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Tangled up in Pain

Page 14

by Charlotte Byrd

  Now, all of this time later, my father has managed to forgive her but I still haven’t.

  Am I making the same mistake with Jackson?

  Am I being too harsh?

  Too difficult?

  He made one mistake and that was enough for me.

  Enough for me to just say goodbye to him forever, without actually doing it.

  I look through the letters that he had sent me.

  There are a total of five of them.

  All handwritten in perfect script, elegant, cursive, yet still readable.

  They don’t mention much about our fight except a brief apology in the beginning.

  Instead, he writes about how much he loved Montana, especially the meadow in front of our house there.

  He writes about the hawk circling overhead and the rabbit he had left carrots for. In another letter, he writes about walking with me in Central Park.

  We haven’t done it yet, so he just makes it up.

  He talks about holding my hand and wrapping his arms around me when I got cold.

  He talks about throwing a snowball at my back and me throwing one back at him right in the face.

  I’ve never received letters like these before.

  No, I haven’t received any letters, but I’ve never read any like these before either. It’s almost as if we are a couple from another time.

  The last one is a bit different.

  It describes how he felt the first time he saw me in my gown and the mask, using words like effervescent and breathtaking.

  He doesn’t mention anything that happened there, but he does say that he has only one regret, that we didn’t get to dance together that night.

  Before signing the letter, he writes, “Will you dance with me?”

  After re-reading all of the letters for what feels like the hundredth time, I place them all back in their respective envelopes.

  And that’s when I see it.

  How could I have missed it?

  It’s a check.

  For ten thousand dollars and it comes in the last letter.

  The memo line reads “Advance for first novel.”

  My hand begins to tremble as I hold the check in my hand.

  This money means everything.

  It is the answer to all of my problems.

  It would pay for the whole emergency visit, plus I’d have money left over.

  I wouldn’t worry about rent that much and I could really focus on this novel.

  It’s a lot of money, but I know that he’s not trying to buy me. He wouldn’t do that.

  This money, just like those letters, are coming from a deeper place than that.

  So, what do I do now?

  Chapter 39 - Jackson

  When things don’t go as planned…

  It has been a few days since Aurora arrived and we have gotten into a bit of a rhythm.

  She is gone most of the day, shopping and having lunch with friends she hasn’t seen in nearly a year - the last time she was in New York.

  While I work upstairs, making plans and going over ideas for our new area of focus. The idea to expand into selling products is genius.

  I have no idea why it never occurred to me before. This way we are actually in control of our content.

  We have money coming in from sources other than advertising, diversifying our business model and making it less risky.

  Once Phillips and a few other people at the top start discussing this plan in more detail and I do a bit of my own research on how other companies have done this, I realize that it’s actually everywhere.

  Very few products are that original, meaning that they come with patents.

  Most fall into this gray area, where it’s all about branding and name recognition.

  The key is, of course, to choose the right products for the right markets and audiences.

  The process of doing this is progressing very smoothly and my team is excited about this avenue.

  None of them have done this before, so I do a video conference meeting with a consultant in the area.

  She goes over the details and gives us an action plan as to where to begin.

  Within a few days, we have a number of must-have products chosen for almost every online magazine and content provider we have.

  When I come downstairs, to take a break for lunch, my jaw nearly drops open.

  I see Elliot Woodward kissing Aurora in the middle of my kitchen.

  She’s sitting on my island with her legs wrapped around his torso and his hands up her shirt.

  “What the hell?”

  “Hey, man, relax, you nearly gave me a heart attack.”

  Aurora jumps down to the floor, tucking her blouse back into her jeans.

  “What are you doing here? What are you doing with him?”

  “Look, you don’t have to freak out, okay? Elliot and I just had some lunch and a bottle of wine, and we wanted to go somewhere more private.”

  I suddenly remember that she and Elliot dated briefly when she took off for London.

  “Aurora, you’re a guest here. You’re not allowed to bring anyone over.”

  “Wait a second, now that’s just a bit rude, don’t you think?” Woodward says.

  His words come out a bit slurred, but he quickly corrects himself.

  “Why did you even come here? Didn’t you file a lawsuit against me?” I ask him.

  “That’s what we were celebrating actually,” Aurora says. “I met with Elliot to get him to drop that pesky lawsuit against you. And we got to talking and laughing…”

  Her words trail off as if she forgets that she was speaking.

  “No…well, yes…but once we started reminiscing, I couldn’t say no anymore.”

  Woodward is still an asshole and I still have the urge to toss him out of my house.

  But if he is willing to drop the lawsuit after one lunch with her, I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize that.

  Getting rid of unnecessary litigation at a time like this would go a long way toward making Minetta successful again.

