

  Aaron reared back and sat on his knees, directing himself between my legs. There was a pang of disappointment when I realized I wouldn’t have his tongue finishing off my frenzy, but it melted away when his hot shaft pressed against my wet folds. He held my legs in each hand, directing me as he rocked his hips and slid himself against me.

  The first brush that landed directly on my clit made me scream. My fingers tightened around the bars and I held on for dear life, careful not to let the metal tighten around my wrists. Instead, I flexed my legs, gripping his narrow waist with my thighs after he pulled my legs around him.

  The pressure in my lower
abdomen steadily continued to build. As my moans increased in volume, Aaron started to groan in unison. The point of no return came quickly. I sucked in a series of sharp breaths as my hips twitched on their own accord. I was so close to completely falling apart.

  Then his fingers replaced his cock—rubbing circles on the sensitive bud while his hips shifted. His thick cock suddenly rammed into me, sending me spiraling over the edge with a scream. White spots flashed behind my closed eyes and my pulse roared in my ears as I chanted his name.

  After the contraction of my muscles faded to aftershocks, Aaron took his hand away and gripped my hips so tight I wondered if I’d have bruises later. He plunged into me without mercy, his face twisted up in an intoxicating combination of hunger and ecstasy. His eyes were wild—staring at my face as he pounded me.

  He’d never looked sexier to me. The pressure started to rebuild. When he realized it was happening again, he angled my hips until he was stroking the spot inside me that made me see stars.

  After a few short minutes of his rough thrusts, he let out a broken growl and commanded, “Come with me.”

  Already teetering on the edge once again, my body responded like it was under his control. Tears sprang to my eyes from the intensity. I regretted not being able to keep them open long enough to see the look on his face, but I was aware enough to hear his hoarse cry of my name and the series of strangled grunts that followed. The flood of heat and wetness deep inside made me shudder just as wildly as the orgasm had.

  I’d never get enough of this. Never get enough of him. That’s when it hit me.

  At some point—without my even noticing—my feeling for him had shifted from a simple crush to a genuine attachment. The kind of attachment that could only be from love.

  Had I fallen already?

  Chapter 11

  My eyes opened wide after my moment of clarity and I smiled at Aaron. He was hunched over and breathing heavily as he tried to regain control of his body. I savored his relaxed expression for as long as it lasted.


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