  “So… will you be dropping the lawsuit?” I ask Woodward.

  He narrows his eyes and shrewdly stares at me.

  No, there’s no fucking way he’s doing it.

  He was just using that as bait to get Aurora a little drunk and vulnerable.

  “Eh, what the hell.” He puts out his hand. “Let’s let bygones be bygones, huh?”

  I clench my jaw, force a smile, and shake his hand.

  “Sure, why not?”

  After Woodward leaves, Aurora turns to me and asks, “So, what do I get for doing this?”

  I shake my head.

  “What? Not even a thank you?”

  “You’re drunk.”

  “Still…I got him to cave. That’s worth something, right.”

  “Thank you,” I say through clenched teeth. “But you should be careful with him. He’s a…”

  “Egotistical sociopath? Narcissist? Yeah, I know. I mean, who the hell isn’t, right?”

  “There are good men out there, Aurora. You just never give them a chance.”

  “Oh, c’mon, I was just kidding.”

  “Well, I’m not.”

  “The thing is, Jackson, that I really, really like the bad ones. They’re so much more fun.”

  I shake my head and walk away from her.

  “Don’t be mad.” She walks up to me and throws her arms around me in a big bear hug.

  She’s definitely wasted.

  She’s not one to be particularly touchy-feely unless she’s had a bit to drink.

  I peel her hands away from me.

  “I don’t know why you’re acting like this. I thought that you would be happy. I mean, he’s going to drop the lawsuit. You owe me. Big!”

  Our conversation is going in circles like a merry-go-round and I need to be the first one to step off if I want the ride to come to an end.

  “I am happy that he’s dropping the lawsuit, but I don’t want him to d
o it at your expense.”

  She tilts her head to the side and rolls her eyes.


  “Did you not see me enjoying myself? Did I not have my legs wrapped around that guy, ready to take this show to the bedroom?”

  “Yes…you did.”

  “Good. So give me some credit. He’s hot. He’s fun. He’s charming. And I wanted him. He wanted me. We are both consenting adults to do whatever the hell we want with each other.”

  I nod, at a loss for anything else to say.

  She reaches out her hand and runs it through my hair.

  She lets it linger there for a few moments before slowly running it down my shoulder.

  I turn my head toward her and she continues to pet me.

  “Still…there are nice guys out there, Aurora.”

  She lifts up my chin, bringing her face closer to mine. “I think you might be the only one left.”

  Chapter 40 - Harley

  Life is what happens when you’re making other plans…

  I get off the subway with a new-found pep in my step.

  I am only two blocks away from his house and my body starts to tremble with excitement.

  He’s going to be surprised.

  He’s going to pull me inside and wrap his arms around me.

  He’s going to kiss me just like he did before, and everything is going to be okay again.

  I take a deep breath as I walk up to his house.

  His check for ten grand is tucked away safely inside my journal.

  I want Jackson back, but I don’t want his money.

  I can do this on my own.

  For a while there, I considered taking it with all intentions of paying it back as if it were a loan, but I’ve had enough of indebtedness.

  With Julie moving back in, I don’t have to worry about her portion of the rent and I’m going to focus all of my efforts on living as frugally as possible, not eating out, saving every penny, and paying off my medical debt.

  I take a deep breath and walk up to the house.

  The curtains aren’t drawn and from the street I can see him in the kitchen. I stand here watching him and smiling.

  It’s all going to be fixed after this.

  I’m going to apologize, and it will be just like before.

  And then…I see her.

  She leans across the island and tucks his hair behind his ear.

  She pauses for a moment to play with it, taking one curl and bringing it to the other side.

  “Who are you?” I whisper.

  My hands clam up and my toes turn to ice as all the blood inside of me seems to come to a stop.

  But instead of pushing her away, Jackson seems to lean his head into her. I can’t watch anymore.

  I back away from the window and walk across the street in the opposite direction.

  Thoughts swirl around in my head, examining the possibilities.

  Maybe she was just a friend?

  No, I’ve seen him around his friends and he never once acted so…sensual with them.

  Maybe it was just a first date?


  You aren’t that comfortable on a first date.

  There’s a tension in the air that was completely absent from the two of them.

  No, that is someone that Jackson knows very well.

  I try to pick up the pace, but my feet don’t cooperate.

  They entangle with one another and I almost trip.


  There’s so much blood rushing through my head that I don’t hear his voice very well.

  When I turn around, I look straight into the barrel of a gun.

  It’s long and deep, the color of charcoal.

  He pulls the gun away from my eyes and points it at my chest.

  “Get into the van,” Parker says, gesturing to the white scuffed up van parked next to us.

  I’ve seen enough crime shows to know that once you get into the car, it’s pretty much over.

  No one can find you.

  “Get into the van, Harley, or I’ll blow your head off right now.”

  “But then you’ll have no one to stalk.”

  The words just escape my mouth before I can stop them.

  I should be scared, but instead I’m angry.

  At him, for pointing that gun at my face, but mostly at Jackson and the blonde.

  He flicks the gun down for a moment and shoots.

  Standing this close to a gunshot, it sounds nothing like a car backfiring. It’s the sound of death.

  He misses my foot by an inch and then points the gun at my chest again.

  “I’m not fucking around.”

  I take a few steps toward the van.

  “That’s a good girl.”

  He opens the door and gestures for me to get in.

  I follow his command and just as he’s about to close it, I kick him really hard, knocking the gun out of his hand.

  He jumps on top of me and closes the door behind us.


  He yells into my ear and we take off.

  I try to punch him and kick him.

  I get a few good ones in, but I still can’t budge him.

  Then he makes a fist and hits me in the jaw.

  Everything turns to black.

  Thank you for reading Tangled up in Pain!

  I hope you are enjoying Harley and Jackson’s story. Can’t wait to find out what happens next?

  One-click Tangled up in Lace now!

  Our love isn’t like everyone else’s. I used to be a recluse, but no more.

  She helped me fight my dark past.

  Now, it’s my turn to help her fight hers.

  * * *

  But she’s not here.

  I have to find her and show her what I’m willing to do for her.

  This is one thing I can’t buy.

  Am I willing to give up everything to have her?

  One-click Tangled up in Lace now!

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  Black Edge

  Want to read a “Decadent, delicious, & dangerously addictive!” romance you will not be able to put down? The entire series is out! 1-Click Black Edge NOW!

  I don’t belong here.

  I’m in way over my head. But I have debts to pay.

  They call my name. The spotlight is on. The auction starts.

  Mr. Black is the highest bidder. He’s dark, rich, and powerful. He likes to play games.

  The only rule is there are no rules.

  But it’s just one night. What’s the worst that can happen?

  1-Click BLACK EDGE Now!

  Start Reading Black Edge on the next page!

  Chapter 1- Ellie

  When the invitation arrives…

  “Here it is! Here it is!” my roommate Caroline yells at the top of her lungs as she runs into my room.

  We were friends all through Yale and we moved to New York together after graduation.

  Even though I’ve known Caroline for what feels like a million years, I am still shocked by the exuberance of her voice. It’s quite loud given the smallness of her body.

  Caroline is one of those super skinny girls who can eat pretty much anything without gaining a pound.

  Unfortunately, I am not that talented. In fact, my body seems to have the opposite gift. I can eat nothing but vegetables for a week straight, eat one slice of pizza, and gain a pound.

  “What is it?” I ask, forcing myself to sit up.

  It’s noon and I’m still in bed.

  My mother thinks I’m depressed and wants me to see her shrink.

  She might be right, but I can’t fathom the strength.

invitation!” Caroline says jumping in bed next to me.

  I stare at her blankly.

  And then suddenly it hits me.

  This must be the invitation.

  “You mean…it’s…”

  “Yes!” she screams and hugs me with excitement.

  “Oh my God!” She gasps for air and pulls away from me almost as quickly.

  “Hey, you know I didn’t brush my teeth yet,” I say turning my face away from hers.

  “Well, what are you waiting for? Go brush them,” she instructs.

  Begrudgingly, I make my way to the bathroom.

  We have been waiting for this invitation for some time now.

  And by we, I mean Caroline.

  I’ve just been playing along, pretending to care, not really expecting it to show up.

  Without being able to contain her excitement, Caroline bursts through the door when my mouth is still full of toothpaste.

  She’s jumping up and down, holding a box in her hand.

  “Wait, what’s that?” I mumble and wash my mouth out with water.

  “This is it!” Caroline screeches and pulls me into the living room before I have a chance to wipe my mouth with a towel.

  “But it’s a box,” I say staring at her.

  “Okay, okay,” Caroline takes a couple of deep yoga breaths, exhaling loudly.

  She puts the box carefully on our dining room table. There’s no address on it.

  It looks something like a fancy gift box with a big monogrammed C in the middle.

  Is the C for Caroline?

  “Is this how it came? There’s no address on it?” I ask.

  “It was hand-delivered,” Caroline whispers.

  I hold my breath as she carefully removes the top part, revealing the satin and silk covered wood box inside.

  The top of it is gold plated with whimsical twirls all around the edges, and the mirrored area is engraved with her full name.

  Caroline Elizabeth Kennedy Spruce.

  Underneath her name is a date, one week in the future. 8 PM.

  We stare at it for a few moments until Caroline reaches for the elegant knob to open the box.


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